62 research outputs found

    Law and Nonlegal Norms in Government Lawyers\u27 Ethics: Discretion Meets Legitimacy

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    This Essay is about the role of unwritten norms in the ethical decisionmaking of government lawyers. Because the ethical obligations of lawyers, including government lawyers, are closely tied to the legal rights and obligations of clients, this analysis necessarily depends on understanding the relationship between written law and unwritten norms. As we all know, however, written law leaves gaps, ambiguities, and zones of unregulated discretion. Prosecutors in the United States, for example, have virtually unreviewable discretion to decide who to investigate and charge, what charges to bring, and whether to offer immunity in exchange for cooperation. No one has a legal entitlement not to be prosecuted, nor does anyone else—official or private citizen—have the power to compel a prosecutor to bring charges. The president possesses nearly unconstrained discretion to grant clemency to people convicted of criminal offenses. The impeachment power of Congress is constrained only by the Constitution’s requirement that the president be charged with certain enumerated offenses, including the open-ended phrase “high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” In other areas, a government official may possess the legal authority to do something but may nevertheless be criticized for exercising that authority contrary to standards that are not reducible to positive law. The question is, what standards, norms, or ethical values, if any, constrain the actions of lawyers advising government officials who exercise their power within discretionary unwritten areas of the law? In other words, is there a type of official discretion that is distinguishable from the exercise of raw power or whimsical decision-making, despite being unconstrained by positive law? If so, what is its relationship to positive law and its claim to legitimate authority


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    Bu araştırmanın amacı, Kızılçam bitkisinden elde edinilen Pigmentin farklı elyaf türlerinden yapılmış kumaşlar üzerinde nasıl bir boyama etkisi göstereceğini araştırmak,bazı haslık derecelerini saptamak ve özellikle tekstil endüstrisinde kullanılabilirliğini incelemektir. Araştırma evrenini doğada bulunan ve boyarmadde özelliği olan bitkiler ve kumaş boyayan tekstil işletmeleri oluşturmaktadır. Örneklem olarak bitkisel boyarmadde özelliği olan Kızılçam ağacından elde edilen pigment ve işletme olarak Balaban Palamut, Kale Naturel ve Berteks Tekstil işletmeleri seçilmiştir. Balaban Palamut ve Kale Naturel işletmelerinde, Kızılçam kabuklarının pigment haline getirilme sürecinin incelenmesi için bu işletmelerde çalışan 26 kişiye görüşme formu uygulanmıştır. Kumaşların boyanması ve haslık ölçümleri de Berteks tekstil işletmesinde ise yapılmıştır. Kızılçam ağacının kabuğundan elde edilen pigmentin kumaş boyama işleminde kullanılması için boyama reçeteleri hazırlanmıştır. Bu boyama reçetelerine göre pamuk,yün, ipek ve polyester elyaftan oluşan bezayağı örgülü, desensiz kumaşlar boyanmıştır. Boyama işleminde şap, krem tartar, tanen, sodyum sülfat, kil suyu mordanları kullanılarak ve mordansız olmak üzere 24 deney yapılmıştır. Boyama sonrasında kumaşların yıkama, sürtünme ve ışık haslıkları ölçülmüş ve değerlendirilmiştir. Kızılçam pigmenti ve farklı mordanlar kullanılarak boyanan kumaşların renk ve renk tonlarının objektif olarak değerlendirilmesi için renk ölçüm cihazı ''colorimeter'' kullanılmış ve renk farklılığı (dE) değerleri tespit edilmiştir. Kızılçam pigmenti ile yapılan boyama işlemleri sonucunda ölçülen ışık, yıkama ve sürtünme haslıkları pamuk, yün ve ipek kumaşlarda istenilen düzeyde ve kullanılabilir durumdadır, polyester kumaşta ise kullanılabilir düzeyde değildir. Buna göre kızılçam pigmenti ile yapılan boyama işlemlerinin doğal liflerden elde edilen kumaşlarda uygulanabileceğini söylemek mümkündür.The purpose of this study is to examine the painting effects of the Pigment obtained from Calabrian Pine on fabrics made of different fibers, to determine some fastness rates and to examine its usability especially in textile industry. The sphere of the study involves plants present in nature which have painting specialities and textile businesses which engage in painting fabrics. As the sample, the pigment obtained from Calabrian Pine which has a painting speciality and as the businesses, Balaban Palamut, Kale Naturel ve Berteks Tekstil companies have been selected. In order to study the process of transforming Calabrian Pine barks into the mentioned pigment, interview forms have been filled with 26 employees from Balaban Palamut, Kale Naturel ve Berteks Tekstil companies. Painting of the fabrics and fastness measurements have been done in Berteks Tekstil company. Painting receipts have been drawn up for using the pigment obtained from Calabrian Pine in painting process. According to these receipts, woven and patternless fabrics consisting of cotton, wool, silk and polyester fibers have been painted. 24 experiments for painting process have been conducted by using schappe, cream tartar, tannin, sodium sulphate, clay water mordants and without mordants. After the painting process, washing, rubbing and light fastnesses of the fabrics have been measured and evaluated. For an objective evaluation of colors and color tones of fabrics painted using Calabrian Pine pigment and different mordants, a colorimeter has been used and color differentness (dE) values have been determined. Light, washing and rubbing fastnesses measured after the painting processes done by using Calabrian Pine pigment are at a desirable and usable level for cotton, wool and silk fabrics, whereas not at a usable level for polyester fabric. Accordingly, it is possible to say that the painting processes done by Calabrian Pine pigment are applicable in fabrics obtained from natural fibers