22,144 research outputs found

    Nanosized polymer carriers for metallocene catalysts in heterogeneous olefin polymerization

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    Das Ziel der vorgelegten Arbeit war die Synthese von definierten, sphĂ€rischen Polystyrolpartikeln im GrĂ¶ĂŸenbreichen von Nanometern, die als TrĂ€ger fĂŒr die Immobilisierung von Metallocenkatalysatoren verwendet werden sollten. Ein wichtiger Anspruch an das System war dabei die Möglichkeit einer homogene Verteilung des Metallocenes auf dem TrĂ€ger and eine homogene Fragmentierung des getrĂ€gerten Katalysators wĂ€hrend der Polymerisation im Polymerprodukt. FĂŒr diese Zielsetzung wurden unterschiedliche Polystyrolnanopartikel hergestellt. Die Polystyrolnanopartikel waren mit unterschiedlichen funktionellen Gruppen wie Polyethylenoxid- und Polypropylenoxidketten oder Hydroxygruppen auf der OberflĂ€che versehen, um den Metallocenkatalysator und den Cokatalysator MAO immobilisieren zu können. In verschiedenen Experimenten wurde der Einfluss dieser Polystyrolnanopartikel als TrĂ€ger auf die Katalysatoreigenschaften wie AktivitĂ€t oder ProduktivitĂ€t und die Eigenschaften des produzierten Polyolefins wie z.B. Molekulargewicht und Morphologie untersucht. Im Vergleich zu den PS- Nanopartikeln wurden außerdem PS-Mikropartikel, Silica und Dendrimere als TrĂ€ger in der heterogenen Olefinpolymerisation eingesetzt. Von all diesen TrĂ€gersystemen wurde das Fragmentierungsverhalten durch konfocale Fluoreszenzmikroskopie untersucht. Aus den erhaltenen Ergebnissen kann geschlossen werden, dass die hergestellten Polystyrolnanopartikel neuartige und leistungsfĂ€hige TrĂ€ger fĂŒr heterogene Polymerisationsprozesse darstellen. Die hergestellten Polystyrolnanopartikel besaßen eine wohldefinierte sphĂ€rische Struktur, die eine homogene Verteilung des immobilisierten Metallocenkatalysators und somit auch eine vollstĂ€ndige Fragmentierung des getrĂ€gerten Katalysators im hergestellten Polyolefin ermöglichte. Die Katalysatorsysteme, die aus den PS- Nanopartikeln und dem Metallocenkatalysator zusammengesetzt waren, wurden in verschiedenen Polymerisationen wie der Ethylen- oder Propylenhomopolymersation und der Copolymerisation von Ethen mit α- Olefinen getestet. Die OberflĂ€chen- funktionalisierten PS Nanopartikel immobilisierten den Metallocenkatalysator ausreichend gut, so dass kein „Leachen“ (Ablösen) des Katalysators von der TrĂ€geroberflĂ€che festgestellt werden konnte und deshalb Polymer von sehr guter Morphologie erhalten wurde. Um die Fragmentierung des Katalysators und den inneren Aufbau des Polymers nĂ€her untersuchen zu können, wurde die konfocale Fluoreszenzmikroskopie fĂŒr das PS- NanopartikeltrĂ€gersystem angewendet. Durch farbstoffmarkierte TrĂ€gerpartikel konnte die Verteilung des fragmentierten Katalysators innerhalb des Polymers sichtbar gemacht und analysiert werden. Dabei wurde festgestellt, dass sich PS- Nanopartikel und auch Dendrimere als TrĂ€ger Ă€hnlich verhalten wie Ziegler- Natta- Katalysatoren, die auf MgCl2 immobilisiert fĂŒr die heterogene Olefinpolymerisation verwendet werden. Das Fragmentierungsverhalten der Silica oder PS- Mirkopartikel getrĂ€gerten Systeme entsprach dagegen dem schichtweisen Fragmentierungsverhalten wie es bereits von Fink und Mitarbeitern beschrieben wurde. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inhaltszusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache (englisch) The aim of the current work was the synthesis of well-defined, spherical and nanosized polymer beads as supports for the immobilization of metallocene catalysts. These demands required a homogeneous distribution of metallocene catalysts on the carrier and the homogeneous fragmentation of the supported catalyst within the polyolefin products. For this objective, several nanosized PS beads were introduced. The nanosized PS beads had several functional groups on the surface such as polyethyleneoxide (PEO), polypropyleneoxide (PPO) and hydroxyl groups for immobilizing the metallocene catalyst and MAO. The influence of nanosized PS beads as a catalyst carrier on the catalyst activity and the characteristics of the produced polyolefin such as molecular weight and morphology were investigated. To compare the results of the nanosized PS beads in heterogeneous olefin polymerization, microsized PS beads, silica and dendrimers were also used as catalyst carriers. The fragmentation behavior of the different supports was studied by laser scanning confocal fluorescence microscopy. It can be concluded that these polystyrene beads are new and powerful supports for heterogeneous polymerization systems were developed. These polystyrene supports were composed of well-defined, spherical and nanosized particle beads which had a homogeneous distribution of metallocene catalyst on the carrier and allowed a complete fragmentation of the supported catalyst within the polyolefin products. Catalyst systems of nanosized PS beads and metallocene catalyst were tested in different polymerizations such as ethylene polymerization, copolymerization of ethylene with α-olefin monomers and propylene polymerization. Nanosized PS beads functionalized with nucleophilic ether groups immobilized metallocene catalyst without leaching of the catalyst from carrier and the polyolefin products showed good morphologies. To investigate the catalyst fragmentation and the internal structure within polyethylene products, laser scanning confocal fluorescence microscopy was used. This method was very useful to visualize the distribution of the supported catalyst particle within polyolefin particles and characterize the fragmentation behavior of the different supported catalyst. The fragmentation behavior of the nanosized PS or dendrimer supported catalyst was similar to that of the Ziegler-Natta catalysts supported on MgCl2 in heterogeneous olefin polymerization. However, the fragmentation behavior of the silica or microsized PS supported catalyst occurred in the layer-by-layer fashion described by Fink and coworkers

    Prediction of vertical bearing capacity of waveform micropile

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    This study proposes a predictive equation for bearing capacity considering the behaviour characteristics of a waveform micropile that can enhance the bearing capacity of a conventional micropile. The bearing capacity of the waveform micropile was analysed by a three-dimensional numerical model with soil and pile conditions obtained from the field and centrifuge tests. The load-transfer mechanism of the waveform micropile was revealed by the numerical analyses, and a new predictive equation for the bearing capacity was proposed. The bearing capacities of the waveform micropile calculated by the new equation were comparable with those measured from the field and centrifuge tests. This validated a prediction potential of the new equation for bearing capacity of waveform micropiles

    Identifying cross country skiing techniques using power meters in ski poles

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    Power meters are becoming a widely used tool for measuring training and racing effort in cycling, and are now spreading also to other sports. This means that increasing volumes of data can be collected from athletes, with the aim of helping coaches and athletes analyse and understanding training load, racing efforts, technique etc. In this project, we have collaborated with Skisens AB, a company producing handles for cross country ski poles equipped with power meters. We have conducted a pilot study in the use of machine learning techniques on data from Skisens poles to identify which "gear" a skier is using (double poling or gears 2-4 in skating), based only on the sensor data from the ski poles. The dataset for this pilot study contained labelled time-series data from three individual skiers using four different gears recorded in varied locations and varied terrain. We systematically evaluated a number of machine learning techniques based on neural networks with best results obtained by a LSTM network (accuracy of 95% correctly classified strokes), when a subset of data from all three skiers was used for training. As expected, accuracy dropped to 78% when the model was trained on data from only two skiers and tested on the third. To achieve better generalisation to individuals not appearing in the training set more data is required, which is ongoing work.Comment: Presented at the Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Symposium 201

    Isometric Representations of Totally Ordered Semigroups

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    Let S be a subsemigroup of an abelian torsion-free group G. If S is a positive cone of G, then all C*-algebras generated by faithful isometrical non-unitary representations of S are canonically isomorphic. Proved by Murphy, this statement generalized the well-known theorems of Coburn and Douglas. In this note we prove the reverse. If all C*-algebras generated by faithful isometrical non-unitary representations of S are canonically isomorphic, then S is a positive cone of G. Also we consider G = Z\times Z and prove that if S induces total order on G, then there exist at least two unitarily not equivalent irreducible isometrical representation of S. And if the order is lexicographical-product order, then all such representations are unitarily equivalent.Comment: February 21, 2012. Kazan, Russi

    Putative spin liquid in the triangle-based iridate Ba3_3IrTi2_2O9_9

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    We report on thermodynamic, magnetization, and muon spin relaxation measurements of the strong spin-orbit coupled iridate Ba3_3IrTi2_2O9_9, which constitutes a new frustration motif made up a mixture of edge- and corner-sharing triangles. In spite of strong antiferromagnetic exchange interaction of the order of 100~K, we find no hint for long-range magnetic order down to 23 mK. The magnetic specific heat data unveil the TT-linear and -squared dependences at low temperatures below 1~K. At the respective temperatures, the zero-field muon spin relaxation features a persistent spin dynamics, indicative of unconventional low-energy excitations. A comparison to the 4d4d isostructural compound Ba3_3RuTi2_2O9_9 suggests that a concerted interplay of compass-like magnetic interactions and frustrated geometry promotes a dynamically fluctuating state in a triangle-based iridate.Comment: Physical Review B accepte

    Visualization of Predicted Ground Vibration Induced by Blasting in Urban Quarry Site Utilizing Web-GIS

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    Blasting is routinely carried out at various quarries. When blasting is done in an urban area, the ground vibration induced by the operation may affect nearby residents physically and mentally. In this study, a visualization system of ground vibration induced by blasting is constructed for the purpose of reducing these adverse effects. The system consists of two phases. The first is the ground vibration prediction by using artificial intelligence, specifically an ANN (Artificial Neural Network). The second is the visualization of the predicted vibration through Web-GIS. Four prediction factors, namely MIC (Maximum Instantaneous Charge), distance, elevation difference, and direction were used and PPV (Peak Particle Velocity) was used as an index of ground vibration strength. Colored contours representing vibration intensity were generated using GIS tools based on predicted PPV. Furthermore, the contour is converted into a KMZ file and overlaid on a web-based map (Google Maps) that also displays other pertinent information about the quarry vicinity. This means that the system can be used by anyone who has an internet connection and access to a browser. The data would be available to residents, local government officers, and anyone else who wishes to use it. In addition, the ground vibration prediction data and contour maps could also be used to optimize blasting designs in advance. Through the use of this system, optimal blasting can be done, maximizing the productivity of the quarry as well as minimizing the impact on the local residences
