161 research outputs found

    No Ghost State in the Brane World

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    We discuss the role of the trace part of metric fluctuations hMNh_{MN} in the Randall-Sundrum scenario of gravity. Without the matter, this field (h=ηMNhMNh=\eta^{MN}h_{MN}) is a gauge-dependent term, and thus it can be gauged away. But, including the uniform source T~MN\tilde{T}_{MN}, this field satisfies the linearized equation □4h=16πG5Tμμ\Box_4 h =16\pi G_5 T^{\mu}_{\mu}. This may correspond to the scalar ξ5\xi^5 in the bending of the brane due to the localized source. Considering the case of longitudinal perturbations (h5μ=h55=0h_{5\mu} =h_{55}=0), one finds the source relation T~μμ=2T~55\tilde{T}^{\mu}_{\mu}=2\tilde{T}_{55}, which leads to the ghost states in the massive modes. In addition, if one requires T44=2(T22+T33)T_{44}=2(T_{22}+T_{33}), it is found that in the limit of mh2→0m^2_h \to 0 we have the massless spin-2 propagation without the ghost state. This exactly corresponds to the same situation as in the intermediate scales of Gregory-Rubakov-Sibiryakov (GRS) model.Comment: 7 pages, no figure, the version to appear in PLB, comments on the matter source and references added, main results unchange

    Quantized Black Hole and Heun function

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    Following the simple proposal by He and Ma for quantization of a black hole(BH) by Bohr's idea about the atoms, we discussed the solvability of the wave equation for such a BH. We superficial solved the associated Schrodinger equation. The eigenfunction problem reduces to HeunB HH differential equation which is a natural generalization of the hypergeometric differential equation. In other words, the spectrum can be determined by solving the Heun's differential equation.Comment: 9 pages,Title Changed, 3 figures, Refrences adde

    Slowly rotating black holes in the Horava-Lifshitz gravity

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    We investigate slowly rotating black holes in the Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz (HL) gravity. For ΛW=0\Lambda_W=0 and λ=1\lambda=1, we find a slowly rotating black hole of the Kehagias-Sfetsos solution in asymptotically flat spacetimes. We discuss their thermodynamic properties by computing mass, temperature, angular momentum, and angular velocity on the horizon.Comment: 12 pages, no figures, version to appear in EPJ

    Thermodynamics of Chaplygin gas

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    We clarify thermodynamics of the Chaplygin gas by introducing the integrability condition. All thermal quantities are derived as functions of either volume or temperature. Importantly, we find a new general equation of state, describing the Chaplygin gas completely. We confirm that the Chaplygin gas could show a unified picture of dark matter and energy which cools down through the universe expansion without any critical point (phase transition).Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, version "Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Science

    Phase transitions for the Lifshitz black holes

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    We study possibility of phase transitions between Lifshitz black holes and other configurations by using free energies explicitly. A phase transition between Lifshitz soliton and Lifshitz black hole might not occur in three dimensions. We find that a phase transition between Lifshitz and BTZ black holes unlikely occurs because they have different asymptotes. Similarly, we point out that any phase transition between Lifshitz and black branes unlikely occurs in four dimensions since they have different asymptotes. This is consistent with a necessary condition for taking a phase transition in the gravitational system, which requires the same asymptote.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, a revised version to appear in EPJ

    Randall-Sundrum Gauge in the Brane World

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    We discuss the Randall-Sundrum (RS) choice for hMNh_{MN} in the brane-world. We begin with the de Donder gauge (transverse-tracefree) including scalar(h55h_{55}), vector(h5μh_{5\mu}) and tensor(hμνh_{\mu\nu}) in five dimensions for comparison. One finds that h55=0h_{55}=0 and h5μ=0h_{5\mu}=0. This leads to the RS choice. It appears that the RS choice is so restrictive for the five massless states, whereas it is unique for describing the massive states. Furthermore, one can establish the stability of the RS solution with the RS choice only.Comment: corrected some typographical mistakes, 11 pages with ReVTeX, no figur

    The absence of the Kerr black hole in the Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz gravity

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    We show that the Kerr metric does not exist as a fully rotating black hole solution to the modified Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz (HL) gravity with ΛW=0\Lambda_W=0 and λ=1\lambda=1 case. We perform it by showing that the Kerr metric does not satisfy full equations derived from the modified HL gravity.Comment: 35 pages, no figure

    Logarithmic corrections to the Bekenstein_Hawking entropy for five-dimensional black holes and de Sitter spaces

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    We calculate corrections to the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy formula for the five-dimensional topological AdS (TAdS)-black holes and topological de Sitter (TdS) spaces due to thermal fluctuations. We can derive all thermal properties of the TdS spaces from those of the TAdS black holes by replacing kk by −k-k. Also we obtain the same correction to the Cardy-Verlinde formula for TAdS and TdS cases including the cosmological horizon of the Schwarzschild-de Sitter (SdS) black hole. Finally we discuss the AdS/CFT and dS/CFT correspondences and their dynamic correspondences.Comment: 9 pages, version to appear in PL

    Quasinormal modes and hidden conformal symmetry in the Reissner-Nordstrom black hole

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    It is shown that the scalar wave equation in the near-horizon limit respects a hidden SL(2,R) invariance in the Reissner-Nordstrom (RN) black hole spacetimes. We use the SL(2,R) symmetry to determine algebraically the purely imaginary quasinormal frequencies of the RN black hole. We confirm that these are exactly quasinormal modes of scalar perturbation around the near-extremal black hole.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, version to appear in EPJ

    Dilaton gravity approach to three dimensional Lifshitz black hole

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    The z=3 Lifshitz black hole is an exact black hole solution to the new massive gravity in three dimensions. In order to understand this black hole clearly, we perform a dimensional reduction to two dimensional dilaton gravity by utilizing the circular symmetry. Considering the linear dilaton, we find the same Lifshitz black hole in two dimensions. This implies that all thermodynamic quantities of the z=3 Lifshitz black hole could be obtained from its corresponding black hole in two dimensions. As a result, we derive the temperature, mass, heat capacity, Bekesnstein-Hawking entropy, and free energy.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, version to appear in EPJ
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