55 research outputs found

    Effects of Gradient Photoperiod and Temperature on Energy Metabolism and Body Composition in Tupaia belangeri chinensis

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    In order to explore the adaptive changes in energy metabolism and body composition in response to a gradual reduction in both ambient temperature and photoperiod, male adult tree shrews Tupaia belangeri chinensis were raised under the conditions of 30 oC and 12L:12D photoperiod (control group). The treatment group was changed from 25 oC and 16L:8D photoperiod to 5 oC and 8L:16D photoperiod (treatment group) over a period of four weeks and then maintained at those conditions for a further 4 weeks. Changes in body mass, resting metabolic rates (RMR),energy intake, and wet and dry mass of organs and tissues were measured at the end of the acclimation. Body mass in treatment tree shrews was higher than control. RMR showed significant differences between groups. No significant differences were detected in dry matter intake, energy intake, and digestible energy intake in control tree shrews during the whole acclimation period, while these parameters were significantly increased within treatment tree shrews at the end of acclimation, and were significantly higher than those in control tree shrews. Small intestine and stomach dry mass, as well as the wet mass of small intestine, heart, lung, liver and kidney were significantly higher in treatment groups than in controls, but no significant differences were found in the mass of other organs and tissues. These results suggest that increasing body mass and energy intake, together with adjusting the mass of some organs and tissues, are important physiological changes in tree shrews to adapt the changing environmental conditions

    Investigation of food consumption of Jinuo ethnic minority residents in Jinghong district

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    ObjectiveTo analyze the dietary structure and food consumption status of Jinuo ethnic minority residents in Yunnan Province.MethodsThree hundred and ninty two Jinuo ethnic minority residents aged from 20 to 80 were selected from 12 inhabited neighborhood of Jinghong distrisct in Yunnan Province by stratified cluster sampling method. Their dietary structure were investigated by dietary survey and questionnaire. T-test and the nonparametric Wilcoxon rank sum test were utilized to analyze their dietary intake and nutritional status.ResultsThe average intake per standard person day was calculated. The amount of cereal and potato intake was 297.1 g (rice and its products 264.5 g, flour and their products 13.0 g, other cereals 0.4 g, potato 19.2 g). The intake of vegetable was 228.3 g (dark vegetable 49.7 g, light vegetable 178.6 g). The intakes of fruit, animalistic food, aquatic products, milk and its products, beans and its products, nuts, cooking oil and salt were 59.3, 137.2, 29.0, 7.0, 27.5, 5.0, 42.0, 8.4 g, respectively. The intakes of fruit, animal food, beans and its products, aquatic products, nuts and cooking oil were higher than the average dietary intake for Chinese residents in Yunnan Province from 2010 to 2013, while the intakes of cereal and potato food, vegetable, fruit, eggs, milk and its products and salt were lower(P<0.05).ConclusionIt showed that the intake of nutrients in Jinuo ethnic minority residents aged from 20 to 80 years were insufficient in Jinghong district, Yunnan Province. Nutrition education and intervention need to be enhanced to promote better food consumption behavior to improve the nutrition status and health

    Mechanistic study of endothelium independent vasodilation effects of wogonin

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    Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi, locally known as HuangQin, and commonly as Baikal or Chinese skullcap, is an important herb in Chinese traditional medicine. The flavonoids from this plant are main active substances responsible for its medicinal applications. Wogonin is one such active ingredient derived from this plant. Here, we investigated the mechanism of the vasodilation effect of wogonin on isolated rat thoracic aortas. For this study, endothelium intact and endothelium removed thoracic aortic rings were prepared from rats. Using a tension transducer, the tension of the rat thoracic aortic rings was recorded. Results showed that wogonin is able to relax the endothelium-intact aortic rings, but L-NAME, indomethacin (Indo), and methylene blue (MB) could not reduce the tension in these rings. Wogonin was also able to relax endotheliumremoved rings. However, treatment with tetraethylammonium (TEA), BaCl2, glibenclamide (Gly), 4-aminopyridine (4-AP), and verapamil (Ver) had no effect on vasodilation induced by wogonin. Using wogonin to pre-treat endothelium-removed aortic rings reduced the contraction induced by K+. Pre-treatment of endothelium-removed aortic rings with wogonin markedly reduced the contraction induced by 10-6 M PE in Ca2+-free solution. It could be concluded that L-type calcium channels and intracellular Ca2+ release is inhibited by wogonin

    Mechanistic study of endothelium independent vasodilation effects of wogonin

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    34-40Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi, locally known as HuangQin, and commonly as Baikal or Chinese skullcap, is an important herb in Chinese traditional medicine. The flavonoids from this plant are main active substances responsible for its medicinal applications. Wogonin is one such active ingredient derived from this plant. Here, we investigated the mechanism of the vasodilation effect of wogonin on isolated rat thoracic aortas. For this study, endothelium intact and endothelium removed thoracic aortic rings were prepared from rats. Using a tension transducer, the tension of the rat thoracic aortic rings was recorded. Results showed that wogonin is able to relax the endothelium-intact aortic rings, but L-NAME, indomethacin (Indo), and methylene blue (MB) could not reduce the tension in these rings. Wogonin was also able to relax endotheliumremoved rings. However, treatment with tetraethylammonium (TEA), BaCl2, glibenclamide (Gly), 4-aminopyridine (4-AP), and verapamil (Ver) had no effect on vasodilation induced by wogonin. Using wogonin to pre-treat endothelium-removed aortic rings reduced the contraction induced by K+. Pre-treatment of endothelium-removed aortic rings with wogonin markedly reduced the contraction induced by 10-6 M PE in Ca2+-free solution. It could be concluded that L-type calcium channels and intracellular Ca2+ release is inhibited by wogonin

    Crystallization Control of N,N′-Dioctyl Perylene Diimide by Amphiphilic Block Copolymers Containing poly(3-Hexylthiophene) and Polyethylene Glycol

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    The preparation of micron- to nanometer-sized functional materials with well-defined shapes and packing is a key process to their applications. There are many ways to control the crystal growth of organic semiconductors. Adding polymer additives has been proven a robust strategy to optimize semiconductor crystal structure and the corresponding optoelectronic properties. We have found that poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) can effectively regulate the crystallization behavior of N,N′-dioctyl perylene diimide (C8PDI). In this study, we combined P3HT and polyethylene glycol (PEG) to amphiphilic block copolymers and studied the crystallization modification effect of these block copolymers. It is found that the crystallization modification effect of the block copolymers is retained and gradually enhanced with P3HT content. The length of C8PDI crystals were well controlled from 2 to 0.4 μm, and the width from 210 to 35 nm. On the other hand, due to the water solubility of PEG block, crystalline PEG-b-P3HT/C8PDI micelles in water were successfully prepared, and this water phase colloid could be stable for more than 2 weeks, which provides a new way to prepare pollution-free aqueous organic semiconductor inks for printing electronic devices


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    Opinnäytetyön kuvaus: Käsittelen opinnäytetyössäni lapsen kielen kehitystä kaksikielisessä perheessä. Tuon esille yhteiskunnan suhtautumisesta kaksikielisyyteen ja millainen merkitys sukulaisilla ja perheellä on lapsen kielen ja kulttuurin omaksumisessa. Lisäksi kuvaan lapsen kielen kehitystä ja miten kaksikielinen lapsi omaksuu kaksi kieltä. Teoreettinen ja käsitteellinen esittely: Käsittelen teoriaosuudessa kaksikielisyyttä ja lapsen kielen kehitystä ja kuinka se etenee. Liitän työhöni Bronfenbrennerin ekologisen teorian. Tarkastelen hieman mitä monikulttuurisuus on. Lisäksi kuvaan mitkä ovat neuvolan, päivähoidon ja koulun tuet kaksikieliselle lapselle ja perheelle. Metodologinen esittely: Kuvaan metodologisessa osiossa opinnäytetyöprosessin etenemistä. Aineiston keruumenetelmänä olen käyttänyt kyselylomaketta sekä haastattelua, jotka olen lähettänyt kahdelle kaksikieliselle perheelle, jotka antavat pohjan tarinalliseen kerrontaan. Pohdintani tukeutuu teoriaan. Keskeiset tutkimustulokset: Tarinoiden perusteella molemmilla perheillä on ollut samantyyliset strategiat kaksikielisyyden opettamisen suhteen. Ympäristöllä on suuri vaikutus lapsen kaksikielisyyteen. Siellä missä lapsi asuu, pysyy vahvempana kielenä se kieli mitä hän enemmän käyttää. Aineiston perusteella kyselyyn vastannut äiti ei ole saanut neuvolassa hänen mielestään tarpeeksi tietoa kaksikielisyyteen liittyvissä asioissa. Kielenkehityksen häiriöt eivät ole riippuvaisia siitä, onko lapsi kaksikielinen tai yksikielinen. Johtopäätökset: Perheen äidin mielestä, Norjan neuvolalla ei ole ollut valmiuksia tukea ja opastaa perhettä kaksikielisyyteen liittyvissä asioissa. Mielestäni päivähoidossa pyritään huomioimaan lapsen yksilölliset tarpeet ja koulu on parhaiten ottanut monikulttuurisuuden huomioon sekä alkanut mukauttamaan opetusta sen suuntaan. Perheen toteuttama kielistrategia on yleinen opetusmenetelmä kaksikielisissä perheissä.Thesis description: In my thesis I concentrate on the child’s bilingual abilities. In my thesis I will write about how the society reacts to bilingualism and what kind of meaning does the relatives and family have on how the child adapts to bilingualism and culture. I will also describ child’s bilingual progress in general as well as how a bilingual child adapts two languages. Theoretical summary: In the theoretical part I deal with bilingualism and child’s language development. I include Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory in my work. I also look into what multiculturalism is. I looked into what kind of support do child health care and schools give to bilingual families. Methodological summary: In the methological part I describe the process of this thesis. I collected my material by interviewing and sending out a questionnaire to two bilingual families which gives the base for the narrative story. The discussion is based on the theory. Main results: Based on the stories, I concluded that both families have very similar strategies on how to teach bilingualism to their children and that the environment has a huge impact on child’s bilingualism. Usually that language which child uses more is the dominating language. Based on the story, the mother felt that she hasn’t been given enough information about the bilingualism at the child health centre. Also the discruptions in language development are dependent on whether the child is bilingual or unilingual. Conclusions: Based on the mother’s opinion, the child health center hasn’t had enough capacities to support and guide the family on the issues concerning bilingualism. My opinion is that child’s unique needs are more taken into consideration in the daycare center and the school takes multiculturalism into consideration the best. The language strategy that the family executes on its own is common in bilingual families.Liitteenä myös opinnäytetyön kansi