487 research outputs found

    Junior Recital: Jeanine Yako, mezzo-soprano

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    Neutron Skin Thickness of 90Zr Determined By Charge Exchange Reactions

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    Charge exchange spin-dipole (SD) excitations of 90Zr are studied by the 90Zr(p,n) and 90Zr(n,p) reactions at 300 MeV. A multipole decomposition technique is employed to obtain the SD strength distributions in the cross section spectra. For the first time, a model-independent SD sum rule value is obtained: 148+/-12 fm^2. The neutron skin thickness of 90Zr is determined to be 0.07+/-0.04 fm from the SD sum rule value.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Exploring paediatric burns : narrative accounts from caregivers in Khayelitsha, Cape Town

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    Studies conducted in the area of burns have recently begun to document the psychological implications of the condition. Burn survivors are often reported to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and social withdrawal. Difficulties in the self-concept domain have also been reported. No study in the country has captured the incidence of burns and its consequences, from the caregivers' perspective. It is this group of people that have been identified as playing a vital role in the child's recovery and adjustment. It is this same group that is also considered to be at high risk for experiencing ""caregiver burden"" linked with caring for the ill child


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    ROTANKUS singkatan dari Roda Putar dan Kartu Undian Soal, merupakan salah media yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran matematika materi trigonometri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan Strategi Heuristik Vee dengan media games ROTANKUS terhadap hasil belajar Trigonometri siswa.  Desain  Penelitian yang digunakan adalah Quasi Eksperimental dengan populasi sebanyak 359 orang kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Polewali yang sampelnya adalah siswa kelas X IPS 1 yang berjumlah 35 sebagai kelas kontrol dan siswa  kelas X IPS 3 berjumlah 36 orang sebagai kelas eksperimen. Instrumen penelitian berupa tes hasil belajar, lembar aktifitas siswa dan lembar obsevasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik statistik deskriptif dan statistik Inferensial. Hasil analisis deskriptif pada kelas eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata pre-test adalah 52,92, setelah diberi perlakuan penerapan strategi heuristik vee dengan media games rotankus diperoleh nilai rata-rata pos-tes 78,67, sedangkan pada kelas kontrol nilai rata-rata pre-test adalah 49,86 dan pos-test adalah 67,43. Hasil Inferensial untuk uji Normalitas kedua kelompok data yaitu berdistribusi normal dan berasal dari populasi yang homogen. Berdasarkan hasil uji Hipotesis diperoleh nilai sig 0,000  0,05 sehingga  ditolak dan  diterima yang berarti bahwa ada perbedaan antara hasil belajar siswa yang diajar dengan menggunakan strategi heuristik vee dengan media games ROTANKUS  dan tanpa menggunakan strategi heuristik vee dengan media games ROTANKUS,sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa  penerapan strategi heuristik vee dengan media games ROTANKUS berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar Trigonometri siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Polewali

    Charge Exchange Spin-Dipole Excitations of 90Zr and 208Pb and Neutron Matter Equation of State

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    Charge exchange spin-dipole (SD) excitations of 90^{90}Zr and 208^{208}Pb are studied by using a Skyrme Hartree-Fock(HF) + Random Phase approximation (RPA). The calculated spin-dipole strength distributions are compared with experimental data obtained by 90^{90}Zr (p,n) 90^{90}Nb and 90^{90}Zr (n,p) 90^{90} Nb reactions. The model-independent SD sum rule values of various Skyrme interactions are studied in comparison with the experimental values in order to determine the neutron skin thickness of 90^{90}Zr. The pressure of the neutron matter equation of state (EOS) and the nuclear matter symmetry energy are discussed in terms of the neutron skin thickness and peak energies of SD strength distributions.Comment: 26pages, 10figure

    Identify the knowledge level of rural leaders towards paddy farming technologies in Muda Agriculture Development Authority (MADA-Malaysia)

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    Rural leaders are the people who are able in an informal manner that the influence relatively frequently on the behavior and attitudes of others towards what is desirable. However, the study was conducted to determine the knowledge perception levels of rural leaders of paddy farming technologies in muda agriculture development authority (MADA). The sample size of this study is (260). The random Sampling technique was used in this study. This research also was done by interview approaches to gain the knowledge perception levels of rural leaders of paddy farming technologies. Using SPSS, descriptive and inferential analyses was performed to fulfill the objectives determined. Based on the results gained, the knowledge level of paddy farming technologies among respondents is moderate. Further analysis done have proved that there is a significant relationship between some social, demographic factors and level of knowledge of respondents on paddy farming technologies, it is recommended that rural community access and exposure to agricultural technologies must be strengthened, so that our future generations will have good knowledge on paddy farming technologies to have the best paddy