148 research outputs found

    Porous Titanium for Biomedical Applications: Evaluation of the Conventional Powder Metallurgy Frontier and Space-Holder Technique

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    Titanium and its alloys are reference materials in biomedical applications because of their desirable properties. However, one of the most important concerns in long-term prostheses is bone resorption as a result of the stress-shielding phenomena. Development of porous titanium for implants with a low Young’s modulus has accomplished increasing scientific and technological attention. The aim of this study is to evaluate the viability, industrial implementation and potential technology transfer of different powder-metallurgy techniques to obtain porous titanium with stiffness values similar to that exhibited by cortical bone. Porous samples of commercial pure titanium grade-4 were obtained by following both conventional powder metallurgy (PM) and space-holder technique. The conventional PM frontier (Loose-Sintering) was evaluated. Additionally, the technical feasibility of two different space holders (NH4HCO3 and NaCl) was investigated. The microstructural and mechanical properties were assessed. Furthermore, the mechanical properties of titanium porous structures with porosities of 40% were studied by Finite Element Method (FEM) and compared with the experimental results. Some important findings are: (i) the optimal parameters for processing routes used to obtain low Young’s modulus values, retaining suitable mechanical strength; (ii) better mechanical response was obtained by using NH4HCO3 as space holder; and (iii) Ti matrix hardening when the interconnected porosity was 36–45% of total porosity. Finally, the advantages and limitations of the PM techniques employed, towards an industrial implementation, were discussed.Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain Grant MAT2015-71284-PJunta de Andalucía Grant P12-TEP-1401Comisión Nacional de Investigación, Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT) of the Chilean government project FONDECYT 1116086

    Influence of the Compaction Pressure and Sintering Temperature on the Mechanical Properties of Porous Titanium for Biomedical Applications

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    In the present work, the use of porous titanium is proposed as a solution to the difference in stiffness between the implant and bone tissue, avoiding the bone resorption. Conventional powder metallurgical technique is an industrially established route for fabrication of this type of material. The results are discussed in terms of the influence of compaction pressure and sintering temperature on the porosity (volumetric fraction, size, and morphology) and the quality of the sintering necks. A very good agreement between the predicted values obtained using a simple 2D finite element model, the experimental uniaxial compression behavior, and the analytical model proposed by Nielsen, has been found for both the Young’s modulus and the yield strength. The porous samples obtained by the loose sintering technique and using temperatures between 1000 °C −1100 °C (about 40% of total porosity) are recommended for achieving a suitable biomechanical behavior for cortical bone partial replacement.Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the State General Administration of Spain grant MAT2015-71284-

    Hard Metal Production by ERS: Processing Parameter Roles in Final Properties

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    Cemented carbide is a hard composite material, used widely in a variety of industries. The value of the global tungsten carbide market is expected to grow by 4.4% (compound annual growth rate) from 2017 to 2022. One of the main markets is in metal cutting and wear parts, where small pieces (or inserts), a few grams in weight, are used. Field-assisted sintering technique (FAST) technologies allow for the production of small blanks in a single step from powder, which are near final dimensions. Production cycles are very short. In this paper, one of the FAST processes, the ERS technology, is applied to obtain WC10Co parts. A review of the process variable effects on the final properties of the parts is accomplished. Final properties of a range of conventionally produced inserts are obtained, using 100 MPa compacting pressure, 80 MA/m2 of current density, and processing times of around 800 ms.This research was funded by EU, grant number FoF.NMP.2013-10 608729 (7th Framework Programme) EFFIPRO

    Implementation of an effective time-saving two-stage methodology for microstructural characterization of cemented carbides

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    Linear intercept on scanning electron microscopy micrographs is the most commonly used measurement method to determine carbide grain size and contiguity in WC–Co cemented carbides (hardmetals). However, it involves manual time-consuming measurements and is critically dependent on the quality of the micrographs as well as on the identification and definition of grain boundaries. In this study a two-stage methodology for microstructural characterization of hardmetals is presented. First, a digital semi-automatic image analysis procedure for grain size determination of the carbide phase is presented. It involves an experimental assessment of grain size on processed images corresponding to a series of WC–Co and WC–Ni cemented carbide grades with different microstructural characteristics. Obtained results are then compared to the values obtained by means of the linear intercept technique. A good correlation between the mean grain sizes determined following both measurement techniques was attained. Based on experimental findings, a series of empirical relations were found to correlate grain size distributions obtained following both methods. Second, an empirical relation for estimating carbide contiguity in WC–Co cemented carbides is proposed. This relation considers simultaneously the influence of the binder content and the experimentally determined mean grain size on contiguity. The proposed equation for contiguity estimation is based on extensive data collection from open literature. An excellent agreement was attained between contiguity values estimated from such equation and those obtained using the linear intercept technique. This validates the two-stage procedure as an effective time-saving methodology for microstructural characterization of WC–Co cemented carbides.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Fatigue limit estimation for WC-Co cemented carbides on the basis of linear elastic fracture mechanics

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    En este trabajo se investiga el comportamiento a fractura y fatiga de dos grados de carburos cementados WC-Co con distintos contenidos de fase ligante y tamaño de carburo medio. La caracterización mecánica incluye la evaluación de la resistencia a flexión, la tenacidad de fractura, el límite de fatiga y la cinética de propagación de grietas grandes por fatiga (PGGF) para relaciones de carga diferentes. Se propone un enfoque basado en la mecánica de la fractura elástica lineal con el objetivo de evaluar la relación existente entre la vida a fatiga y la PGGF. El análisis se concentra en la correlación límite de fatiga–umbral de propagación de grietas para condiciones de vida a fatiga infinita. Así, se estima el límite de fatiga asociado con defectos naturales a partir del umbral de propagación experimentalmente determinado para grietas grandes, asumiendo que: (1) existe similitud en el comportamiento a fatiga de fisuras grandes y pequeñas, y (2) los defectos críticos bajo cargas monotónicas y cíclicas son los mismos. La fiabilidad de este enfoque para evaluar condiciones límites bajo solicitaciones cíclicas se sustenta en la concordancia satisfactoria observada para los valores del límite de fatiga estimados y los experimentalmente determinados para las distintas razones de carga investigadas.The fracture and fatigue behavior of two microstructurally different hardmetals (WC-Co cemented carbides) is investigated. Mechanical characterization includes flexural strength and fracture toughness as well as fatigue limit and fatigue crack growth (FCG) behavior under monotonic and cyclic loads respectively. Considering that fatigue lifetime of cemented carbides is given by subcritical crack growth of preexisting defects, a linear elastic fracture mechanics approach is attempted to assess fatigue life - FCG relationships for these materials. It concentrates on addressing the fatigue limit - FCG threshold correlation under infinite fatigue life conditions. Thus, the fatigue limit associated with natural flaws is estimated from FCG threshold experimentally determined for large cracks under the assumptions that (1) similitude on the FCG behavior of small and large cracks applies for cemented carbides, and (2) critical flaws are the same, in terms of nature, geometry and size, under monotonic and cyclic loading. The reliability of this fatigue mechanics approach is sustained through the satisfactory agreement observed between estimated and experimentally determined values for the fatigue limit under the different load ratios investigated.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) proyecto No MAT2000-1014-C02-0

    Advanced titanium scaffolds obtained by directional freeze-drying: on the influence of processing conditions

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    Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain under Grant No. MAT2010-20855Junta de Andalucía (Spain) / FEDER (EU), through the project Ref. P12-TEP-140

    Characterization and Monitoring of Titanium Bone Implants with Impedance Spectroscopy

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    Porous titanium is a metallic biomaterial with good properties for the clinical repair of cortical bone tissue, although the presence of pores can compromise its mechanical behavior and clinical use. It is therefore necessary to characterize the implant pore size and distribution in a suitable way. In this work, we explore the new use of electrical impedance spectroscopy for the characterization and monitoring of titanium bone implants. Electrical impedance spectroscopy has been used as a non-invasive route to characterize the volumetric porosity percentage (30%, 40%, 50% and 60%) and the range of pore size (100–200 and 355–500 mm) of porous titanium samples obtained with the space-holder technique. Impedance spectroscopy is proved to be an appropriate technique to characterize the level of porosity of the titanium samples and pore size, in an affordable and non-invasive way. The technique could also be used in smart implants to detect changes in the service life of the material, such as the appearance of fractures, the adhesion of osteoblasts and bacteria, or the formation of bone tissue

    Fracture toughness of cemented carbides obtained by electrical resistance sintering

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    The unique combination of hardness, toughness and wear resistance exhibited by WC-Co cemented carbides (hardmetals) has made them a preeminent material choice for extremely demanding applications, such as metal cutting/forming tools or mining bits, in which improved and consistent performance together with high reliability are required. The high fracture toughness values exhibited by hardmetals are mainly due to ductile ligament bridging and crack deflection (intrinsic to carbides). In this work two WC-Co grades obtained by using the electric resistance sintering technique are studied. The relationships between the process parameters (cobalt volume fraction, sintering current and time, die materials, etc.), the microstructural characteristics (porosity, cobalt volume fraction, carbide grain size, binder thickness and carbide contiguity) and mechanical properties (Vickers hardness and fracture toughness) are established and discussed. Also the presence of microstructural anisotropy and residual stresses is studied. The sintering process at 7 kA, 600 ms and 100 MPa, in an alumina die, followed by a treatment of residual stress relief (800 °C, 2 h in high vacuum), allows to obtain WC-Co pellets with the best balance between an homogeneous microstructure and mechanical behaviour.EU for funding this research with in the framework of the EU 7th Framework FoF.NMP.2013-10 608729 EFFIPRO Projec

    Influence of temperature on the biaxial strength of cemented carbides with different microstructures

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    The effect of the temperature on the mechanical strength of WC-Co cemented carbides with different microstructures (grain size and binder content) was evaluated. Biaxial flexural tests were performed on three cemented carbide grades at 600 °C using the ball-on-three-balls (B3B) method. Results were interpreted by Weibull statistics and compared to biaxial strength results at room temperature. A detailed fractographic analysis, supported by Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics, was performed to differentiate the nature and size of critical defects and the mechanism responsible for the fracture. A significant decrease in the mechanical strength (around 30%) was observed at 600 °C for all grades of cemented carbides. This fact was ascribed to the change in the critical flaw population from sub-surface (at room temperature) to surface defects, associated with the selective oxidation of Co. Additionally, an estimation of the fracture toughness at 600 °C was attempted for the three cemented carbides, based upon the B3B strength results, the corresponding number of the tested specimens fragments and the macroscopic area of the B3B fracture surfaces. The fracture toughness was not affected by the temperature, at least up to 600 °C. In addition, the good agreement with the Single Edge Notch Beam toughness data suggests the possibility of employing this approach for fracture toughness evaluation of brittle materials under different testing conditions.Peer ReviewedPostprin