360 research outputs found

    Spectrophotometric experiment on the Verera-11 and Venera-12 descent vehicles: Some results of the analysis of the spectrum of the daytime sky of Venus

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    The spectra of the daytime sky of Venus were recorded on the Venera-11 and Venera-12 descent vehicles at various altitudes above the planet's surface, within the interval of 4500 to 12,000 Angstroms. The angular distribution of the brightness of the scattered radiation was recorded and the ratio of water and carbon dioxide were studied, with respect to the cloud cover boundaries

    Results and interpretation of measurements of the light flux in the near-surface layer of the Venusian atmosphere

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    The characteristics of the field of radiation in the near surface layer of the atmosphere and on the surface of Venus are reported. Optical measurements made during the landing of the descent vehicles are described. The relief of the surface and the amount of dust on it are examined. The spectral relationship of the albedo of the soil and the light flux incident on the surface is discussed

    Weakly non-linear dynamics in reaction -- diffusion systems with L\'{e}vy flights

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    Reaction--diffusion equations with a fractional Laplacian are reduced near a long wave Hopf bifurcation. The obtained amplitude equation is shown to be the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation with a fractional Laplacian. Some of the properties of the normal complex Ginzburg-Landau equation are generalised for the fractional analogue. In particular, an analogue of Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation is derived


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    Рассмотрены границы журналистской деятельности в активно трансформирующемся социокультурном медиапространстве, роль журналистики в общественной жизни. Проанализированы ключевые особенности функционирования современной медиасреды, такие как неограниченный доступ к контенту любой медиааудитории, скорость подачи и распространения информации в условиях глобальной медиатизации, переформатирование сознания посредством СМИ. Посредством внедрения фейков и постправды медиасреда наполнена симулякрами.The boundaries of journalistic activity in the actively transforming socio-cultural media space, the role of journalism in public life are considered. The key features of the functioning of the modern media environment are analyzed, such as unlimited access to the content of any media audience, the speed of presentation and dissemination of information in the conditions of global mediatization, and the reformatting of consciousness through the media. Through the introduction of fakes and post-truth, the media environment is filled with simulacra

    System for Synchronous Detection Trace of Explosives and Drags Substances on Human Fingers

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    AbstractThe sampling unit of the device, based on ion mobility spectroscopy technique, for detection of ultra small (trace) substances concentration on human fingers and documents is described. The vapor pressure of many dangerous substances is very small; so the heating of an investigated surface is needed for effective detection. However the direct heating of the human fingers by irradiation of the gas-discharge lamp is not effective because a small concentration of the melamine (pigment of the black or brown color) in the skin of the human palm. Therefore in this work the combination of the two methods is used: a grid is heated by the irradiation of the gas-discharge lamp and a grid heats the surface of the finger which is pressed to a grid

    Towards nanomedicines of the future: Remote magneto-mechanical actuation of nanomedicines by alternating magnetic fields

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    The paper describes the concept of magneto-mechanical actuation of single-domain magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) in super-low and low frequency alternating magnetic fields (AMFs) and its possible use for remote control of nanomedicines and drug delivery systems. The applications of this approach for remote actuation of drug release as well as effects on biomacromolecules, biomembranes, subcellular structures and cells are discussed in comparison to conventional strategies employing magnetic hyperthermia in a radio frequency (RF) AMF. Several quantitative models describing interaction of functionalized MNPs with single macromolecules, lipid membranes, and proteins (e.g. cell membrane receptors, ion channels) are presented. The optimal characteristics of the MNPs and an AMF for effective magneto-mechanical actuation of single molecule responses in biological and bio-inspired systems are discussed. Altogether, the described studies and phenomena offer opportunities for the development of novel therapeutics both alone and in combination with magnetic hyperthermia

    Towards an Efficient Finite Element Method for the Integral Fractional Laplacian on Polygonal Domains

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    We explore the connection between fractional order partial differential equations in two or more spatial dimensions with boundary integral operators to develop techniques that enable one to efficiently tackle the integral fractional Laplacian. In particular, we develop techniques for the treatment of the dense stiffness matrix including the computation of the entries, the efficient assembly and storage of a sparse approximation and the efficient solution of the resulting equations. The main idea consists of generalising proven techniques for the treatment of boundary integral equations to general fractional orders. Importantly, the approximation does not make any strong assumptions on the shape of the underlying domain and does not rely on any special structure of the matrix that could be exploited by fast transforms. We demonstrate the flexibility and performance of this approach in a couple of two-dimensional numerical examples

    Exact Solutions for Domain Walls in Coupled Complex Ginzburg - Landau Equations

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    The complex Ginzburg Landau equation (CGLE) is a ubiquitous model for the evolution of slowly varying wave packets in nonlinear dissipative media. A front (shock) is a transient layer between a plane-wave state and a zero background. We report exact solutions for domain walls, i.e., pairs of fronts with opposite polarities, in a system of two coupled CGLEs, which describe transient layers between semi-infinite domains occupied by each component in the absence of the other one. For this purpose, a modified Hirota bilinear operator, first proposed by Bekki and Nozaki, is employed. A novel factorization procedure is applied to reduce the intermediate calculations considerably. The ensuing system of equations for the amplitudes and frequencies is solved by means of computer-assisted algebra. Exact solutions for mutually-locked front pairs of opposite polarities, with one or several free parameters, are thus generated. The signs of the cubic gain/loss, linear amplification/attenuation, and velocity of the coupled-front complex can be adjusted in a variety of configurations. Numerical simulations are performed to study the stability properties of such fronts.Comment: Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, in pres