2,403 research outputs found

    Exact variational dynamics of the multimode Bose-Hubbard model based on SU(M) coherent states

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    We propose a variational approach to the dynamics of the Bose-Hubbard model beyond the mean-field approximation. To develop a numerical scheme, we use a discrete overcomplete set of Glauber coherent states and its connection to the generalized coherent states studied in depth by Perelomov [Perelomov, Generalized Coherent States and Their Applications (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1986)]. The variational equations of motion of the generalized coherent state parameters as well as of the coefficients in an expansion of the wave function in terms of those states are derived and solved for many-particle problems with large particle numbers S and increasing mode number M. For M = 6, it is revealed that the number of complex-valued parameters that have to be propagated is more than one order of magnitude less than in an expansion in terms of Fock states

    Comprehensive structural model of the mechanochemical cycle of a mitotic motor highlights molecular adaptations in the kinesin family

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    Kinesins are responsible for a wide variety of microtubule-based, ATP-dependent functions. Their motor domain drives these activities but the molecular adaptations that specify these diverse and essential cellular activities are poorly understood. It has been assumed that the first identified kinesin - the transport motor kinesin-1 – is the mechanistic paradigm for the entire superfamily, but accumulating evidence suggests that this is not the case. To address the deficits in our understanding of the molecular basis of functional divergence within the kinesin superfamily, we studied kinesin-5s, which are essential mitotic motors whose inhibition blocks cell division. Using cryo-electron microscopy and subnanometer resolution structure determination, we have visualised conformations of microtubule-bound human kinesin-5 motor domain at successive steps in its ATPase cycle. Following ATP hydrolysis, nucleotide-dependent conformational changes in the active site are allosterically propagated into rotations of the motor domain and uncurling of the drugbinding loop L5. In addition, the mechanical neck-linker element that is crucial for motor stepping undergoes discrete, ordered displacements. We also observed large reorientations of the motor N-terminus that indicate its importance for kinesin-5 function through control of neck-linker conformation. A kinesin-5 mutant lacking this N-terminus is enzymatically active, and ATP-dependent neck-linker movement and motility is defective although not ablated. All these aspects of kinesin-5 mechanochemistry are distinct from kinesin-1. Our findings directly demonstrate the regulatory role of the kinesin-5 N-terminus in collaboration with the motor’s structured neck-linker, and highlight the multiple adaptations within kinesin motor domains that tune their mechanochemistries according to distinct functional requirements

    Maximum Resilience of Artificial Neural Networks

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    The deployment of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) in safety-critical applications poses a number of new verification and certification challenges. In particular, for ANN-enabled self-driving vehicles it is important to establish properties about the resilience of ANNs to noisy or even maliciously manipulated sensory input. We are addressing these challenges by defining resilience properties of ANN-based classifiers as the maximal amount of input or sensor perturbation which is still tolerated. This problem of computing maximal perturbation bounds for ANNs is then reduced to solving mixed integer optimization problems (MIP). A number of MIP encoding heuristics are developed for drastically reducing MIP-solver runtimes, and using parallelization of MIP-solvers results in an almost linear speed-up in the number (up to a certain limit) of computing cores in our experiments. We demonstrate the effectiveness and scalability of our approach by means of computing maximal resilience bounds for a number of ANN benchmark sets ranging from typical image recognition scenarios to the autonomous maneuvering of robots.Comment: Timestamp research work conducted in the project. version 2: fix some typos, rephrase the definition, and add some more existing wor

    Large electroweak penguin contribution in B -> K pi and pi pi decay modes

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    We discuss about a possibility of large electroweak penguin contribution in B -> K pi and pi pi from recent experimental data. The experimental data may be suggesting that there are some discrepancies between the data and theoretical estimation in the branching ratios of them. In B -> K pi decays, to explain it, a large electroweak penguin contribution and large strong phase differences seem to be needed. The contributions should appear also in B -> pi pi. We show, as an example, a solution to solve the discrepancies in both B -> K pi and B -> pi pi. However the magnitude of the parameters and the strong phase estimated from experimental data are quite large compared with the theoretical estimations. It may be suggesting some new physics effects are including in these processes. We will have to discuss about the dependence of the new physics. To explain both modes at once, we may need large electroweak penguin contribution with new weak phases and some SU(3) breaking effects by new physics in both QCD and electroweak penguin type processes.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figure

    Entwicklung eines Software-Management-Plans als RDMO-Fragekatalog

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    Kurs an der Hochschule für den öffentlichen Dienst, Münche
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