222 research outputs found

    Training focused on deep cervical muscles to prevent neck pain

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    El objetivo del estudio fue crear un programa de entrenamiento de la musculatura cervical profunda, para orientar a los profesionales de la actividad física y del deporte en el trabajo con ella. Hay muy pocas pautas relacionadas con el trabajo de ésta, al mismo tiempo que la literatura científica nos muestra su estrecha relación con el dolor cervical. Por ello, se utilizan las investigaciones previas para crear un programa de entrenamiento centrado en la musculatura cervical profunda. Así como sus correspondientes métodos de evaluación, entre los que se incluye un nuevo test de extensión cervical con el que se pretende conseguir una valoración de la fuerza y la resistencia más adecuada. Finalmente se presenta un estudio de caso de una mujer sin dolor cervical, pero con factores de riesgo asociados, que sigue el programa como forma de prevención, mostrando un claro progreso tras la finalización de esteThe objective of the study was to create a training program for deep cervical muscles and help physical activity and sports professionals when exercising them. There are very few guidelines related to exercising these muscles, but at the same time, scientific literature demonstrates its close connection with neck pain. Therefore, previous research is used in order to develop a training program focused on deep cervical muscles, as well as its corresponding evaluation methods, including a new cervical extensor test aimed at achieving a more accurate estimation of strength and resistance. Finally, a case study is presented; a woman not suffering from neck pain but having associated risk factors, who follows the program as a means of preventing it, showing clear progress after its completio

    Implementation of a resistance training on young football players

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    El objetivo de este estudio, es comprobar el efecto de un programa de 20 sesiones de entrenamiento específico de fuerza en futbolistas jóvenes Participaron 38 sujetos en el estudio, divididos en un grupo experimental (GE) y un grupo control (GC). Al GE se le administró un entrenamiento de fútbol y un trabajo específico de fuerza; mientras el GC sólo efectuó práctica de fútbol. Ambos fueron evaluados al inicio y al final del programa, con el objetivo de conocer su fuerza dinámica máxima en los flexores y extensores de la rodilla; su masa muscular en las extremidades inferiores; el porcentaje de grasa; y, por último, la velocidad en las pruebas de 10 y 20 metros. Únicamente el GE mejora de forma muy significativa la fuerza dinámica máxima (p<0,01). No se encuentran diferencias en la masa muscular, ni en la velocidad. El GE y el GC incrementan el porcentaje de grasa corporalThe aim of this study is to check the effect of a specific training strength program on young footballers. 38 players took place in the study; they were divided into an experimental group (EG) and a control group (CG). The EG added a specific strength work to their football workout, whereas the CG just practised football. Both of them were assessed at the beginning and at the end of the program to know their maximum dynamic strength in their flexor and extensor muscles of their knees; their muscle mass in their lower extremities; their body mass and fat percentage; and their speed in the 10 and 20 metres trials. Just the EG improves remarkably their maximum dynamic strength … No differences in their muscle mass or in their movement strength are found. The EG and the CG increase their MBRate and their body fa

    Injuries in Physical Education of High School. A Problem?

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    El control de la incidencia de lesiones en la clase de Educación Física debe ser un factor prioritario para la salud pública. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la incidencia de lesiones en las clases de Educación Física (EF) y cómo se relacionan con la falta de participación de los estudiantes. Estudio de cohortes prospectivo. Conglomerado de muestreo bi-etapa para un total de 637 estudiantes. Las ausencias y las lesiones se registraron durante el curso escolar. De 1.463 sesiones, solo el 4,58% registró ausencias causadas por lesión (0,33% de la participación total esperada). La tasa de lesiones producidas en las clases de Educación Física fue de 1,90 por cada 1.000 horas de participación. La frecuencia de ausencia en las clases de Educación Física debido a una lesión es muy baja en comparación con la participación general esperada; por lo tanto, no es un factor que influya significativamente en la tasa de participación de los estudiantesThe incidence of injuries in physical education class should be a priority factor for public health. The aim of this study is to analyze the incidence of injuries in Physical Education (PE) lessons and how they relate to lack of full student participation. Prospective cohort study. Conglomerate bi-stage sampling for a total of 637 students. Absence and injuries were recorded for the school year. Of 1463 lessons, only 4.58% were documented with identification of the causal incident (0.33% of the total participation expected). The rate of injuries produced in PE lessons was of 1.90 for every 1000 hours of participation. The frequency of absence of in PE lessons due to injury is very low compared to the overall expected participation; therefore it is not a factor that influences the rate of student participation significantl

    Chronic disease in physical education

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    Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico de carácter descriptivo-observacional de las enfermedades crónicas en las clases de Educación Física de Educación Secundaria y Bachillerato. Se realizó en 36 Centros Educativos de la Comunidad de Madrid (España), en 4.527 alumnos, durante el periodo 2003-2009. Se utilizó un cuestionario como técnicas de recogida de datos. Se obtuvo que un elevado número de alumnos presentaron al menos una enfermedad crónica (53,19%), siendo alta la cantidad de alumnos que tienen varias (21,06%). Destacan por su prevalencia las alteraciones visuales y enfermedades del ojo (44,37%), las alergias (16,37%), las malposiciones dentales (8,61%), el asma (8,49%) y la escoliosis y cifoescoliosis (6,29%). Las patologías crónicas más importantes muestran un “patrón de prevalencia” que incluyen las enfermedades citadas. Las enfermedades más frecuentes en la cronología estudiada son compatibles con la realización de la clase de Educación Física, pero pueden ser importantes en el desarrollo de ésta si se ignoran.An observational and descriptive study of the epidemiology of chronic diseases in Physical Education classes in secondary education was carried out. It was conducted in 36 educational centers of the Autonomous Community of Madrid (Spain), in 4527 students, from 2003 to 2009. A questionnaire was used as data collection techniques. It revealed that a large number of students showed at least one chronic disease (53.19%) with a large amount of those suffering from multiple medical conditions (21.06%). The most prevalent illnesses include visual disturbances and eye diseases (44.37%), allergies (16.37%), misaligned teeth (8.61%), asthma (8.49%), scoliosis and kyphoscoliosis (6.29%). The most important chronic pathologies show a "prevalence pattern" which includes the previously mentioned diseases. The most common diseases in the analyzed chronology are compatible with the performance of the Physical Education lesson, but they may undermine its development if ignored

    Transcription factor NFE2L2/NRF2 is a regulator of macroautophagy genes

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    Autophagy is a highly coordinated process that is controlled at several levels including transcriptional regulation. Here, we identify the transcription factor NFE2L2/NRF2 (nuclear factor, erythroid 2 like 2) as a regulator of autophagy gene expression and its relevance in a mouse model of Alzheimer disease (AD) that reproduces impaired APP (amyloid β precursor protein) and human (Hs)MAPT/TAU processing, clearance and aggregation. We screened the chromatin immunoprecipitation database ENCODE for 2 proteins, MAFK and BACH1, that bind the NFE2L2-regulated enhancer antioxidant response element (ARE). Using a script generated from the JASPAR's consensus ARE sequence, we identified 27 putative AREs in 16 autophagy-related genes. Twelve of these sequences were validated as NFE2L2 regulated AREs in 9 autophagy genes by additional ChIP assays and quantitative RT-PCR on human and mouse cells after NFE2L2 activation with sulforaphane. Mouse embryo fibroblasts of nfe2l2-knockout mice exhibited reduced expression of autophagy genes, which was rescued by an NFE2L2 expressing lentivirus, and impaired autophagy flux when exposed to hydrogen peroxide. NFE2L2-deficient mice co-expressing HsAPP(V717I) and HsMAPT(P301L), exhibited more intracellular aggregates of these proteins and reduced neuronal levels of SQSTM1/p62, CALCOCO2/NDP52, ULK1, ATG5 and GABARAPL1. Also, colocalization of HsAPP(V717I) and HsMAPT(P301L) with the NFE2L2-regulated autophagy marker SQSTM1/p62 was reduced in the absence of NFE2L2. In AD patients, neurons expressing high levels of APP or MAPT also expressed SQSTM1/p62 and nuclear NFE2L2, suggesting their attempt to degrade intraneuronal aggregates through autophagy. This study shows that NFE2L2 modulates autophagy gene expression and suggests a new strategy to combat proteinopathies

    M.A.B. Revestimientos vítreos con propiedades bactericidas y fungicidas

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    This report describes the mosaic M.A.B. (bactericide and fungicide) produced by Togama S.A. belonging to the group Fluidra S.A., which has been awarded with the Silver Alfa Award by the Spanish Society of Ceramics and Glass at the International Fair Cevisama 2012. This award recognizes the R & D efforts developed by Togama, SA, already started with participation in the Alpha Awards 2009 and 201

    Non-emissive RuII Polypyridyl Complexes as Efficient and Selective Photosensitizers for the Photooxidation of Benzylamines

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    RTI2018-100709-B-C21 CTQ (QMC)-RED2018-102471-T) Junta de Castilla y Leon (BU087G19 FEDER (BU042U16-BU305P18).Five new RuII polypyridyl complexes bearing N-(arylsulfonyl)-8-amidoquinolate ligands and three of their biscyclometalated IrIII congeners have been prepared and employed as photocatalysts (PCs) in the photooxidation of benzylamines with O2. In particular, the new RuII complexes do not exhibit photoluminescence, rather they harvest visible light efficiently and are very stable in solution under irradiation with blue light. Their non-emissive behavior has been related to the low electrochemical energy gaps and rationalized on the basis of theoretical calculations (DFT analysis) that predict low S0←T1 energy values. Moreover, the RuII complexes, despite being non-emissive, display excellent activities in the selective photocatalytic transformation of benzylamines into the corresponding imines. The presence of an electron-withdrawing group (-CF3) on the arene ring of the N-(arylsulfonyl)-8-amidoquinolate ligand improves the photocatalytic activity of the corresponding photocatalyst. Furthermore, all the experimental evidence, including transient absorption spectroscopy measurements suggest that singlet oxygen is the actual oxidant. The IrIII analogues are considerably more photosensitive and consequently less efficient photosensitizers (PSs).authorsversionpublishe

    Correction to: Tumour suppressor EP300, a modulator of paclitaxel resistance and stemness, is downregulated in metaplastic breast cancer

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    In the original publication, Fig. 1 depicting the blot for EP300 in CAL51 cells (Fig. 1c) was unintentionally duplicated with that from MDA-MB-231 cells (Fig. 1d). The new figure given in this erratum depicts the correct EP300 blot in Fig. 1c

    Performance evaluation of a multiscale modelling system applied to particulate matter dispersion in a real traffic hot spot in Madrid (Spain)

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    Urban air pollution is one of the most important environmental problems nowadays. Understanding urban pollution is rather challenging due to different factors that produce a strongly heterogeneous pollutant distribution within streets. Observed concentrations depend on processes occurring at a wide range of spatial and temporal scales, complex wind flow and turbulence patterns induced by urban obstacles and irregular traffic emissions. The main objective of this paper is to model particulate matter dispersion at microscale while considering the effects of mesoscale processes. Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) PM10 simulations were performed taking into account high spatial resolution traffic emissions from a microscale traffic model and inlet vertical profiles of meteorological variables from Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. This modelling system is evaluated by using meteorological and PM10 concentration data from intensive experimental campaigns carried out on 25th February and 6th July, 2015 in a real urban traffic hot-spot in Madrid. The effect of uncertainties in the inlet profiles from mesoscale input data on microscale results is assessed. Additionally, the importance of the sensible surface heat fluxes (SHF) provided by WRF and the selection of an appropriate turbulent Schmidt number in the dispersion equation are investigated. The main conclusion is that the modelling system accurately reproduces PM10 dispersion imposing appropriate inputs (meteorological variables and SHF) and a suitable turbulent Schmidt number. Better agreement is found for simulation with a low turbulent Schmidt number. This approach improves the standard microscale modelling alone because more realistic boundary conditions and mesoscale processes are considered