48 research outputs found

    The general dielectric tensor for bi-kappa magnetized plasmas

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    In this paper we derive the dielectric tensor for a plasma containing particles described by an anisotropic superthermal (bi-kappa) velocity distribution function. The tensor components are written in terms of the two-variables kappa plasma special functions, recently defined by Gaelzer and Ziebell [Phys. Plasmas 23, 022110 (2016)]. We also obtain various new mathematical properties for these functions, which are useful for the analytical treatment, numerical implementation and evaluation of the functions and, consequently, of the dielectric tensor. The formalism developed here and in the previous paper provides a mathematical framework for the study of electromagnetic waves propagating at arbitrary angles and polarizations in a superthermal plasma.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physics of Plasma

    Obliquely propagating electromagnetic waves in magnetized kappa plasmas

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    Velocity distribution functions (VDFs) that exhibit a power-law dependence on the high-energy tail have been the subject of intense research by the plasma physics community. Such functions, known as kappa or superthermal distributions, have been found to provide a better fitting to the VDFs measured by spacecraft in the solar wind. One of the problems that is being addressed on this new light is the temperature anisotropy of solar wind protons and electrons. In the literature, the general treatment for waves excited by (bi-)Maxwellian plasmas is well-established. However, for kappa distributions, the wave characteristics have been studied mostly for the limiting cases of purely parallel or perpendicular propagation, relative to the ambient magnetic field. Contributions to the general case of obliquely-propagating electromagnetic waves have been scarcely reported so far. The absence of a general treatment prevents a complete analysis of the wave-particle interaction in kappa plasmas, since some instabilities can operate simultaneously both in the parallel and oblique directions. In a recent work, Gaelzer and Ziebell [J. Geophys. Res. 119, 9334 (2014)] obtained expressions for the dielectric tensor and dispersion relations for the low-frequency, quasi-perpendicular dispersive Alfv\'en waves resulting from a kappa VDF. In the present work, the formalism introduced by Ref. 1 is generalized for the general case of electrostatic and/or electromagnetic waves propagating in a kappa plasma in any frequency range and for arbitrary angles. An isotropic distribution is considered, but the methods used here can be easily applied to more general anisotropic distributions, such as the bi-kappa or product-bi-kappa.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physics of Plasmas; added references for section

    On time-dependent AdS/CFT

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    We clarify aspects of the holographic AdS/CFT correspondence that are typical of Lorentzian signature, to lay the foundation for a treatment of time-dependent gravity and conformal field theory phenomena. We provide a derivation of bulk-to-boundary propagators associated to advanced, retarded and Feynman bulk propagators, and provide a better understanding of the boundary conditions satisfied by the bulk fields at the horizon. We interpret the subleading behavior of the wavefunctions in terms of specific vacuum expectation values, and compute two-point functions in our framework. We connect our bulk methods to the closed time path formalism in the boundary field theory.Comment: 19 pages, v2: added reference, JHEP versio

    Exact quantization of a PT-symmetric (reversible) Li\'enard-type nonlinear oscillator

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    We carry out an exact quantization of a PT symmetric (reversible) Li\'{e}nard type one dimensional nonlinear oscillator both semiclassically and quantum mechanically. The associated time independent classical Hamiltonian is of non-standard type and is invariant under a combined coordinate reflection and time reversal transformation. We use von Roos symmetric ordering procedure to write down the appropriate quantum Hamiltonian. While the quantum problem cannot be tackled in coordinate space, we show how the problem can be successfully solved in momentum space by solving the underlying Schr\"{o}dinger equation therein. We obtain explicitly the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions (in momentum space) and deduce the remarkable result that the spectrum agrees exactly with that of the linear harmonic oscillator, which is also confirmed by a semiclassical modified Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule, while the eigenfunctions are completely different.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, Fast Track Communicatio

    Green's functions and Hadamard parametrices for vector and tensor fields in general linear covariant gauges

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    We determine the retarded and advanced Green’s functions and Hadamard parametrices in curved spacetimes for linearized massive and massless gauge bosons and linearized Einstein gravity with a cosmological constant in general linear covariant gauges. These vector and tensor parametrices contain additional singular terms compared with their Feynman/de Donder-gauge counterpart. We also give explicit recursion relations for the Hadamard coefficients, and indicate their generalization to n dimensions. Furthermore, we express the divergence and trace of the vector and tensor Green’s functions in terms of derivatives of scalar and vector Green’s functions, and show how these relations appear as Ward identities in the free quantum theory

    On Nonperturbative Calculations in Quantum Electrodynamics

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    A new approach to nonperturbative calculations in quantum electrodynamics is proposed. The approach is based on a regular iteration scheme for solution of Schwinger-Dyson equations for generating functional of Green functions. The approach allows one to take into account the gauge invariance conditions (Ward identities) and to perform the renormalization program. The iteration scheme can be realized in two versions. The first one ("perturbative vacuum") corresponds to chain summation in the diagram language. In this version in four-dimensional theory the non-physical singularity (Landau pole) arises which leads to the triviality of the renormalized theory. The second version ("nonperturbative vacuum") corresponds to ladder summation and permits one to make non-perturbative calculations of physical quantities in spite of the triviality problem. For chiral-symmetrical leading approximation two terms of the expansion of the first-step vertex function over photon momentum are calculated. A formula for anomalous magnetic moment is obtained. A problem of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking (DCSB) is considered, the calculations are performed for renormalized theory in Minkowsky space. In the strong coupling region DCSB-solutions arise. For the renormalized theory a DCSB-solution is also possible in the weak coupling region but with a subsidiary condition on the value of α\alpha.Comment: 31 pages, Plain LaTex, no figures. Journal version: some discussion and refs. are adde

    Gauge-invariant quantum gravitational corrections to correlation functions

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    A recent proposal for gauge-invariant observables in inflation [R. Brunetti et al., JHEP 1608 (2016) 032] is examined. We give a generalisation of their construction to general background spacetimes. In flat space, we calculate one-loop graviton corrections to a scalar two-point function in a general gauge for the graviton. We explicitely show how the gauge-dependent terms cancel between the usual self-energy contributions and the additional corrections inherent in these observables. The one-loop corrections have the expected functional form, contrary to another recently studied proposal for gauge-invariant observables [M. B. Fröb, Class. Quant. Grav. 35 (2018) 035005] where this is not the case. Furthermore, we determine the one-loop graviton corrections to the four-point coupling of the gauge-invariant scalar field, and the corresponding running of the coupling constant induced by graviton loops. Interestingly, the β function is negative for all values of the non-minimal coupling of the scalar field to curvature