17 research outputs found

    Who is designing for whom? A critical design studio approach

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    Studio studies can easily be defined as the cornerstone of the discipline in departments giving architectural education. Although the educational process differs in educational institutions and among the educators, its main purpose is always to give the best experience on design process to the students and to bring together different space designs and functions with certain criteria. Although it is often stated to the contrary, it is generally difficult to get the necessary support from the social sciences in studio work. For students, considering the design with sociological data and creating a concept can be perceived as a waste of time, since the user experience cannot be observed in a project that will not be implemented in the real life and it will often create differences that cannot be measured. Dealing with form, color, and material instead can help impress teachers and other students in the studio much more easily. Students often act pragmatically and choose the method that promises them a higher score in a shorter way, as creating a charming product in studio will seem more powerful while a deep research on the sociologic and ecologic background cannot reflect themselves easily on a render. Although very different user profiles were determined for the same area at the beginning of the design process, it may cause that the resulting products cannot create enough characteristic differences in the end. The aim of this research is to examine whether the projects differ in terms of functionality regarding their different user profiles determined by the students, based on the studio work of Karadeniz Technical University, Department of Landscape Architecture within the scope of Environmental Design and Project II course. As a result of the examination, it has been determined that although the designer and customer profile are different, the morphological differences in designs are not perceived very easily, which means the methodology in the studios should be examined again

    Eğitim Teknolojileri Kullanımı Kaygı Ölçeği (ETKKÖ): Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması

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    Beside technology and computer anxieties, teachers’ anxiety towards use of technology in their courses is an area that needs detailed and further research. The aim of this study is to develop a scale to measure prospective teachers’ anxiety towards use of technology in their courses. For this purpose, educational technology anxiety scale (ETAS) was developed through the data collected from 215 students as prospective teachers at a private university. Factor analysis, interval consistency coefficient, item total correlation coefficients andconcurrentvalidity analysis were realized for the reliability and validity of this scale. Factor analysis was applied for the validity of the scale (containing 24 items) and the analysis results indicated that there were five factors explaining the 66.527 % of the total variance in the study. The scale that was developed to measure was found to be valid and reliable. The corrected total item correlations were ranged between 0.92 and 0.70. Also, the results of the t-tests for the item average means of the bottom and top 27% of the groups indicated significant differences between those groupsTeknoloji ve bilgisayar kaygısından farklı olarak öğretmenlerin kendi derslerinde eğitim teknolojisi kullanmaya karşı duydukları kaygının araştırılması gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı öğretmenlerin kendi derslerinde eğitim teknolojisi kullanmaya karşı olan kaygı düzeylerinin ölçülebilmesi için bir ölçek geliştirmektir. Bu amaçla Başkent Üniversitesinde 215 öğretmen adayından toplanan veriler yardımıyla eğitim teknolojileri kullanımı kaygı ölçeği (ETKKÖ) geliştirilmiştir. ETKKÖ’nin geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması için kapsam geçerliği, yapı geçerliği, t-testi kullanılarak üst %27 ile alt %27 grupların madde ortalamaları arasındaki farkların anlamlılığı, düzeltilmiş madde-toplam korelasyonu, Cronbach Alfa iç tutarlık katsayısı ve iki yarı test korelasyonu incelenmiştir Yapılan analizler sonucunda toplam 24 maddeyi içeren beş faktörlü bir ölçek oluşturulmuştur.  Tüm faktörlerin toplam varyansı açıklama yüzdesi 66.527 bulunmuştur. Faktörlerin madde-toplam puan korelasyonları .40 ile .67 arasında, Cronbach Alfa katsayıları ise .92 ile .70 arasında değişmektedir.. T-test sonuçları grupların üst %27 ile alt %27’lerin madde ortalamaları arasındaki tüm farkların anlamlı olduğunu göstermiştir. Yapılan çalışmalara göre ölçeğin geçerli ve güvenilir olduğu sonucuna varılmıştı

    Who is designing for whom? A critical design studio approach

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    Studio studies can easily be defined as the cornerstone of the discipline in departments giving architectural education. Although the educational process differs in educational institutions and among the educators, its main purpose is always to give the best experience on design process to the students and to bring together different space designs and functions with certain criteria. Although it is often stated to the contrary, it is generally difficult to get the necessary support from the social sciences in studio work. For students, considering the design with sociological data and creating a concept can be perceived as a waste of time, since the user experience cannot be observed in a project that will not be implemented in the real life and it will often create differences that cannot be measured. Dealing with form, color, and material instead can help impress teachers and other students in the studio much more easily. Students often act pragmatically and choose the method that promises them a higher score in a shorter way, as creating a charming product in studio will seem more powerful while a deep research on the sociologic and ecologic background cannot reflect themselves easily on a render. Although very different user profiles were determined for the same area at the beginning of the design process, it may cause that the resulting products cannot create enough characteristic differences in the end. The aim of this research is to examine whether the projects differ in terms of functionality regarding their different user profiles determined by the students, based on the studio work of Karadeniz Technical University, Department of Landscape Architecture within the scope of Environmental Design and Project II course. As a result of the examination, it has been determined that although the designer and customer profile are different, the morphological differences in designs are not perceived very easily, which means the methodology in the studios should be examined again

    Effectiveness of Using Computer Assisted Supplementary Instruction for Teaching the Mole Concept

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    his study examined the effect of computer-assisted instruction (CAI), used as a problem-solving supplement to classroom instruction, on students' understanding of chemical formulas and mole concept, their attitudes toward chemistry subjects, and CAI. The objective was to assess the effectiveness of CAI over recitation hours when both teaching methods were used as a supplement to the traditional chemistry instruction. We randomly selected two classes in a secondary school. Each teaching strategy was randomly assigned to one class. The experimental group received supplementary instruction delivered via CAI, while the control group received similar instruction through recitation hours. The data were analyzed using two-way analysis of variance and t-test. It was found that the students who used the CAI accompanied with lectures scored significantly higher than those who attended recitation hours, in terms of school subject achievement in chemistry and attitudes toward chemistry subjects. In addition, there was a significant improvement in the attitudes of students in the experimental group toward the use of computers in a chemistry course. There was no significant difference between the performances of females versus males in each treatment group

    Kamuya Hizmet Veren Bir Kuruluşta Çalışanların Web Tabanlı Hizmet-içi Eğitime ve E-Öğrenme Materyalinin Kullanışlılığa İlişkin Görüşleri

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    Bu araştırmanın amacı kamuya hizmet veren bir kuruluşta uygulanmış olan web tabanlı hizmet içi Office 2010 Eğitimi (e-öğrenme) programına ve kullanılan e-öğrenme materyalinin kullanışlılığına ilişkin katılımcı görüşlerini değerlendirmektir. Bu araştırmada karma araştırma yöntemlerinden yakınsak paralel desen kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini kamuya hizmet veren bir kuruluşta çalışmakta olan 41 personel oluşturmaktadır. Bu durum çalışmasında veriler 33 likert tipi sorudan oluşan E-öğrenme Materyali Kullanışlılık Anketi ve yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. Anketten elde edilen veriler betimsel istatistikler ile görüşme formlarından elde edilen veriler ise içerik analizi ile analiz edilmiştir. Yapılan analizler sonucu%253B katılımcıların hizmet içi Office 2010 Eğitimi (e-öğrenme) programına ilişkin görüş ve önerilerinin büyük çoğunlukla olumlu olduğu, ayrıca programın sunumunda kullanılan e-öğrenme materyalini de oldukça kullanışlı buldukları belirlenmiştir. Sonuçların ışığında benzeri eğitimlerin geliştirilmesi ve uygulanması sürecinde öneriler sunulmuştur

    Murgul maden yatağı'nın dokusal, mineralojik ve parajenetik özellikleri (Artvin-KD Türkiye)- kuruko tipi volkanik-eşlikli masif sülfit yataklara bir örnek

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    Murgul maden yatağı, Doğu Pontid Tektonik Kuşağı'nın kuzeydoğu köşesinde bulunmakta ve tamamen Üst Kretase felsik volkanitleri tarafından içerilmektedir. Yatak, ana hatlarıyla, volkanik-eşlikli masif sülfitlerin hem Cu-pirit hemde Cu-Zn- tip' lerinin özelliklerini taşımaktadır. Birbirinden ayrı iki cevher kütlesi maden yatağını oluşturmaktadır ki birincisi yaygın olarak stokvörk ve saçınım ağırlıklı cevherleşmeden, diğeride egemen ince taneli masif cevherleşmeden oluşmaktadır. Maden yatağı, bir bütün olarak, geniş anlamda "sarı cevher" olarak kabul edilebilir. Stokvörk cevher, oldukça yüksek kuvars/ barit oranına ve pirit (I, II)-kalkopirit (I, II)-kuvars mineral parajenezine; masif cevher ise oldukça küçük kuvaslbarit oranına ve pirit (I, II)-kalkopirit (I)- sfalerit-galen-tetraedrit-kalkopirit (Il)-bornit cevher minerali parajenezine sahiptir. Saçınım, breşlenme, damar ve damarcık, ornatım ve atol cevher dokuları yatak içerisinde tesbit edilen en yaygın mikrodokulardır. Sfalerit bölgedeki diğer masif sülfitler de olduğu gibi, demir içeriğince çok fakirdir (< ağ.%1). Sıvı kapanımlar genelde iki-fazlı, sıvıca zengin, az doygun ve 160\circ C ile 320\circ C arasında yoğunlaşan formasyon ısıları vermektedirler. Sıvı kapanımlar ayrıca, %1 ile %5 eş değ. NaCl arasında değişen tuzluluk değerlerine sahiptirler.The Murgul deposit is located in the northeasternmost corner of the Eastern Pontid tectonic belt and hosted mainly by the felsic volcanic rocks of Upper Cretaceous age. The deposit is essentially stratabound with characteristics of both Cu-pyrite and Cu-Zn-types of the volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits. Two spatially apart ore bodies, one being dominantly stockwork and disseminated ore, the other is predominantly fine-grained massive sulfide ore, constitute the deposit, and both can be considered as yellow ore in a broad sense. The deposit has a mineral paragenesis of pyrite(I,II)-chalcopyrite(I,II)-quartz with extremely high quartzlbarite ratio for the stockwork ore, and pyrite(I,II)-chalcopyrite(I)-sphalerite-galena-tetrahedrite /tennantite-chalcopyrite(II)-bornite with a very low quartz/ barite ratio for the massive ore body. Dissemination, brecciation, veins and veinlets, replacement, and atoll ore textures dominate throughout the deposit. Sphalerite, as in the other massive sulfide deposits of the region, is significantly Fe-poor (&lt;1 wt.%). Fluid inclusions are mainly two-phased and typically liquid rich, under saturated and indicate formation temperatures between 160\circ C and 320\circ C. They typically have low salinities ranging from 1 to 5 wt.% eq. NaCl

    Köprübaşı maden yatağı-Kuroko-tipi masif sülfit yataklarına Doğu Pontidlerden bir örnek (Giresun-Türkiye)

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    Köprübaşı volkanojenik masif sülfit (VMS) yatağı, Doğu Pontid tektonik kuşağının batısında, lokalize olmuş VMS yatakları sayısı açısından bölgede çok büyük öneme sahip olmasıyla çok iyi bilinen Harşit vadisinin hemen girişinde bulunmaktadır. Maden yatağı, tabanda andesitik breşlere geçiş gösteren üst Kretase yaşlı felsik volkanik komplex içerisinde yer almaktadır. Maden yatağı, kurşun ve çinko için işletilmiştir. Yatak, esas itibari ile Pb-Zn-tipi stratiform niteliği taşıyan stratabound bir maden yatağıdır ve daha geniş bir anlamda siyah cevher (kuroko) olarak kabul edilebilir. Cevherleşme disseminasyon, stokwork, masif lens ve seviyeler şeklinde oluşmuştur. Ana cevher mineralleri pirit, sfalerit, galen, tetrahedrit-tennantit ve bunlara ilaveten minör ve iz miktarlarda kalkopirit, bornit, kovellin, markasit bulunmakta, ana gang minerali olarak kuvars ve barit, az miktarda da kalsit, jips ve dolomit gözlenmiştir. Maden yatağının cevher mineral parajenezi: Pirit-kalkopirit (I) -sfalerit - galen - tetrahedritltennantit - kalkopirit (II) - bornit - kovellin olarak tesbit edilmiştir. Disseminasyon, damar/damarcık ve ornatım dokuları bütün yatakta hakim olarak bulunmaktadır. Sfalerit demir içeriğince çok fakirdir (< 0,3 % ağ.) ve sıvı kapanımlar genellikle iki fazlı, tipik olarak sıvıca zengin, az doygun nitelikte ve 160°C ile 320°C arası formasyon sıcaklıkları göstermektedirler. Sıvı kapanımlar tipik olarak düşük tuzluluk değerlerine sahiptirler (<7 % ağ. eşdeğer NaCl).The K&ouml;pr&uuml;başı volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposit is located in the western portion of the eastern Pontide tectonic belt, at the very entrance of the Harşit valley, which is known as a very significant ore district in the region with respect to the identified number of localized VMS deposits. The deposit is hosted predominantly by thefelsic volcanic complex of Late Cretaceous age that grades into andesitic breccia at the base. It has been mined mainly for zinc and lead. The deposit is essentially stratabound with characteristics of Pb-Zn-type stratiform VMS deposits and it can be considered as black ore (the kuroko) in the broader sense. Ore mineralization occurred mainly in the form of disseminations, stockwork, and massive lenses and layers. Major ore minerals are consisted of pyrite, sphalerite, galena, tetrahedrite-tennantite, and minor to trace chalcopyrite, bornite, covellite, marcasite, which are accompanied by gangue minerals including major quartz and barite with minor calcite, gypsum, and dolomite. The deposit has following ore mineral paragenetic sequence: Pyrite chalcopyrite (I) &amp;#8212; sphalerite &amp;#8212; galena tetrahedrite/tennantite - chalcopyrite (II) &amp;#8212; bornite - covellite. Dissemination, veins / veinlets and replacement ore textures dominate throughout the deposit. Sphalerite is significantly Fe-poor (&lt;0.3 wt.%) and fluid inclusions appear to be mainly two-phased and typically liquid-rich, undersaturated and indicate formation temperatures ranging between 160&deg;C and 320&deg;C. They typically have low salinities of less than 7 wt.% eq. NaCI

    A Comparative Approach to Artificial and Natural Green Walls According to Ecological Sustainability

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    Together with the rapid industrialization of the world, urbanization is also uncontrollably increasing. Such an increase in urbanization exerts the greatest pressure on natural resources, obligating people to live in intense structural spaces and increasing the need for green spaces in cities. Because of the expensive costs of horizontal surfaces being &ldquo;green&rdquo;, urban places are faced with serious green-infrastructure problems. In recent years, alternatives have been searched for to eliminate such deficiencies. These alternatives, such as rain gardens, green walls (GWs), ecological designs, and green roofs, are commonly included in urban landscape designs. Besides rocky or steep-slope natural green walls (NGWs), natural green covers over buildings, walls, and so forth, structural members are also encountered in urban or rural places. On the other hand, artificial green walls (AGWs) have recently been used as a significant component of urban design. Although the AGWs are able to address various functional needs, they have not yet gained the desired popularity because of construction costs, static loads, constructional damages, and maintenance costs. In addition, such sites are largely left to exotic species with limited ecological requirements; these species are far from meeting ecological functions and resistance to extreme conditions. This study was conducted for a benchmarking assessment of artificial and natural green walls (A&amp;NGWs) with a high potential in urban landscape design not only for esthetics, but also for ecological and economical purposes. Plant species, initial establishment, maintenance costs, and some other parameters of selected GWs were assessed. The study was considered as pioneering research for low-cost minimum-maintenance AGWs to be included in urban landscape designs. It was concluded, on the basis of the present findings, that the GW systems established with natural plant species, rock, and other materials already existing in natural landscapes could be constructed at fairly low costs, and such wall systems could have great ecological contributions