42,876 research outputs found

    Intrinsic double-peak structure of the specific heat in low-dimensional quantum ferrimagnets

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    Motivated by recent magnetic measurements on A3Cu3(PO4)4 (A=Ca,Sr) and Cu(3-Clpy)2(N3)2 (3-Clpy=3-Chloropyridine), both of which behave like one-dimensional ferrimagnets, we extensively investigate the ferrimagnetic specific heat with particular emphasis on its double-peak structure. Developing a modified spin-wave theory, we reveal that ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic dual features of ferrimagnets may potentially induce an extra low-temperature peak as well as a Schottky-type peak at mid temperatures in the specific heat.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures embedded, Phys. Rev. B 65, 214418 (2002

    Single photon absorption by a single quantum emitter

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    We show that a three-level lambda quantum emitter with equal spontaneous emission rates on both optically active transitions can absorb an incident light field with a probability approaching unity, provided that the focused light profile matches that of the emitter dipole emission pattern. Even with realistic focusing geometries, our results could find applications in long-distance entanglement of spin qubits.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Extended-soft-core Baryon-Baryon Model II. Hyperon-Nucleon Interaction

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    The YN results are presented from the Extended-soft-core (ESC) interactions. They consist of local- and non-local-potentials due to (i) One-boson-exchange (OBE), with pseudoscalar-, vector-, scalar-, and axial-vector-nonets, (ii) Diffractive exchanges, (iii) Two-pseudoscalar exchange, and (iv) Meson-pair-exchange (MPE). This model, called ESC04, describes NN and YN in a unified way using broken flavor SU(3)-symmetry. Novel ingredients are the inclusion of (i) the axial-vector-mesons, (ii) a zero in the scalar- and axial-vector meson form factors. We describe simultaneous fits to the NN- and YN-data, using four options in the ESC-model. Very good fits were obtained. G-matrix calculations with these four options are also reported. The obtained well depths (U_\Lambda, U_\Sigma, U_\Xi) reveal distinct features of ESC04a-d. The \Lambda\Lambda-interactions are demonstrated to be consistent with the observed data of_{\Lambda\Lambda}^6He. The possible three-body effects are investigated by considering phenomenologically the changes of the vector-meson masses in a nuclear medium.Comment: preprint vesion 66 pages, two-column version 27 pages, 17 figure

    Modified spin-wave theory of nuclear magnetic relaxation in one-dimensional quantum ferrimagnets: Three-magnon versus Raman processes

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    Nuclear spin-lattice relaxation in one-dimensional Heisenberg ferrimagnets is studied by means of a modified spin-wave theory. Calculating beyond the first-order mechanism, where a nuclear spin directly interacts with spin waves through the hyperfine coupling, we demonstrate that the exchange-scattering-enhanced three-magnon nuclear relaxation may generally predominate over the Raman one with increasing temperature and decreasing field. Recent proton spin-lattice relaxation-time (T_1_) measurements on the ferrimagnetic chain compound NiCu(C_7_H_6_N_2_O_6_)(H_2_O)_3_2H_2_O suggest that the major contribution to 1/T_1_ be made by the three-magnon scattering.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation in the Ferrimagnetic Chain Compound NiCu(C_7_H_6_N_2_O_6_)(H_2_O)_3_2H_2_O: Three-Magnon Scattering?

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    Recent proton spin-lattice relaxation-time (T_1_) measurements on the ferrimagnetic chain compound NiCu(C_7_H_6_N_2_O_6_)(H_2_O)_3_2H_2_O are explained by an elaborately modified spin-wave theory. We give a strong evidence of the major contribution to 1/T_1_ being made by the three-magnon scattering rather than the Raman one.Comment: J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 16, No. 49, 9023 (2004

    Charge echo in a Cooper-pair box

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    A spin-echo-type technique is applied to an artificial two-level system that utilizes charge degree of freedom in a small superconducting electrode. Gate-voltage pulses are used to produce the necessary pulse sequence in order to eliminate the inhomogeneity effect in the time-ensemble measurement and to obtain refocused echo signals. Comparison of the decay time of the observed echo signal with estimated decoherence time suggests that low-frequency energy-level fluctuations due to the 1/f charge noise dominate the dephasing in the system.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation in One-Dimensional Heisenberg Ferrimagnets: Three-Magnon versus Raman Processes

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    Nuclear spin-lattice relaxation in one-dimensional Heisenberg ferrimagnets is studied by means of a modified spin-wave theory. We consider the second-order process, where a nuclear spin flip induces virtual spin waves which are then scattered thermally via the four-magnon exchange interaction, as well as the first-order process, where a nuclear spin directly interacts with spin waves via the hyperfine interaction. We point out a possibility of the three-magnon relaxation process predominating over the Raman one and suggest model experiments.Comment: to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 73, No. 6 (2004

    Effects of the sintering atmosphere on the superconductivity of SmFeAsO1-xFx compounds

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    A series of SmFeAsO1-xFx samples were sintered in quartz tubes filled with air of different pressures. The effects of the sintering atmosphere on the superconductivity were systematically investigated. The SmFeAsO1-xFx system maintains a transition temperature (Tc) near 50 K until the concentration of oxygen in quartz tubes increases to a certain threshold, after which Tc decreases dramatically. Fluorine losses, whether due to vaporization, reactions with starting materials, and reactions with oxygen, proved to be detrimental to the superconductivity of this material. The deleterious effects of the oxygen in the sintering atmosphere were also discussed in detail.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Experimental investigation of shock-cell noise reduction for dual-stream nozzles in simulated flight comprehensive data report. Volume 1: Test nozzles and acoustic data

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    Parameters which contribute to supersonic jet shock noise were investigated for the purpose of determining means to reduce such noise generation to acceptable levels. Six dual-stream test nozzles with varying flow passage and plug closure designs were evaluated under simulated flight conditions in an anechoic chamber. All nozzles had combined convergent-divergent or convergent flow passages. Acoustic behavior as a function of nozzle flow passage geometry was measured. The acoustic data consist primarily of 1/3 octave band sound pressure levels and overall sound pressure levels. Detailed schematics and geometric characteristics of the six scale model nozzle configurations and acoustic test point definitions are presented. Tabulation of aerodynamic test conditions and a computer listing of the measured acoustic data are displayed