3,668 research outputs found

    Sparse Reconstruction-based Detection of Spatial Dimension Holes in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    In this paper, we investigate a spectrum sensing algorithm for detecting spatial dimension holes in Multiple Inputs Multiple Outputs (MIMO) transmissions for OFDM systems using Compressive Sensing (CS) tools. This extends the energy detector to allow for detecting transmission opportunities even if the band is already energy filled. We show that the task described above is not performed efficiently by regular MIMO decoders (such as MMSE decoder) due to possible sparsity in the transmit signal. Since CS reconstruction tools take into account the sparsity order of the signal, they are more efficient in detecting the activity of the users. Building on successful activity detection by the CS detector, we show that the use of a CS-aided MMSE decoders yields better performance rather than using either CS-based or MMSE decoders separately. Simulations are conducted to verify the gains from using CS detector for Primary user activity detection and the performance gain in using CS-aided MMSE decoders for decoding the PU information for future relaying.Comment: accepted for PIMRC 201

    The Islam-oriented House Structure in Kano: a Vanishing Heritage in Modern City Composition

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    He debut of colonialism along with the consequent de facto supremacy of the Western world did not onlynegatively impact on the economy and polity of the Muslim world. It has also, to some reasonable extent,polluted the social system, particularly the structure and form of cities. Human scale is gradually diminishingas a yardstick for construction and is being replaced by a mathematical one. Collectivism, which used tocharacterize Muslims\u27 social set-up, is now being over-shadowed by stark individualism. The Islamic socialvalues which used to be the binding force that held Muslims together are now being crushed by moralrelativity. The situation becomes so chronic that many people begin to assume that Islam has a very negligiblerole to play in the formation and construction of modern cities. Kano, a predominantly Muslim state in NorthWesternNigeria, inherited a thousand year-old Islam-oriented building architecture which made it a modelIslamic city in pre-colonial Africa. Of special reference is the residential structure which no doubt reflectsIslamic culture. Unfortunately, this age-old heritage is now being pushed to the brink of extinction by thealmighty modern architecture. This paper explores the Islamic in the Kano traditional residential structure andattempts to comparatively bring into light the extent to which it is diminishing in the modern buildingarchitecture. The paper suggests blending the two for a peaceful and harmonious co-existence

    Dinamika Lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi Islam Di Indonesia

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    Tulisan ini berupaya menganalisis dinamika perkembangan Pendidikan Tinggi Islam di Indonesia dari perspektif sejarah. Penulis mengklaim bahwa Perguruan tinggi Islam pertama di Indonesia adalah STI (Sekolah Tinggi Islam) didirikan di Jakarta pada tahun 1945, yang tiga tahun kemudian ditransformasi menjadi UII (Universitas Islam Indonesia) di Yogyakarta. Pada tahun 1951, selanjutnya, pemerintah mendirikan PTAIN di Yogyakarta dengan menegerikan fakultas agama Islam pada UII. Disamping itu, pemerintah mendirikan ADIA (Akademi Dinas Ilmu Agama) di Jakarta pada tahun 1957. Hasil perkawinan kelembagaan antara PTAIN dan ADIA melahirkan IAIN atau al-Jamiah al-Islamiyah al-Hukumiyah didirikan pada tahun 1960 di Yogyakarta. Cabang-cabang IAIN di daerah ditingkatkan statusnya oleh pemerintah pada tahun 1997 menjadi STAIN. Perkembangan paling signifikan terjadi pada tahun 2002 dimana beberapa IAIN dan STAIN dikonversi menjadi UIN. Penulis mengklaim bahwa format terakhir ini merupakan perkembangan paling sentral di era globalisasi dengan konsep integrasi ilmu

    Pendeteksian Fitur Lubang Tembus Pada Model 3D Untuk Pembuatan Alur Pahat Pengeboran

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    Lubang tembus merupakan fitur yang amat banyak terdapat pada berbagai produk, maka proses pendeteksian fitur ini secara otomatis untuk pembuatan alur mata pahat (tool path) proses pengeborannya menjadi hal yang menarik untuk dibahas. Keseluruhan proses ini dibuat berbasis model 3D faset dengan tipe sterolythography (STL). Identifikasi lubang tembus dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi volume solid dan volume kosong pada model, sekaligus mengidentifikasi koordinat pusat, diameter dan kedalaman lubang menggunakan data koordinat dan normal segitiga model faset, sehingga memungkinkan proses pembuatan alur pahat dilakukan sesuai dengan data yang telah didapatkan. Serangkaian algoritma disusun dan diimplementasikan pada beberapa model 3D yang memiliki fitur lubang tembus. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, algoritma ini terbukti dapat mendeteksi fitur lubang tembus lengkap dengan data-data yang dibutuhkan untuk pembuatan alur pahatnya

    The Legal Status of “Dump & Sue”: Should Plaintiffs and their Attorneys be Prohibited from Trading the Stock of Companies they Sue? – a Law and Economics Approach

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    There is some evidence that plaintiffs and their attorneys are profitably short-selling the stock of the companies they intend to sue. The status of such short sales is undecided in the law. Lawsuits against companies can cause large drops in market value, and hence such an action by the plaintiff should cause concern. Plaintiffs, however, are not traditional insiders, and they do not owe the shareholders any fiduciary duties. They can therefore consent to their attorneys also short-selling the stock of the defendant corporation. The attorneys need to receive such permission to avoid misappropriating the information concerning their client’s decision to sue. A plaintiff’s decision to sue after short-selling does not constitute market manipulation in the traditional sense, since the decision to sue is a true fact that causes the drop in the share price as opposed to those who commit fraud by spreading false negative stories about the company. Plaintiffs need, therefore, to be legally deemed temporary insiders until they publicly reveal their intention to sue or actually sue. The reasons for deeming them insiders, and hence prohibiting them from short-selling, are threefold. First, allowing such activities would raise the same concerns regarding market integrity raised by those opposed to insider trading. Second, allowing such short-selling is a form of fraud by silence against those who purchase the shares. Third, allowing short-selling would give the plaintiffs double recovery for their lawsuit, as they could gain a large share of their claim against the company from the profitable short sales in addition to any verdict or settlement. Furthermore, proposals to extend Regulation FD to plaintiff’s attorneys would be ineffective in combating the harm from such short-selling. The law, therefore, through either developments by the courts, regulatory promulgations by the SEC, an act of Congress, or a combination of any of the preceding three mechanisms should be used to treat plaintiffs as insiders until they sue or announce their intention to sue

    Hubungan penguasa-pengusaha:dimensi politik ekonomi pengusaha klien di Indonesia

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    ABSTRAK One of the most important issues to emerge since the period of Parliamentary Democracy has been the growth of a substantial number of client businessmen. The growth has been promoted primarily by clientalisnz, political patronage of the bureaucracy, and also by the dominant role of the state in economic development. Methods employed to overcome the negative impacts of client-businessmen could be to make the bureaucracy clean and effective, and to develop enterpreneurship in the society and political democratization. Keywords:bureaucracy, political democratizatio
