70 research outputs found

    Evaluation the oral hygiene conditions, oral Candida colonization and salivary Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacilli density in a group of ?-thalassemic children and adolescence

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    In this study, the prevalence and distribution of dental caries and oral hygiene conditions in a group of patients with ?-TM are evaluated and the results compared to age-and gender-matched healthy patients. In addition, oral candida colonization and the density of Streptococcus mutans (S.mutans) and Lactobacilli in the total saliva are assessed. This study involved 59 ?-TM patients between 6-16 years old (mean:11.59±3.22), who applied to the Department of Pedodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Akdeniz University, with ongoing follow-up, treatment and regular blood transfusions. All enrolled patients were diagnosed with ?-TM by the Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, Akdeniz University. As a control group, age-and gender-matched healthy 50 patients were included to the study. Plaque (p=0.001), DMFT (p=0.009) and DMFS (p=0.039) indices were significantly higher in the ?-TM patients, whereas, the oral hygiene status was significantly lower (p=0.004). Saliva buffering capacity average was insignificantly but slightly more in ?-TM patients(p=0.131). While S.mutans values were significantly higher in the ?-TM patients (p=0.002), no significant difference was found in the Lactobacillus (p=0.131) and Candida values (p=0.33). DMFT, DMFS, Plaque and oral hygiene indices and S.mutans values were found significantly different in ?-TM patients than healthy, control group patients, in this study

    Sepiolite-Palygorskite from the Hekimhan Region (Turkey)

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    Mineralogy and geochemistry of Paleocene ultramafic- and sedimentary-hosted talc deposits in the southern part of the Sivas Basin, Turkey

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    Talc deposits, located mainly in three areas of north-central Turkey, are present in the ophiolitic series of the Cretaceous and in siliciclastic rocks of the Paleocene. Talc deposits related to ophiolites are between tectonite and cumulate occuring as beds and/or lenses and 0.1-3 cm thick fracture fillings within a 5 m brecciated zone with a vein-type bedding. Sedimentary-hosted talc beds and semirounded to angular talc grains (0.1-2 cm) range in thickness from 0.1 to 30 cm within marls and conglomerates. Talc veins form lenses (a few meters long) and spheroidal and/or ellipsoidal nodules (1-10 cm). Calcite, dolomite, serpentine and/or mixed-layered illite-smectite (I-S) minerals are encountered in the talc samples. Serpentine with positive U and Hf anomalies, and talc with positive Nb and Zr anomalies, and negative Ta and Ce anomalies are typically depleted in P and Ti, based on chondrite-normalized trace element patterns. The light rare earth element content of sedimentary-hosted talc with a negative Gd anomaly is richer than those of ultramafic-hosted talc with a negative anomaly for Eu as well as serpentine. Significantly, talc with a uniquely sedimentary origin tends to be the principal source of Nb, Hf, Zr, La, Ce, Pr and nd with respect to serpentine. δO and δD values for talc range from +13.8 to +17.5‰ and -60 to -36‰, and those of serpentine are +9.4 and -88‰, indicating supergene conditions for sedimentary-hosted talc and hypogene for ultramafic-hosted tale. When compared with seawater, δ O data indicate temperatures of 68°C and 80-98°C for the sedimentary- and ultramafic-hosted talc formations, rspectively, and 100°C for serpentine, suggesting that talcification and serpentinization of ultramafic rocks both occured at nearly the same time with various stages. All data show that the talc occurences are divided into two types based on their mode of formation. The first corresponds to a serpentinization stage within the ophiolites. The others are the neoformation products of sedimentary deposition, diagenetic and post-diagenetic processes, rspectively. Sedimentary-hosted talc also seems to have inherited trace element and isotopic compositions from the parent ultramafic rocks

    Geochemistry of mixed-layer illite-smectites from an extensional basin, Antalya Unit, Southwestern Turkey

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    The Antalya Unit, one of the allochthonous units of the Tauride belt, is of critical, regional tectonic importance because of the presence of rifting remnants related to the break-up of the northern margin of Gondwana during Triassic time. Paleozoic-Mesozoic sedimentary rocks of the Antalya Unit consist mainly of calcite, dolomite, quartz, feldspar, and phyllosilicate (illite-smectite, smectite, kaolinite, chlorite, illite, chlorite-smectite, and chlorite-vermiculite) minerals. Illite-smectite (I-S) was found in all of the sequences from Cambrian to Cretaceous, but smectite was only identified in Late Triassic-Cretaceous sediments. R0 I-S occurs exclusively in early-diagenetic Triassic-Cretaceous units of the Alaki{dotless}rçay Nappe (rift sediments), whereas R3 I-S is present in late-diagenetic to low-anchimetamorphic Cambrian-Early Triassic units of the Tahtali{dotless}daǧ Nappe (pre-riftsediment s). Kübler Index (KI) values and the illite content of I-S reflect increasing diagenetic grades along with increasing depth. Majorelement, trace-element, rare-earth-element (REE), and stable-isotope (O and H) compositions were investigated in dioctahedral and trioctahedral smectites and I-S samples from the pre-rift and rift-related formations. Both total layer charge and interlayer K increase, whereas tetrahedral Si and interlayer Ca decrease from smectite to R3 I-S. Trace-element and REE concentrations of the I-S are greater in pre-rift sediments than in rift sediments, except for P, Eu, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Bi. On the basis of North American Shale Composite (NASC)-normalized values, the REE patterns of I-S in the pre-rift and rift sediments are clearly separate and distinct. Oxygen (δO) and hydrogen (δD) values relative to SMOW (Standard Mean Oceanic Water) of smectite and I-S reflect supergene conditions, with decreasing δO butincrea sing δD values with increasing diagenetic grade. Lower δD values for these I-S samples are characteristic of rift sediments, and pre-rift sediments have greater values. On the basis of isotopic data from these I-S samples, the diagenesis of the Antalya Unit possibly occurred under a high geothermal gradient (>35°C/km), perhaps originating under typical extensional-basin conditions with high heat flow. The geochemical findings from I-S and smectites were controlled by diagenetic grade and can be used as an additional tool for understanding the basin maturity along with mineralogical data


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    Bu çalışmada, Burdur gölü çevresinde yer alan Üst Kretase-Paleojen yaşlı denizel ve Neojen yaşh gölsel istiften 19 ölçülü kesit alınarak birimlerin tüm kayaç ve kil mineralojisi incelenmiştir. X-ışınları çözümlemeleriyle sedimanter istifi oluşturan kayaçlarda kalsit, dolomit, aragonit, kuvars, plajiyoklaz, K-feldispat, biyotit, muskovit, kil mineralleri (illit, klorit, korensit, simektit) ve analsim belirlenmiştir. Belirlenen bu minerallerden kalsit, dolomit ve aragonit kimyasal çökelme; illit ve klorit detritik, simektit ve korensit diyajenetik ve/veya transformasyon; analsim ise diyajenetik kökenlidir. Korensit, dolomit Üst Kretase; kalsit, simektit Paleosen-Alt Eosen; dolomit, simektit Orta-Üst Eosen; dolomit, illit, klorit Miyosen; dolomit, aragonit, simektit ve analsim Pliyosen yaşlı birimler için, tespit edilen karakteristik mineral parajenezleridir


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    Volkanosedimanter gölsel kayaçlardan oluşan Kırka basenindeki Orta-Üst Miyosen yaşlı borat yataklan, dolomitli kiltaşı/marnlar içerisinde mercekler biçiminde bulunmaktadır. Yatağın en alt ve üst kesimlerini ise karbonat kayaçtan çevrelemektedir. Borat yataklan temel kayaçlann oluşturduğu paleotopografik bir eşikle ve/veya düşey yönlü bloklarıma hareketleriyle birbirinden ayrılmış bölgenin iki kesiminde yer almaktadır. Basenin kuzeybatısı (Göcenoluk) sadece Ca-borat ile temsil edilirken, güneydoğusunda (Sarıkaya) borat mineralleri Na, NaCa ve Ca-borat biçiminde dikey ve yanal mineralojik zonlanma göstermektedir. Borat mineralleri bulunuş şekillerine/biçimlerine ve türlerine göre sinsedimanter, otijenez ve diyajenetik transformasyon gibi farklı süreçler sonucunda oluşmuşlardır

    Laryngeal Involvement of Rhabdomyosarcoma in an Adult

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    Background Although initial presentation of sarcomas in the head and neck region is relatively common, involvements of the larynx by rhabdomyosarcoma either primary or metastatic have been reported rarely. Case report A case of rhabdomyosarcoma in the right thigh, which involved laryngeal structures three years after the diagnosis, is presented. Conclusions The laryngeal involvement by primary and metastatic rhabdosarcomas is very rare, however when it occurs it can result in life treating upper airway obstruction. After emergency intervention, radiotherapy and / or chemotherapy must be undertaken for long-term benefit and surgery may be helpful only in selected cases.ScopusPubMe