173 research outputs found

    Recurrent ventricular arrhythmias and myocardial infarctions associated with cocaine induced reversible coronary vasospasm

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    Cocaine has become the most frequently used illicit drug among patients presenting to emergency departments worldwide. Although acute myocardial infarction is the most common reported cardiovascular manifestation in this setting, there are many other potential cardiotoxic effects of cocaine use including coronary artery spasm, arrhythmia, and sudden death. We report the case of a 54 year-old male with angiographically documented reversible coronary arterial spasm leading to severe life-threatening recurrent ventricular arrhythmias and electrocardiographic changes suggesting acute myocardial infarction secondary to cocaine use. Recurrent ventricular arrhythmias of this patient required implantation of a cardioverter-defibrillator which successfully treated following arrhythmia episodes. (Cardiol J 2010; 17, 5: 512-517

    Morphologic and molecular assessments of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) landraces

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    In this study, 90 locally grown cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) landraces were collected and morphologically characterized using 20 descriptors derived from UPOV (International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants). Genetic diversity and relationships of the genotypes were revealed using 20 sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) marker combinations. The discrimination power of each polymorphic marker (estimated by the polymorphism information content) ranged from 0.15 to 0.99 with an average of 0.73. Dice's similarity coefficient ranged between 0.00-1.00. The cluster analysis that was conducted using the unweighted pair group method of arithmetic averages (UPGMA) for both molecular and morphologic data showed that all of the genotypes fell into two main groups and many subdivisions. According to morphological data, fruit length, diameter and weight of the genotypes were determined between 6.5 - 32.5 cm, 25 - 52 mm and, 28 - 625 g respectively. It is clear from the results, a moderate level of genetic diversity, which has the potential for broadening the genetic base, was observed among the Turkish cucumber landraces

    stairs and fire

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    Discutindo a educação ambiental no cotidiano escolar: desenvolvimento de projetos na escola formação inicial e continuada de professores

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    A presente pesquisa buscou discutir como a Educação Ambiental (EA) vem sendo trabalhada, no Ensino Fundamental e como os docentes desta escola compreendem e vem inserindo a EA no cotidiano escolar., em uma escola estadual do município de Tangará da Serra/MT, Brasil. Para tanto, realizou-se entrevistas com os professores que fazem parte de um projeto interdisciplinar de EA na escola pesquisada. Verificou-se que o projeto da escola não vem conseguindo alcançar os objetivos propostos por: desconhecimento do mesmo, pelos professores; formação deficiente dos professores, não entendimento da EA como processo de ensino-aprendizagem, falta de recursos didáticos, planejamento inadequado das atividades. A partir dessa constatação, procurou-se debater a impossibilidade de tratar do tema fora do trabalho interdisciplinar, bem como, e principalmente, a importância de um estudo mais aprofundado de EA, vinculando teoria e prática, tanto na formação docente, como em projetos escolares, a fim de fugir do tradicional vínculo “EA e ecologia, lixo e horta”.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Immediate and Late Onset Forms of Insulin Hypersensitivity Presenting with Glucose Dysregulation

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    WOS: 000452210500009We report the case of a 35-year-old woman allergic to detemir, neutral protamine Hagedorn, and glargine. Initially, local reactions to the insulin preparations occurred, which continued even after the types of insulin and the application areas were changed. When the use of insulin therapy was continued, the local reactions developed into systemic forms. Interestingly, blood glucose levels kept increasing to uncontrolled levels every time the cutaneous reactions occurred. The patient was referred to our clinic for further investigation. The results of the skin prick tests with insulin preparations were negative; however, the intradermal test results were positive with the following dilutions of the insulin preparations: 1/100 detemir, 1/100 glargine, 1/1.000 neutral protamine Hagedorn, and 1/1.000 regular insulin. The intradermal skin test results for glulisine, aspart, and lispro were negative. The levels of immunglobulin E specific to human insulin were high (194 kU/L; N 0-87 kU/L); whereas, the specific immunglobulin G4 levels were normal (35 mg/dL; N 0-125 mg/dL). We attempted to treat the patient with glulisine and aspart; however, similar reactions were observed with these insulin preparations as well. As we considered the levels of the anti-insulin antibodies and the late-onset local reactions, the insulin allergy in our patient was reckoned to be mediated by Type 1 and Type 4 hypersensitivity. The only insulin preparation that had never been used with this patient before was lispro, which also demonstrated negative intradermal skin test results. Therefore, we suggested the use of a continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion pump with lispro. Finally, the insulin hypersensitivity was successfully treated, and glycemic control was achieved


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    Objective: Early diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, the most frequent cause of morbidity and mortality in acromegaly, may be an efficient approach to extending the lifespan of affected patients. Therefore, it is crucial to determine any cardiovascular diseases in the subclinical period. The study objectives were to determine markers of subclinical atherosclerosis and asses heart structure and function

    Viral Pneumonias in Forensic Autopsies Evaluation and Classification of Histopathologic Changes With Microbiologic Correlation

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    Lower respiratory infections are commonly due to viruses and are the third largest cause of death. Respiratory tract viruses have a tendency to target the specific regions in the lung and can harm the host via direct effect of the virus and the host's inflammatory response. In this study, relationships between morphologic changes in the lung and the viral agent type isolated in the lung by the polymerase chain reaction technique were investigated. This study was performed retrospectively at 113 autopsy cases in the Council of Forensic Medicine in Istanbul. Slides from the lung tissues diagnosed as interstitial pneumonia and detected viral agent in polymerase chain reaction were evaluated and reviewed under light microscope by 2 pathologists simultaneously according to predetermined bronchiolar; alveolar; and interstitial findings. Alveolar findings were detected in 108 cases (95.6%), whereas interstitial and bronchiolar findings were detected in 91 (80.5%) and 38 (33.6%) cases, respectively. Intra-alveolar edema was the most common alveolar finding. Some findings such as multinucleated syncytial cells and smudge cells can aid the search for etiologic agent. Interstitial inflammation was the most common histopathologic finding in the lung in viral infections and the most prominent clue to viral infections in the lung histopathologically without discrimination of viral agent type