22 research outputs found

    Healthcare utilization survey in East Jakarta and West Java province, Indonesia

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    Pembelajaran Icare (Inroduction, Connect, Apply, Reflect, Extend) Dalam Tutorial Online Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Mahasiswa Ut

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    This paper discusses the application of ICARE (inroduction, connect, apply, reflect, and extend) learning models in the online tutorials to improve mathematical problem-solving abilities of students of mathematics education courses Universitas Terbuka (UT). Online tutorial is based learning support services information and communication technology provided UT as one form of learning support system of distance education. Through literature review described how ICARE justified as a learning model that can create e-learning effectively to improve mathematical problem-solving abilities


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    Hidup di era digital saat ini, semua aktifitas sangat bergantung pada teknologi dan jaringan internet. Untuk mendapatkan jaringan internet, masyarakat dapat berlangganan jaringan internet yang disediakan oleh beberapa perusahaan penyedia jasa internet, namun kendala yang dihadapi terutama oleh warga RT 005/006 Jl. Raya Ciracas, Ciracas – Jakarta Timur dalam berlangganan internet diantaranya adalah harga yang cukup mahal serta cakupan wilayah yang belum terpenuhi, hal tersebut membuat warga tidak dapat menikmati layanan internet dengan mudah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat rancang bangun fasilitas internet agar dapat membantu warga memenuhi kebutuhan secara online,diantaranya yaitu kemudahan dalam mengakses informasi serta sebagai sarana penunjang pendidikan dengan biaya yang relatif terjangkau bagi setiap individu yang ada pada cakupan wilayah yang terpenuhi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan studi pustaka dan observasi,yakni melakukan pengamatan secara langsung dan mendalam kepada warga, kemudian dibuat rancang bangun jaringan internetdengan membangun sebuah Jaringan WirelessLAN dengan konfigurasi mikroTik menggunakan topologi Jaringan WLAN Extended Service Set (ESS) agar cakupan wilayah yang terhubung dengan jaringan internet yang akan dibuat menjadi lebih luas dan lebih mudah dijangkau. Penelitian ini menghasilkan jaringan internet yang diberi nama CiraNet. Penggunaan jaringan internet ini memiliki sistem otentikasi, yaitu dengan mengisi username dan password pada alamat web yang terbuka secara otomatis saat perangkat terhubung dengan wifi mikroTik, sehingga warga dapat mengakses internet dengan biaya yang relatif lebih murah dibandingkan dengan berlangganan internet secara individu

    Daya Repelan Dan Uji Iritasi Formula Lotion Ekstrak Etanol Daun Sirih (Piper Betle Linn) Dengan Variasi Basis Lanolin Terhadap Nyamuk Aedes Aegypti

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    Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) which is transmitted through the bite of mosquito Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus females still becomes a health problem, especially in Indonesia. Repellant is used to avoid interference or bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. The purposes of this research are to determine the repellency of the ethanolic extract of betel leaf lotion with lanolin variation as a basis toward Aedes aegypti, to determine whether the ethanolic extract of piper betel leaves lotion with lanolin variation as a basis irritate the test animals or not, and to compare the influence of lanolin concentration toward physical characteristic of lotion. Piper betel leaves extracted with 96% ethanol, using reflux. The ethanolic extract of piper betel leaves used in the formula lotion is 5%. This lotion was made into 3 formula with lanolin concentration difference 3%, 4% and 5%. Lotion ethanolic extract of piper betel leaves had been made then evaluated physically, repellency and irritation. Dispersive and viscosity of the lotion will determine the convenience of the use by human. Differences of lanolin concentration in each formula lotion, greatly affect the viscosity, dispersive, adhesion and repellency each formula. Repellency lotion ethanolic extract of piper betel leaves is 88% in 11 minutes. The primary irritation index lotion ethanolic extract of piper betel leaves is 0,33. Concentration of lanolin is proportional to the lotion repellant the ethanolic extract of piper betel leaves. The primary irritation index lotion ethanolic extract of piper betel leaves is 0,33 or few stimulating. Concentration of lanolin inversely to the value of dispersive, but it is directly proportional to the value of adhesion and viscosity lotion. Keywords : repellency, irritation, lotion, ethanolic extract of piper betel leaves (Piper betle Linn

    Ekstrak Daun Cocor Bebek (Bryophyllum Pinnatum) Sebagai Pengawet Alami Pada Sediaan Sirup Herbal Tomat (Solanum Lycopersicum)

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    Synthetic preservatives application in foods continuously, such as formalin can cause a variety of diseases. Alternatives of antimicrobials and preservatives which have less negative impact on health becomes necessary. It can be obtained from the cocor bebek leaves which is possess antimicrobial activity. Thus can be developed as a natural preservative. This research was aimed to determine the effectiveness of the ethanol extract of cocor bebek leaves as a preservative in Tomato Syrup, and also to determine microbial contamination in tomato syrup that has added leaf extract of cocor bebek against storage temperature variations. This research method was an experimental by testing microbial contamination in tomatoes syrup by observing Total Plate Count and Fungus / Yeast Total, and Staphylococcus aureus test. The result show that extract cocor bebek with the concentration 3.2 % was able to preserve tomatoes syrup for 1 week. It could be observed from the value of total plate count, yeast total and Identification of Staphylococcus aureus. Storage at refrigerator temperature indicates a smaller value than at room temperature. Cocor bebek leaf extract with the concentration 3.2% was able to preserve syrup tomatoes herbal for 1 week. Key words: Bryophyllum pinnatum, cocor bebek, natural preservatives, tomato syrup, Solanum lycopersicum, Staphylococcus aureus