475 research outputs found


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    In various natural landscapes of Azerbaijan creation of systematic regulation of the agro-irrigational, cultivated-crop and dry-farming-agricultural landscapes is of tremendous significance. Many questions of appropriateness of formation, functioning, regulation of the anthropogenic landscapes in various regions of Azerbaijan have already been studied in practice. It mainly concerns the irrigational regions of the republic, where in most areas land-reclamation situation is unfavourable, and this makes it impossible to conduct rational planning of formation of various anthropogenic landscapes

    On integer linear combinations of terms of rational cycles for the generalized 3x+1 problem

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    In the paper, some special linear combinations of the terms of rational cycles of generalized Collatz sequences are studied. It is proved that if the coefficients of the linear combinations satisfy some conditions then these linear combinations are integers. The discussed results are demonstrated on some examples. In some particular cases the obtained results can be used to explain some patterns of digits in pp-adic representations of the terms of the rational cycles

    Specialized Inter-Particle Interaction Lbm For Patterned Superhydrophobic Surfaces

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    SPECIALIZED INTER-PARTICLE INTERACTION LBM FOR PATTERNED SUPERHYDROPHOBIC SURFACES by AMAL S. YAGUB ABSTRACT: Superhydrophobic surface characteristics are important in many industrial applications, ranging from the textile to the military. It was observed that surfaces fabricated with nano/micro roughness can manipulate the droplet contact angle, thus providing an opportunity to control the droplet wetting characteristics. The Shan and Chen (SC) lattice Boltzmann model (LBM) is a good numerical tool, which holds strong potentials to qualify for simulating droplets wettability. This is due to its realistic nature of droplet contact angle (CA) prediction on flat smooth surfaces. But SC-LBM was not able to replicate the CA on rough surfaces because it lacks a real representation of the physics at work under these conditions. By using a correction factor to influence the interfacial tension within the asperities, the physical forces acting on the droplet at its contact lines were mimicked. This approach allowed the model to replicate some experimentally confirmed Wenzel and Cassie wetting cases. Regular roughness structures with different spacing were used to validate the study using the classical Wenzel and Cassie equations. This work highlights the strength and weakness of the SC model and attempts to qualitatively conform it to the fundamental physics, which causes a change in the droplet apparent contact angle, when placed on nano/micro structured surfaces. In the second part of this work, the model is used also to analyze the sliding of droplets in contact with flat horizontal surfaces. This part identifies the main factors, which influence the multiphase fluids transport in squared channels. Effects of dimensionless radius, Weber number, Reynolds number and static contact angles are evaluated by calculating the power required for moving single droplets in comparison to the power needed for moving the undisturbed flow in the channel. Guidelines for optimizing the design of such flow are presented. In last part of work, the sliding of droplets on sloped surfaces with and without roughness is numerically investigated. The Shan and Chen (SC) Lattice Boltzmann model (LBM) is used to analyze the effect of pinning on the movement of droplets placed on sloped surfaces. The model is checked for conformance with the Furmidge equation which applies to tilted unstructured surfaces. It is shown that a droplet sliding on a perfectly smooth surface requires very minimal slope angle and that pinning due to the inhomogeneous nature of manufactured smooth surfaces is the key factor in determining the minimal slope angle. The model is also used on sloped rough surfaces to check the effects of roughness on the movement of single droplets. The numerical outcomes are compared with published experimental results for validation and a dimensionless number is suggested for quantifying the degree of pinning needed to control the behavior of sliding droplets on sloped surfaces

    How to Intercept a High-Speed Rocket with a Pair of Compasses and a Straightedge?

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    In this paper a nonlinear differential equation arising from an elementary geometry problem is discussed. This geometry problem was inspired by one of the proofs of the first remarkable limit discussed in a typical first semester undergraduate Calculus course. It is known that the involved differential equation can be reduced to Abel’s differential equation of the first kind. In this paper the problem was solved using an approximate geometric method which constructs a piecewise linear solution approximation for the curve. The compass tool of GeoGebra was extensively used for these constructions. At the end of the paper, some generalizations are discussed. A new transformation of curves, named “Interception”, is introduced and its approximate construction using GeoGebra is described. Some possible applications include geometry, calculus, ordinary differential equations, and military interceptions

    The role of non-governmental organizations in providing curative health services in North Darfur State, Sudan

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    Background: Conflict in North Darfur state, Western Sudan started in 2003, and the delivering of  curative health services was becoming a greater challenge for the country’s limited resources. NGOs have played an important role in providing curative health services.Objectives: To examine the role that Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) have played in providing curative health services, as well as to identify the difficulties and challenges that affect NGOs in delivering curative health services.Methods: Secondary data was collected from different sources, including government offices and medical organizations in Sudan and in North Darfur state. Primary data was obtained through interviews with government and NGOs representatives. The interviews were conducted with (1) expatriates working for international NGOs (N=15) (2) health professionals and administrators working in health sector (N= 45) in the period from November 2010 to January 2011.Results: The government in North Darfur state spent 70% of its financial budget on security, while it spent it less than 1% on providing health services. The international NGOs have been providing 70% of curative health services to the State’s population by contributing 52.9% of the health budget and 1 390 health personnel. Since 2003 NGOs have provided technical assistance to the health staff. As a result, more than fifty nurses have been trained to provide care and treatment, more than twenty-three doctors have been trained in laboratory equipment operation, and approximately six senior doctors and hospital directors have received management training. NGOs have been managing and supporting 89 public health facilities, and established 24 health centres in IDP camps, and 20 health centres across all the districts in North Darfur state.Conclusion: The NGOs have played an important role in providing curative health services and in establishing good health facilities, but a future problem is how the government will run these health facilities after a peaceful settlement has been reached which might cause NGOs to leave the region.Keywords: NGOs, curative health services, provision, North Darfur state, Suda

    Some Embeddings into the Morrey and Modified Morrey Spaces Associated with the Dunkl Operator

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    We consider the generalized shift operator, associated with the Dunkl operator Λα(f)(x)=(d/dx)f(x)+((2α+1)/x)((f(x)-f(-x))/2), α>-1/2. We study some embeddings into the Morrey space (D-Morrey space) Lp,λ,α, 0≤λ<2α+2 and modified Morrey space (modified D-Morrey space) L̃p,λ,α associated with the Dunkl operator on ℝ. As applications we get boundedness of the fractional maximal operator Mβ, 0≤β<2α+2, associated with the Dunkl operator (fractional D-maximal operator) from the spaces Lp,λ,α to L∞(ℝ) for p=(2α+2-λ)/β and from the spaces L̃p,λ,α(ℝ) to L∞(ℝ) for (2α+2-λ)/β≤p≤(2α+2)/β


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Kajian Kinerja Keuangan Terhadap Harga Saham Pada Perusahaan Otomotif yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2015-2019. Populasi dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 15 perusahaan. Sampel penelitian diperoleh dengan metode purposive sampling, karakteristik sampel menyebabkan8 perusahaan tereliminasi, sehingga perusahaan yang menjadi sample adalah 7 perusahaan. Data penelitian ini meliputi 5 periode pengamatan sehingga diperoleh 35 data observasidengan menggunakan SPSS versi 22. Dan metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa secara parsial variabel Current Ratio (CR) tidak berpengaruh terhadap Harga Saham, Earning Per Share (EPS) berpengaruh terhadap Harga Saham, sedangkan variabel Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), Price Earning Ratio (PER) tidak berpengaruh terhadap Harga Saham. Secara simultan Current Ratio (CR), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), Earning Per Share (EPS), Price Earning Ratio (PER) berpengaruh terhadap Harga Saham

    Impact of Climate Change on Runoff from Snowmelt by Taking into Account the Uncertainty of GCM Models (Case Study: Shahrchay Basin in Urmia)

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    According to importance of snowfall in water supply, in this study, runoff originated from snow melt in Shahrchay river basin under the terms of climate change calculated. For this purpose, for water year of 2012-2013, by using the SRM model, run-off from snow melt was simulated. In climate phase, first output of the six models of atmospheric general circulation converted to a downscaling by using LARS-WG model. Then, in order to evaluate the uncertainty, by comparing the output of the six models in the future time period with that of the base time period in monthly time scale some indices namely R2 and RMSE applied to select the best model and scenario of air temperature and precipitation data generator of the period 2011-2030. Therefore, the HADCM3 model with the scenario A1B was used to generate the precipitation data, whereas, the MPEH5 with the A2 scenario was used to generate the air temperature data. In order to estimate the rate of change of runoff originated from snowmelt the rate of change of monthly data of air temperature and precipitation in the base time period as well as future time period under the selected model and scenario was used as input to SRM model in simulation time period. Results showed that the amount of runoff originated from snowmelt in late spring will be decreased. The peak flow appeared earlier in time in comparison with the base period and the peak discharge value would be increased comparing the base period


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    The author analyses the main peculiarities of landscape-ecological optimisation of agricultural landscapes of the intermontane troughs of the Azerbaijan Republic. Based on the space satellite images the author has defined the patterns of differentiation of the modern natural-anthropogenic landscapes, regulation and rational use of anthropogenic complexes, and the set of issues related to building the ecologically sustainable landscapes

    Лексико-семантические особенности цветообозначений в классической азербайджанской литературе (на основе литературного произведения Низами Гянджави «Семь красавиц»)

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    The article deals with lexico-semantic features of colour denotations in the Azerbaijani language. The concept of colour in the language, in particular, is used as a symbolic phenomenon; one can assert that linguists treat the etymological features of the colour concept with great interest. The article points out that the colour in the language is closely linked to the cultural heritage of the people, which is reflected in the works of the Asian poet Nizami Ganjavi. The association expressed by colour refers to the source of origin of a particular colour, which may be, for instance, a specific object or place. The meaning conveyed by colour carries a symbolic and emotional value in a specific socio-cultural context, providing the context for the literary work and its interpretation.В статье рассматриваются лексико-семантические особенности цветообозначений на материале азербайджанского языка. Концепт цвета в языке, в частности, используется как метафорическое явление; можно утверждать, что к этимологическим особенностям цветового концепта лингвисты относятся с большим интересом. В статье отмечается, что цветовая гамма в языке тесно связано с культурным наследием народа, что находит свое отражение в произведениях восточного поэта Н. Гянджави. Ассоциация, выраженная цветом, относится к источнику происхождения конкретного цвета, который может быть, например, определенным объектом или местом. Значение, передаваемое цветом, несет символическую и эмоциональную ценность в определенном социокультурном контексте, обеспечивая контекст литературного произведения и его интерпретацию