10,581 research outputs found

    Laboratory studies of photodissociation processes relevant to the formation of cometary radicals

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    The strength of the C2(d 3 Pi g yields a 3 Pi u) Swan band emission in the spectra of cometary comae identifies this species as a prominent constituent of the coma gas. It was previously suggested that the formation of cometary C2 proceeds via the secondary photolysis of the C2H radical. The detection of C2H in the interstellar medium and the recent analysis of the radial variation in C2(delta V=O) surface brightness of Comet Halley support the postulate that C2 is a third-generation molecule. Measurement of the C2 and C2H translational energy distributions produced from the multiphoton dissociation (MPD) of acetylene at 193 nm are identified . Time-resolved FTIR emission studies of the nascent C2H radical formed in the C2H2 yields C2H + H reaction verify that this species is produced both vibrationally and electronically excited. A survey of the internal energy distributions of the C2 fragments produced from the MPD of acetylene using a high intensity ArF laser is currently in progress in the laboratory. Recent experiments have focused on the measurement of rotational energy distribution for the C2(A 1 Pi u, a 3 Pi u) fragments. The C2(a 3 Pi u) detection capability is currently being improved by performing this experiment in a molecular beam, thus allowing for discrimination between initial emission and laser-induced fluorescence (LIF). Although the experiments performed to date provide considerable evidence in support of C2H yields C2 + H reaction, there is an important distinction to be made when comparing the laboratory conditions to those typically found in comets. The C2H radicals generated in the laboratory experiments are formed vibrationally and/or electronically excited. Any rotationally/vibrationally excited C2H present in cometary comae will quickly undergo radiative relaxation in the infrared to their lowest rotational and vibrational state. Experiments are currently under way to confirm the cometary formation of C2 via the VUV dissociation of cold C2H

    Superconductivity mediated by the antiferromagnetic spin-wave in chalcogenide iron-base superconductors

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    The ground state of K0.8+x_{0.8+x}Fe1.6+y_{1.6+y}Se2_2 and other iron-based selenide superconductors are doped antiferromagnetic semiconductors. There are well defined iron local moments whose energies are separated from those of conduction electrons by a large band gap in these materials. We propose that the low energy physics of this system is governed by a model Hamiltonian of interacting electrons with on-site ferromagnetic exchange interactions and inter-site superexchange interactions. We have derived the effective pairing potential of electrons under the linear spin-wave approximation and shown that the superconductivity can be driven by mediating coherent spin wave excitations in these materials. Our work provides a natural account for the coexistence of superconducting and antiferromagnetic long range orders observed by neutron scattering and other experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Constraining the Skyrme effective interactions and the neutron skin thickness of nuclei using isospin diffusion data from heavy ion collisions

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    Recent analysis of the isospin diffusion data from heavy-ion collisions based on an isospin- and momentum-dependent transport model with in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross sections has led to the extraction of a value of L=88±25L=88\pm 25 MeV for the slope of the nuclear symmetry energy at saturation density. This imposes stringent constraints on both the parameters in the Skyrme effective interactions and the neutron skin thickness of heavy nuclei. Among the 21 sets of Skyrme interactions commonly used in nuclear structure studies, the 4 sets SIV, SV, Gσ_\sigma, and Rσ_\sigma are found to give LL values that are consistent with the extracted one. Further study on the correlations between the thickness of the neutron skin in finite nuclei and the nuclear matter symmetry energy in the Skyrme Hartree-Fock approach leads to predicted thickness of the neutron skin of 0.22±0.040.22\pm 0.04 fm for 208^{208}Pb, 0.29±0.040.29\pm 0.04 fm for 132^{132}Sn, and 0.22±0.040.22\pm 0.04 fm for 124^{124}Sn.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 1 Table, Talk given at 1) International Conference on Nuclear Structure Physics, Shanghai, 12-17 June, 2006; 2) 11th China National Nuclear Structure Physics Conference, Changchun, Jilin, 13-18 July, 200

    Loess and early land use: geoarchaeological investigation at the early Neolithic site of Guobei, Southern Chinese Loess Plateau

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    Prehistoric land use at the Guobei site and its relationship with the local environment are examined by applying OSL dating, micromorphological examination and geo-physical analysis. The majority of the OSL dates are of early to middle Holocene ages and are thus comparable to many OSL dates derived from other studies in the same region. According to the particle size analysis, silt-sized particles (2-60 μm) were predominant throughout the profiles examined. However, there are spatial and temporal variations of different size groups of particles throughout the profiles, which provide complementary information for the micromorphological interpretation. The total organic component of the samples examined through LOI is relatively high (all >. 2%), with those of the overlying Holocene deposits higher than those of the underlying Malan loess by about 0.2%. Moreover, in all three profiles, the highest organic contents appear in the palaeosols, confirming that there was greater organic accumulation during soil formation periods. The groundmass of most slides collected from the early to middle Holocene horizons displays a very homogeneous pattern, while the abundance and distribution of different kinds of pedo-features, mainly including clay textural, calcitic, iron/Mn and crustal features, vary greatly temporally and spatially. These different lines of information demonstrate diversified pedo/sedimentary processes due to variations in micro-environmental conditions and cultural activities. We discuss the importance of a palaeo-ecological perspective, allowed by the geoarchaeological study, to an improved understanding of the relationship between loess, changing hydrology, prehistoric farming practice and land use, and long-term landscape change in the Chinese Loess area. This will thus contribute to a comparison on the dynamic relationship between loess and prehistoric farming in other regions of the world such as Europe and North America

    Breathing oscillations of a trapped impurity in a Bose gas

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    Motivated by a recent experiment [J. Catani et al., arXiv:1106.0828v1 preprint, 2011], we study breathing oscillations in the width of a harmonically trapped impurity interacting with a separately trapped Bose gas. We provide an intuitive physical picture of such dynamics at zero temperature, using a time-dependent variational approach. In the Gross-Pitaevskii regime we obtain breathing oscillations whose amplitudes are suppressed by self trapping, due to interactions with the Bose gas. Introducing phonons in the Bose gas leads to the damping of breathing oscillations and non-Markovian dynamics of the width of the impurity, the degree of which can be engineered through controllable parameters. Our results reproduce the main features of the impurity dynamics observed by Catani et al. despite experimental thermal effects, and are supported by simulations of the system in the Gross-Pitaevskii regime. Moreover, we predict novel effects at lower temperatures due to self-trapping and the inhomogeneity of the trapped Bose gas.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Effects of Chinese Herbal Recipes on Immunity in Immunosuppressive Mice

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    The Chinese herbal formula consisting of Astragalus membranaceus, Epimedium brevicornum, Paeoniae Alba Radix and Radix Ophiopogonis in proper proportions were adopted in order to investigate the immunoenhancing properties of the herbal formula. Fifty ICR mice were randomly divided into 5 groups (NS,NS+Hy,L+Hy,M+Hy,H+Hy). The mice in hydrocortisone (Hy) groups were injected with hydrocortisone i.p. to induce the immunosuppressive condition. The mice in group NS were administered with normal saline as controls. The mice in groups NS+Hy, L+Hy, M+Hy, H+Hy were administered with normal saline, low, moderate and high dose of the herbal prescription respectively by gavage for 6 days. The level of serum hemolysin, the function of antibody function cell(AFC)and CD4+/CD8+ T cell ratio were measured at the end of experiments. The results showed that the level of serum hemolysin, the function of AFC and CD4+/CD8+ T cell ratio in L+Hy,M+Hy,H+Hy groups increased significantly compared with those in NS or NS+Hy groups. These results indicate that Chinese herbal medicine prescription can enhance humoral immunity and cellular immune function of the immunosuppressivemouse