134 research outputs found

    Results of the study of the vestibular apparatus and the functions of the perception of space in cosmonauts (pre- and post-flight observations)

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    The effect of the set of space flight factors caused a change in the activity of the vestibular apparatus and the spatial perception function. More significant and longer shifts were observed during expeditions of great duration. The detected disorders (increase in reactivity of the otolithic apparatus, decrease in sensitivity of the cupula receptor, deterioration in the perception accuracy, etc.) had a definite tendency to be restored. The primary damage to the otolithic reflex (changes were found in practically all the subjects) is probably caused by the specific effect of zero gravitation, and apparently, may be one of the trigger mechanisms for discrepancy in the activity of the sensory systems, disorders in the correcting function of the cerebellum, and central vestibular formations

    Results of the investigation of the otolith function in manned space flights

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    The effects of conditions of long term and short term space flights on the otolith function of cosmonauts were investigated via pre and post examinations. The results show that after long term flight, the intensity of the otolith reflex increased and asymmetry occurred in the indicators of the otolith function. Large changes in terms of expression and duration in the indicators of the otolith function after long term flight as compared with short term flight were also noted

    From the experience of supporting young teachers in the EU countries

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    The purpose of the article is a description of the basic points of the uniform policy adopted in the European countries (EU members) targeted at the support of beginning teachers. At present, the majority of the European countries face shortage of teachers. For various reasons young teachers leave the profession. The number of such teachers can be reduced significantly if at the beginning of their professional career they are given complex support including personal, social and professional components. The problem of young teachers’ outflow from comprehensive schools takes place in our country, too. That is why foreign experience of solving this problem is important. Methods. Methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization of foreign experience are used. Results and scientific novelty. After the analysis of the European commission documents, the main components of the program for the support of beginning teachers during the induction period, recommended for introduction in EU countries, are defined. Each component of the induction program (personal, social and professional) has a number of necessary elements characteristics of which are given in the article. The program provides four interconnected systems of support: mentoring, support of experts, support of colleagues and self-reflection. The article contains a short description of these systems (types of support, the purposes, key factors, kinds of activity, necessary conditions). The article gives also the main, general conditions necessary for effective implementation of induction programs. Practical significance. The results of the research of the experience in EU countries on supporting beginning teachers during the induction period of their professional career can be useful to the heads of the regional ministries and territorial administrations of education, comprehensive schools developing a system of measures for supporting young teachers. Цель статьи – описание основных положений единой политики поддержки начинающих учителей в странах Европейского союза, в большинстве которых в настоящее время ощущается нехватка педагогических кадров. По разным причинам молодые учителя уходят из профессии, но количество покидающих педагогическое поприще можно существенно сократить, если в начале профессиональной деятельности оказывать им комплексную (личностную, социальную и профессиональную) помощь. Проблема оттока молодых кадров из общеобразовательных школ имеет место и в нашей стране. В связи с этим зарубежный опыт решения данной проблемы весьма актуален. Методы. В работе использованы методы анализа, синтеза, обобщения. Результаты и научная новизна. На основе содержания документов Европейской комиссии определены основные составляющие рекомендованной к внедрению в странах ЕС программы поддержки начинающих учителей на протяжении индукционного периода. Охарактеризованы необходимые элементы каждой из составляющих индукционной программы, предусматривающей четыре взаимосвязанные системы поддержки: наставничество (менторство), экспертное сообщество, поддержку коллег и саморефлексию. Дано краткое описание этих систем: видов поддержки, целей, ключевых факторов, видов деятельности. Перечислены также общие условия, необходимые для эффективной реализации индукционных программ. Практическая значимость. Изложенные в статье материалы исследования могут быть полезны руководителям региональных министерств, территориальных управлений образования, общеобразовательных организаций при разработке системы мер по поддержке молодых учителе

    From the experience of teacher certification in foreign countries

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    The purpose of the article is to review foreign experience of teacher certification according to requirements of the Teacher Professional Standards. Methods. The authors use analysis and generalization of official documents and methodical recommendations of the European Commission on introduction of a system of professional competences (standards) of the teacher; guides for certification of teachers in the EU countries, the USA and Australia according to standards of the teacher; regulations of Russian centers for certification of pedagogical workers using in their activities overseas experience of similar centers and the international standard of personnel certification. Results. Various options for the use of a system of the teacher professional competencies (standards), as well as models of independent certification of teachers in terms of approaches, goals, objectives and organizational forms used in the EU, the USA and Australia are considered and analysed. Scientific novelty. As a result of the analysis of teacher certification experience in a number of foreign countries some general tendencies are identified and taken into account in the recommendations on the establishment of the system of Russian teachers certification as consistent with the Professional Standard «Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of pre-school, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)». Practical significance. The results can be used while developing of regional centres for teachers’ independent certificationЦели статьи – обзор зарубежного опыта сертификации педагогических работников и установление степени соответствия содержания данной процедуры требованиям существующих профессиональных стандартов. Методы. В работе использованы анализ и обобщение официальных документов и методических рекомендаций Европейской комиссии по внедрению системы профессиональных компетенций педагога; руководств по проведению сертификации педагогических работников в странах Европейского союза (ЕС), в США и Австралии; нормативных документов российских центров сертификации в данной области, адаптировавших к своей деятельности зарубежный опыт аналогичных центров и международный стандарт сертификации персонала. Результаты. Рассмотрены и проанализированы различные варианты системы профессиональных компетенций (стандартов) педагога, а также модели независимой сертификации педагогов с точки зрения подходов, целей, задач и организационных форм, применяемых на территории ЕС, в США и Австралии. Научная новизна. Выявлены общие тенденции в процессах и процедурах сертификации педагогов в ряде зарубежных стран. Исходя из этого и в соответствии с требованиями профессионального стандарта «Педагог (педагогическая деятельность в сфере дошкольного, начального общего, основного общего, среднего общего образования) (воспитатель, учитель)» сформулированы рекомендации по созданию системы сертификации российских педагогических кадров. Практическая значимость. Результаты исследования могут быть задействованы при создании региональных центров независимой сертификации педагого

    Model of high school students professional education

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    The main idea of the article is to develop a model of high school students professional education, which includes target, content, technology, criterion-estimation and result components contributing to ensure the efficiency and the sequence of scientific-technique provision of educational process in High School. The aim of the developed model is the future competent specialist educating on the basis of his academic and extracurricular activities integration. This objective fulfillment is specified in the complex of interrelated tasks: students civil and patriotic education system forming; student self-government system improving on the basis of corporate culture and human individuality basic principles; conditions and prerequisites providing for the students world outlook forming in integrity of which his attitude to human values of social life is expressed; conditions providing for students tolerance development and the their common culture educating; innovative environment making with the aim to develop students creative abilities; students and University graduates social and professional adaptation and socialization organizational processes; organization of students legal, social and psychological protection system. This model provides the future competent specialists self-determination; the creation of psycho-pedagogical support of personal senses development in students' academic and extra-curricular activities in new forms of professional education building: from academic - to practical-oriented one; each student interest designing in extra-curricular activities

    Cryptic Diversity in Paramecium multimicronucleatum Revealed with a Polyphasic Approach

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    Paramecium (Ciliophora) systematics is well studied, and about twenty morphological species have been described. The morphological species may include several genetic species. How-ever, molecular phylogenetic analyses revealed that the species diversity within Paramecium could be even higher and has raised a problem of cryptic species whose statuses remain uncertain. In the present study, we provide the morphological and molecular characterization of two novel Paramecium species. While Paramecium lynni n. sp., although morphologically similar to P. multimicronucleatum, is phylogenetically well separated from all other Paramecium species, Paramecium fokini n. sp. appears to be a cryptic sister species to P. multimicronucleatum. The latter two species can be distinguished only by molecular methods. The number and structure of micronuclei, traditionally utilized to discriminate species in Paramecium, vary not only between but also within each of the three studied species and, thus, cannot be considered a reliable feature for species identification. The geographic distribution of the P. multimicronucleatum and P. fokini n. sp. strains do not show defined patterns, still leaving space for a role of the geographic factor in initial speciation in Paramecium. Future findings of new Paramecium species can be predicted from the molecular data, while morphological characteristics appear to be unstable and overlapping at least in some species


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    Работа посвящена оценке влияния технологической схемы производства передельных горячепрессованных труб из титанового псевдо-α сплава Ti–3Al–2.5V [1] на металлографические особенности и механические свойства холоднодеформированных труб готового размера. Оценка влияния проводилась с целью моделирования процесса производства холоднодеформированных труб по технологии, включающей в себя изготовление горячепрессованных передельных труб размерами 90,0 × 20,0 и 90,0 × 23,5 мм и последующую холодную прокатку труб размерами 38,1 × 5,36 мм в условиях ПАО «ТМК».The work is devoted to the evaluation of the effect of the technological scheme for the production of extrusion tubes from Ti–3Al–2.5V titanium pseudo-α alloy [1] on metallographic features and mechanical properties of cold-formed tubes of finished size. Impact evaluation was carried out to simulate the production process of cold-deformed tubes using a technology including the production of extrusion conduits with dimensions of 90.0 × 20.0 and 90.0 × 23.5 mm and subsequent cold formed of tubes measuring 38,1 × 5,36 mm in conditions of PJSC TMK


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    The paper presents the results of studies of structural changes and plastic flow under extreme conditions of rotary friction welding using medium.carbon steels as an example. Using the EBSD analysis method, the microstructure was certified in various parts of the thermomechanical affected zone.В работе приведены результаты исследований структурных изменений и пластического течения в экстремальных условиях ротационной сварки трением на примере среднеуглеродистых сталей. С помощью метода EBSD анализа произведена аттестация микроструктуры в различных участках зоны термомеханического влияния

    Conservative Therapy of Pressure Ulcers Using Physical Methods (Review)

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    In Russia and European countries, the incidence of pressure (decubitus) ulcers in sedentary patients with severe comorbidities, spinal trauma, and cerebral accident sequelae varies from 3 to 40 %, reaching 80 % in the chronic critical illness. The final result of conservative treatment of pressure ulcers (PU) with adequate correction of comorbidities and proper care of the immobilized patient depends largely on the choice of local interventions.   Aim of the review: to demonstrate the range of effective methods of physical treatment of pressure ulcers suitable for conservative treatment.   Materials and methods. We selected and analyzed 80 scientific publications. Sources were selected from the PubMed, Scopus, and RSCI databases of medical and biological publications. The following methods were covered: negative pressure wound therapy, ultrasonic methods, hydrosurgical treatment, plasma flows, laser therapy (including low-level laser therapy), «hardware» acceleration of regenerative processes, including electrical stimulation, as well as a combination of these methods.   Results. The variety of physical methods of wound treatment, on the one hand, provides an opportunity to select an individual therapy program. On the other hand, each method has its own limitations and contraindications. That is why in practice various combinations of these methods are reasonable.   Conclusion. For several objective reasons, no reduction of PU incidence in clinical practice is expected. Therefore, studying the issues of evidence-based clinical effectiveness and economic feasibility of various conservative techniques of decubitus treatment to find best solutions in this area is warranted