19 research outputs found

    Within- and across-breed genomic prediction using whole-genome sequence and single nucleotide polymorphism panels

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    International audienceBackground Currently, genomic prediction in cattle is largely based on panels of about 54k single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). However with the decreasing costs of and current advances in next-generation sequencing technologies, whole-genome sequence (WGS) data on large numbers of individuals is within reach. Availability of such data provides new opportunities for genomic selection, which need to be explored.MethodsThis simulation study investigated how much predictive ability is gained by using WGS data under scenarios with QTL (quantitative trait loci) densities ranging from 45 to 132 QTL/Morgan and heritabilities ranging from 0.07 to 0.30, compared to different SNP densities, with emphasis on divergent dairy cattle breeds with small populations. The relative performances of best linear unbiased prediction (SNP-BLUP) and of a variable selection method with a mixture of two normal distributions (MixP) were also evaluated. Genomic predictions were based on within-population, across-population, and multi-breed reference populations.ResultsThe use of WGS data for within-population predictions resulted in small to large increases in accuracy for low to moderately heritable traits. Depending on heritability of the trait, and on SNP and QTL densities, accuracy increased by up to 31 %. The advantage of WGS data was more pronounced (7 to 92 % increase in accuracy depending on trait heritability, SNP and QTL densities, and time of divergence between populations) with a combined reference population and when using MixP. While MixP outperformed SNP-BLUP at 45 QTL/Morgan, SNP-BLUP was as good as MixP when QTL density increased to 132 QTL/Morgan.ConclusionsOur results show that, genomic predictions in numerically small cattle populations would benefit from a combination of WGS data, a multi-breed reference population, and a variable selection method

    Utility of whole-genome sequence data for across-breed genomic prediction

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    Background: Genomic prediction (GP) across breeds has so far resulted in low accuracies of the predicted genomic breeding values. Our objective was to evaluate whether using whole-genome sequence (WGS) instead of low-density markers can improve GP across breeds, especially when markers are pre-selected from a genome-wide association study (GWAS), and to test our hypothesis that many non-causal markers in WGS data have a diluting effect on accuracy of across-breed prediction. Methods: Estimated breeding values for stature and bovine high-density (HD) genotypes were available for 595 Jersey bulls from New Zealand, 957 Holstein bulls from New Zealand and 5553 Holstein bulls from the Netherlands. BovineHD genotypes for all bulls were imputed to WGS using Beagle4 and Minimac2. Genomic prediction across the three populations was performed with ASReml4, with each population used as single reference and as single validation sets. In addition to the 50k, HD and WGS, markers that were significantly associated with stature in a large meta-GWAS analysis were selected and used for prediction, resulting in 10 prediction scenarios. Furthermore, we estimated the proportion of genetic variance captured by markers in each scenario. Results: Across breeds, 50k, HD and WGS markers resulted in very low accuracies of prediction ranging from − 0.04 to 0.13. Accuracies were higher in scenarios with pre-selected markers from a meta-GWAS. For example, using only the 133 most significant markers in 133 QTL regions from the meta-GWAS yielded accuracies ranging from 0.08 to 0.23, while 23,125 markers with a − log10(p) higher than 7 resulted in accuracies of up 0.35. Using WGS data did not significantly improve the proportion of genetic variance captured across breeds compared to scenarios with few but pre-selected markers. Conclusions: Our results demonstrated that the accuracy of across-breed GP can be improved by using markers that are pre-selected from WGS based on their potential causal effect. We also showed that simply increasing the number of markers up to the WGS level does not increase the accuracy of across-breed prediction, even when markers that are expected to have a causal effect are included

    A predictive assessment of genetic correlations between traits in chickens using markers

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    International audienceAbstractBackgroundGenomic selection has been successfully implemented in plant and animal breeding programs to shorten generation intervals and accelerate genetic progress per unit of time. In practice, genomic selection can be used to improve several correlated traits simultaneously via multiple-trait prediction, which exploits correlations between traits. However, few studies have explored multiple-trait genomic selection. Our aim was to infer genetic correlations between three traits measured in broiler chickens by exploring kinship matrices based on a linear combination of measures of pedigree and marker-based relatedness. A predictive assessment was used to gauge genetic correlations.MethodsA multivariate genomic best linear unbiased prediction model was designed to combine information from pedigree and genome-wide markers in order to assess genetic correlations between three complex traits in chickens, i.e. body weight at 35 days of age (BW), ultrasound area of breast meat (BM) and hen-house egg production (HHP). A dataset with 1351 birds that were genotyped with the 600 K Affymetrix platform was used. A kinship kernel (K) was constructed as K = λG + (1 − λ)A, where A is the numerator relationship matrix, measuring pedigree-based relatedness, and G is a genomic relationship matrix. The weight (λ) assigned to each source of information varied over the grid λ = (0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1). Maximum likelihood estimates of heritability and genetic correlations were obtained at each λ, and the “optimum” λ was determined using cross-validation.ResultsEstimates of genetic correlations were affected by the weight placed on the source of information used to build K. For example, the genetic correlation between BW–HHP and BM–HHP changed markedly when λ varied from 0 (only A used for measuring relatedness) to 1 (only genomic information used). As λ increased, predictive correlations (correlation between observed phenotypes and predicted breeding values) increased and mean-squared predictive error decreased. However, the improvement in predictive ability was not monotonic, with an optimum found at some 0 < λ < 1, i.e., when both sources of information were used together.ConclusionsOur findings indicate that multiple-trait prediction may benefit from combining pedigree and marker information. Also, it appeared that expected correlated responses to selection computed from standard theory may differ from realized responses. The predictive assessment provided a metric for performance evaluation as well as a means for expressing uncertainty of outcomes of multiple-trait selection