2,883 research outputs found

    On the LpL^p boundedness of wave operators for two-dimensional Schr\"odinger operators with threshold obstructions

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    Let H=Δ+VH=-\Delta+V be a Schr\"odinger operator on L2(R2)L^2(\mathbb R^2) with real-valued potential VV, and let H0=ΔH_0=-\Delta. If VV has sufficient pointwise decay, the wave operators W±=slimt±eitHeitH0W_{\pm}=s-\lim_{t\to \pm\infty} e^{itH}e^{-itH_0} are known to be bounded on Lp(R2)L^p(\mathbb R^2) for all 1<p<1< p< \infty if zero is not an eigenvalue or resonance. We show that if there is an s-wave resonance or an eigenvalue only at zero, then the wave operators are bounded on Lp(R2)L^p(\mathbb R^2) for 1<p<1 < p<\infty. This result stands in contrast to results in higher dimensions, where the presence of zero energy obstructions is known to shrink the range of valid exponents pp.Comment: Revised according to referee's comments. 22 pages, to appear in J. Funct. Ana

    Determination of Cointegrating Rank in Fractional Systems

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    This paper develops methods of investigating the existence and extent of cointegration in fractionally integrated systems. We focus on stationary series, with some discussion of extension to nonstationarity. The setting is semiparametric, so that modelling is effectively confined to a neighbourhood of frequency zero. We first discuss the definition of fractional cointegration. The initial step of cointegration analysis entails partitioning the vector series into subsets with identical differencing parameters, by means of a sequence of hypopthesis tests. We then estimate cointegrating rank by analysing each subset individually. Two approaches are considered here, both of which are based on the eigenvalues of an estimate of the normalised spectral density matrix at frequency zero. An empirical application to a trivariate series of oil prices is included.Fractional cointegration, long memory.

    Dispersive estimates for Schrodinger operators in dimensions one and three

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    We prove L^1 --> L^\infty estimates for linear Schroedinger equations in dimensions one and three. The potentials are only required to satisfy some mild decay assumptions. No regularity on the potentials is assumed.Comment: 20 pages. Corrected typos and improved explanatory remarks at the en

    L^p boundedness of the wave operator for the one dimensional Schroedinger operator

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    Given a one dimensional perturbed Schroedinger operator H=-(d/dx)^2+V(x) we consider the associated wave operators W_+, W_- defined as the strong L^2 limits as s-> \pm\infty of the operators e^{isH} e^{-isH_0} We prove that the wave operators are bounded operators on L^p for all 1<p<\infty, provided (1+|x|)^2 V(x) is integrable, or else (1+|x|)V(x) is integrable and 0 is not a resonance. For p=\infty we obtain an estimate in terms of the Hilbert transform. Some applications to dispersive estimates for equations with variable rough coefficients are given.Comment: 26 page

    Process for the production of metal nitride sintered bodies and resultant silicon nitride and aluminum nitride sintered bodies

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    A process for the manufacture of metal nitride sintered bodies, in particular, a process in which a mixture of metal nitrite powders is shaped and heated together with a binding agent is described. Of the metal nitrides Si3N4 and AIN were used especially frequently because of their excellent properties at high temperatures. The goal is to produce a process for metal nitride sintered bodies with high strength, high corrosion resistance, thermal shock resistance, thermal shock resistance, and avoidance of previously known faults

    Coexistence of two- and three-dimensional Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in Ar^+ -irradiated KTaO_3

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    We report the electron doping in the surface vicinity of KTaO_3 by inducing oxygen-vacancies via Ar^+ -irradiation. The doped electrons have high mobility (> 10^4 cm^2/Vs) at low temperatures, and exhibit Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations with both two- and three-dimensional components. A disparity of the extracted in-plane effective mass, compared to the bulk values, suggests mixing of the orbital characters. Our observations demonstrate that Ar^+ -irradiation serves as a flexible tool to study low dimensional quantum transport in 5d semiconducting oxides

    Inverse Scattering at a Fixed Quasi-Energy for Potentials Periodic in Time

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    We prove that the scattering matrix at a fixed quasi--energy determines uniquely a time--periodic potential that decays exponentially at infinity. We consider potentials that for each fixed time belong to L3/2L^{3/2} in space. The exponent 3/2 is critical for the singularities of the potential in space. For this singular class of potentials the result is new even in the time--independent case, where it was only known for bounded exponentially decreasing potentials.Comment: In this revised version I give a more detailed motivation of the class of potentials that I consider and I have corrected some typo

    Massive torsion modes, chiral gravity, and the Adler-Bell-Jackiw anomaly

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    Regularization of quantum field theories introduces a mass scale which breaks axial rotational and scaling invariances. We demonstrate from first principles that axial torsion and torsion trace modes have non-transverse vacuum polarization tensors, and become massive as a result. The underlying reasons are similar to those responsible for the Adler-Bell-Jackiw (ABJ) and scaling anomalies. Since these are the only torsion components that can couple minimally to spin 1/2 particles, the anomalous generation of masses for these modes, naturally of the order of the regulator scale, may help to explain why torsion and its associated effects, including CPT violation in chiral gravity, have so far escaped detection. As a simpler manifestation of the reasons underpinning the ABJ anomaly than triangle diagrams, the vacuum polarization demonstration is also pedagogically useful. In addition it is shown that the teleparallel limit of a Weyl fermion theory coupled only to the left-handed spin connection leads to a counter term which is the Samuel-Jacobson-Smolin action of chiral gravity in four dimensions.Comment: 7 pages, RevTeX fil

    Semi-classical Green kernel asymptotics for the Dirac operator

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    We consider a semi-classical Dirac operator in arbitrary spatial dimensions with a smooth potential whose partial derivatives of any order are bounded by suitable constants. We prove that the distribution kernel of the inverse operator evaluated at two distinct points fulfilling a certain hypothesis can be represented as the product of an exponentially decaying factor involving an associated Agmon distance and some amplitude admitting a complete asymptotic expansion in powers of the semi-classical parameter. Moreover, we find an explicit formula for the leading term in that expansion.Comment: 46 page