58 research outputs found

    Organik Sultani Çekirdeksiz Üzüm Yetiştiriciliği

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    Bu projede, organik ürün olarak, talebi oldukça fazla Sultani Çekirdeksiz kuru üzüm üretimi ele alınmıştır. Çalışma, iki alt projeden oluşturulmuştur. I. Alt projede organik tarımda istenen minimum toprak işlemesi yanında ülkemizde bulunan ve birçok olumlu özelliklere sahip Zeolit (Klinoptilolitie mineral [Agro-clıno (NMF 900)]) kullanımı da denemede yer almıştır. II. Alt proje de ise Ege Bölgesi bağlarının ana hastalığı olan külleme mücadelesinde NaHCO3’ (içme sodasının) mevcut koşullardaki kullanım olanakları projede ele alınmıştır Bağlardaki ana zararlı da salkım güvesi olup her iki alt projede, salkım güvesi mücadelesinde tuzaklar asılarak zararlının ergin populasyonu bu tuzaklarla ilk ergin çıkışından uçuşlar sona erinceye kadar haftalık olarak izlenmiştir. Uçuş eğrileri ile tahmin-uyarı istasyonlarından elde edilen meteorolojik veriler ışığında gerekli uygulamalar yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda, KULTIVATOR ile toprak işleme sisteminin toprağa olumsuz etkisinin de en az düzeyde olduğu da dikkate alınarak önerilebileceği ortaya çıkmıştır. Yeşilyurt yöresi topraklarındaki mikrobiyal aktiviteyi arttırmada malç uygulaması önerilmesine karşın, bu uygulama diğer disiplinler tarafından uygun görülmediğinden alternatif olarak KULTIVATOR uygulaması tercih edilmektedir. Kükürt ve içme sodası uygulanan parsellerde külleme hastalık şiddeti konvansiyonel olan şahit parsele göre istatistiki öneme sahip düzeyde azalma kaydetmiştir. Konvansiyonel koşullardaki hastalığın daha fazla görülmesini uygun koşulları yaratacak yoğun vejetatif gelişmenin yaratmış olduğu düşünülmektedir. Kükürdün zararlıları baskılayıcı etkisi de bilindiğinden organik yetiştiricilikte Külleme mücadelesinde içme sodasına nazaran özellikle kükürdün tercih edilmesi uygun bulunmaktadır. Denemenin başladığı 2003 yılı baz alındığında Zeolit (Klinoptilolitie mineral [Agro-clıno (NMF 900)]) uygulamalarında verim ve kalite kriterlerinde artış olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Toprak işleme uygulamalarından toprağı çizerek işleme salkım sayısı ve verim bakımından önemli bulunurken pulluk+ diskharow ile işleme salkım ağırlığını; malç uygulamasının ise kuru maddeyi ve tane tutumunu arttırdığı görülmektedir. Yaprak alma uygulamalarından, 6 adet yaprak alınması kontrole nazaran verim, salkım sayısı ve salkım ağırlığını nispeten arttırmıştır. Proje konusu çalışma birimleri itibarıyla değerlendirildiğinde toprağın çizilerek işlenmesi (KULTIVATOR sistemi) ön plana çıkmaktadır

    Analysis of transcriptional profiles of Saccharomyces cerevisiae exposed to bisphenol A

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    Bisphenol A (BPA), an endocrine disrupting chemical, is used as a monomer in the production of epoxy resins and polycarbonates, and as a plasticizer in polyvinyl chloride. As such, it is produced in large quantities worldwide and continuously leaches into the environment. To capture the genome reprogramming in eukaryotic cells under BPA exposure, here, we used Saccharomyces cerevisiae as model organism and analyzed the genome-wide transcriptional profiles of S. cerevisiae BY4742 in response to BPA, focusing on two exposure scenarios: (1) exposure to a low inhibition concentration (50 mg/L; resulting in 70 % inhibition in cell number). Based on the transcriptional profiling analyses, 81 genes were repressed and 104 genes were induced in response to 50 mg/L BPA. Meanwhile, 378 genes were downregulated and 606 genes were significantly upregulated upon exposure to 300 mg/L BPA. While similar processes were affected by exposure to distinct BPA concentrations, including mitochondrial processes, nucleobase-containing small molecule metabolic processes, transcription from the RNA polymerase II promoter, and mitosis and associated processes, the number and magnitude of differentially expressed genes differ between low and high inhibition concentration treatments. For example, exposure to 300 mg/L BPA resulted in severe changes in the expression levels of several genes involved in oxidative phosphorylation, the tricarboxylic acid cycle, ribosomal activity, replication, and chemical responses. Conversely, only slight changes were observed in the expression of genes involved in these processes in cells exposed to 50 mg/L BPA. These results demonstrate that yeast cells respond to BPA in a concentration-dependent manner at the transcriptional level via different genes and provide insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying the modes of action of BPA

    Genome reprogramming in Saccharomyces cerevisiae upon nonylphenol exposure

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    Bioaccumulative environmental estrogen, nonylphenol (NP; 4-nonylphenol), is widely used as a nonionic surfactant and can affect human health. Since genomes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and higher eukaryotes share many structural and functional similarities, we investigated subcellular effects of NP on S.cerevisiae BY4742 cells by analyzing genome-wide transcriptional profiles. We examined effects of low (1 mg/l; 65% cell number reduction) inhibitory concentration exposures for 120 or 180 min. After 120 and 180 min of 1 mg/l NP exposure, 187 (63 downregulated, 124 upregulated) and 103 genes (56 downregulated, 47 upregulated), respectively, were differentially expressed. Similarly, 678 (168 repressed, 510 induced) and 688 genes (215 repressed, 473 induced) were differentially expressed in cells exposed to 5 mg/l NP for 120 and 180 min, respectively. Only 15 downregulated and 63 upregulated genes were common between low and high NP inhibitory concentration exposure for 120 min, whereas 16 downregulated and 31 upregulated genes were common after the 180-min exposure. Several processes/pathways were prominently affected by either low or high inhibitory concentration exposure, while certain processes were affected by both inhibitory concentrations, including ion transport, response to chemicals, transmembrane transport, cellular amino acids, and carbohydrate metabolism. While minimal expression changes were observed with low inhibitory concentration exposure, 5 mg/l NP treatment induced substantial expression changes in genes involved in oxidative phosphorylation, cell wall biogenesis, ribosomal biogenesis, and RNA processing, and encoding heat shock proteins and ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes. Collectively, these results provide considerable information on effects of NP at the molecular level

    Erbium oxide and Cerium oxide-doped borosilicate glasses as radiation shielding material

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    In this paper, the radiation shielding parameters such as linear attenuation coefficients (LAC, mu), mass attenuation coefficients (MAC, mu/rho), effective atomic numbers (Z(eff)), effective electron densities (N-eff), half value of layers (HVL) and mean free paths (MFP) were investigated for rare earth metal oxides (CeO2 and Er2O3) doped borosilicate (BS) glasses. The glass samples were manufactured by the mechanical alloying process CeO2, Er2O3, and BS powders. The radiation shielding parameters of the BS glass samples were determined at photon energies in the energy region of 22.16-59.54 keV using a high purity germanium detector. The theoretical results for MAC were obtained from WinXCom program. It was observed that theoretical and experimental results are compatible with each other. The radiation absorption increased with increasing the concentration of CeO2 and Er2O3 in the BS samples due to high density increasing with the concentration of CeO2 and Er2O3, which are high atomic mass. Furthermore, LAC, MAC, Z(eff,) and N-eff values for CeO2 and Er2O3 doped BS glass decreased with increasing photon energy. While the MAC value at 59.54 keV energy level for pure BS sample was 0.242 cm(2)/g, it increased to 0.624 cm(2)/g with CeO2 addition and 0.838 cm(2)/g with the addition of Er2O3. The and values of glass samples with Er2O3 were bigger than CeO2 doped glass samples owing to high atomic number. Consequently, it was determined that BS-Er2O3 glasses had better the radiation shielding capacity than BS-CeO2 glasses