504 research outputs found

    The effect of short-term antiorthostatic hypokinesia on central and intracardiac hemodynamics and metabolism of a healthy person

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    The right parts of the heart and the radial artery were catheterized in healthy male volunteers before and 5 days after strict bedrest in antiorthostatic position of the body (-4.5 deg). After immobilization, most values of central circulation showed no essential changes; the only exceptions were indicates characterizing the inotropic myocardial condition. A shift in the direction of acidosis of a mixed character was noted in mixed venous blood, the beta lipoprotein content increased. A decrease in the arteriovenous difference in oxygen was encountered in blood draining from the heart (from the coronary sinus)

    Hybrid fuzzy and sliding-mode control for motorised tether spin-up when coupled with axial vibration

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    A hybrid fuzzy sliding mode controller is applied to the control of motorised tether spin-up coupled with an axial oscillation phenomenon. A six degree of freedom dynamic model of a motorised momentum exchange tether is used as a basis for interplanetary payload exchange. The tether comprises a symmetrical double payload configuration, with an outrigger counter inertia and massive central facility. It is shown that including axial elasticity permits an enhanced level of performance prediction accuracy and a useful departure from the usual rigid body representations, particularly for accurate payload positioning at strategic points. A special simulation program has been devised in MATLAB and MATHEMATICA for a given initial condition data case

    Activity of the right cardiac ventricle and metabolism in healthy persons during an orthostatic test after short term immobilization

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    A 15 minute orthostatic test was performed on healthy male volunteers under conditions of catheterization of the right ventricle of the heart and the radial (or brachial) artery before and after 5 day bedrest in an antiorthostatic position of the body (with the foot of the bed raised 4.5 degrees). The change to a vertical position after immobilization was attended by a more marked increase in the rate of cardiac contractions, an increase of max dp/dt pressure in the right ventricle, and a decrease of cardiac and stroke indices. The decrease of the cardiac index was compensated for, to a certain measure, by a further increase in the extraction and utilization of O2 by the tissues. The arterial blood pH did not change essentially, while the decrease in pCO2 and content of standard bicarbonate was more marked

    Flow and Noise Control in High Speed and High Reynolds Number Jets Using Plasma Actuators

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    The idea of manipulating flow to change its characteristics is over a century old. Manipulating instabilities of a jet to increase its mixing and to reduce its radiated noise started in the 1970s. While the effort has been successful in low-speed and low Reynolds number jets, available actuators capabilities in terms of their amplitude, bandwidth, and phasing have fallen short in control of high-speed and high Reynolds number jets of practical interest. Localized arc filament plasma actuators have recently been developed and extensively used at Gas Dynamics and Turbulence Laboratory (GDTL) for control of highspeed and high Reynolds number jets. While the technique has been quite successful and is very promising, all the work up to this point had been carried out using small high subsonic and low supersonic jets from a 2.54 cm diameter nozzle exit with a Reynolds number of about a million. The preliminary work reported in this paper is a first attempt to evaluate the scalability of the technique. The power supply/plasma generator was designed and built in-house at GDTL to operate 8 actuators simultaneously over a large frequency range (0 to 200 kHz) with independent control over phase and duty cycle of each actuator. This allowed forcing the small jet at GDTL with azimuthal modes m = 0, 1, 2, 3, plus or minus 1, plus or minus 2, and plus or minus 4 over a large range of frequencies. This power supply was taken to and used, with minor modifications, at the NASA Nozzle Acoustic Test Rig (NATR). At NATR, 32 actuators were distributed around the 7.5 in. nozzle (a linear increase with nozzle exit diameter would require 60 actuators). With this arrangement only 8 actuators could operate simultaneously, thus limiting the forcing of the jet at NATR to only three azimuthal modes m = plus or minus 1, 4, and 8. Very preliminary results at NATR indicate that the trends observed in the larger NASA facility in terms of the effects of actuation frequency and azimuthal modes are similar in both small GDTL and larger NASA jets. However, the actuation authority seems to fall short in the larger jet at higher Mach numbers, resulting in decreased amplitude response compared to the small jet, which is attributed at this point to the lack of sufficient number of actuators. The preliminary results seem also to suggest that amplitude of actuation tones is similar in both the small and larger jets

    Ways to implement the project-oriented model of cooperation between higher education institutions, IT-companies and agricultural enterprises in the implementation of information systems

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    У статті представлено багатосторонню модель результативної взаємодії між університетами і бізнес-компаніями. Досліджено основні етапи та механізми формування результативної моделі багатосторонньої взаємодії між університетами і бізнес-компаніями при впровадженні у навчальний процесс сучасних інформаційних систем, призначених для автоматизації виробничих процесів в аграрних підприємствах. Визначено мотиваційні, організаційні, освітні та інші складові спільних напрямків роботи закладів вищої освіти, розробників програмного забезпечення і виробничих підприємств. Експеримент проведено на прикладі використання української інформаційної системи для аграріїв Soft.Farm, заснованої на «хмарних технологіях», у декількох напрямках: як предмету вивчення у навчальному процесі при підготовці фахівців із агрономії, одночасного просування і впровадження на підприємствах із проведенням практичного навчання керівників та фахівців, а також здійснення науково-консультативної та маркетингової підтримки розробників інформаційних систем, забезпечення зворотного зв’язку в комунікаційних процесах. Підтверджено, що результативність взаємодії сторін базується на визначенні і поєднанні їх багатосторонніх спільних інтересів, які фокусуються на підготовці кваліфікованих фахівців, наданні консалтингових послуг бізнес-компаніям (моделі S2B та B2S) і навчанні кінцевих споживачів на підприємствах при впровадженні інформаційних систем. З метою поширення набутого досвіду та переходу на нові рівні взаємодії запропоновано створити окремі інноваційні підрозділи у закладах вищої освіти, які будуть займатися розробкою інноваційних проектів, у першу чергу, в сфері інформаційних технологій, за участю бізнес-компаній, виробничих підприємств та державних організацій.В статье представлена многосторонняя модель результативного взаимодействия между университетами и бизнес-компаниями. Исследованы основные этапы и механизмы формирования результативной модели многостороннего сотрудничества между университетами и бизнес-компаниями при внедрении в учебный процесс современных информационных систем, которые предназначены для автоматизации производственных процессов на аграрных предприятиях. Определены мотивационные, организационные, образовательные и другие составляющие совместных направлений работы высших учебных заведений, разработчиков программного обеспечения и производственных предприятий. Эксперимент проведен на примере использования украинской информационной системы для аграриев Soft.Farm, основанной на «облачных технологиях» и использовавшейся в нескольких направлениях: как предмет изучения в учебном процессе при подготовке специалистов по агрономии, предмет продвижения и внедрения на предприятиях с проведением практического обучения руководителей и специалистов, а также осуществления научно-консультативной и маркетинговой поддержки разработчиков информационных систем, обеспечения обратной связи при коммуникационных процессах. Подтверждено, что результативность взаимодействия сторон базируется на определении и объединении их многосторонних общих интересов, которые фокусируются на подготовке квалифицированных специалистов, представлении консалтинговых услуг бизнес- компаниям (модели S2B и B2S) и обучении конечных потребителей на предприятиях при внедрении информационных систем. С целью распространения приобретенного опыта и перехода на новые уровни взаимодействия предложено создать отдельные инновационные подразделения в заведениях высшего образования, которые будут заниматься разработкой инновационных проектов, в первую очередь, в сфере информационных технологий с участием бизнес-компаний, производственных предприятий и государственных организаций.The article presents multilateral model of effective interaction between universities and business companies. The main stages and mechanisms of the formation of the productive model of multilateral interaction between universities and business companies in the implementation into learning process of modern information systems, which are designed for the automatization of the production processes at the agricultural enterprises, are studied. Motivational, organizational, educational and other components of the common work areas of higher education institutions, software developers and enterprises are identified. The experiment is conducted by an example of using the Ukrainian information system for farmers Soft.Farm, which is based on «cloud technologies» and used in several directions: as a subject of study in the training off specialists in agronomy, promotion and introduction at enterprises with the practical training of managers and specialists, as well as the implementation of scientific advisory and marketing support for the developers of information systems, providing feedback in communication processes. It is confirmed that the effectiveness of the participant’s interaction is based on the identification and combining their multilateral common interests focused on the training of qualified specialists, the provision of consulting services to business companies (S2B and B2S models), and the training of end-users at enterprises under the implementation of information systems. In order to disseminate the acquired experience and transition to new levels of interaction, it is proposed to create separate innovation units in higher education institutions that will be engaged in the development of innovative projects, primarily in the IT field, with the participation of business companies, production enterprises and state organizations

    Procjena varijabli stanja sustava s gorivnim člankom i uzlaznim pretvaračem metodom brzog uzorkovanja signala

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    Estimation of state variables of a peak current mode (PCM) controlled DC-DC boost converter supplied by a PEM fuel cell is described in this paper. Since this system is highly nonlinear and non-minimum phase, its state variables are estimated by using fast output sampling method. Estimated state variables are the converter output voltage and its first derivative, and they are suitable for model reference adaptive control or sliding mode based control techniques. The estimator has been designed in a way that it gives a good estimate of the state variables in the continuous and in the discontinuous conduction mode of the converter, and in the presence of measurement and process noise caused by converter switching-mode operation. Experimental results of estimating the state variables on a 450 W boost converter supplied by the emulator of the PEM fuel cell BCS 64-32 show good results of the estimation, regardless of the conduction mode of the converter, i.e. the operating point determined by its output current.U ovom radu obrađena je procjena varijabli stanja sustava s istomjernim uzlaznim pretvaračem u vršnom strujnom načinu upravljanja napajanim PEM gorivnim člankom. Budući da je taj sustav izrazito nelinearan te neminimalno-fazan, za procjenu njegovih varijabli stanja upotrebljena je metoda brzog uzorkovanja izlaznog signala. Procjenjene varijable stanja su izlazni napon uzlaznog pretvarača te njegova prva derivacija, te su pogodne za adaptivno upravljanje s referentnim modelom i upravljanje temeljeno na kliznim režimima. Procjenitelj je projektiran na način da daje dobru procjenu varijabli stanja u kontinuiranom i diskontinuiranom režimu rada pretvarača, te u uvjetima mjernog i procesnog šuma uzrokovanog sklopnim načinom rada pretvarača. Eksperimentalni rezultati procjene varijabli stanja na uzlaznom pretvaraču snage 450 W napajanim emulatorom gorivnog članka BCS 64-32 pokazuju dobre rezultate procjene, neovisno o režimu rada pretvarača, odnosno radnoj točki određenoj njegovom izlaznom strujom

    The new COST Action European Venom Network (EUVEN)—synergy and future perspectives of modern venomics

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    Venom research is a highly multidisciplinary field that involves multiple subfields of biology, informatics, pharmacology, medicine, and other areas. These different research facets are often technologically challenging and pursued by different teams lacking connection with each other. This lack of coordination hampers the full development of venom investigation and applications. The COST Action CA19144–European Venom Network was recently launched to promote synergistic interactions among different stakeholders and foster venom research at the European level

    Determination of ππ\pi\pi scattering lengths from measurement of π+π\pi^+\pi^- atom lifetime

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    The DIRAC experiment at CERN has achieved a sizeable production of π+π\pi^+\pi^- atoms and has significantly improved the precision on its lifetime determination. From a sample of 21227 atomic pairs, a 4% measurement of the S-wave ππ\pi\pi scattering length difference a0a2=(.0.25330.0078+0.0080stat.0.0073+0.0078syst)Mπ+1|a_0-a_2| = (.0.2533^{+0.0080}_{-0.0078}|_\mathrm{stat}.{}^{+0.0078}_{-0.0073}|_\mathrm{syst})M_{\pi^+}^{-1} has been attained, providing an important test of Chiral Perturbation Theory.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    On the Experimental Analysis of Integral Sliding Modes for Yaw Rate and Sideslip Control of an Electric Vehicle with Multiple Motors

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    With the advent of electric vehicles with multiple motors, the steady-state and transient cornering responses can be designed and implemented through the continuous torque control of the individual wheels, i.e., torque-vectoring or direct yaw moment control. The literature includes several papers on sliding mode control theory for torque-vectoring, but the experimental investigation is so far limited. More importantly, to the knowledge of the authors, the experimental comparison of direct yaw moment control based on sliding modes and typical controllers used for stability control in production vehicles is missing. This paper aims to reduce this gap by presenting and analyzing an integral sliding mode controller for concurrent yaw rate and sideslip control. A new driving mode, the Enhanced Sport mode, is proposed, inducing sustained high values of sideslip angle, which can be limited to a specified threshold. The system is experimentally assessed on a four-wheel-drive electric vehicle. The performance of the integral sliding mode controller is compared with that of a linear quadratic regulator during step steer tests. The results show that the integral sliding mode controller significantly enhances the tracking performance and yaw damping compared to the more conventional linear quadratic regulator based on an augmented singletrack vehicle model formulation. © 2018, The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Natur

    Inhibition of the Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors by Cobra Venom α-Neurotoxins: Is There a Perspective in Lung Cancer Treatment?

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    Nicotine exerts its oncogenic effects through the binding to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) and the activation of downstream pathways that block apoptosis and promote neo-angiogenesis. The nAChRs of the α7 subtype are present on a wide variety of cancer cells and their inhibition by cobra venom neurotoxins has been proposed in several articles and reviews as a potential innovative lung cancer therapy. However, since part of the published results was recently retracted, we believe that the antitumoral activity of cobra venom neurotoxins needs to be independently re-evaluated