2,168 research outputs found

    A Wireless Multifunctional SSVEP-Based Brain Computer Interface Assistive System

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    IEEE Several kinds of brain-computer interface (BCI) systems have been proposed to compensate for the lack of medical technology for assisting patients who lose the ability to use motor functions to communicate with the outside world. However, most of the proposed systems are limited by their non-portability, impracticality and inconvenience because of the adoption of wired or invasive electroencephalography (EEG) acquisition devices. Another common limitation is the shortage of functions provided because of the difficulty of integrating multiple functions into one BCI system. In this study, we propose a wireless, non-invasive and multifunctional assistive system which integrates steady state visually evoked potential (SSVEP)-based BCI and a robotic arm to assist patients to feed themselves. Patients are able to control the robotic arm via the BCI to serve themselves food. Three other functions: video entertainment, video calling, and active interaction are also integrated. This is achieved by designing a functional menu and integrating multiple subsystems. A refinement decision-making mechanism is incorporated to ensure the accuracy and applicability of the system. Fifteen participants were recruited to validate the usability and performance of the system. The averaged accuracy and information transfer rate (ITR) achieved is 90.91% and 24.94 bit per min respectively. The feedback from the participants demonstrates that this assistive system is able to significantly improve the quality of daily life

    A wireless steady state visually evoked potential-based BCI eating assistive system

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    © 2017 IEEE. Brain-Computer interface (BCI) which aims at enabling users to perform tasks through their brain waves has been a feasible and worth developing solution for growing demand of healthcare. Current proposed BCI systems are often with lower applicability and do not provide much help for reducing burdens of users because of the time-consuming preparation required by adopted wet sensors and the shortage of provided interactive functions. Here, by integrating a state visually evoked potential (SSVEP)-based BCI system and a robotic eating assistive system, we propose a non-invasive wireless steady state visually evoked potential (SSVEP)-based BCI eating assistive system that enables users with physical disabilities to have meals independently. The analysis compared different methods of classification and indicated the best method. The applicability of the integrated eating assistive system was tested by an Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) patient, and a questionnaire reply and some suggestion are provided. Fifteen healthy subjects engaged the experiment, and an average accuracy of 91.35%, and information transfer rate (ITR) of 20.69 bit per min are achieved. For online performance evaluation, the ALS patient gave basic affirmation and provided suggestions for further improvement. In summary, we proposed a usable SSVEP-based BCI system enabling users to have meals independently. With additional adjustment of movement design of the robotic arm and classification algorithm, the system may offer users with physical disabilities a new way to take care of themselves

    Influence of EEG tonic changes on Motor Imagery performance

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    © 2017 IEEE. In Motor Imagery literature, performance predictors are commonly divided in four categories: personal, psychological, anatomical and neurophysiological. However these predictors are limited to inter-subjects changes. To overcome this limitation and evaluate intra-subjects performance, we tried to combine two groups of these measures: psychological and neurophysiological. As neurophysiological variables tonic changes in resting EEG theta and alpha sub-bands were considered. As psychological parameter we analyzed internalized attention and its correlates in lower alpha. We found that when internalized attention doesn't decrease, Motor Imagery performance outcome can be correctly predicted by resting EEG tonic variations

    Segmental anhidrosis with hyporeflexia associated with congenital spinal deformity: A Ross's syndrome variant or inverse Horner's syndrome?

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    A 39-year-old soldier presented with anhidrosis affecting both upper extremities below the shoulders, the right side of the trunk below the third rib in front and the third vertebra on the back, and the left lower extremity below the inguinal ligament since 1992. Ten years later in 2002, he was also found to have bilateral absence of Achilles reflex and decreased right knee jerk. In addition, the patient was found to have congenital spinal abnormalities in the form of block of vertebrae C3-C4; decreased disc space C4-C5; and break in pars interarticularis L5-S1 with decreased disc space. A total of seven cases of Ross syndrome, Holmes-Adie syndrome (tonic pupil with lost tendon jerks) with segmental anhidrosis, have been described in the literature. Our case, however, did not have any pupillary abnormality. A case of progressive isolated segmental anhidrosis has also been described. The association of congenital spinal abnormality, which may be pathognomonic in the causation of this progressive sudomotor degeneration, is quite interesting in our case. The distribution of anhidrosis on the right side is just below the level of sweating loss sometimes described in lesions of superior sympathetic cervical ganglion in Horner's syndrome

    Management of Fusarium Wilt using mycolytic enzymes produced by Trichoderma harzianum (Th. Azad)

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    The main aim of this study was to isolate the best chitinase and glucanase enzyme producing Trichoderma strain to manage the Fusarium wilt disease of Cicer aritenum under in vitro conditions. We also studied the effect of Trichoderma strains on the growth and development of C. aritenum plants. Seven strains of Trichoderma were screened against the Fusarium pathogen to isolate the best biocontrol agent causing maximum inhibition of Fusarium growth. Trichoderma harzianum (Th. Azad) was found to be the best strains among all the tested strains. Trichoderma treated plant exhibited the least disease incidence as compared to control plants. Trichoderma treated plant showed a significant stimulatory effect on all the tested eight parameters as compared to control.Key words: Trichoderma, antagonistic activity, chitinase, glucanase, Biocontrol agent, phytopathogenic fungi

    IoT-Based Wireless Polysomnography Intelligent System for Sleep Monitoring

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    © 2013 IEEE. Polysomnography (PSG) is considered the gold standard in the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The diagnosis of OSA requires an overnight sleep experiment in a laboratory. However, due to limitations in relation to the number of labs and beds available, patients often need to wait a long time before being diagnosed and eventually treated. In addition, the unfamiliar environment and restricted mobility when a patient is being tested with a polysomnogram may disturb their sleep, resulting in an incomplete or corrupted test. Therefore, it is posed that a PSG conducted in the patient's home would be more reliable and convenient. The Internet of Things (IoT) plays a vital role in the e-Health system. In this paper, we implement an IoT-based wireless polysomnography system for sleep monitoring, which utilizes a battery-powered, miniature, wireless, portable, and multipurpose recorder. A Java-based PSG recording program in the personal computer is designed to save several bio-signals and transfer them into the European data format. These PSG records can be used to determine a patient's sleep stages and diagnose OSA. This system is portable, lightweight, and has low power-consumption. To demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed PSG system, a comparison was made between the standard PSG-Alice 5 Diagnostic Sleep System and the proposed system. Several healthy volunteer patients participated in the PSG experiment and were monitored by both the standard PSG-Alice 5 Diagnostic Sleep System and the proposed system simultaneously, under the supervision of specialists at the Sleep Laboratory in Taipei Veteran General Hospital. A comparison of the results of the time-domain waveform and sleep stage of the two systems shows that the proposed system is reliable and can be applied in practice. The proposed system can facilitate the long-Term tracing and research of personal sleep monitoring at home

    The impact of the Calman–Hine report on the processes and outcomes of care for Yorkshire's colorectal cancer patients

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    The 1995 Calman–Hine plan outlined radical reform of the UK's cancer services with the aim of improving outcomes and reducing inequalities in NHS cancer care. Its main recommendation was to concentrate care into the hands of site-specialist, multi-disciplinary teams. This study aimed to determine if the implementation of Calman–Hine cancer teams was associated with improved processes and outcomes of care for colorectal cancer patients. The design included longitudinal survey of 13 colorectal cancer teams in Yorkshire and retrospective study of population-based data collected by the Northern and Yorkshire Cancer Registry and Information Service. The population was all colorectal cancer patients diagnosed and treated in Yorkshire between 1995 and 2000. The main outcome measures were: variations in the use of anterior resection and preoperative radiotherapy in rectal cancer, chemotherapy in Dukes stage C and D patients, and five-year survival. Using multilevel models, these outcomes were assessed in relation to measures of the extent of Calman–Hine implementation throughout the study period, namely: (i) each team's degree of adherence to the Manual of Cancer Service Standards (which outlines the specification of the ‘ideal’ colorectal cancer team) and (ii) the extent of site specialisation of each team's surgeons. Variation was observed in the extent to which the colorectal cancer teams in Yorkshire had conformed to the Calman–Hine recommendations. An increase in surgical site specialisation was associated with increased use of preoperative radiotherapy (OR=1.43, 95% CI=1.04–1.98, P<0.04) and anterior resection (OR=1.43, 95% CI=1.16–1.76, P<0.01) in rectal cancer patients. Increases in adherence to the Manual of Cancer Service Standards was associated with improved five-year survival after adjustment for the casemix factors of age, stage of disease, socioeconomic status and year of diagnosis, especially for colon cancer (HR=0.97, 95% CI=0.94–0.99 P<0.01). There was a similar trend of improved survival in relation to increased surgical site specialisation for rectal cancer, although the effect was not statistically significant (HR=0.93, 95% CI=0.84–1.03, P=0.15). In conclusion, the extent of implementation of the Calman–Hine report has been variable and its recommendations are associated with improvements in processes and outcomes of care for colorectal cancer patients

    Proof over promise: towards a more inclusive ranking of Dutch academics in Economics & Business

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    The Dutch Economics top-40, based on publications in ISI listed journals, is - to the best of our knowledge - the oldest ranking of individual academics in Economics and is well accepted in the Dutch academic community. However, this ranking is based on publication volume, rather than on the actual impact of the publications in question. This paper therefore uses two relatively new metrics, the citations per author per year (CAY) metric and the individual annual h-index (hIa) to provide two alternative, citation-based, rankings of Dutch academics in Economics & Business. As a data source, we use Google Scholar instead of ISI to provide a more comprehensive measure of impact, including citations to and from publications in non-ISI listed journals, books, working and conference papers. The resulting rankings are shown to be substantially different from the original ranking based on publications. Just like other research metrics, the CAY or hIa-index should never be used as the sole criterion to evaluate academics. However, we do argue that the hIa-index and the related citations per author per year metric provide an important additional perspective over and above a ranking based on publications in high impact journals alone. Citation-based rankings are also shown to inject a higher level of diversity in terms of age, gender, discipline and academic affiliation and thus appear to be more inclusive of a wider range of scholarship
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