880 research outputs found

    Surgical excision promotes tumor growth and metastasis by promoting expression of MMP-9 and VEGF in a breast cancer model

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    Surgery is still the main curative therapeutic modality for breast cancer. Although surgery often results in the successful removal of the primary tumor, its process could increase the risk of metastases of residual cancer cells. Understanding of the connection between breast cancer metastasis and surgical wound will lead to the establishment of a proper treatment strategy for postoperative cancer patient. Aim: To study the influence of surgical procedure on the metastasis of primary breast cancer. Methods: We established MDA-MB-435 human breast cancer xenograft model. Levels of Pro-matrix metalloproteinase 9 (Pro-MMP-9) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in host serum and tumors were tested at different time points with ELISA and zymography and correlated to tumor growth and postoperative metastasis. Results: Our study demonstrated surgical wound had promoting effect on tumor growth and pulmonary metastasis of human breast cells, if tumor cells remain in bodies. This effect might be related to the postoperative interaction of cancer and host cells, which resulted in expression of Pro-MMP-9. Surgical process could also increase the VEGF expression in tumor tissues. Conclusions: Surgical wound-produced host Pro-MMP-9 and tumor cell VEGF might be important mediators leading to metastasis of residual breast cancer after surgery.Хирургическое лечение до сих пор остается главным терапевтическим подходом при лечении больных раком молочной железы. Хотя хирургическое удаление опухоли в большинстве случаев достаточно эффективно, в то же время оно может увеличить риск метастазирования остаточных опухолевых клеток. Понимание связи между метастазированием при раке молочной железы и операционной раной позволит выбрать наилучшую стратегию постоперационного лечения. Цель: определить влияние хирургического вмешательства на метастазирование опухоли. Методы: была создана модель рака молочной железы человека в виде ксенотрансплантата MDA-MB-435. Уровень Pro-матричной металлопротеиназы 9 (Pro-MMP-9) и фактора роста эндотелия сосудов (VEGF) в сыворотке реципиента и опухолях оценивались в разные временные промежутки методом ELISA и зимографии. При этом определяли наличие корелляции между этими показа- и зимографии. При этом определяли наличие корелляции между этими показа и зимографии. При этом определяли наличие корелляции между этими показателями, ростом опухоли и постоперационными метастазами. Результаты: было показано, что операционная рана способствует росту опухоли молочной железы и ее метастазированию в легкие в случае, когда при удалении опухоли в ране остаются опухолевые клетки. Это может быть связано с постоперационным взаимодействием опухолевых и окружающих их нормальных клеток, которое приводит к экспрессии Pro-MMP-9. Удаление опухоли может также способствовать увеличению экспрессии VEGF опухолевыми клетками. Выводы: Pro-MMP-9, экспрессируемый нормальными клетками, окружающими постоперационную рану, а также VEGF, продуцируемый опухолевыми клетками, могут быть важными медиаторами метастазирования остаточных опухолевых клеток после хирургического вмешательства

    Nucleon-nucleus scattering as a test of shell structure of some light mass exotic nuclei

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    Shell model wave functions have been used to form microscopic g-folding optical potentials with which elastic scattering data from 8He, 10,11C, and 18,20,22O scattering on hydrogen has been analyzed. Those potentials, the effective two-nucleon interaction used in their formation, and the shell model details, then have been used in distorted wave approximation calculations of differential cross sections from inelastic scattering to the first excited states of five of those radioactive ions.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Spin-Peierls transition in an anisotropic two-dimensional XY model

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    The two-dimensional Jordan-Wigner transformation is used to investigate the zero temperature spin-Peierls transition for an anisotropic two-dimensional XY model in adiabatic limit. The phase diagram between the dimerized (D) state and uniform (U) state is shown in the parameter space of dimensionless interchain coupling hh (=J/J)(=J_{\perp}/J) and spin-lattice coupling η\eta. It is found that the spin-lattice coupling η\eta must exceed some critical value ηc\eta_c in order to reach the D phase for any finite hh. The dependence of ηc\eta_c on hh is given by 1/lnh-1/\ln h for h0h\to 0 and the transition between U and D phase is of first-order for at least h>103h>10^{-3}.Comment: 2 eps figures, considerable revisions were mad

    A Detailed Monte-Carlo Simulation for the Belle TOF System

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    We have developed a detailed Monte Carlo simulation program for the Belle TOF system. Based on GEANT simulation, it takes account of all physics processes in the TOF scintillation counters and readout electronics. The simulation reproduces very well the performance of the Belle TOF system, including the dE/dx response, the time walk effect, the time resolution, and the hit efficiency due to beam background. In this report, we will describe the Belle TOF simulation program in detail.Comment: To be submitted to NI

    Criticality in coupled quantum spin-chains with competing ladder-like and two-dimensional couplings

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    Motivated by the geometry of spins in the material CaCu2_2O3_3, we study a two-layer, spin-half Heisenberg model, with nearest-neighbor exchange couplings J and \alpha*J along the two axes in the plane and a coupling J_\perp perpendicular to the planes. We study these class of models using the Stochastic Series Expansion (SSE) Quantum Monte Carlo simulations at finite temperatures and series expansion methods at T=0. The critical value of the interlayer coupling, J_\perp^c, separating the N{\'e}el ordered and disordered ground states, is found to follow very closely a square root dependence on α\alpha. Both T=0 and finite-temperature properties of the model are presented.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figs., 1 tabl

    The temperature dependence of perpendicular anisotropy in Co/Pt and Co/Au multilayer films

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    Holo-UNet: hologram-to-hologram neural network restoration for high fidelity low light quantitative phase imaging of live cells

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    Intensity shot noise in digital holograms distorts the quality of the phase images after phase retrieval, limiting the usefulness of quantitative phase microscopy (QPM) systems in long term live cell imaging. In this paper, we devise a hologram-to-hologram neural network, Holo-UNet, that restores high quality digital holograms under high shot noise conditions (submW/cm2 intensities) at high acquisition rates (sub-milliseconds). In comparison to current phase recovery methods, Holo-UNet denoises the recorded hologram, and so prevents shot noise from propagating through the phase retrieval step that in turn adversely affects phase and intensity images. Holo-UNet was tested on 2 independent QPM systems without any adjustment to the hardware setting. In both cases, Holo-UNet outperformed existing phase recovery and block-matching techniques by ∼ 1.8 folds in phase fidelity as measured by SSIM. Holo-UNet is immediately applicable to a wide range of other high-speed interferometric phase imaging techniques. The network paves the way towards the expansion of high-speed low light QPM biological imaging with minimal dependence on hardware constraints.Zhiduo Zhang, Yujie Zheng, Tienan Xu, Avinash Upadhya, Yean Jin Lim, Alexander Mathews, Lexing Xie, And Woei Ming Le

    Single Atom and Two Atom Ramsey Interferometry with Quantized Fields

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    Implications of field quantization on Ramsey interferometry are discussed and general conditions for the occurrence of interference are obtained. Interferences do not occur if the fields in two Ramsey zones have precise number of photons. However in this case we show how two atom (like two photon) interferometry can be used to discern a variety of interference effects as the two independent Ramsey zones get entangled by the passage of first atom. Generation of various entangled states like |0,2>+|2,0> are discussed and in far off resonance case generation of entangled state of two coherent states is discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, revised version. submitted to Phys. Rev.