3,348 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of photon statistics using low performance photon counters

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    The output of a photodetector consists of a current pulse whose charge has the statistical distribution of the actual photon numbers convolved with a Bernoulli distribution. Photodetectors are characterized by a nonunit quantum efficiency, i.e. not all the photons lead to a charge, and by a finite resolution, i.e. a different number of detected photons leads to a discriminable values of the charge only up to a maximum value. We present a detailed comparison, based on Monte Carlo simulated experiments and real data, among the performances of detectors with different upper limits of counting capability. In our scheme the inversion of Bernoulli convolution is performed by maximum-likelihood methods assisted by measurements taken at different quantum efficiencies. We show that detectors that are only able to discriminate between zero, one and more than one detected photons are generally enough to provide a reliable reconstruction of the photon statistics for single-peaked distributions, while detectors with higher resolution limits do not lead to further improvements. In addition, we demonstrate that, for semiclassical states, even on/off detectors are enough to provide a good reconstruction. Finally, we show that a reliable reconstruction of multi-peaked distributions requires either higher quantum efficiency or better capability in discriminating high number of detected photons.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Superpixel Convolutional Networks using Bilateral Inceptions

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    In this paper we propose a CNN architecture for semantic image segmentation. We introduce a new 'bilateral inception' module that can be inserted in existing CNN architectures and performs bilateral filtering, at multiple feature-scales, between superpixels in an image. The feature spaces for bilateral filtering and other parameters of the module are learned end-to-end using standard backpropagation techniques. The bilateral inception module addresses two issues that arise with general CNN segmentation architectures. First, this module propagates information between (super) pixels while respecting image edges, thus using the structured information of the problem for improved results. Second, the layer recovers a full resolution segmentation result from the lower resolution solution of a CNN. In the experiments, we modify several existing CNN architectures by inserting our inception module between the last CNN (1x1 convolution) layers. Empirical results on three different datasets show reliable improvements not only in comparison to the baseline networks, but also in comparison to several dense-pixel prediction techniques such as CRFs, while being competitive in time.Comment: European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 201

    A study on PDC drill bits quality

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    The quality of innovating PDC (Polycrystalline Diamond Compact) bits materials needs to be determined with accuracy by measuring cutting efficiency and wear rate, both related to the overall mechanical properties. An original approach is developed to encompass cutting efficiency and wear contribution to the overall sample quality. Therefore, a lathe-type test device was used to abrade specific samples from various manufacturers. Post-experiment analyzes are based on models establishing coupled relationships between cutting and friction stresses related to the drag bits excavation mechanism. These models are implemented in order to evaluate cutting efficiency and to estimate wear of the diamond insert. Phase analysis by XRD and finite element simulations were performed to explain the role of physicochemical parameters on the calculated quality factor values. Four main properties of PDC material were studied to explain quality results obtained in this study: cobalt content in samples that characterizes hardness/fracture toughness compromise, undesired phase as tungsten carbide weakening diamond structure, diamond grains sizes and residual stresses distribution affecting abrasion resistance

    Adaptive Quantum Homodyne Tomography

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    An adaptive optimization technique to improve precision of quantum homodyne tomography is presented. The method is based on the existence of so-called null functions, which have zero average for arbitrary state of radiation. Addition of null functions to the tomographic kernels does not affect their mean values, but changes statistical errors, which can then be reduced by an optimization method that "adapts" kernels to homodyne data. Applications to tomography of the density matrix and other relevant field-observables are studied in detail.Comment: Latex (RevTex class + psfig), 9 Figs, Submitted to PR

    Unambiguous quantum state filtering

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    In this paper, we consider the generalized measurement where one particular quantum signal is unambiguously extracted from a set of non-commutative quantum signals and the other signals are filtered out. Simple expressions for the maximum detection probability and its POVM are derived. We applyl such unambiguous quantum state filtering to evaluation of the sensing of decoherence channels. The bounds of the precision limit for a given quantum state of probes and possible device implementations are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Binary optical communication in single-mode and entangled quantum noisy channels

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    We address binary optical communication in single-mode and entangled quantum noisy channels. For single-mode we present a systematic comparison between direct photodetection and homodyne detection in realistic conditions, i.e. taking into account the noise that occurs both during the propagation and the detection of the signals. We then consider entangled channels based on twin-beam state of radiation, and show that with realistic heterodyne detection the error probability at fixed channel energy is reduced in comparison to the single-mode cases for a large range of values of quantum efficiency and noise parameters

    Resolving the nature of electronic excitations in resonant inelastic x-ray scattering

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    The study of elementary bosonic excitations is essential toward a complete description of quantum electronic solids. In this context, resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) has recently risen to becoming a versatile probe of electronic excitations in strongly correlated electron systems. The nature of the radiation-matter interaction endows RIXS with the ability to resolve the charge, spin and orbital nature of individual excitations. However, this capability has been only marginally explored to date. Here, we demonstrate a systematic method for the extraction of the character of excitations as imprinted in the azimuthal dependence of the RIXS signal. Using this novel approach, we resolve the charge, spin, and orbital nature of elastic scattering, (para-)magnon/bimagnon modes, and higher energy dd excitations in magnetically-ordered and superconducting copper-oxide perovskites (Nd2CuO4 and YBa2Cu3O6.75). Our method derives from a direct application of scattering theory, enabling us to deconstruct the complex scattering tensor as a function of energy loss. In particular, we use the characteristic tensorial nature of each excitation to precisely and reliably disentangle the charge and spin contributions to the low energy RIXS spectrum. This procedure enables to separately track the evolution of spin and charge spectral distributions in cuprates with doping. Our results demonstrate a new capability that can be integrated into the RIXS toolset, and that promises to be widely applicable to materials with intertwined spin, orbital, and charge excitations

    Determination of the local structure of Sr2−x_{2-x}Mx_xIrO4_4 (M = K, La) as a function of doping and temperature

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    The local structure of correlated spin-orbit insulator Sr2−x_{2-x}Mx_xIrO4_4 (M = K, La) has been investigated by Ir L3_3-edge extended x-ray absorption fine structure measurements. The measurements were performed as a function of temperature for different dopings induced by substitution of Sr with La or K. It is found that Ir-O bonds have strong covalency and they hardly show any change across the N\'eel temperature. In the studied doping range, neither Ir-O bonds nor their dynamics, measured by their mean square relative displacements, show any appreciable change upon carrier doping, indicating possibility of a nanoscale phase separation in the doped system. On the other hand, there is a large increase of the static disorder in Ir-Sr correlation, larger for K doping than La doping. Similarities and differences with respect to the local lattice displacements in cuprates are briefly discussed.Comment: Main text: 6 pages, 4 figures, Supplemental information: 2 pages, 2 figure

    Multiphoton communication in lossy channels with photon-number entangled states

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    We address binary and quaternary communication channels based on correlated multiphoton two-mode states of radiation in the presence of losses. The protocol are based on photon number correlations and realized upon choosing a shared set of thresholds to convert the outcome of a joint photon number measurement into a symbol from a discrete alphabet. In particular, we focus on channels build using feasible photon-number entangled states (PNES) as two-mode coherently-correlated (TMC) or twin-beam (TWB) states and compare their performances with that of channels built using feasible classically correlated (separable) states. We found that PNES provide larger channel capacity in the presence of loss, and that TWB-based channels may transmit a larger amount of information than TMC-based ones at fixed energy and overall loss. Optimized bit discrimination thresholds, as well as the corresponding maximized mutual information, are explicitly evaluated as a function of the beam intensity and the loss parameter. The propagation of TMC and TWB in lossy channels is analyzed and the joint photon number distribution is evaluated, showing that the beam statistics, either sub-Poissonian for TMC or super-Poissonian for TWB, is not altered by losses. Although entanglement is not strictly needed to establish the channels, which are based on photon-number correlations owned also by separable mixed states, purity of the support state is relevant to increase security. The joint requirement of correlation and purity individuates PNES as a suitable choice to build effective channels. The effects of losses on channel security are briefly discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 19 figure
