39 research outputs found

    A psychosocial approach to erectile dysfunction: position statements from the European Society of Sexual Medicine

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    INTRODUCTION: Although erectile dysfunction (ED) involves an interaction between physiological and psychological pathways, the psychosocial aspects of ED have received considerably less attention so far. AIM: To review the available evidence on the psychosocial aspects of ED in order to develop a position statement and clinical practice recommendations on behalf of the European Society of Sexual Medicine (ESSM). METHOD: A comprehensive, narrative review of the literature was performed. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Specific statements and recommendations according to the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine 2011 Levels of Evidence criteria were provided. RESULTS: A multidisciplinary treatment, in which medical treatment is combined with a psychological approach, is preferred over unimodal treatment. There is increasing evidence that psychological treatments of ED can improve medical treatments, the patient's adherence to treatment, and the quality of the sexual relationship. The main components of psychological treatment of ED involve cognitive and behavioral techniques aimed at reducing anxiety, challenging dysfunctional beliefs, increasing sexual stimulation, disrupting sexual avoidance, and increasing intimacy and communication skills in a relational context. When applicable and possible, it is strongly recommended to include the partner in the assessment and treatment of ED and to actively work on interpartner agreement and shared decision-making regarding possible treatment options. To ensure a better integration of the biopsychosocial model into clinical practice, developing concrete treatment protocols and training programs are desirable. CONCLUSION: Because the psychosocial approach to ED has been underexposed so far, this position statement provides valuable information for clinicians treating ED. Psychological interventions on ED are based on existing theoretical models that are grounded in empirical evidence. However, the quality of available studies is low, which calls for further research. The sexual medicine field would benefit from pursuing more diversity, inclusivity, and integration when setting up treatments and evaluating their effect. Dewitte M, Bettocchi C, Carvalho J, et al. A Psychosocial Approach to Erectile Dysfunction: Position Statements from the European Society of Sexual Medicine (ESSM). Sex Med 2021;9:100434

    Male Sexual Health and Sexual Behaviors during the First National COVID-19 Lockdown in a Western Country: A Real-Life, Web-Based Study

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    Restriction measures enacted during the COVID-19 pandemic had severe effects on male sexual and reproductive health. We aimed to investigate the real-life impact and perception of sexual function in 2020 in Italy, as the first Western country experiencing a national lockdown by measuring relative search volume for keywords pertaining to sexual health and behaviors provided by Google Trends and sales data for pro-erectile treatments. No significant change was observed for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Interest towards most phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors decreased significantly during lockdown (e.g., sildenafil, p = 0.0002; tadalafil p = 0.0016), then reverted to pre-lockdown levels (e.g., sildenafil, p p p = 0.0292). A subsequent recovery to previous levels at the end of the social confinement was also found (e.g., after vs. before lockdown, sildenafil, p = 0.8459; tadalafil p = 0.1166). During lockdown, interest towards pornography significantly increased during restrictions (p = 0.0053) and remained high (after vs. before lockdown, p = 0.0004), whereas interest towards paid and casual sex declined (p = 0.0015 and p = 0.049, respectively), then reverted to previous levels (after vs. before lockdown, p = 0.3969 and 0.8373, respectively). During the first Italian lockdown, we observed a transient but measurable decrease of sexual health-seeking behaviors and changes in sexual behaviors, with unknown impact for sexual medicine and public health

    De WVSD en NVVS richtlijn voor de diagnose en behandeling van vroegtijdige zaadlozing.

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    Richtlijn voor klinische diagnostiek en behandeling van vroegtijdige zaadlozingDeze Richtlijn is tot stand gekomen door een interdisciplinair internationaal en Nederlands panel van erkende specialisten op het gebied van vroegtijdige zaadlozing met als doel begrijpelijke, praktische en evidence-based aanbevelingen te geven voor de diagnostiek en behandeling van vroegtijdige zaadlozing door huisartsen, seksuologen en specialisten (met name urologen). Erkennende dat niet al het wetenschappelijk bewijs van gelijk niveau is, heeft het ISSM Commitee de wetenschappelijke literatuur doorgenomen en bediscussieerd waardoor bij de aanbevelingen een graad van wetenschappelijkheid gegeven kon worden volgens de Oxford Centre of Evidence-Based Medicine gradaties. Tabel 4 bevat alle relevante aanbevelingen van het Vroegtijdige Zaadlozing ISSM Guidelines Committee. Deze richtlijn bevestigt de ISSM definitie van primaire vroegtijdige zaadlozing en laat zien dat de prevalentie van vroegtijdige zaadlozing aanzienlijk lager is dan eerder is aangenomen. Evidence-based gegevens ten aanzien van biologische en psychologische etiologie van vroegtijdige zaadlozing worden beschreven, evenals op populatie-onderzoek gebaseerde statistiek ten aanzien van normale ejaculatielatentietijden. Korte diagnostische procedures worden aangegeven evenals gevalideerde diagnostische en behandelingsvragenlijsten. Ten slotte, de beste aanbevelingen voor behandeling worden beschreven om een houvast te geven aan de clinicus, die wel of niet bekend is met vroegtijdige zaadlozing, en om de behandeling van zijn patiënt te vergemakkelijken.Wetenschappelijke Vereniging voor Seksuele Disfuncties (WVSD); Nederlandse Vereniging voor Seksuologie (NVVS

    Male Sexual Dysfunctions in the Infertile Couple–Recommendations From the European Society of Sexual Medicine (ESSM)

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    Introduction: Sexual dysfunctions (SDs) have been frequently reported among male partners of infertile couples due to psychogenic, relational and/or organic issues related with the inability to conceive. Likewise, male infertility (MI) could be a consequence of sexual dysfunctions. Aim: To review the evidence on the prevalence and treatment of male SDs in men of infertile couples and provide clinical recommendations on behalf of the European Society of Sexual Medicine (ESSM). Methods: The MEDLINE database was searched in September 2019 for randomized clinical trials (RCTs), meta-analyses and open-label prospective or retrospective studies investigating the presence of erectile dysfunction (ED) and/or ejaculatory dysfunctions (EjDs) and/or low sexual desire (LSD) in conjunction with infertility. Main outcome measure: The panel provided statements on: (i) Prevalence and association between SDs and MI; (ii) Treatment of male SDs in men of infertile couples. Results: ED has been reported in 9% to 62% of male partners of infertile couples, with severe impairment observed in only 1% to 3% of ED cases. Moreover, worse semen parameters have been associated with greater ED severity. Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5is) can be safely used to treat ED among patients seeking fatherhood. Male partners of infertile couples are at higher risk of premature ejaculation (PE). Retrograde ejaculation (RE) and anejaculation are a cause of MI and can be managed with electroejaculation (EEJ) or penile vibratory stimulation (PVS) or, alternatively, with oral treatments, however the latter with limited documented success. Low sexual desire has been reported by one third of men of infertile couples. Conclusion: ED could significantly affect male partners of infertile couple; PDE5is should be suggested to ensure an effective and satisfactory sexual relationship of the couple. Anejaculation and RE should be considered as a possible cause of MI and treated accordingly. Low sexual desire is frequently reported among men of infertile couple and could be a symptom of other systemic conditions or psychological distress. Capogrosso P, Jensen CFS, Rastrelli G, et al. Male Sexual Dysfunctions in the Infertile Couple-Recommendations From the European Society of Sexual Medicine (ESSM). J Sex Med 2021;9:100377

    clinical recommendations from the european society for sexual medicine exploring partner expectations satisfaction in male and phalloplasty cohorts the impact of penile length girth and implant type reservoir placement and the influence of comorbidities and social circumstances

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    Abstract Introduction To date, several aspects of inflatable penile prosthesis (IPP) surgical procedure have been poorly studied. Aim The aim of this study was to review the evidence associated with IPP implantation and provide clinical recommendations on behalf of the European Society for Sexual Medicine (ESSM). Overall, 130 peer-reviewed studies and systematic reviews, which were published from 2007−2018 in the English language, were included. Methods MEDLINE and EMBASE were searched for randomized clinical trials, meta-analyses, and open-label prospective and retrospective studies. Main Outcome Measure The panel provided statements exploring patients and partner expectations, satisfaction in male and phalloplasty cohorts, the impact of penile length, girth and implant type, reservoir placement, the influence of comorbidities, and social circumstances. Levels of evidence were provided according to the Oxford 2011 criteria and graded as for the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine recommendations. Results In the preoperative setting, it is fundamental to identify and interact with difficult patients with the intention of enhancing the surgeon's ability to establish the surgeon-patient relationship, reduce physical and legal risk, as well as enhancing patient satisfaction. To address this need, the mnemonic Compulsive, Unrealistic, Revision, Surgeon Shopping, Entitled, Denial, and Psychiatric ("CURSED") has been suggested to identify patients who are at high risk of dissatisfaction. The current recommendations suggest improving glycemic control in patients with diabetes. Available evidence suggests evaluating transplant recipients with the criteria of Barry, consisting of stable graft function for >6 months, avoidance of intra-abdominal reservoir placement, and low-dose immunosuppression. HIV status does not represent a contraindication for surgery. Smoking, peripheral vascular disease, and hypertension may be associated with an increased risk of revision surgery. Patients with spinal cord injury may receive IPP. Patients aged ≥70 years, as well as obese patients, can be offered IPP. The IPP implantation can be performed in patients with stable Peyronie's disease. Ectopic high submuscular reservoir placement can be considered as an alternative method. Clinical Implications There is a relevant lack of high-level data and definite conclusions in certain areas remain difficult to draw. Strength & Limitations All studies have been evaluated by a panel of experts providing recommendations for clinical practice. Because of lack of sufficient prospective data, some of the included studies are retrospective and this could be stated as a limitation. Conclusion This ESSM position statement provides recommendations on optimization of patient outcome by patient selection, and individualized peri- and intra-operative management. ESSM encourages centers to collaborate and to create prospective, multicenter registries in order to address this topic of increasing importance. Osmonov D, Christopher AN, Blecher GA, et al. Clinical Recommendations from the European Society for Sexual Medicine Exploring Partner Expectations, Satisfaction in Male and Phalloplasty Cohorts, the Impact of Penile Length, Girth and Implant Type, Reservoir Placement, and the Influence of Comorbidities and Social Circumstances. J Sex Med 2019;XX:XXX–XXX

    Clinical use and implications of sexual devices and sexually explicit media

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    Devices designed to enhance and diversify sexual pleasure are useful in clinical practice; however, many taboos still seem to exist and the scientific literature on the prevalence, application and effectiveness of sexual devices for therapeutic use is sparse. In this Review, Dewitte and Reisman discuss the clinical use of sex toys and sexual devices, as well as sexually explicit media, across a variety of indications to expand individual and partnered sexuality and to treat sexual difficulties.Given that sexual pleasure is a core component of sexual health, devices that are designed to enhance and diversify sexual pleasure are particularly useful in clinical practice. Despite their growing popularity and widespread use in various biopsychosocial circumstances, many taboos still seem to exist, as indicated by the paucity of scientific literature on the prevalence, application and effectiveness of sexual devices for therapeutic use. However, sex toys and sexual devices are commonly used and have a variety of indications to expand individual and partnered sexuality and to treat sexual difficulties. Different devices are associated with specific advantages and potential risks, opportunities, barriers and ethical challenges when used in a clinical context. Increased knowledge about the aim and functional possibilities of sexual devices might help health-care professionals overcome potential embarrassment, preconceptions and other barriers, learn which patients might benefit from which products, consider their use in treatment programmes, educate about correct use and safety issues, and facilitate open communication about sexual pleasure with their patients.</p