25 research outputs found

    Time Parameters of the Blink Reflex in Normal Subjects

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    Our study was aimed at estimating normal time values for the EMG waves recorded in the blink reflex test. The group examined included 400 healthy subjects (226 women and 174 men, with mean age about 50 years). There was no significant difference between the ages of the male and female subjects. The mean latency of the R1 wave in the response was 10.3 msec, while R2 was obtained after 32.5 msec, on average. The contralateral response component R2c was observed after 34.4 msec, on average. Gender did not influence the results, while age had a significant effect on R1 (P = 0.029) and R2c (P = 0.0003). The older the subject, the longer the latencies of the above waves. The data obtained on a rather large sampling of the tested subjects can be useful as normography for medical and neurophysiological purposes.У своєму дослідженні ми оцінювали нормальні часові параметри хвиль ЕМГ, що реєструвалися при тестуванні рефлексу кліпання. До обстеженої групи ввійшли 400 здорових осіб (226 жінок та 174 чоловіки, середній вік близько 50 років) без істотної різниці віку в групах чоловіків і жінок. Середній латентний період (ЛП) хвилі R1 у складі досліджуваної рефлекторної відповіді складав 10.30, а хвилі R2 – 32.51 мс. Контралатеральний компонент відповіді R2c виникав із середнім ЛП 34.43 мс. Стать обстежених не впливала істотно на ці значення; в той же час останні демонстрували значну залежність від віку (R1, P = 0.029; R2c, P = 0.0003; чим старші були обстежені, тим довші були вказані ЛП). Результати, отримані на досить великій дослідженій групі здорових осіб, можуть бути корисними як нормографічні дані для медичних та нейрофизіологічних цілей

    Segurança Na Mudança Direta De Natalizumabe Para Fingolimode Em Um Grupo De Pacientes Com Esclerose Múltipla E Positivos Para Jcv

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    To assess safety of the switch between natalizumab and fingolimod without a washout period. Methods: Prospective data on 25 JCV positive patients who underwent this medication switch were collected and analyzed. Results: After a median period of nine months from the medication switch, there were no safety issues to report. The patients had good disease control and no adverse events were reported. Conclusion: Washout may not be necessary in daily practice when switching from natalizumab to fingolimod. Expertise on multiple sclerosis management, however, is essential for drug switching. © 2016, Associacao Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria. All Rights Reserved.74865065

    Factors associated with adherence to immunomodulator treatment in people with multiple sclerosis

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    Abstract To determine the association between factors and adherence to immunomodulator treatment in people with multiple sclerosis treated in reference centers. Cross-sectional study conducted with 188 people who used immunomodulators in three reference centers in Ceará from March to July 2012. Adherence was assessed using the Moriskscale and factors were assessed using a questionnaire addressing socioeconomic and personal characteristics, the disease, the use of immunomodulator and educational activities. The determination of the association was expressed in crude and adjusted odds ratio with a 95% confidence interval. Adherence rate was 46% and after the logistic regression model the adherence to immunomodulator treatment was positively associated with the following factors: age 18-38 years, time of diagnosis and treatment between 6 and 24 months, 0-3.5 score in the Expanded Disability Status Scale, perception of treatment benefits, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, phone contact with the doctor and not missing the return visit. This study is important because it allowed to determine the association between factors and adherence to immunomodulator treatment in multiple sclerosis, contributing to prevention and control actions

    The role of subfractions of high density lipoprotein in reverse cholesterol transport The rabbit as an experimental model

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:DX181243 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    How Do We Manage And Treat A Patient With Multiple Sclerosis At Risk Of Tuberculosis?

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    Tuberculosis continues to be a serious health problem worldwide. The disease continues to be underdiagnosed and not properly treated. In conditions that affect the immune system, such as multiple sclerosis (MS), latent tuberculosis may thrive and reactivate during the use of immunomodulatory and immunosuppressive drugs. Among the best treatment options for patients with latent or active tuberculosis who have MS are IFN-β, glatiramer acetate and mitoxantrone. Drugs leading to a reduced number and/or function of lymphocytes should be avoided or used with caution. Tuberculosis must always be investigated in patients with MS and treated with rigor.141112511260Noseworthy, J.H., Lucchinetti, C., Rodriguez, M., Weinshenker, B.G., Multiple sclerosis (2000) N Engl J Med, 343 (13), pp. 938-952Wingerchuk, D.M., Carter, J.L., Multiple sclerosis: Current and emerging disease-modifying therapies and treatment strategies (2014) Mayo Clin Proc, 89 (2), pp. 225-240Happe, L.E., Choosing the best treatment for multiple sclerosis: Comparative effectiveness, safety, and other factors involved in disease-modifying therapy choice (2013) Am J Manag Care, 19 (17), pp. s332-s342Freedman, M.S., Selchen, D., Arnold, D.L., Treatment optimization in MS: Canadian MS Working Group updated recommendations (2013) Can J Neurol Sci, 40 (3), pp. 307-323Norbis, L., Miotto, P., Alagna, R., Cirillo, D.M., Tuberculosis: Lights and shadows in the current diagnostic landscape (2013) New Microbiol, 36 (2), pp. 111-120Fritsche, A., Engel, R., Buhl, D., Zellweger, J.P., Mycobacterium 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    Efficacy, safety, and cost-effectiveness of glatiramer acetate in the treatment of relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis

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    The current Multiple Sclerosis (MS) therapeutic landscape is rapidly growing. Glatiramer acetate (GA) remains unique given its non-immunosuppressive mechanism of action as well as its superior long-term safety and sustained efficacy data. In this review, we discuss proposed mechanisms of action of GA. Then we review efficacy data for reduction of relapses and slowing disability as well as long term safety data. Finally we discuss possible future directions of this unique polymer in the treatment of MS