3,244 research outputs found

    Screening of seven microsatellite markers for litter size in Xinong Saanen dairy goat

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    Seven microsatellite markers OarAE101, BM1329, OarHH55, BM143, BMS2508, OarAE129 and OarFCB11 closely associated with high reproduction trait in sheep were analyzed for polymorphisms in Xinong Saanen dairy goat. The results indicated that there were high genetic polymorphisms at six microsatellite loci. The number of effective alleles (Ne), polymorphism information content (PIC) and average heterozygosity (He) were the highest at OarFCB11 and the lowest at OarAE129 in Xinong Saanen dairy goat. The analysis of the effect of the six polymorphisms microsatellite loci on the litter size of Xinong Saanen dairy goat indicated that these polymorphisms microsatellite loci had positive effect on the litter size.Key words: Microsatellite markers, Xinong Saanen dairy goat, genetic polymorphism, litter size

    Comparative study of intestine length, weight and digestibility on different body weight chickens

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    This experiment was conducted to compare the difference of digestibility on different body weight chickens. Twenty-seven (27) 58-week-old New Yangzhou Chickens of three grade sizes (small 2.0 kg, medium 2.5 kg, and large 3.0 kg) were selected and distributed into three groups (Groups 1 to 3) of nine birds/group, and each group was represented by three replicates. Nutrient retention ratio was determined by adopting whole gather excretion method. In the end of metabolism experiment, all the birds were killed, and the intestine length and intestine weight were measured. Results show that, the amount of feed intake and excretion increased along with body weight gain; the feed intake and excretion in group 3 were significantly higher than that in group 1 (P < 0.05). The sidelong lengths in the three groups were evidently different. Although, the intestinal length as well as the length of the jejunum, ileum and rectum appeared to be gradually improved with the body weight increase, there were no significant differences among the three groups (P > 0.05). The weightier the intestines, the more was body weight of the birds. The retention ratio of energy, crude fiber and neutral detergent fiber increased with body weight gain, but the differences were not significant (P > 0.05). It was concluded that there was no correlation between body weight and digestibility.Keywords: Digestibility, body weight, cock.African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(32), pp. 5097-510

    On the occurrence of competitive adsorption at the platinum-acetonitrile interface by using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

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    Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) from the platinum electrode-acetonitrile interface in the presence of iodide, the lithium cation, water, and pyridine was analyzed as a function of applied potential. It was found that the typical Raman band of cyanide species by the dissociation of the solvent acetonitrile upon adsorption onto highly roughened platinum electrode surfaces was detectable for all of the systems that were studied. However, the onset potential of the dissociation reaction of acetontrile differed for the four systems. We assume that competitive adsorption may exist between each of the above four species and the solvent acetonitrile molecule, especially at the dissociation reaction-active sites of the Pt surface. This competitive adsorption therefore significantly inhibits the decomposition reaction of acetonitrile. The interactions of these adsorbates with Pt are assumed to weaken in the sequence pyridine > I- > water approximate to Li+ on the basis of the observations of different negative shifts of the onset potential of acetonitrile decomposition. For the system with water or iodide, double-band character for the CN band was also detected. It is assumed to be due to the existence of two types of adsorbed ion pairs at the Pt surface: CN-...CH3CN and CN-...Li+/Na+

    Forehead EEG in Support of Future Feasible Personal Healthcare Solutions: Sleep Management, Headache Prevention, and Depression Treatment

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    © 2013 IEEE. There are current limitations in the recording technologies for measuring EEG activity in clinical and experimental applications. Acquisition systems involving wet electrodes are time-consuming and uncomfortable for the user. Furthermore, dehydration of the gel affects the quality of the acquired data and reliability of long-term monitoring. As a result, dry electrodes may be used to facilitate the transition from neuroscience research or clinical practice to real-life applications. EEG signals can be easily obtained using dry electrodes on the forehead, which provides extensive information concerning various cognitive dysfunctions and disorders. This paper presents the usefulness of the forehead EEG with advanced sensing technology and signal processing algorithms to support people with healthcare needs, such as monitoring sleep, predicting headaches, and treating depression. The proposed system for evaluating sleep quality is capable of identifying five sleep stages to track nightly sleep patterns. Additionally, people with episodic migraines can be notified of an imminent migraine headache hours in advance through monitoring forehead EEG dynamics. The depression treatment screening system can predict the efficacy of rapid antidepressant agents. It is evident that frontal EEG activity is critically involved in sleep management, headache prevention, and depression treatment. The use of dry electrodes on the forehead allows for easy and rapid monitoring on an everyday basis. The advances in EEG recording and analysis ensure a promising future in support of personal healthcare solutions

    Effects of sand burial and overstory tree age on seedling establishment in coastal Pinus thunbergii forests in the northern Shandong Peninsula, China

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    Coastal Pinus thunbergii (Japanese black pine) forests in the northern Shandong Peninsula of China recently experienced widespread natural regeneration failure. This study identifies critical factors that affect natural regeneration of P. thunbergii. Seeds from trees of various ages (13-32 years) were used to investigate the effects of age and burial depth in sand on germination and seedling establishment. Results show that seed density in 2-5 cm soil decreased with increased distance from the shoreline. Sand burial decreased seed germination but did not affect the relative growth rate of seedlings at depths from 0.5 to 3 cm. Germination, leaf mass ratio, and relative growth rates were higher with seedlings originating from older trees, all of which enhanced seedling resistance to sand burial. Tree age and seed burial were found to be determining factors for natural regeneration of the coastal P. thunbergii forest. Silvicultural treatments that promote quality of seed sources and mitigation of sand burial can be used in the future to improve the regeneration of these coastal forests

    A foodborne outbreak of gastroenteritis caused by vibrio parahaemolyticus and norovirus through non-seafood vehicle

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    Foodborne outbreaks caused by a mixed infection of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and norovirus have rarely been described. We reported a mixed outbreak of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and norovirus causing acute gastroenteritis in 99 staff members of a company in Guangdong, China, in May 2013, following consumption of roasted duck, an uncommon non-seafood vehicle for such mixed infection, in one meal served in the company's catering service. Epidemiological and laboratory findings indicated that a single asymptomatic food handler was the source of both pathogens, and the high rate of infection of both pathogens was exacerbated by the setting's suboptimal food hygiene practice. © 2015 Liu et al.published_or_final_versio

    In-Plane Orbital Texture Switch at the Dirac Point in the Topological Insulator Bi2Se3

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    Topological insulators are novel macroscopic quantum-mechanical phase of matter, which hold promise for realizing some of the most exotic particles in physics as well as application towards spintronics and quantum computation. In all the known topological insulators, strong spin-orbit coupling is critical for the generation of the protected massless surface states. Consequently, a complete description of the Dirac state should include both the spin and orbital (spatial) parts of the wavefunction. For the family of materials with a single Dirac cone, theories and experiments agree qualitatively, showing the topological state has a chiral spin texture that changes handedness across the Dirac point (DP), but they differ quantitatively on how the spin is polarized. Limited existing theoretical ideas predict chiral local orbital angular momentum on the two sides of the DP. However, there have been neither direct measurements nor calculations identifying the global symmetry of the spatial wavefunction. Here we present the first results from angle-resolved photoemission experiment and first-principles calculation that both show, counter to current predictions, the in-plane orbital wavefunctions for the surface states of Bi2Se3 are asymmetric relative to the DP, switching from being tangential to the k-space constant energy surfaces above DP, to being radial to them below the DP. Because the orbital texture switch occurs exactly at the DP this effect should be intrinsic to the topological physics, constituting an essential yet missing aspect in the description of the topological Dirac state. Our results also indicate that the spin texture may be more complex than previously reported, helping to reconcile earlier conflicting spin resolved measurements

    Silicon Mie Resonators for Highly Directional Light Emission from monolayer MoS2

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    Controlling light emission from quantum emitters has important applications ranging from solid-state lighting and displays to nanoscale single-photon sources. Optical antennas have emerged as promising tools to achieve such control right at the location of the emitter, without the need for bulky, external optics. Semiconductor nanoantennas are particularly practical for this purpose because simple geometries, such as wires and spheres, support multiple, degenerate optical resonances. Here, we start by modifying Mie scattering theory developed for plane wave illumination to describe scattering of dipole emission. We then use this theory and experiments to demonstrate several pathways to achieve control over the directionality, polarization state, and spectral emission that rely on a coherent coupling of an emitting dipole to optical resonances of a Si nanowire. A forward-to-backward ratio of 20 was demonstrated for the electric dipole emission at 680 nm from a monolayer MoS2 by optically coupling it to a Si nanowire