2,140 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Akuntabilitas terhadap Kinerja Baitul Mal Kota Banda Aceh

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    The main objective of this research is isvestigate the effect of accountability on Baitul Mal performance.This research uses corelational method, while the unit of observation is muzakki of Baitul Mal. The Type of data is primary data collected by a questionnare. Validity and reabiliy tests have also been done on the entire collected questionnaire. this research instruments containing interval scale for measurement, then hypothesis test are done using SPSS 20. The result of the research has shown that: (1) simultaneously, there is a significant effect of financial accountability, benefits accountability, and procedural accountability on Baitul Mal performance. (2) partially only benefits accountability and procedural accountability has significant effect on Baitul Mal performance. Where as financial accountability does not have significant effect on it.Keywords— financial accountability, benefits accountability, procedural accountability, Performance, and Baitul Mal. The main objective of this research is isvestigate the effect of accountability on Baitul Mal performance.This research uses corelational method, while the unit of observation is muzakki of Baitul Mal. The Type of data is primary data collected by a questionnare. Validity and reabiliy tests have also been done on the entire collected questionnaire. this research instruments containing interval scale for measurement, then hypothesis test are done using SPSS 20. The result of the research has shown that: (1) simultaneously, there is a significant effect of financial accountability, benefits accountability, and procedural accountability on Baitul Mal performance. (2) partially only benefits accountability and procedural accountability has significant effect on Baitul Mal performance. Where as financial accountability does not have significant effect on i

    Active involvement of students in co-curriculum (sports) versus generic skills

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    The active involvement of students in sports activities is viewed from different levels of achievement beginning with the national representation of the residential colleges, faculties, and universities in prestigious sporting events at international levels. The skills that are developed through extra-curricular activities are generic skills. The involvement of students in co-curricular activities can help to shape their generic skills, thus leading to self-promotion in the workplace. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to examine the enhancement of generic skills among engineering and technical students of UTHM who are actively involved in co-curricular activities (sports). This study will focus on identifying the factors of involvement, the level of application among students, and the perceptions of the students through their active involvement in extra-curricular activities (sports). A survey was conducted using a quantitative approach. A general questionnaire, which was designed to fulfil the objectives and to answer the research questions for this study, was distributed to 213 engineering and technical student athletes of UTHM who are actively involved in co-curricular activities (sports). It was found that the engineering and technical student athletes of UTHM agreed that their active involvement in extra-curricular activities (sports) was due to interpersonal, intrapersonal and structural factors. The results showed that out of seven generic skills, three constructs of generic skills, namely communication, teamwork and management, demonstrate a high level of application through active involvement in extra-curricular activities (sports). These findings may also help the university to focus on the development of generic skills in engineering and technical students through co-curricular activities (sports) in addition to producing athletes who are able to create a name for the university at national or international level

    Adaptive management of technical condition of power transformers

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    Ensuring reliable operation of power transformers as part of electric power facilities is assigned to the maintenance and repair system, whose important components are diagnostics and monitoring of the technical condition. Monitoring allows you to answer the question of whether the transformer abnormalities and how to do they manifest, while diagnostics allow determining the nature, the severity of the problem, determine the cause and possible consequences. The article presents the results of the authors ' research on creating an algorithm for adaptive control of the technical condition of power transformers using diagnostic and monitoring data. The developed algorithm implements the decision-making procedure for ensuring the reliable operation of oil-filled transformer equipment as part of the substations of electric power facilities. The decision-making procedure is based on the method of statistical Bayesian identification the states of a transformer based on the results of dissolved gas analysis (DGA) in oil. The method is characterized by high reliability of recognizing defects in the transformer and the ability to adapt the probabilities of the obtained solutions to the newly received diagnostic information. These results illustrate the effectiveness of the developed approach and the possibility of its application in the operation of oil-filled transformer equipment

    Analysis of the Export-base Commodity Supply on the Economic Growth in Aceh, Indonesia

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    The study aims to identify export base sectors and to analyse its impact to the economic growth based on the Cobb Douglas production function. Some relevant theories to support our arguments among others are base sector, export base and economic growth theory. Data of central government capital spending (CGB), local government capital spending (LGB), export average price (Pavg), provincial minimum wage (W) and linear multiple regression model is employed. The results show that the agriculture is the only basis sector in Aceh. The role of local government capital spending in the export based commodity supply contradicts the theory, provided indication that the local government capital spending has not been able to pull the economic growth. The role of central government capital spending, export average price and minimum wage have been in accordance with the available theoretical background. All independent variables are found to be statistically significant both partially and simultaneously, indicating that those variables are economically important to develop export base sectors in Aceh, however the impact on economic growth is relatively small

    Literature Review Filantropi Islam antara Tahun 2008 Hingga 2018

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    The author is interested in reviewing Islamic philanthropic literature between 2008 and 2018 because Islamic philanthropic behavior is found in any community, from the scope of the poorest countries to even the developed world. In addition, Islamic philanthropy is an object of study that has been widely studied in the social and economic fields. Articles about Islamic philanthropy were obtained using the zakat keyword on Emerald Insight between 2008 and 2018. The search results of 37 articles were then grouped into six topics discussing management, CSR, philanthropy, poverty, charity, religion, distribution, and collection. The findings show that Islamic philanthropy is a topic that is widely discussed by economists and researchers both muslim and non muslim. This is because Islamic philanthropy is the most realistic way to reduce poverty and social inequality today. However, the lack of optimal management of potential Islamic philanthropic funds has hampered the achievement of this goal

    Comparison between Complications of Infants of Diabetic Mothers in Treated & Non-Treated Mothers in Babylon Teaching Hospital for Maternity and Pediatrics.

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    المقدمة: ان رضيع الام السكري هو الذي يولد للام التي لديها ارتفاع دائمي في نسبة السكر في الدم خلال فترة الحمل. تسبب هذه الحالة ارتفاع نسبة السكر في دم الجنين وبالتالي العديد من المضاعفات للطفل حديث الولادة. تهدف هذه الدراسة لمعرفة المحصلة النهائية لرضيع الام السكري   طرق العمل: شملت الدراسة 100 رضيع الام السكري 1-4-2015 الى 17-8-2016. وقد اجريت عدة تقييمات وفحوصات سريرية و كيماوية وشعاعية لاكتشاف المضاعفات. ثم تم مقارنة النتائج بين رضيع الام السكري التي استلمت علاج مع التي لم تستلم علاج باستخدام برنامج SPSS. النتائج: وجدت الدراسة ان رضيع الام السكري التي لم تستلم علاج اظهروا نسبة اكبر من المضاعفات بالمقارنة مع رضع الام السكري اللواتي استلمن علاج مثل انخفاض السكري في الدم 83% انخفاض الكالسيوم في الدم 4% ولم يسجل انخفاض المغنسيوم في الدم بينما ان الرضيع للام السكري بدون علاج كانت نسبة انخفاض السكر في الدم 94% انخفاض الكالسيوم 29% وانخفاض المغنسيوم 17%. كذلك وجدت الدراسة نسبة اعلى للمضاعفات في الجهاز التنفسي, القلب, العصبي و الجهاز البولي والتناسلي بين الرضيع الام السكر التي لم تستلم علاج بالمقارنة مع التي استلمت علاج. الاستنتاجات: ان رضيع الام السكري التي لم تستلم علاج لديه نسبة اعلى من المضاعفات السريرية والكيماوية وان معظم المضاعفات المسخية تحدث في هؤلاء الرضع.Background: Infants of diabetic mother are those  born to mother who has persistently elevated blood sugar during pregnancy. It causes fetal hyperglycemia, which contributed to many complications happen on those infants. This study aims To show the outcome of  infants of diabetic mothers. Methods: the study included 100 infant born to diabetic mothers in the period between 1st. April 2015 to 17th. August  2016 . multiple clinical, biochemical and radiographic assessments was done to them to discover any complication. The results then are compared between infants of treated to non-treated mothers using SPSS software. Results: the study found that infants of non-treated diabetic mothers show higher percentage of complications in comparison to those treated mothers like    Hypoglycemia 83%, hypocalcemia 5% and no hypomagnesemia in treated mothers group while in untreated mothers show 94% hypoglycemia, 29% hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia 17%. Also the study found higher percentage of respiratory, cardiac, neurological and genito-renal complication in neonates of non-treated infants compared to treated one. Conclusion: Higher clinical &biochemical complications are seen in neonates of non- treated mothers or poorly control diabetes. Most teratogenic complications occur in infants born to mothers with diabetes that is poorly controlled

    A Conceptual Approach in Designing Interactive Multimedia Application for Children With ASD

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    The purpose of this article is to create a suitable treatment program for autistic children that is based on the use of many media formats. This research utilizes a review of the relevant literature, an examination of the issue in the field, interviews, and surveys in order to obtain the data that is needed for the study. A concept to slightly practical approach has been taken to develop the app in a way that makes it possible for them to fit the strategies and lesson plans that are used throughout the treatment process for people who have autism. This has been carried out in a way that has been carried out in a way that makes it possible for them to fit these strategies and lesson plans. Children who have autism may benefit from interactive treatment programs that can be developed with the help of the Lovaas approach. These programs can make use of modern computer technology in addition to different forms of multimedia. These programs would be tailored to meet the needs of autistic children and adolescents