8,060 research outputs found

    Novel Metaknowledge-based Processing Technique for Multimedia Big Data clustering challenges

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    Past research has challenged us with the task of showing relational patterns between text-based data and then clustering for predictive analysis using Golay Code technique. We focus on a novel approach to extract metaknowledge in multimedia datasets. Our collaboration has been an on-going task of studying the relational patterns between datapoints based on metafeatures extracted from metaknowledge in multimedia datasets. Those selected are significant to suit the mining technique we applied, Golay Code algorithm. In this research paper we summarize findings in optimization of metaknowledge representation for 23-bit representation of structured and unstructured multimedia data in order toComment: IEEE Multimedia Big Data (BigMM 2015

    Conjunctive queries with negation over DL-Lite: a closer look

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    While conjunctive query (CQ) answering over DL-Lite has been studied extensively, there have been few attempts to analyse CQs with negated atoms. This paper deepens the study of the problem. Answering CQs with safe negation and CQs with a single inequality over DL-Lite with role inclusions is shown to be undecidable, even for a fixed TBox and query.Without role inclusions, answering CQs with one inequality is P-hard and with two inequalities CoNP-hard in data complexity

    Made in the USA: Technological Corporatism, Infrastructure Regulation, and DuPont 1902-1917

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    The turn of the twentieth century radically renewed industrial organization across the United States. Early American corporations -- centralized manufacturing hubs with journeymen and apprentices laboring under one roof -- were seldom prepared for the transformations that scientific management and structural reorganization would bring to social relations. At the helm of World War 1, DuPont became the epitome of broader national restructuring. Through a close relationship with American military industries and legislatures, the DuPont brothers came to represent Business as an inseparable component of the State. While labor historiography has primarily focused on organizers’ relationship with regulators, important segments of its inverse -- the relationship between Industry and lawmakers -- have been ignored. In the history of DuPont’s growth lies the story of American labor’s disintegration and the organized dismantling of the civil rights campaigns. The reasons for the supposed failure of American workers to build a mass socialist party cannot be discovered in the structures of accumulation or labor markets alone, but in the insinuation of industrial change into the total sphere of American life. This paper dissects the evolution of DuPont along with American labor. The important question is why and how a corporate-state came to possess such a pervasive and socially dominant nature. DuPont is the ideal case study to analyze how capitalism transformed and joined American politicians in suppressing labor movements, writing policy, and engineering social attitudes between 1902 and 1917

    The evolution of sperm morphometry in pheasants

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    Postcopulatory sexual selection is thought to be a potent evolutionary force driving the diversification of sperm shape and function across species. In birds, insemination and fertilisation are separated in time and sperm storage increases the duration of sperm female interaction and hence the opportunity for sperm competition and cryptic female choice. We performed a comparative study of 24 pheasant species (Phasianidae, Galliformes) to establish the relative importance of sperm competition and the duration of sperm storage for the evolution of sperm morphometry (i.e. size of different sperm traits). We found that sperm size traits were negatively associated with the duration of sperm storage but were independent of the risk of sperm competition estimated from relative testis mass. Our study emphasises the importance of female reproductive biology for the evolution of sperm morphometry particularly in sperm storing taxa

    Early Life Relict Feature in Peptide Mass Distribution

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    Molecular mass of a biomolecule is characterized in mass spectroscopy by the monoisitopic mass M~mono~ and the average isotopic mass M~av~. We found that peptide masses mapped on a plane made by two parameters derived from M~mono~ and M~av~ form a peculiar global feature in form of a band-gap 5-7 ppm wide stretching across the whole peptide galaxy, with a narrow (FWHM 0.2 ppm) line in the centre. The a priori probability of such a feature to emerge by chance is less than 1:100. Peptides contributing to the central line have elemental compositions following the rules S=0; Z = (2C - N - H)/2 =0, which nine out of 20 amino acid residues satisfy. The relative abundances of amino acids in the peptides contributing to the central line correlate with the consensus order of emergence of these amino acids, with ancient amino acids being overrepresented in on-line peptides. Thus the central line is a relic of ancient life, and likely a signature of its emergence in abiotic synthesis. The linear correlation between M~av~ and M~mono~ reduces the complexity of polypeptide molecules, which may have increased the rate of their abiotic production. This, in turn may have influenced the selection of these amino acid residues for terrestrial life. Assuming the line feature is not spurious, life has emerged from elements with isotopic abundances very close to terrestrial levels, which rules out most of the Galaxy

    The efficient computation of transition state resonances and reaction rates from a quantum normal form

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    A quantum version of a recent formulation of transition state theory in {\em phase space} is presented. The theory developed provides an algorithm to compute quantum reaction rates and the associated Gamov-Siegert resonances with very high accuracy. The algorithm is especially efficient for multi-degree-of-freedom systems where other approaches are no longer feasible.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, revtex

    Multi-photon time-of-flight MLEM application for the positronium imaging in J-PET

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    We develop a positronium imaging method for the Jagiellonian PET (J-PET) scanners based on the time-of-flight maximum likelihood expectation maximisation (TOF MLEM). The system matrix elements are calculated on-the-fly for the coincidences comprising two annihilation and one de-excitation photons that originate from the ortho-positronium (o-Ps) decay. Using the Geant4 library, a Monte Carlo simulation was conducted for four cylindrical 22Na sources of beta plus decay with diverse o-Ps mean lifetimes, placed symmetrically inside the two JPET prototypes. The estimated time differences between the annihilation and the positron emission were aggregated into histograms (one per voxel), updated by the weights of the activities reconstructed by TOF MLEM. The simulations were restricted to include only the o-Ps decays into back-to-back photons, allowing a linear fitting model to be employed for the estimation of the mean lifetime from each histogram built in the log scale. To suppress the noise, the exclusion of voxels with activity below 2-10 percent of the peak was studied. The estimated o-Ps mean lifetimes were consistent with the simulation and distributed quasi-uniformly at high MLEM iterations. The proposed positronium imaging technique can be further upgraded to include various correction factors, as well as be modified according to realistic o-Ps decay models