394 research outputs found

    Effect of heat treatment on the corrosion behavior of AISI 4135 steel under natural seawater film at different temperatures

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    High strength steel has a prosperous future in catering the needs of marine applications especially the tapping of deep sea resources. The use of high strength steel will reduce the weight of steel structures and reduce the environment burden for the production of materials. Thus it is necessary to study the problems concerning the safety of high strength steel applications in marine environment. In this paper the corrosion behavior of heat treated AISI 4135 steel was studied by means of electrochemical techniques at different temperatures when it is covered by natural seawater film. The results showed that the corrosion rate of the steel increases with the elevation of temperature but the heat treatment processes have no profound effect on the corrosion. The expected mitigation of corrosion by tempering of quenched specimens could not be concluded based on the data of this research

    Continuous-distribution puddle model for conduction in trilayer graphene

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    An insulator-to-metal transition is observed in trilayer graphene based on the temperature dependence of the resistance under different applied gate voltages. At small gate voltages the resistance decreases with increasing temperature due to the increase in carrier concentration resulting from thermal excitation of electron-hole pairs. At large gate voltages excitation of electron-hole pairs is suppressed, and the resistance increases with increasing temperature because of the enhanced electron-phonon scattering. We find that the simple model with overlapping conduction and valence bands, each with quadratic dispersion relations, is unsatisfactory. Instead, we conclude that impurities in the substrate that create local puddles of higher electron or hole densities are responsible for the residual conductivity at low temperatures. The best fit is obtained using a continuous distribution of puddles. From the fit the average of the electron and hole effective masses can be determined.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Mid-infrared plasmons in scaled graphene nanostructures

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    Plasmonics takes advantage of the collective response of electrons to electromagnetic waves, enabling dramatic scaling of optical devices beyond the diffraction limit. Here, we demonstrate the mid-infrared (4 to 15 microns) plasmons in deeply scaled graphene nanostructures down to 50 nm, more than 100 times smaller than the on-resonance light wavelength in free space. We reveal, for the first time, the crucial damping channels of graphene plasmons via its intrinsic optical phonons and scattering from the edges. A plasmon lifetime of 20 femto-seconds and smaller is observed, when damping through the emission of an optical phonon is allowed. Furthermore, the surface polar phonons in SiO2 substrate underneath the graphene nanostructures lead to a significantly modified plasmon dispersion and damping, in contrast to a non-polar diamond-like-carbon (DLC) substrate. Much reduced damping is realized when the plasmon resonance frequencies are close to the polar phonon frequencies. Our study paves the way for applications of graphene in plasmonic waveguides, modulators and detectors in an unprecedentedly broad wavelength range from sub-terahertz to mid-infrared.Comment: submitte

    Manipulating infrared photons using plasmons in transparent graphene superlattices

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    Superlattices are artificial periodic nanostructures which can control the flow of electrons. Their operation typically relies on the periodic modulation of the electric potential in the direction of electron wave propagation. Here we demonstrate transparent graphene superlattices which can manipulate infrared photons utilizing the collective oscillations of carriers, i.e., plasmons of the ensemble of multiple graphene layers. The superlattice is formed by depositing alternating wafer-scale graphene sheets and thin insulating layers, followed by patterning them all together into 3-dimensional photonic-crystal-like structures. We demonstrate experimentally that the collective oscillation of Dirac fermions in such graphene superlattices is unambiguously nonclassical: compared to doping single layer graphene, distributing carriers into multiple graphene layers strongly enhances the plasmonic resonance frequency and magnitude, which is fundamentally different from that in a conventional semiconductor superlattice. This property allows us to construct widely tunable far-infrared notch filters with 8.2 dB rejection ratio and terahertz linear polarizers with 9.5 dB extinction ratio, using a superlattice with merely five graphene atomic layers. Moreover, an unpatterned superlattice shields up to 97.5% of the electromagnetic radiations below 1.2 terahertz. This demonstration also opens an avenue for the realization of other transparent mid- and far-infrared photonic devices such as detectors, modulators, and 3-dimensional meta-material systems.Comment: under revie

    Cryo-EM structures of amyloid-beta filaments with the Arctic mutation (E22G) from human and mouse brains

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    The Arctic mutation, encoding E693G in the amyloid precursor protein (APP) gene [E22G in amyloid-β (Aβ)], causes dominantly inherited Alzheimer’s disease. Here, we report the high-resolution cryo-EM structures of Aβ filaments from the frontal cortex of a previously described case (AβPParc1) with the Arctic mutation. Most filaments consist of two pairs of non-identical protofilaments that comprise residues V12–V40 (human Arctic fold A) and E11–G37 (human Arctic fold B). They have a substructure (residues F20–G37) in common with the folds of type I and type II Aβ42. When compared to the structures of wild-type Aβ42 filaments, there are subtle conformational changes in the human Arctic folds, because of the lack of a side chain at G22, which may strengthen hydrogen bonding between mutant Aβ molecules and promote filament formation. A minority of Aβ42 filaments of type II was also present, as were tau paired helical filaments. In addition, we report the cryo-EM structures of Aβ filaments with the Arctic mutation from mouse knock-in line AppNL−G−F. Most filaments are made of two identical mutant protofilaments that extend from D1 to G37 (AppNL−G−F murine Arctic fold). In a minority of filaments, two dimeric folds pack against each other in an anti-parallel fashion. The AppNL−G−F murine Arctic fold differs from the human Arctic folds, but shares some substructure

    An integrative multi-platform analysis for discovering biomarkers of osteosarcoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>SELDI-TOF-MS (Surface Enhanced Laser Desorption/Ionization-Time of Flight-Mass Spectrometry) has become an attractive approach for cancer biomarker discovery due to its ability to resolve low mass proteins and high-throughput capability. However, the analytes from mass spectrometry are described only by their mass-to-charge ratio (<it>m</it>/<it>z</it>) values without further identification and annotation. To discover potential biomarkers for early diagnosis of osteosarcoma, we designed an integrative workflow combining data sets from both SELDI-TOF-MS and gene microarray analysis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>After extracting the information for potential biomarkers from SELDI data and microarray analysis, their associations were further inferred by link-test to identify biomarkers that could likely be used for diagnosis. Immuno-blot analysis was then performed to examine whether the expression of the putative biomarkers were indeed altered in serum from patients with osteosarcoma.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Six differentially expressed protein peaks with strong statistical significances were detected by SELDI-TOF-MS. Four of the proteins were up-regulated and two of them were down-regulated. Microarray analysis showed that, compared with an osteoblastic cell line, the expression of 653 genes was changed more than 2 folds in three osteosarcoma cell lines. While expression of 310 genes was increased, expression of the other 343 genes was decreased. The two sets of biomarkers candidates were combined by the link-test statistics, indicating that 13 genes were potential biomarkers for early diagnosis of osteosarcoma. Among these genes, cytochrome c1 (CYC-1) was selected for further experimental validation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Link-test on datasets from both SELDI-TOF-MS and microarray high-throughput analysis can accelerate the identification of tumor biomarkers. The result confirmed that CYC-1 may be a promising biomarker for early diagnosis of osteosarcoma.</p

    Cryo-EM structures of amyloid-β 42 filaments from human brains

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    Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by a loss of memory and other cognitive functions and the filamentous assembly of Aβ and tau in the brain. The assembly of Aβ peptides into filaments that end at residue 42 is a central event. Yang et al. used electron cryo–electron microscopy to determine the structures of Aβ42 filaments from human brain (see the Perspective by Willem and Fändrich). They identified two types of related S-shaped filaments, each consisting of two identical protofilaments. These structures will inform the development of better in vitro and animal models, inhibitors of Aβ42 assembly, and imaging agents with increased specificity and sensitivity. —SM

    A Novel Heat Shock Transcription Factor Family in <i>Entamoeba histolytica</i>

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    The HSTF is a master molecule involved in the transcriptional control of several genes during different types of stress. This transcription factor is a very conserved protein identified in different organisms from bacterial to human. <i>Entamoeba histolytica</i> is the protozoan responsible for the human amoebiasis. This parasite is exposed to different kind of stress as changes in the pH, temperature, drugs, all that situations in where the parasite needs survive. Here we identified and isolated a novel gene family of HSTFs in the protozoan parasite <i>E. histolytica</i>. Three members that we called <i>Ehhstf1</i>, <i>Ehhstf2</i> and <i>Ehhstf3</i> compose this family. Amino acid alignments and domain architecture analysis revealed that the EhHSTFs presents a conserved DNA-binding domain composed of approximately 25 residues. Interestingly this domain is shorter than the domain of the human, mouse and yeast HSTFs. Heterologous antibodies recognized four peptides of 73, 66, 47 and 23 kDa in total extracts from trophozoites growth under normal conditions. The 73, 47 and 23 kDa peptides increased their intensity when the cells were growth at 42°C by 2 h. All results together demonstrate that the amoeba present HSTFs, which may be, controlled the gene expression of this parasite under different stress situations

    Development of surface plasmon resonance-based sensor for detection of silver nanoparticles in food and the environment

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    Silver nanoparticles are recognized as effective antimicrobial agents and have been implemented in various consumer products including washing machines, refrigerators, clothing, medical devices, and food packaging. Alongside the silver nanoparticles benefits, their novel properties have raised concerns about possible adverse effects on biological systems. To protect consumer’s health and the environment, efficient monitoring of silver nanoparticles needs to be established. Here, we present the development of human metallothionein (MT) based surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor for rapid detection of nanosilver. Incorporation of human metallothionein 1A to the sensor surface enables screening for potentially biologically active silver nanoparticles at parts per billion sensitivity. Other protein ligands were also tested for binding capacity of the nanosilver and were found to be inferior to the metallothionein. The biosensor has been characterized in terms of selectivity and sensitivity towards different types of silver nanoparticles and applied in measurements of real-life samples—such as fresh vegetables and river water. Our findings suggest that human MT1-based SPR sensor has the potential to be utilized as a routine screening method for silver nanoparticles, that can provide rapid and automated analysis dedicated to environmental and food safety monitoring
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