470 research outputs found

    Encéphalopathie de Gayet-Wernicke compliquant des vomissements sur terrain de néoplasie colique

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    L'encéphalopathie de Gayet-Wernicke est une complication neuropsychiatrique aiguë secondaire à une carence en thiamine. Les vomissements incoercibles compliquant une obstruction intestinale chronique en sont une cause rare. Nous rapportons un cas d'encéphalopathie de Gayet-Wernicke compliquant des vomissements incoercibles sur terrain de néoplasie colique, chez une patiente de 60 ans

    Risk Factors for Dementia in a Senegalese Elderly Population Aged 65 Years and Over

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    Background: With the aging of the population, dementia is increasing worldwide. The objective of this study was to identify risk factors for dementia in an elderly population utilizing a primary health care service in Dakar, Senegal. Methods: Through a cross-sectional study conducted from March 2004 to December 31, 2005, 507 elderly patients aged ≥65 years who came to the Social and Medical Center of IPRES, Dakar, Senegal, were first screened with the screening interview questionnaire ‘Aging in Senegal’. Those who were cognitively impaired underwent a clinical examination to detect dementia. Univariate, bivariate, and multivariate logistic regression analyses were done. Results: The whole population had a mean age of 72.4 years (±5.2) and was mostly male, married, and non-educated. Hypertension, arthritis, and gastrointestinal diseases were the main health conditions reported in the past medical history. Smoking was important while alcohol consumption was rare. Social network was high. Forty-five patients (8.87%) had dementia. In the multivariate model, only advanced age, education, epilepsy, and family history of dementia were independently associated with dementia. Conclusion: The risk factors identified are also found in developed countries confirming their role in dementia. It is important to take dementia into consideration in Senegal and to sensitize the community for prevention

    Insights into pneumococcal pneumonia using lung aspirates and nasopharyngeal swabs collected from pneumonia patients in The Gambia.

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    We investigated the pathogenesis of pneumococcal pneumonia using clinical specimens collected for pneumonia surveillance in The Gambia. Lung aspirates and nasopharyngeal swabs from 31 patients were examined by culture, qPCR, whole genome sequencing, serotyping, and reverse transcription qPCR. Five lung aspirates cultured pneumococci, with a matching strain identified in the nasopharynx. Three virulence genes including ply (pneumolysin) were upregulated >20-fold in the lung compared with the nasopharynx. Nasopharyngeal pneumococcal density was higher in pediatric pneumonia patients compared with controls (p <0.0001). Findings suggest that changes in pneumococcal gene expression occurring in the lung environment may be important in pathogenesis

    Prévalence de la démence dans une population de personnes âgées sénégalaises

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    Description Avec le vieillissement de la population, survient la démence dans la population de personnes âgées. Objectif. L’objectif de cette étude était d’estimer la prévalence de cette affection dans une population de personnes âgées sénégalaises. Méthodes Par une étude transversale qui s’est déroulée du 01 mars 2004 au 31 décembre 2005, des personnes âgées de 55 ans et plus venant consulter pour un problème de santé au Centre Médico-Social et Universitaire de l’IPRES (Sénégal) ont été évaluées sur le plan clinique et neuropsychologique. Des données sur les caractéristiques sociodémographiques, les antécédents médico-chirurgicaux et familiaux, le mode de vie, le réseau social ont été collectées à l’aide d’un questionnaire structuré avec des réponses fermées. Résultat La population à l’étude était composée de 872 personnes. Elles avaient un âge moyen de 67,2 ans ± 7,5.Elles étaient de sexe masculin (62,6%), mariées (79%), non instruites (50,7%). Dans les antécédents, l’HTA, le diabète, les affections respiratoires, les affections rhumatismales, la cataracte et les troublesdigestifs étaient les plus fréquents. Le tabagisme et l’alcoolisme était faible alors que la marche constituait la principale activité physique. Les personnes âgées vivaient en famille avec un bon réseau social.Cinquante huit (58) personnes ont présenté une démence (6,6%). La prévalence de la maladie variait de manière significative avec l’âge et l’instruction. Conclusion Ce résultat confirme que la prévalence de la démence varie en fonction de l’âge et de l’instruction de la personne âgée

    An Improved Two-Particle Self-Consistent Approach

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    The two-particle self-consistent approach (TPSC) is a method for the one-band Hubbard model that can be both numerically efficient and reliable. However, TPSC fails to yield physical results deep in the renormalized classical regime of the bidimensional Hubbard model where the spin correlation length becomes exponentially large. We address the limitations of TPSC with improved approaches that we call TPSC+ and TPSC+SFM. In this work, we show that these improved methods satisfy the Mermin-Wagner theorem and the Pauli principle. We also show that they are valid in the renormalized classical regime of the 2D Hubbard model, where they recover a generalized Stoner criterion at zero temperature in the antiferromagnetic phase. We discuss some limitations of the TPSC+ approach with regards to the violation of the f-sum rule and conservation laws, which are solved within the TPSC+SFM framework. Finally, we benchmark the TPSC+ and TPSC+SFM approaches for the one-band Hubbard model in two dimensions and show how they have an overall better agreement with available diagrammatic Monte Carlo results than the original TPSC approach

    The endogenous subcellular localisations of the long chain fatty acid-activating enzymes ACSL3 and ACSL4 in sarcoma and breast cancer cells

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    Fatty acid uptake and metabolism are often dysregulated in cancer cells. Fatty acid activation is a critical step that allows these biomolecules to enter cellular metabolic pathways such as mitochondrial β-oxidation for ATP generation or the lipogenic routes that generate bioactive lipids such as the inositol phospholipids. Fatty acid activation by the addition of coenzyme A is catalysed by a family of enzymes called the acyl CoA synthetase ligases (ACSL). Furthermore, enhanced expression of particular ACSL isoforms, such as ACSL4, is a feature of some more aggressive cancers and may contribute to the oncogenic phenotype. This study focuses on ACSL3 and ACSL4, closely related structural homologues that preferentially activate palmitate and arachidonate fatty acids, respectively. In this study, immunohistochemical screening of multiple soft tissue tumour arrays revealed that ACSL3 and ACSL4 were highly, but differentially, expressed in a subset of leiomyosarcomas, fibrosarcomas and rhabdomyosarcomas, with consistent cytoplasmic and granular stainings of tumour cells. The intracellular localisations of endogenously expressed ACSL3 and ACSL4 were further investigated by detailed subcellular fractionation analyses of HT1080 fibrosarcoma and MCF-7 breast cancer cells. ACSL3 distribution closely overlapped with proteins involved in trafficking from the trans-Golgi network and endosomes. In contrast, the ACSL4 localisation pattern more closely followed that of calnexin which is an endoplasmic reticulum resident chaperone. Confocal immunofluorescence imaging of MCF-7 cells confirmed the intracellular localisations of both enzymes. These observations reveal new information regarding the compartmentation of fatty acid metabolism in cancer cells

    Fortification des farines tropicales par l’introduction de proteines vegetales et de champignons comestibles

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    La fortification des aliments de base des populations constitue un moyen efficace pour contribuer à la lutte contre l’insécurité alimentaire. Le présent travail a consisté à incorporer les champignons comestibles, Pleurotus florida et la pâte de niébé dans la farine de mil. Pour y parvenir, les champignons sont produits sur des substrats à base de son de riz et de paille d’arachide. La méthode d’incorporation utilisée pour assurer le mélange est la cuisson-extrusion du type mono vis. Les farines obtenues avec ou sans ajout des champignons sont caractérisées sur le plan nutritionnel. Les résultats obtenus ont montré que les teneurs en protéines des farines varient de 13,27 % à 18,48 %, celles en minéraux de 4,68 % à 8,98 %, le fer de 92,28 % à 101,89 %, le magnésium de 3,10 % à 3,32 %, le zinc et la matière grasse de 10,75 % à 11,90 %. Au vu des résultats obtenus, la meilleure farine serait la farine composée qui présente une teneur en protéines comprise entre 15 et 22,6 %, valeur recommandée par le Codex Alimentarius pour ce type de complément alimentaire destiné aux enfants. Dans ce mélange, après extrusion, tous les minéraux ont augmenté de 5,76 mg/100g pour le fer, 101,89 mg/100g pour le magnésium, et de 3,32 mg/100g pour le zinc. Parallèlement, le taux de matière grasse est de 11,90 %, inférieur à la valeur normale (15,5 %) fixée par le Codex Alimentarius.Mots clés : Champignons comestibles, farine fortifiés, farine de mil, niéb

    Impacts de l’utilisation des eaux polluées en agriculture urbaine sur la qualité de la nappe de Dakar (Sénégal)

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    L’agriculture urbaine de la région de Dakar est un secteur en plein essor. À cause de la salinisation progressive des eaux de la nappe peu profonde (eaux de Céanes ), des eaux usées brutes sont utilisées pour irriguer les champs. L’objectif de notre étude est d’évaluer la qualité chimique et microbiologique des eaux de la nappe sous-jacentes aux champs irrigués et d’identifier les sources de pollution. Notre travail a été effectué dans les sites de Pikine et de Patte d’Oie.L’analyse de la qualité chimique des eaux d’arrosage a montré qu’à Pikine, la conductivité des eaux de Céanes est plus élevée (4822±2411 µS cm-1) par rapport à celle des eaux usées (3579±1242 µS cm-1 ; p<0.04). Par contre à Patte d’Oie, les eaux d’arrosage sont moins salées (<3000 µS cm-1). La quantité d’azote total de tous les types d’eaux d’arrosage est supérieure à la valeur guide de l’OMS (5-30 mg l-1).Salmonella spp. a été isolée dans 35 % des eaux d’arrosage. Un échantillon d’eaux usées a été positif pour Vibrio cholerae.L’impact des eaux d’irrigation sur la qualité chimique et microbiologique de la nappe d’eau souterraine est fortement influencé par la pluviométrie et est différent selon le site considéré.Ce travail a montré que l’irrigation avec les eaux polluées et l’usage de fumiers organiques peut altérer la qualité de la nappe et constituer des risques pour la santé.In Dakar capital city of Senegal, the urban agriculture is in high expansion. Since the progressive increase of salinity in the local groundwater (Céanes water), raw wastewater is used to water the crops. The objective of this study is to assess chemical and microbiological quality of the groundwater underlying the irrigated plots and to identify the sources of pollution. This work was carried out in the sites of Pikine and Patte d’Oie in Dakar Senegal.Chemical analysis of irrigation water showed that in Pikine, the conductivity of Céanes water was higher (4822±2411 µS cm-1) than those of the wastewater (3579±1242 µS cm-1 ; p<0.04), while at Patte d’Oie it was less salted (<3000 µS cm-1). The quantity of total nitrogen of irrigation water in both sites was higher than the WHO’s threshold (5-30 mg l-1).Salmonella spp. was isolated in 35 % of the irrigation water. One wastewater sample was Vibrio cholerae positive.The impact of irrigation water on the chemical and microbiological quality of the groundwater is strongly influenced by precipitations and is different according to the site considered.This work showed that the use of polluted water and organic manures can spoil the quality of the groundwater and constitute a health threat.Urban agricultur

    Impact de la Cochenille Phenacoccus manihoti (Homoptera, Pseudococcidae) sur les rendements du manioc (Manihot esculenta) au Gabon

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    La cochenille Phenacoccus manihoti est l’une des causes de la chute des rendements du manioc au Gabon. Par la randomisation, nous avons étudié&nbsp; son impact sur la croissance de la plante et sur les rendements du manioc. P. manihoti réduit la croissance des plants à 40%, la distance entrenoeuds&nbsp; des tiges à 45%. Il diminue le nombre, la longueur et le diamètre des tubercules ; respectivement pour le nombre de 7 à 4, de 34 à 9&nbsp; cm pour la longueur et de 10 à 5 cm pour le diamètre en moyenne. L’action de la cochenille P. manihoti induit ainsi la dimunition de la croissance des&nbsp; plants et la baisse des rendements du manioc au Gabon. Pour protéger le manioc contre la cochenille, nous pensons que l’utilisation des&nbsp; techniques de lutte efficaces est indispensable. Elles pourraient même être associées, dans le cadre d’une lutte intégrée, excluant complètement la&nbsp; lutte chimique, à l’origine de beaucoup de problèmes environnementaux. Les auteurs ont enfin attiré l’attention des gouvernements africains sur la&nbsp; nécessité de promouvoir les politiques de développement agricole dans leurs pays. English title: Impact of the mealybug Phenacoccus manihoti (homoptera, pseudococcidae) on the yields of the cassava (Manihot esculenta) in Gabon The mealybug Phenacoccus manihoti is one of the causes in the drop of cassava yields in Gabon. Through the randomization, we have studied its&nbsp; impact on the growth of the plant and on the yields of the cassava. P. manihoti reduces the growth of the plants to 40%, the interval among knots of&nbsp; the stems to 45%. Its diminishes the number, the length and the diameter of the tubercules, respectively for the number of 7 to 4; of 34 to 9cm for&nbsp; the length and for 10 to 5cm for the average diameter. Thus, the share of the mealybug P. manihoti induces the lessening of the growth of the plants&nbsp; and the drop of the cassava yields in Gabon. For protect the cassava against the mealybug we think that the using of the efficient fight&nbsp; techniques is indispensable. They must even be assoociated in integrated fight excuding completely the chemical fight which induces meny&nbsp; environemental problems. At last the authors have attracted the car of the african governments abut the necessity to upgrade the agricultural&nbsp; development politics in theirs contries.&nbsp

    Effect of Deep-Fat Frying on Chemical Properties of Edible Vegetable Oils Used By Senegalese Households

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    Deep-fat frying performed at high temperatures under atmospheric pressure is a common method of preparing dishes in Senegalese culinary practices. This operation can lead to deterioration of physical, chemical, nutritional and sensory properties of oil, which affects its frying performance. It also results in the production of volatile products such as aldehydes and non volatile fraction which remains in the frying medium. Some of these remaining products have been implicated in producing adverse health effects. Highly oxidized oils may also produce polyaromatic hydrocarbons, which have carcinogenic effect. This work was intended to evaluate the effect of frying on chemical properties of edible vegetable oils. Frying process was applied to meat, fish and potatoes in Senegalese culinary conditions. Ten (10) oil samples, each of three different brands, were purchased from wholesalers and retailers in different neighborhoods of Dakar. The samples were subjected to frying at 220°C for 40 min and then oils were withdrawn in amber bottles samples of which were taken for analysis. Acid value, peroxide value and total polar components were used to evaluate the quality of these oils after initial determination of the iodine value and the moisture and volatile matter content. Acid value increased after 40 min of frying and values ranged from 0.62 to 1.08 mg/kg after frying fish, while those for meat and potatoes ranged from 0.39 to 0.73 and 0.37 to 0.51 mg/kg, respectively. Peroxide value increased slightly for peanut oil (A) and sharply for peanut oil (B) and sunflower oil (C). Frying fish led to high values of total polar components whereas those obtained after frying meat and potatoes during 40 min did not exceed 15.27% except for peanut oil (A). Therefore, frying affects chemical parameter values of edible vegetable oils, which increase at a level depending on the product to be fried. A sharp Total Polar components increase was obtained after frying fish using the three types of oil with values exceeding, sometimes, the maximum level set by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. This latter chemical parameter is considered a good indicator of overall quality of frying oil. Thus in Senegalese culinary practices where frying oil is often reused in families with low-income, such a situation may lead to significant sanitary risks. In view of these results, investigations need to be extended to other types of oil marketed in Senegal.Keywords: edible-oils, quality, frying, fish, mea
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