64,129 research outputs found

    Upaya Mewujudkan Pemenuhan Hak Atas Identitas Anak

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    Pemenuhan hak atas identitas bagi anak yang diwujudkan dalam bentuk akte kelahiran merupakan hak asasi bagi setiap anak. Pemenuhan hak atas identitas anak tersebut bukan semata menjadi tanggungjawab dan kewajiban setiap orangtua, namun merupakan tanggungjawab dan kewajiban Negara dan Pemerintah. Oleh karenanya Negara dan Pemerintah berupaya memenuhi tanggungjawab pemenuhan hak atas identitas bagi anak tersebut melalui beberapa regulasi kebijakan. Namun realitasnya upaya mewujudkan pemenuhan hak atas identitas bagi anak tersebut belum berjalan secara optimal. Penelitian ini mengungkap faktorfaktor apa yang mempengaruhi belum optimalnya upaya mewujudkan pemenuhan hak atas identias anak tersebut melalui teori sistem hukum sebagai pisau analisanya dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif dan yuridis empiris. Hasil penelitian bahwa diperlukan langkah kebijakan yang lebih aplikatif dalam upaya mewujudkan pemenuhan hak atas identitas bagi anak, yakni dengan mengedepankan prinsip bebas biaya, sederhana, mudah, cepat, transparan dan nyaman dalam proses pengurusan akte kelahiran

    Isolation, phenotype, and allostimulatory activity of mouse liver dendritic cells

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    Donor liver-derived dendritic cells (DC) have recently been identified within various lymphoid and nonlymphoid tissues of organ allograft recipients, including nonimmunosuppressed mice transplanted with and permanently accepting major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-disparate hepatic allografts. These findings have raised questions about the basis of the tolerogenicity of the liver—and, in particular, about the properties of liver-derived DC. To study further the structure, immunophenotype and allostimu-latory activity of leukocytes resident in normal mouse (B10.BR; H-2k, I-Ek) liver, a procedure was developed to maximize the yield of viable, nonparenchymal cells (NPC) obtained following collagenase digestion of perfused liver fragments and density centrifugation (Per-coll). These cells comprised populations expressing lymphoid and myeloid cell surface antigens. As compared with spleen cells, they proved good allostimula-tors of naive (BIO; H-2b, I-E") splenic T cells when tested in primary mixed leukocyte reactions (MLR). After overnight (18-hr) incubation of the NPC, enrichment for transiently adherent, low-density (LD) cells on metrizamide gradients permitted the recovery of low numbers of cells (approx. 2-5 × 105 per liver), many of which displayed distinct DC morphology. Flow cytometric analysis revealed that these cells were CD3-, CD4-, CD8-, and B220-, but strongly expressed CD45 (leukocyte-common antigen), and mild-to-moderate levels of CD lib, heat-stable antigen, and CD44. The cells also expressed moderate intensity of NLDC 145 but not 33D1, DC restricted markers which have been shown to be differentially expressed on mouse DC isolated from various organs. This DC-enriched population was more strongly MHC class II(I-Ek)+ than NPC, as determined by immunocytochemistry and flow cytometry and exhibited much more potent allo-stimulatory activity for naive T cells. These findings demonstrate that freshly isolated murine liver NPC, and perhaps their counterparts in situ, exhibit allo-stimulatory activity that is enhanced in the nonadherent, low-density (DC-enriched) fraction after overnight culture. They further suggest that the © 1994 by Williams and Wilkins

    Haematological Response and Blood Chemistry of Yankasa Rams Fed Graded Levels of Tamarindus indica (Tamarind) Leaves

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    A study was conducted to investigate the effect of graded levels of tamarind leaves (Tamarindus indica) based diets on the haematological and serum biochemical parameters of Yankasa rams. Twelve (12) rams with an average weight of 17.4 kg were allotted to three treatments. The treatments evaluated were 0%, 15% and 30% inclusion levels of the test ingredient in a Randomized Complete Block Design. The diets were iso-nitrogenous and the trial lasted for eight (8) weeks. Effect of the diets on haematology, serum chemistry and serum electrolytes were determined. The results reveal no significant difference (P> 0.05) in packed cell volume, red blood cell, haemoglobin, urea, total proteins, creatinine and the serum electrolytes between control and study animals. However, significant increases (P< 0.05) were obtained in the globulin (3.95, 4.05 and 4.45 g/dl for 0%, 15% and 30% inclusion levels respectively) and cholesterol levels (2.70, 3.20 and 3.60 mmol/l respectively) with increase in T. indica leaves. It is concluded that inclusion of tamarind leaves in the diet of Yankasa rams had no deleterious effect on the haematological parameters evaluated. It is recommended that further study on the feeding potential of T. indica be conducted on other species of livestock to ascertain the feeding value of same

    An Exact Formula for the Average Run Length to False Alarm of the Generalized Shiryaev-Roberts Procedure for Change-Point Detection under Exponential Observations

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    We derive analytically an exact closed-form formula for the standard minimax Average Run Length (ARL) to false alarm delivered by the Generalized Shiryaev-Roberts (GSR) change-point detection procedure devised to detect a shift in the baseline mean of a sequence of independent exponentially distributed observations. Specifically, the formula is found through direct solution of the respective integral (renewal) equation, and is a general result in that the GSR procedure's headstart is not restricted to a bounded range, nor is there a "ceiling" value for the detection threshold. Apart from the theoretical significance (in change-point detection, exact closed-form performance formulae are typically either difficult or impossible to get, especially for the GSR procedure), the obtained formula is also useful to a practitioner: in cases of practical interest, the formula is a function linear in both the detection threshold and the headstart, and, therefore, the ARL to false alarm of the GSR procedure can be easily computed.Comment: 9 pages; Accepted for publication in Proceedings of the 12-th German-Polish Workshop on Stochastic Models, Statistics and Their Application

    Status of Zero Degree Calorimeter for CMS Experiment

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    The Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC) is integral part of the CMS experiment, especially, for heavy ion studies. The design of the ZDC includes two independent calorimeter sections: an electromagnetic section and a hadronic section. Sampling calorimeters using tungsten and quartz fibers have been chosen for the energy measurements. An overview of the ZDC is presented along with a current status of calorimeter's preparation for Day 1 of LHC.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, to appear in the proceedings of CALOR06, June 5-9, 2006 Chicago, US

    In vitro propagation and homing of liver-derived dendritic cell progenitors to lymphoid tissues of allogeneic recipients: Implications for the establishment and maintenance of donor cell chimerism following liver transplantation

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    Dendritic cell (DC) progenitors were propagated in liquid culture from nonparenchymal cells resident in normal mouse (B10.BR; H-2k, I-E+) liver in response to granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF). The liver-derived DC progenitors were MHC class II-/dim and did not express counter receptors for CTLA-4, a structural homologue of the Т cell activation molecule CD28. Following subcutaneous or intravenous injection, these liver-derived cells migrated to Т cell-dependent areas of lymph nodes and spleen of unmodified, allogeneic (BIO; H-2b; I-E_) recipients, where they were identified 1-5 days, and 1 and 2 months after injection by their strong surface expression of donor MHC class II (I-Ek) and their dendritic morphology. Maximal numbers of liver-derived DC in the spleen were recorded 5 days after injection. Both clusters of strongly donor MHC class II+ cells— and (more rarely) dividing cells—could also be identified, suggesting cell replication in situ. Using the same techniques employed to generate DC progenitors from normal liver, GM-CSF-stimulated cells were propagated for 10 days from the bone marrow and spleen of nonimmunosuppressed mice sacrificed 14 days after orthotopic liver transplantation (B10;H-2b → C3H;H-2k). Immunocytochemical staining for recipient and donor MHC class II phenotype revealed the growth both of host cells with DC characteristics, and of cells expressing donor alloantigens (I-Ab). These results are consistent with the growth, in response to GM-CSF, of donor-derived DC from progenitors seeded from the liver allograft to recipient lymphoid tissue. The functional activity of the progenitors of chimeric DC and the possible role of these cells in the establishment and maintenance of donor-specific tolerance following liver transplantation remain to be determined. © 1995 by Williams and Wilkins

    Are Targets for Renewable Portfolio Standards Too Low? The Impact of Market Structure on Energy Policy

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    In order to limit climate change from greenhouse gas emissions, governments have introduced renewable portfolio standards (RPS) to incentivise renewable energy production. While the response of industry to exogenous RPS targets has been addressed in the literature, setting RPS targets from a policymaker’s perspective has remained an open question. Using a bi-level model, we prove that the optimal RPS target for a perfectly competitive electricity industry is higher than that for a benchmark centrally planned one. Allowing for market power by the non-renewable energy sector within a deregulated industry lowers the RPS target vis-à-vis perfect competition. Moreover, to our surprise, social welfare under perfect competition with RPS is lower than that when the non-renewable energy sector exercises market power. In effect, by subsidising renewable energy and taxing the non-renewable sector, RPS represents an economic distortion that over-compensates damage from emissions. Thus, perfect competition with RPS results in “too much” renewable energy output, whereas the market power of the non-renewable energy sector mitigates this distortion, albeit at the cost of lower consumer surplus and higher emissions. Hence, ignoring the interaction between RPS requirements and the market structure could lead to sub-optimal RPS targets and substantial welfare losses

    Grid workflow scheduling in WOSE

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    Tradable Performance-Based CO2 Emissions Standards: Walking on Thin Ice?

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    Climate policy, like climate change itself, is subject to debate. Partially due to the political deadlock in Washington, DC, US climate policy, historically, has been driven mainly by state or regional effort until the recently introduced federal Clean Power Plan (CPP). Instead of a traditional mass-based standard, the US CPP stipulates a state-specific performance-based CO2 emission standard and delegates considerable flexibility to the states in achieving the standard. Typically, there are two sets of policy tools available: a tradable performance-based and a mass-based permit program. We analyze these two related but distinct standards when they are subject to imperfect competition in the product and/or permit markets. Stylized models are developed to produce general conclusions. Detailed models that account for heterogenous technologies and the transmission network are developed to evaluate policy efficiency. Depending on the scenarios under consideration, the resulting problem could be either a complementarity problem or a Stackelberg leaderfollower game, which is implemented as a mathematical program with equilibrium constraints (MPEC). We overcome the nonconvexity of MPECs by reformulating them as mixed integer problems. We show that while the cross-subsidy inherent in the performance-based standard that might effectively reduce power prices, it could inflate energy demand, thereby rendering permits scarce. When the leader in a Stackelberg formulation has a relatively clean endowment under the performancebased standard, its ability to manipulate the electricity market as well as to lower permit prices might worsen the market outcomes compared to its mass-based counterpart. On the other hand, when the leader has a relatively dirty endowment, the "cross-subsidy" could be the dominant force leading to a higher social welfare compared to the mass-based program. This paper contributes to the current policy debates in regulating emissions from the US power sector and highlights different incentives created by the mass- and performance-based standards
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