11 research outputs found

    Zakat Infaq and Sadaqah as a Modern Fiscal Instrument in Indonesia

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    This study investigates the integration of Zakat, Infaq, and Sadaqah (ZIS) in Indonesia's modern fiscal policy framework. The research method involves analysing the impact of ZIS on economic growth, wealth distribution, and social inclusion. The background problem arises because although ZIS has been proven to contribute positively to the welfare of society, its integration as a critical component of fiscal policy is still limited. Challenges involve regulatory formulation, efficient fund management, public awareness, and harmonisation of sharia objectives. This research is expected to provide recommendations to policymakers to design effective strategies for integrating ZIS in fiscal policy, with positive impacts on Indonesia's economic efficiency, social cohesion, and economic justice

    The Concept of Price Mechanism in The Halal Industry Refers to The Thought of The Price Concept of Yahya Bin Umar and Ibnu Taimiyah

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    The price mechanism in the halal industry has an important role in determining the value and price of halal products. The concept of pricing mechanism in Islam has been initiated by the thinkers Yahya bin Umar and Ibn Taymiyyah. The purpose of this study is to find out how the relationship between the pricing mechanisms of the two Islamic thinkers in the halal industry. Descriptive analytical with qualitative research methods and a historical approach are used in this research. As a result, Yahya bin Umar and Ibn Taymiyyah's approaches to the pricing mechanism provide different perspectives but are in line with the context of healthy and fair pricing. Yahya bin Umar views that prices are determined by the ideal market mechanism, while Ibn Taymiyyah emphasizes the importance of healthy competition and wise government intervention. The price mechanism in the halal industry should reflect the intrinsic value of the product, ensure fairness in transactions, and support the sustainability of the industry. The government can use the price mechanism to set a minimum price or ensure halal products meet certain standards. Fair and competitive pricing will enable wider access to halal products and maintain consumer confidence over a longer period

    Titonia Utilization and The Rest Of Soybean Harvest In The Alternative As Fertilizer Ultisol Fertility Improvement And Soybean Crop Production

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    Utilization Titonia and soybean crop residues (straw soybean) as compost, is onealternative fertilizer to improve soil fertility Ultisol. This study aimed to determinethe effect of a mixture of compost and straw Titonia soy, lime and fertilizers inimproving soil fertility and soybean crop production. The research was conductedat experimental field LimauManis and laboratory analysis conducted at theLaboratory P3IN Andalas University, Padang. Research using Random Design(RBD), which consists of 10 treatments with 3 replications were tested. The resultsshowed that administration of lime, compost and fertilizers give effect to thechemical characteristics Ultisol namely against soil pH value, the content of N, Pand K soil. The provision of artificial fertilizers as much as 50% of the soybeancrop needs, provide higher impact than that of artificial fertilizers as much as 25%of the increase in soil fertility and the growth and production of soybean plants.Production of dry seeds of soybean highest weight obtained amounted to 1.85 tons /ha in the treatment of lime dolomite 500 kg / ha + compost mixture (5 tonsTitonia/ha with 5 tons of soybean straw/ha) + NK fertilizers by 50% of the soybeancrop needs (treatment G)


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    The era of industrial disruption has had many influences on human life, this has also affected the world of education. One way to improve teacher competence in the industrial revolution 4.0 era is to equip teachers with global scale capabilities, namely Microsoft Office Specialists or MOS. From these problems, our training took the initiative to hold Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Power Point Activities for vocational/high school teachers in the city of Bandung. This training adapts the Goad training model, namely this model consists of several cycles including: (1) training needs analysis; (2) training approach design; (3) development of training materials; (4) implementation of training; (5) evaluation and updating of training.Era disrupsi Industri membawa banyak pengaruh dalam kehidupan manusia, hal ini juga yang mempengaruhi dunia pendidikan, Salah satu cara meningkatkan kompetensi guru di era revolusi industri 4.0 ini adalah membekali guru dengan kemampuan skala global yaitu Microsoft Office Specialist atau MOS. Dari permasalahan tersebut pelatihan kami berinisiatif untuk mengadakan Kegiatan Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Power Point bagi guru SMK/SMA di kota Bandung. Pelatihan ini mengadaptasi model pelatihan Goad, yaitu Model ini terdiri atas beberapa siklus diantaranya adalah: (1) analisis kebutuhan pelatihan; (2)desain pendekatan pelatihan; (3) pengembangan materi pelatihan; (4) pelaksanaan pelatihan; (5) evaluasi dan pemutakhiran pelatihan

    Publisher Correction:Voices of biotech leaders (Nature Biotechnology, (2021), 39, 6, (654-660), 10.1038/s41587-021-00941-4)

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    In the version of this article initially published, an author name was given as Abasi Ene Abong. The correct name is Abasi Ene-Obong. Also, the affiliation for Sebastian Giwa was given as Elevian, Pagliuca Harvard Life Lab, Allston, MA, USA. The correct affiliations are Biostasis Research Institute, Berkeley, CA, USA; Sylvatica Biotech, North Charleston, SC, USA; and Humanity Bio, Kensington, CA, USA. An affiliation for Jeantine Lunshof was given as Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA. The correct affiliation is Wyss Institute for Biological Engineering, Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA. The errors have been corrected in the PDF and HTML versions of the article

    Unique Receptor Repertoire in Mouse Uterine NK cells

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