58 research outputs found

    Metamaterials: optical activity without chirality

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    We report that the classical phenomenon of optical activity, which is traditionally associated with chirality (helicity) of organic molecules, proteins, and inorganic structures, can be observed in artificial planar media which exhibit neither 3D nor 2D chirality. We observe the effect in the microwave and optical parts of the spectrum at oblique incidence to regular arrays of nonchiral subwavelength metamolecules in the form of strong circular dichroism and birefringence indistinguishable from those of chiral three-dimensional media

    The development of the theory of instantaneous power of three-phase network in terms of network centrism

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    Purpose. Information technologies allow multidimensional analysis of information about the state of the power system in a single information space in terms of providing network-centric approach to control and use of unmanned aerial vehicles as tools for condition monitoring of three-phase network. Methodology. The idea of energy processes in three independent (rather than four dependent) curves vector-functions with values in the arithmetic three-dimensional space adequately for both 4-wire and 3–wire circuits. The presence of zero sequence current structural (and mathematically) features a 4-wire scheme of energy from a 3-wire circuit. The zero sequence voltage caused by the displacement of the zero voltage phases. Offset zero in the calculations can be taken into account by appropriate selection of the reference voltages. Both of these energetic phenomena with common methodical positions are described in the framework of the general mathematical model, in which a significant role is played by the ort zero sequence. Results. Vector approach with a unified voice allows us to obtain and analyze new energy characteristics for 4–wire and 3–wire circuits in sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal mode, both in temporal and frequency domain. Originality. Symmetric sinusoidal mode is balanced, even with non-zero reactive power. The converse is not true. The mode can be balanced and unbalanced load. The mode can be balanced and unbalanced voltage. Practical value. Assessing balance in network mode and the impact of instantaneous power on the magnitude of the losses, will allow to avoid the appearance of zero sequence and, thus, to improve the quality of electricity.Обеспечение сетецентрического подхода к режиму управления трехфазной сетью и оценка сбалансированности режима сети с учетом влияния мгновенной мощности на величину потерь даст возможность исключить появление нулевой последовательности и, тем самым, повысить качество электроэнергии

    Network-centric technologies for control of three-phase network operation modes

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    Purpose. The development of the control system for three-phase network is based on intelligent technologies of network-centric control of heterogeneous objects. The introduction of unmanned aerial vehicles for monitoring of three-phase network increases the efficiency of management. Methodology. The case of decomposition of the instantaneous capacities of the fixed and variable components for 3-wire system. The features of power balance for the different modes of its functioning. It should be noted that symmetric sinusoidal mode is balanced and good, but really unbalanced, if the standard reactive power is not zero. To solve the problem of compensation is sufficient knowledge of the total value of the inactive components of full power (value of the inactive power) without detail. The creation of a methodology of measurement and assessment will require knowledge of the magnitudes of each inactive component separately, which leads to the development of a unified approach to the measurement and compensation of inactive components of full power and the development of a generalized theory of power. Results. Procedure for the compensation of the current of zero sequence excludes from circuit the source, as the active component of instantaneous power of zero sequence, and a vector due to a current of zero sequence. This procedure is performed without time delay as it does not require integration. Only a 3–wire system with symmetrical voltage eliminates pulsations and symmetrization of the equivalent conductances of the phases of the task. Under asymmetric voltage, the power is different, its analysis requires the creation of a vector mathematical model of the energy processes of asymmetrical modes of 3–phase systems. Originality. The proposed method extends the basis of the vector method for any zero sequence voltages and shows that the various theories of instantaneous power three wired scheme due to the choice of a basis in a two-dimensional subspace. Practical value. The algorithm and software implementation for the decomposition of the zero sequence current, which allocated the procedure of obtaining null-balanced vectors of phase and interfacial voltage, calculation of active and inactive instantaneous power is zero balanced mode. The simulation results obtained in the software package Matlab by the method of visual programming in Simulink.Интеграция интеллектуальных и сетецентрических технологий в процесс управления режимами работы трехфазной сети обеспечивают оперативность компенсации нелинейностей в системе за счет ортогонального разложения тока и использования метода базисных функций для минимизации потерь

    Ready ... Go: Amplitude of the fMRI Signal Encodes Expectation of Cue Arrival Time

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    What happens when the brain awaits a signal of uncertain arrival time, as when a sprinter waits for the starting pistol? And what happens just after the starting pistol fires? Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we have discovered a novel correlate of temporal expectations in several brain regions, most prominently in the supplementary motor area (SMA). Contrary to expectations, we found little fMRI activity during the waiting period; however, a large signal appears after the “go” signal, the amplitude of which reflects learned expectations about the distribution of possible waiting times. Specifically, the amplitude of the fMRI signal appears to encode a cumulative conditional probability, also known as the cumulative hazard function. The fMRI signal loses its dependence on waiting time in a “countdown” condition in which the arrival time of the go cue is known in advance, suggesting that the signal encodes temporal probabilities rather than simply elapsed time. The dependence of the signal on temporal expectation is present in “no-go” conditions, demonstrating that the effect is not a consequence of motor output. Finally, the encoding is not dependent on modality, operating in the same manner with auditory or visual signals. This finding extends our understanding of the relationship between temporal expectancy and measurable neural signals

    Boundaries of Semantic Distraction: Dominance and Lexicality Act at Retrieval

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    Three experiments investigated memory for semantic information with the goal of determining boundary conditions for the manifestation of semantic auditory distraction. Irrelevant speech disrupted the free recall of semantic category-exemplars to an equal degree regardless of whether the speech coincided with presentation or test phases of the task (Experiment 1) and occurred regardless of whether it comprised random words or coherent sentences (Experiment 2). The effects of background speech were greater when the irrelevant speech was semantically related to the to-be-remembered material, but only when the irrelevant words were high in output dominance (Experiment 3). The implications of these findings in relation to the processing of task material and the processing of background speech is discussed

    Association Between Nutritional Status and the Immune response in HIV + Patients under HAART: Protocol for a Systematic Review.

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    Over 850 million people worldwide and 200 million adults in Sub-Saharan Africa suffer from malnutrition. Countries most affected by HIV are also stricken by elevated rates of food insecurity and malnutrition. HIV infection and insufficient nutritional intake are part of a vicious cycle that contributes to immunodeficiency and negative health outcomes. However, the effect of the overlap between HIV infection and undernutrition on the immune response following antiretroviral initiation remains unclear. A possible explanation could be the lack of consensus concerning the definition and assessment of nutritional status. Our objectives are to investigate the existence of an association between undernutrition and immune response at antiretroviral treatment initiation and the following year in low- and middle-income countries where malnutrition is most prevalent. Our systematic review will identify studies originating from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) published from 1996 onwards, through searches in MEDLINE (PubMed interface), EMBASE (OVID interface), Cochrane Central (OVID interface) and grey literature. No language restrictions will be applied. We will seek out studies of any design investigating the association between the nutritional status (for example, undernourished versus well nourished) and the immune response, either in terms of CD4 count or immune failure, in seropositive patients initiating antiretroviral therapy or in their first year of treatment. Two reviewers will independently screen articles, extract data and assess scientific quality using standardized forms and published quality assessment tools tailored for each study design. Where feasible, pooled measures of association will be obtained through meta-analyses. Results will be reported according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) Statement. This protocol has been registered in the PROSPERO database (registration number: CRD42014005961). Undernutrition and weight loss are prevalent amongst highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)-treated patients in LMICs and contribute to excess early mortality. A possible intermediate pathway could be poor immune reconstitution secondary to deficient nutritional status. In the face of limited access to second line treatments, raising HIV resistance and cut backs to HIV programs, it is crucial to identify the factors associated with suboptimal response and therapeutic failure in order to better customize the care strategies employed in LMICs