162 research outputs found

    Bragg spectroscopy of a superfluid Bose-Hubbard gas

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    Bragg spectroscopy is used to measure excitations of a trapped, quantum-degenerate gas of 87Rb atoms in a 3-dimensional optical lattice. The measurements are carried out over a range of optical lattice depths in the superfluid phase of the Bose-Hubbard model. For fixed wavevector, the resonant frequency of the excitation is found to decrease with increasing lattice depth. A numerical calculation of the resonant frequencies based on Bogoliubov theory shows a less steep rate of decrease than the measurements.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Suppression of power-broadening in strong-coupling photoassociation in the presence of a Feshbach resonance

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    Photoassociation (PA) spectrum in the presence of a magnetic Feshbach resonance is analyzed. Nonperturbative solution of the problem yields analytical expressions for PA linewidth and shift which are applicable for arbitrary PA laser intensity and magnetic field tuning of Feshbach Resonance. We show that by tuning magnetic field close to Fano minimum, it is possible to suppress power broadening at increased laser intensities. This occurs due to quantum interference of PA transitions from unperturbed and perturbed continuum. Line narrowing at high laser intensities is accompanied by large spectral shifts. We briefly discuss important consequences of line narrowing in cold collisions.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Theoretical model for ultracold molecule formation via adaptive feedback control

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    We investigate pump-dump photoassociation of ultracold molecules with amplitude- and phase-modulated femtosecond laser pulses. For this purpose a perturbative model for the light-matter interaction is developed and combined with a genetic algorithm for adaptive feedback control of the laser pulse shapes. The model is applied to the formation of 85Rb2 molecules in a magneto-optical trap. We find for optimized pulse shapes an improvement for the formation of ground state molecules by more than a factor of 10 compared to unshaped pulses at the same pump-dump delay time, and by 40% compared to unshaped pulses at the respective optimal pump-dump delay time. Since our model yields directly the spectral amplitudes and phases of the optimized pulses, the results are directly applicable in pulse shaping experiments

    The use of standards for identifying, codifying and transmitting expert ergonomic knowledge

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    Formal technical standards based on ergonomic principles can ensure that products, systems and services are fit for purpose, accessible and useable. The application of these standards should be used to ensure that items of technology meet political requirements for equality by enabling the full range of end users to participate in the digital society. Ergonomists and representatives of consumers participate in the specification and creation of these standards to ensure that their content is relevant, correct and up-to-date. They work to ensure that the standards accurately represent the needs and requirements of end users including amongst others people with disabilities, older people and people with different language and cultural backgrounds. A number of these standards are referenced in law and in procurement contracts. They are not often not used in higher education resulting in knowledge deficit for young technical professionals. The paper is based on the authors experience including working in the area of accessibility standardization and at a University which prides itself on the diversity of its staff and has students from more than 150 nations. The paper ends with a consideration of the way in which more effective use can be made of these standards

    Data triangulation in a user evaluation of the sealife semantic web browsers

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    There is a need for greater attention to triangulation of data in user-centred evaluation of Semantic Web Browsers. This paper discusses triangulation of data gathered during development of a novel framework for user-centred evaluation of Semantic Web Browsers. The data was triangulated from three sources: quantitative data from web server logs and questionnaire results, and qualitative data from semi-structured interviews. This paper shows how triangulation was essential in validation and completeness of the results, and was indispensable in ensuring accurate interpretation of the results in determining user satisfaction

    Cooling toolbox for atoms in optical lattices

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    We propose and analyze several schemes for cooling bosonic and fermionic atoms in an optical lattice potential close to the ground state of the no-tunnelling regime. Some of the protocols rely on the concept of algorithmic cooling, which combines occupation number filtering with ideas from ensemble quantum computation. We also design algorithms that create an ensemble of defect-free quantum registers. We study the efficiency of our protocols for realistic temperatures and in the presence of a harmonic confinement. We also propose an incoherent physical implementation of filtering which can be operated in a continuous way.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure

    Kemijski sastav endemske biljke Centaurea austro-anatolica i ispitivanje antimikrobnog djelovanja protiv multi-rezistentnih bakterija

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    Hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and ethanolic extracts of the aerial parts of C. austro-anatolica Hub.-Mor. (Asteraceae) were evaluated against microorganisms, including multi-resistant bacteria, using a paper disc diffusion method. The chloroform extract exhibited significant antibacterial activity toward all bacteria tested. The chemical composition of the chloroform extract was determined by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The major compounds of the extract were caryophyllene oxide (21.32 %), spathulenol (10.86 %), n-tricosanol (9.58 %) and geranyl isovalerate (8.71 %).Heksanski, kloroformski, etil-acetatni i etanolni ekstrakti vršnih dijelova biljke C. austro-anatolica Hub.-Mor. (Asteraceae) ispitivani su na antimikrobno djelovanje protiv multi-rezistentnih bakterija, koristeći difuzijsku metodu na papirnom disku. Kloroformski ekstrakt pokazao je značajno antibakterijsko djelovanje protiv svih testiranih bakterija. Kemijski sastav tog ekstrakta određivan je plinskom kromatografijom (GC) i plinskom kromatografijom-spektrometrijom masa (GC-MS). Najvažniji sastojci ekstrakta bili su kariofilen oksid (21,32 %), spatulenol (10,86 %), n-trikozanol (9,58 %) i geranil izovalerat (8,71 %)

    Formation and interactions of cold and ultracold molecules: new challenges for interdisciplinary physics

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    Progress on researches in the field of molecules at cold and ultracold temperatures is reported in this review. It covers extensively the experimental methods to produce, detect and characterize cold and ultracold molecules including association of ultracold atoms, deceleration by external fields and kinematic cooling. Confinement of molecules in different kinds of traps is also discussed. The basic theoretical issues related to the knowledge of the molecular structure, the atom-molecule and molecule-molecule mutual interactions, and to their possible manipulation and control with external fields, are reviewed. A short discussion on the broad area of applications completes the review.Comment: to appear in Reports on Progress in Physic

    Improving access to large-scale digital libraries through semantic-enhanced search and disambiguation

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    With 13,000,000 volumes comprising 4.5 billion pages of text, it is currently very difficult for scholars to locate relevant sets of documents that are useful in their research from the HathiTrust Digital Libary (HTDL) using traditional lexically-based retrieval techniques. Existing document search tools and document clustering approaches use purely lexical analysis, which cannot address the inherent ambiguity of natural language. A semantic search approach offers the potential to overcome the shortcoming of lexical search, but even if an appropriate network of ontologies could be decided upon it would require a full semantic markup of each document. In this paper, we present a conceptual design and report on the initial implementation of a new framework that affords the benefits of semantic search while minimizing the problems associated with applying existing semantic analysis at scale. Our approach avoids the need for complete semantic document markup using pre-existing ontologies by developing an automatically generated Concept-in-Context (CiC) network seeded by a priori analysis of Wikipedia texts and identification of semantic metadata. Our Capisco system analyzes documents by the semantics and context of their content. The disambiguation of search queries is done interactively, to fully utilize the domain knowledge of the scholar. Our method achieves a form of semantic-enhanced search that simultaneously exploits the proven scale benefits provided by lexical indexing

    Preparation and use of plant medicines for farmers' health in Southwest Nigeria: socio-cultural, magico-religious and economic aspects

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    Agrarian rural dwellers in Nigeria produce about 95% of locally grown food commodities. The low accessibility to and affordability of orthodox medicine by rural dwellers and their need to keep healthy to be economically productive, have led to their dependence on traditional medicine. This paper posits an increasing acceptance of traditional medicine country-wide and advanced reasons for this trend. The fact that traditional medicine practitioners' concept of disease is on a wider plane vis-à-vis orthodox medicine practitioners' has culminated in some socio-cultural and magico-religious practices observed in preparation and use of plant medicines for farmers' health management. Possible scientific reasons were advanced for some of these practices to show the nexus between traditional medicine and orthodox medicine. The paper concludes that the psychological aspect of traditional medicine are reflected in its socio-cultural and magico-religious practices and suggests that government should fund research into traditional medicine to identify components of it that can be integrated into the national health system