14 research outputs found

    Grain-size distribution of sediment in the vicinity of Setiu Lagoon-estuary system

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    The sediments in the Setiu Lagoon-estuary system on the east coast of Malaysia consist mostly of coarse to very fine panicles. The major portions of the sediment are negatively skewed. The estuary area is under the influence of transportative and erosive forces. The lack of silt and clay in the estuary is attributable to less depositional factor under the influence of stronger current than in the lagoon area. The beach sediment ranges from coarse to fine sand. Generally, the mean grain-size decreases towards the north-west sector. The skewness value of the beach sand area is mostly negative, indicating that the study area is under the influence of rather strong wave and current action


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    For many years, during the monsoon period the River (Sungai) Terengganu catchment in Malaysia has been flooding and causing flood risk problems to the inhabitants as well as the environment. This study uses the realtime simulation in ArcGIS 10.3 and 3D in ArcScene 10.3, and the variables obtained from the soil and water assessment tool SWAT such as the land use, soil and slope are the parameters measured to induce the flood. the application of soil water assessment tool (SWAT) has produced the demarcation or boundary called delineation of the whole Terengganu watershed. When certain portions of the Hydrologic response unit HRU; land use, soil or slope is changed due to temporal adjustment and climate change, then the model can predict zones of low, moderate and high flood risk. The 3D simulations appear to produce a visual model for decision-making, planning, management, and mitigation. The simulation helps in determining the extent of the flood by using animation in ArcScence 10.3, to visualize the simulated flood water level


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    Total suspended sediment (TSS) plays a significant role in the environment. Many researchers show that TSS has a high correlation with the red portion of the visible light spectrum. The correlation is highly dependent on geography of the study area. The aim of this study was to develop specific algorithms utilizing corrected MODIS Terra 250-m surface reflectance (Rrs) product (MOD09) to map TSS over the Penang coastal area. Field measurements of TSS were performed during two cruise trips that were conducted on 8 December 2008 and 29 January 2010 over the Penang coastal area. The relationship between TSS and the surface reflectance of MOD09 was analysed using regression analysis. The developed algorithm showed that Rrs are highly correlated with the in-situ TSS with R2 is 0.838. The result shows that the Rrs product could be used to estimate TSS over the Penang area

    Sedimentology in the coastal areas of Port Dickson, Malaysia.

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    Sampel-sampel enapan dasar dan pasir pantai telah diambil dari 36 stesen kajian di persisiran pantai Port Dickson dari bulan Disember 1987 hingga Jun 1988. Enapan dasar terdiri dari kelas pasir hingga ke loam berpasir dan kebanyakannya berwarna kuning dan kelabu. Julat garis pusat median adalah dari -0.9 hingga 4.20 phi,sementara min saiz adalah dari -0.93 hingga 4.23 phi. Koeffisen susunan adalah dari 0.21 hingga 2.53,dan lebih dari 50 peratus sample-sample menunjukkan skewness positif. Karbon organik di dalam enapan berjulat antara 0.13 hingga 0.60 peratus. Setengah stesen yang berdekatan dengan pelabuhan mempunyai enapan berkapur. Pasir tersangat halus dan kebanyakannya adalah terditri dari pasir halus. Garis pusat median berjulat antara 1.40 hingga 2.30 phi. Koeffisen susunannya adalah terdiri dari 1.73 hingga 1.92 dan kebanyakannya mempunyai nilai skewness negatif. Kebanyakan pasir adalah leptokurtik

    A study on the surface water movements due to tides off the Kuala Terengganu coast.

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    The aim of this study is to understand the effedts of tides surface water movements. The study was conducted in the month April 1989. The area of study is along the coast of Kuala Terengganu to about 4 naut.miles offshore. The Langrangian method is applied where several drogues are deployed at selected stations to track water movements at 1m,3m and 5m belowthe water surface. The drogues are released at 0800 hrs and are allowed to drift for over 8 daylight hours. The positions of the drogues are obtained using a FURUNO Radar installed on board UN1PERTAMA I at every one-hour interval. The results from this study show that the effect of tides on surface water movements near the shore (<0.5 naut.mile) is very significant. At receeding tide the surface water moved northward but at rising tide the reverse occurred. The tide reversed the direction of flow of the surface water near the shore. However, tides has little effect on surface water at 4 naut.miles away from the shore. The water in this region moved northward continuously. The only effect that can be observed on offshore surface water is the reduction in speed and slight alteration in the direction

    Tidal current in Kuala Terengganu coastal waters.

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    The aim of this study is to investigate how important are tides and/or wind to the water movements in the Kuala Terengganu coastal waters. Water current is known to be the main transporter of sediment in the sea which can result in coastal erosion. Information on water movements will hopefully add up to the vast information that have been gathered so far in order to understand the cause of the extensive erosion along the Kuala Terengganu coast. The study was conducted from the month of February to June 1990. A foru-day trip was scheduled per month on board R.V.UNIPERTAMA I. The study area was along the coast of Kuala Terengganu. Four stations were chosen where two stations were about 0.5 naut.mile and the other two were about 4.0 naut. mile and the other two were about 4.0 naut. miles from the shore. Three drogues with depths of 1m,3m,and 5m were used to track the water movement. The drogues were released at 0800 hrs and were allowed to drift for over 10 daylight hours. Their positions were taken at every one-hour interval. Tidal data were obtained from Tide Tables and Wind Data from the Meteorogical Station. The study clearly shows that tide is the main parameter that shapes the current pattern in the study area. This current is generally referred to as the tidal current. Wind on the other hand,has the least effect on the water movement in the study area

    Open Sandy Beach Morphology and Morphodynamic as Response to Seasonal Monsoon in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia

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    International audienceUnderstanding beach morphology and morphodynamic changes is important in regions where there is a large amountof recreation and development. Kuala Terengganu beaches has many anthropogenic infastructure such as an extensionto an airport runway similar in design to a groin which affect morphology and morphodynamics in response to seasonalmonsoon storms. Seasonal monsoon storms are one of the most important controls on the cycle of erosion and accretionon beaches. Beach profile data and wave modelling were used to determine the response of five beaches on the northof Kuala Terengganu to Northeast and Southwest seasonal monsoons. The beaches along the Kuala Terengganu statecoast before the construction of the airport extension exhibited a classical morphodynamic response. This includeserosion during Northeast monsoon and accretion/recover during Southwest monsoon. The airport constructiondisturbed and changed normal coastal evolution. Two distinct sediment cells were generated, each having developed aproper morphodynamic response within the Northeast and Southwest monsoon wave regimes

    Grain size and metallic trace element contents in sediments of Kemaman Coast, Terengganu, Malaysia, South China Sea

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    A total of 43 sediment samples were collected at Kemaman coast, Terengganu, by using Smith McIntyre grab. These sediments were analyzed to determine the grain size, sediment texture and metallic trace elements. Lazer diffraction method using PSA (particle size analyzer) was used to determine the grain size and sediment texture. Teflon bomb was used to digest the sediments for metallic trace elements concentration. Results showed that the study area was dominated with sand particles (60.5%) followed by loamy sand (20.9%), sandy clay (16.3%) and silt loam (2.3%). On the other hand, the average concentrations of each metallic trace elements were 0.12 μg/g for Cd; 36.6 μg/g for Cr; 9.51 μg/g for Cu; 11.6 μg/g for N: 41.5 μg/g for Zn and 29.3 μg/g for Pb. Based on the results, it was found out that coarse sediments showed lower levels of metallic trace elements and higher levels in fine sediments. In addition, enrichment factor was calculated to assess the pollution status of the study area. Based on the calculation, the enrichment of metallic trace elements ranked in the following order: Pb > Cd > Zn > Cu > Ni > Cr. The significant enrichment of Pb and moderate enrichment of Cd and Zn indicated that there are anthropogenic inputs while the rest of the metals can be considered from natural sources although there are effects of anthropogenic inputs in some sampling location

    The Seasonal Dynamic on Beach Morphology at Open Sand Beaches in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia

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    International audienceThis abstract emphasizes on the beach morphology and morphodynamic of the beach investigations at the Kuala Terengganu Beach area on July 2013 until November 2014. The monthly survey was conducted based on southwest monsoon (April to August) and northeast monsoon (October to February). The study area covers almost 5 km of the Kuala Terengganu beach area, s tretching from Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), Teluk Ketapang, to Seberang Takir beach. Beach morphodynamic have different changes on north and south of Kuala Terengganu that are affected from southwest and northeast monsoon of storm. On north of Kuala Terengganu (UMT beach), the distance of 20m-30m on monthly profiles were eroded while during the northeast monsoon there was erosion on the distance of 0-20 m. On the south of Kuala Terengganu, Teluk Ketapang beach showed accretion on 0m-20m distances on the monthly profile. While, during southwest monsoon Seberang Takir beach depicted accretion on 0-20m distance and erosion on 20m-40 m distance. However, during northeast monsoon, Seberang Takir beach got erosion on 20m-40m distance. Storms are one of the most important controls on the seasonal change of erosion and accretion on beaches. In Terengganu, Malaysia the storm is generated in the northeast and southwest monsoon, however, the strong storms are only visible in the northeast monsoon. Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) was placed in a shore face location to the north of coastal structures, which recorded the storms during the northeast monsoon (November 2013 to February 2014). The wave and current data were processed with the MIKE-21 model to generate one year data in order to make the comparison between monsoon seasons followed by the correlation between seasonal beach morphology changes and then the model validation, shown as 0.29 Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). Seasonal change in beach morphology is usually attributed to a variation in the incident wave energy level with calm conditions in the southwest monsoon (significant wave height=0.6m) resulting in wide beaches. However, the energetic conditions in northeast monsoon (significant wave height=1.5m) causes narrow beaches with near shore bar morphology