230 research outputs found

    Advanced Open-Cycle Desiccant Cooling System

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    The concept of staged regeneration as means of improving the desiccant cooling system performance is the subject of investigation in this study. In the staged regeneration, the regeneration section of desiccant dehumidifier is divided into two parts and only the latter fraction is subjected to the desorption air stream which has been heated to the desired regeneration temperature. In the present work, the mathematical model describing the heat and mass transfer processes that occur during sorption of moisture in the desiccnnt dehumidifier includes both the gas-side (film) and solid-side resistances for heat and mass transports. The moisture diffusion in the desiccant material is expressed by gas-phase diffusion and surface diffusion. Effects of several parameters on the performance of desiccant cooling system with staged regeneration are investigated and the results of present model are compared with those of the lumped-resistance model. Results of this study show that coefficient of perfomnnce of the desiccant cooling system can be substantially improved by using the staged regeneration concept. There is an optimum stage fraction and optimum cycle time for given system parmeters and operating conditions. The results also indicate that the cooling system performance is higher than that predicted by the lumped-resistance model

    Synthetic Protocells Interact with Viral Nanomachinery and Inactivate Pathogenic Human Virus

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    We present a new antiviral strategy and research tool that could be applied to a wide range of enveloped viruses that infect human beings via membrane fusion. We test this strategy on two emerging zoonotic henipaviruses that cause fatal encephalitis in humans, Nipah (NiV) and Hendra (HeV) viruses. In the new approach, artificial cell-like particles (protocells) presenting membrane receptors in a biomimetic manner were developed and found to attract and inactivate henipavirus envelope glycoprotein pseudovirus particles, preventing infection. The protocells do not accumulate virus during the inactivation process. The use of protocells that interact with, but do not accumulate, viruses may provide significant advantages over current antiviral drugs, and this general approach may have wide potential for antiviral development

    Listeners form average-based representations of individual voice identities.

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    Models of voice perception propose that identities are encoded relative to an abstracted average or prototype. While there is some evidence for norm-based coding when learning to discriminate different voices, little is known about how the representation of an individual's voice identity is formed through variable exposure to that voice. In two experiments, we show evidence that participants form abstracted representations of individual voice identities based on averages, despite having never been exposed to these averages during learning. We created 3 perceptually distinct voice identities, fully controlling their within-person variability. Listeners first learned to recognise these identities based on ring-shaped distributions located around the perimeter of within-person voice spaces - crucially, these distributions were missing their centres. At test, listeners' accuracy for old/new judgements was higher for stimuli located on an untrained distribution nested around the centre of each ring-shaped distribution compared to stimuli on the trained ring-shaped distribution

    Atomic Force Microscopy Images Label-Free, Drug Encapsulated Nanoparticles In Vivo and Detects Difference in Tissue Mechanical Properties of Treated and Untreated: A Tip for Nanotoxicology

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    Overcoming the intractable challenge of imaging of label-free, drug encapsulated nanoparticles in tissues in vivo would directly address associated regulatory concerns over 'nanotoxicology'. Here we demonstrate the utility of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) for visualising label-free, drug encapsulated polyester particles of ~280 nm distributed within tissues following their intravenous or peroral administration to rodents. A surprising phenomenon, in which the tissues' mechanical stiffness was directly measured (also by AFM) and related to the number of embedded nanoparticles, was utilised to generate quantitative data sets for nanoparticles localisation. By coupling the normal determination of a drug's pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics with post-sacrifice measurement of nanoparticle localisation and number, we present for the first time an experimental design in which a single in vivo study relates the PK/PD of a nanomedicine to its toxicokinetics

    Programmable Assembly of DNA-Functionalized Liposomes by DNA

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in ACS Nano, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by publisher. To access the final edited and published work see http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/nn1030093Bionanotechnology involves the use of biomolecules to control both the structure and property of nanomaterials. One of the most studied examples is DNA-directed assembly of inorganic nanoparticles such as gold nanoparticles (AuNPs). However, systematic studies on DNA-linked soft nanoparticles, such as liposomes, are still lacking. We herein report the programmable assembly and systematic characterization of DNA-linked liposomes as a function of liposome size, charge, fluidity, composition, DNA spacer, linker DNA sequence, and salt concentration for direct comparison to DNA-directed assembly of AuNPs. Similar to the assemblies of AuNPs, sharp melting transitions were observed for liposomes where the first derivative of the melting curve full width at half-maximum (fwhm) is equal to or less than 1 °C for all of the tested liposomes, allowing sequence specific DNA detection. We found that parameters such as liposome size, charge, and fluidity have little effect on the DNA melting temperature. Cryo-TEM studies showed that programmable assemblies can be obtained and that the majority of the liposomes maintained a spherical shape in the assembled state. While liposome and AuNP systems are similar in many aspects, there are also important differences that can be explained by their respective physical properties.University of Waterloo || Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council |

    Chi godyajin unna tyohovu fiohxohunh - Ocaina : diccionario visual - Ocaina

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    El diccionario visual de nivel primaria es un recurso pedagógico para los estudiantes, se encuentran impresos en las diferentes lenguas de los pueblos originarios. El diccionario visual es un diccionario organizado en campos semánticos y presentan imágenes para apoyar e ilustrar la comprensión de las palabras y expresiones lingüísticas en la lengua originaria. Las palabras e imágenes de cada campo semántico se encuentran organizadas en orden alfabético. Las imágenes que acompañan a las palabras son propias y conocidas del contexto con la finalidad de garantizar su aprendizaje y el uso de la lengua

    Behavioural Correlate of Choice Confidence in a Discrete Trial Paradigm

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    How animals make choices in a changing and often uncertain environment is a central theme in the behavioural sciences. There is a substantial literature on how animals make choices in various experimental paradigms but less is known about the way they assess a choice after it has been made in terms of the expected outcome. Here, we used a discrete trial paradigm to characterise how the reward history shaped the behaviour on a trial by trial basis. Rats initiated each trial which consisted of a choice between two drinking spouts that differed in their probability of delivering a sucrose solution. Critically, sucrose was delivered after a delay from the first lick at the spouts – this allowed us to characterise the behavioural profile during the window between the time of choice and its outcome. Rats' behaviour converged to optimum choice, both during the acquisition phase and after the reversal of contingencies. We monitored the post-choice behaviour at a temporal precision of 1 millisecond; lick-response profiles revealed that rats spent more time at the spout with the higher reward probability and exhibited a sparser lick pattern. This was the case when we exclusively examined the unrewarded trials, where the outcome was identical. The differential licking profiles preceded the differential choice ratios and could thus predict the changes in choice behaviour

    Direct damage controlled seismic design of plane steel degrading frames

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    A new method for seismic design of plane steel moment resisting framed structures is developed. This method is able to control damage at all levels of performance in a direct manner. More specifically, the method: (a) can determine damage in any member or the whole of a designed structure under any given seismic load, (b) can dimension a structure for a given seismic load and desired level of damage and (c) can determine the maximum seismic load a designed structure can sustain in order to exhibit a desired level of damage. In order to accomplish these things, an appropriate seismic damage index is used that takes into account the interaction between axial force and bending moment at a section, strength and stiffness degradation as well as low cycle fatigue. Then, damage scales are constructed on the basis of extensive parametric studies involving a large number of frames exhibiting cyclic strength and stiffness degradation and a large number of seismic motions and using the above damage index for damage determination. Some numerical examples are presented to illustrate the proposed method and demonstrate its advantages against other methods of seismic design. © 2014, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht

    Biosafety of Non-Surface Modified Carbon Nanocapsules as a Potential Alternative to Carbon Nanotubes for Drug Delivery Purposes

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    BACKGROUND: Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have found wide success in circuitry, photovoltaics, and other applications. In contrast, several hurdles exist in using CNTs towards applications in drug delivery. Raw, non-modified CNTs are widely known for their toxicity. As such, many have attempted to reduce CNT toxicity for intravenous drug delivery purposes by post-process surface modification. Alternatively, a novel sphere-like carbon nanocapsule (CNC) developed by the arc-discharge method holds similar electric and thermal conductivities, as well as high strength. This study investigated the systemic toxicity and biocompatibility of different non-surface modified carbon nanomaterials in mice, including multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), carbon nanocapsules (CNCs), and C ₆₀ fullerene (C ₆₀). The retention of the nanomaterials and systemic effects after intravenous injections were studied. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: MWCNTs, SWCNTs, CNCs, and C ₆₀ were injected intravenously into FVB mice and then sacrificed for tissue section examination. Inflammatory cytokine levels were evaluated with ELISA. Mice receiving injection of MWCNTs or SWCNTs at 50 µg/g b.w. died while C ₆₀ injected group survived at a 50% rate. Surprisingly, mortality rate of mice injected with CNCs was only at 10%. Tissue sections revealed that most carbon nanomaterials retained in the lung. Furthermore, serum and lung-tissue cytokine levels did not reveal any inflammatory response compared to those in mice receiving normal saline injection. CONCLUSION: Carbon nanocapsules are more biocompatible than other carbon nanomaterials and are more suitable for intravenous drug delivery. These results indicate potential biomedical use of non-surface modified carbon allotrope. Additionally, functionalization of the carbon nanocapsules could further enhance dispersion and biocompatibility for intravenous injection

    Tunable Growth Factor Delivery from Injectable Hydrogels for Tissue Engineering

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    Current sustained delivery strategies of protein therapeutics are limited by the fragility of the protein, resulting in minimal quantities of bioactive protein delivered. In order to achieve prolonged release of bioactive protein, an affinity-based approach was designed which exploits the specific binding of the Src homology 3 (SH3) domain with short proline-rich peptides. Specifically, methyl cellulose was modified with SH3-binding peptides (MC-peptide) with either a weak affinity or strong affinity for SH3. The release profile of SH3-rhFGF2 fusion protein from hyaluronan MC-SH3 peptide (HAMC-peptide) hydrogels was investigated and compared to unmodified controls. SH3-rhFGF2 release from HAMC-peptide was extended to 10 days using peptides with different binding affinities compared to the 48 h release from unmodified HAMC. This system is capable of delivering additional proteins with tunable rates of release, while maintaining bioactivity, and thus is broadly applicable