642 research outputs found

    Volumetric Assessment of the Frontal Sinus in Female Adolescents and Its Relationship with Craniofacial Morphology and Orthodontic Treatment : A Pilot Study

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    The present study aimed to evaluate the correlation between frontal sinus morphology and craniofacial morphology, and to investigate the effects of orthodontic treatment on the development of the frontal sinus in female adolescents (mean age: 13.9 ± 1.3 years). In total, 53 patients were recruited and underwent cephalography and computed tomography before and after orthodontic treatment. Of these patients, most had a bilaterally symmetrical fan-shaped frontal sinus without any fusion. The average size and volume of the frontal sinus before orthodontic treatment were 45.8 ± 12.3 mm in breadth, 29.8 ± 7.3 mm in height, 22.7 ± 5.1 mm in depth, and 5151.6 ± 2711.4 mm2 in volume. Sinus volume in patients with skeletal Class III malocclusion tended to be larger than that in patients with skeletal Class I and II malocclusion. Upon comparison with the pretreatment measurements, the sizes and volumes of the frontal sinus were significantly larger following orthodontic treatment, regardless of the skeletal pattern; however, since these changes were small, the increases in the size and volume of the frontal sinus may have been caused by pubertal growth and not orthodontic treatment. The clinical relevance of the frontal sinus remains controversial

    Increased LDL susceptibility to oxidation accelerates future carotid artery atherosclerosis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We analyzed the causal relationship between LDL susceptibility to oxidation and the development of new carotid artery atherosclerosis over a period of 5 years. We previously described the determinants related to a risk of cardiovascular changes determined in a Japanese population participating in the Niigata Study, which is an ongoing epidemiological investigation of the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We selected 394 individuals (169 males and 225 females) who underwent a second carotid artery ultrasonographic examination in 2001 - 2002 for the present study. The susceptibility of LDL to oxidation was determined as the photometric absorbance and electrophoretic mobility of samples that had been collected in 1996 - 1997. The measurements were compared with ultrasonographic findings obtained in 2001 - 2002.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The multivariate-adjusted model showed that age (odds ratio (OR), 1.034; 95% confidence interval (95%CI), 1.010 - 1.059), HbA1c (OR, 1.477; 95%CI, 0.980 - 2.225), and photometric O/N (OR, 2.012; 95%CI, 1.000 - 4.051) were significant variables that could independently predict the risk of new carotid artery atherosclerosis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The susceptibility of LDL to oxidation was a significant parameter that could predict new carotid artery atherosclerosis over a 5-year period, and higher susceptibility was associated with a higher incidence of new carotid artery atherosclerosis.</p

    Orthodontic Treatment Does Not Affect Frontal Sinus Development in Female Adults : A Clinical Study

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    Frontal sinus growth is gradual and lasts until post-puberty. However, the influence of biomechanical stimuli, such as orthodontic treatment, on frontal sinus development after the growth period has ended remains unclear. This study was designed to elucidate the impact of orthodontic treatment on the frontal sinus morphology of adult females. Sixty women were included and divided into three groups, based on the Frankfort mandibular plane angle. All participants underwent computed tomography and lateral cephalometry before and after treatment. Although two participants exhibited frontal sinus agenesis, most exhibited a bilaterally symmetric frontal sinus without fusion. The frontal sinus width and height were almost similar, irrespective of the vertical skeletal pattern, where the frontal sinus depth was significantly larger in the average mandibular plane angle group than in the low- and high-angle groups. Furthermore, the sinus volume in the low-angle group was likely smaller than that in the average and high-angle groups. On comparing pre-treatment and post-treatment measurements, minimal or no changes to the frontal sinus dimension were detected after treatment. In conclusion, orthodontic treatment did not affect frontal sinus development after the end of growth

    Identification of Surface Antigens That Define Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived PRRX1+Limb-Bud-like Mesenchymal Cells

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    Stem cell-based therapies and experimental methods rely on efficient induction of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs). During limb development, the lateral plate mesoderm (LPM) produces limb-bud mesenchymal (LBM) cells that differentiate into osteochondroprogenitor cells and form cartilage tissues in the appendicular skeleton. Previously, we generated PRRX1-tdTomato reporter hPSCs to establish the protocol for inducing the hPSC-derived PRRX1(+) LBM-like cells. However, surface antigens that assess the induction efficiency of hPSC-derived PRRX1(+) LBM-like cells from LPM have not been identified. Here, we used PRRX1-tdTomato reporter hPSCs and found that high pluripotent cell density suppressed the expression of PRRX1 mRNA and tdTomato after LBM-like induction. RNA sequencing and flow cytometry suggested that PRRX1-tdTomato(+) LBM-like cells are defined as CD44(high) CD140B(high) CD49f(-). Importantly, other hPSC lines, including four human induced pluripotent stem cell lines (414C2, 1383D2, HPS1042, HPS1043) and two human embryonic stem cell lines (SEES4, SEES7), showed the same results. Thus, an appropriate cell density of hPSCs before differentiation is a prerequisite for inducing the CD44(high) CD140B(high) CD49f(-) PRRX1(+) LBM-like cells

    Longitudinal Morphological Changes in the Adenoids and Tonsils in Japanese School Children

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    The adenoid (Ad) and tonsil (Ts), located in the upper airway, play an important role in immunological protection. These lymphoid tissues grow rapidly, reach a peak of growth at the age of 6–8 years, and decrease in their size thereafter. However, little information is available on the longitudinal growth patterns of Ad and Ts in the general population. This study aimed to evaluate the individual growth of Ad and Ts during childhood using lateral cephalograms taken longitudinally from the same individuals at the ages of 8–12 years. Our results showed that the cross-sectional areas of the Ad, nasopharynx (Np), and oropharynx (Op) significantly increased with age while small changes in the size of Ts were present throughout the study period. In addition, the values of Ad/Np and Ts/Op decreased significantly with age in the elementary school. Furthermore, there was a strong and significant correlation between the Ad/Np ratio and upper airway resistance, indicating the narrowest distance in the upper airway. In conclusion, the airway occupation in Np and Op increased with age due to the increase in the sizes of Np and Op but not the decrease in the sizes of Ad and Ts


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    Pola penyebaran anakan jenis pohon emergent (Shorea sp.), kanopi (Maduca malaccensis) dan toleran naungan (Aglaia tomentosa) telah diamati pada hutan dataran rendah luapan banjir di Berau, Kalimantan Timur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, penyebaran anakan ketiga jenis pohon tersebut sangat dipengaruhi oleh agen dispersal buah. Anakan Shorea sp., yang mana memiliki buah tipe samara, sebagian besar tersebar pada bagian Utara-Barat pohon induknya, mengikuti arah angin yang menerbangkan buahnya. Anakan dua jenis lainnya, yang mana buahnya yang bertipe berry sangat disukai oleh binatang mamalia, menyebar secara lebih merata. Struktur populasi anakan ketiga jenis tersebut menunjukkan kecenderungan yang berbeda. Shorea sp. menunjukkan struktur populasi berbentuk huruf J terbalik yang sangat tajam, sedangkan struktur populasi anakan dua jenis lainnya cenderung berbentuk garis horizontal. Perbedaan struktur populasi tersebut terkait dengan toleransi jenis-jenis tersebut terhadap naungan. Buah Shorea sp. yang jumlahnya melimpah segera berkecambah setelah jatuh, namun pertumbuhan anakan selanjutnya tertahan oleh naungan kanopy hutan yang sangat rapat. Key words : Dispersal, Juvenil, Emergent, Canopy, Shade-toleran

    A study on power flow control for distributed generator with EDLC

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    Power flow control for the distributed generator (DG) with Electric Double Layer Capacitor (EDLC) is studied. The DG system consists of a voltage type inverter for connection to the AC-line and a two-quadrant DC chopper for connection to the DC-bus. The inverter and the DC chopper can be controlled cooperatively to regulate active power flow. The active power from DG to AC line is regulated by the control method. And considering the power flow in DC-bus, the EDLC current is regulated to obtain proper balance of the power and DC-bus voltage by the control method. The control theory and considerations of effectiveness of the proposed control method in simulation are presented.2010 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM 2010) : Pisa, Italy, 2010.06.14-2010.06.1