459 research outputs found

    Yield and content of biologically active substances in blue honeysuckle fruit (Lonicera caerulea L.) grown in the Forest Steppe of Ukraine

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    Received: July 28th, 2022 ; Accepted: September 26th, 2022 ; Published: October 20th, 2022 ; Correspondence: [email protected] blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L.) is a relatively new crop in Ukraine, its industrial cultivation is only 100 hectares. The main constraints are the lack of varieties with high yield and nutritional value of berries. Therefore, a study of the yield and quality of introduced varieties is necessary and relevant, both for producers and breeders. With our research, we determined the potential of the early stage of blue honeysuckle berries under the conditions of their cultivation in the Forest Steppe of Ukraine and the weather conditions of the year of the specified region. We assessed how early we can get a crop and set what quality and what it will be. To clearly understand the quality of the grown fruits, their average weight, size and uniformity were studied. From nutritional indicators of fruit quality, the content of dry matter, soluble solids, sugars and titrated acids was studied, from biologically active substances, the content of vitamin C and total phenolic was determined. It was found that in the zone of the Forest Steppe of Ukraine from the studied group of varieties, the highest yield potential, 3.13 kg from a bush for the second year of fruiting and fruit mass 2.4 g, had a variety of Canadian breeding ‘Boreal Beauty’. The fruits of the cultivars ‘Duet’ (4.3) and ‘Boreal Blizzard’ (4.5) were distinguished by the balance of taste according to the sugar-acid index, and the maximum amount of total phenolics for the studied group of varieties was accumulated by the fruits of ‘Boreal Beast’ (1,000 mg 100 g-1 )


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    The aim of the publication is to show possibilities of implementation of requirements of the federal state educational standard (FSES) for formati on of the universal educational activities (UEA) during group work at lessons at comprehensive school.Methods. Theoretical methods involve analysis, comparison and generalizationmethods; empirical method of interview.Results. The main components of learning technology in cooperation and stages of technological process of group work are presented. The features of the formation of small groups are described due to the criteria of duration of a group work and the age of pupils. The possible options for the role structure of discussion groups and ways of distribution of social roles in groups are found out. The authors show the main steps of the process of group work process and organization techniques of group work of students at different stages of the lesson that allow purposefully organize the situation of communication and reflective activities. Scientific novelty. The essence of an educational cooperation as forms of group interaction of the teacher and pupils at a lesson is considered in the context of FSES of the last generation. The emergent problems in the course of the group activities organization at school are disclosed. The authors propose their own opinion on the implementation of the basic stages of group work, which are defined as a technological lesson plan. In addition, the components of a technological lesson plan include the universal learning activities forming during groupactivities which are important for the implementation of FSES requirements.Practical significance. The proposed techniques for organizing group work of pupils at different stages of the lesson and a technological lesson plan describing the universal learning activities allow teachers to effectively use technology of cooperation in education, aimed at the formation of pupils’ communicative learning activities.Цель статьи – показать возможности реализации требований федерального государственного образовательного стандарта (ФГОС) по формированию универсальных учебных действий (УУД) в ходе групповой деятельности на уроках в общеобразовательной школе. Методология и методы исследования – теоретические методы анализа, сравнения и обобщения, а также эмпирический метод опроса. Результаты. Представлены основные компоненты технологии обучения в сотрудничестве и этапы технологического процесса групповой работы. Подробно описаны особенности формирования малых групп в зависимости от критериев длительности работы и возраста обучающихся. Определены возможные варианты ролевой структуры дискуссионных групп и способы распределения социальных ролей в них. Отобраны и продемонстрированы приемы организации групповой работы учащихся на разных стадиях урока. Выделенные приемы позволяют целенаправленно организовывать коммуникацию и рефлексивную деятельность школьников. Научная новизна. Применительно к содержанию ФГОС последнего поколения рассмотрена сущность учебного сотрудничества как формы группового взаимодействия учителя и учащихся на уроке. Вскрыты проблемы, возникающие у педагогов при организации групповой деятельности школьников. Предложен авторский метод осуществления такой работы на уроке, разработанный в виде технологической карты, компоненты которой отражают содержание действий учителя и учеников и формируемые УУД на разных этапах группового учебного сотрудничества. Практическая значимость. Даны развернутые рекомендации по освоению и внедрению в учебный процесс технологии учебного сотрудничества, на основе которой школьники приобретают универсальные коммуникативные умения и навыки

    Review: proteins c-Myc and Myc-nick as potential targets for the melignant melanoma treatment

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    Malignant melanoma is the most aggressive and life-threatening skin cancer with increasing incidences over the past decades. Despite accounting for only 4 % of all skin cancers, melanoma confers 80 % of skin cancer induced death. The underlying cause of melanoma progression and metastasis is poorly understood. Myc is a very strong proto-oncogene and it is very upregulated in many types of cancers. c-Myc protein is a transcription factor that activates expression of many genes. It drives cell proliferation, plays a very important role in regulating cell growth, apoptosis and differentiation. High c-Myc expression is associated with tumor metastasis and poor prognosis in human melanoma. Full-length c-Myc is converted into Myc-nick by calcium-dependent on cytosolic proteases that are members of the calpain family. In connection with the key role of the cytoplasmic protein Myc-nick in the autophagy activativation, increasing the resistance to chemotherapy and overall survival of tumor cells, it can be a target for treatment tumors under the conditions of c-Myc overexpression. That fact that the expression of Myc-nick increases the survival of cells after UV radiation can indicate the key role of the Myc-nick in tumorogenesis of melanoma cells

    Spatial distribution of Oreoleuciscus potanini in evenings in the Bayan Nur lake, Мohgolia

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    Вивчено розподіл алтайського османа в одному з озер Монголії улітку. Показники ехолота GPSMAP 178 фіксували цифровим фотоапаратом. Аналіз горизонтального розподілу риб показав, що максимальна концентрація та мінімальна варіабельність густоти ехомішеней відмічена на ділянках із глибинами 6–15 м. Аналіз вертикального розподілу розрідженого скупчення риб у пелагіалі виявив дві зони концентрації риб (2–4 м і від 10 м та глибше), між якими риби відмічаються поодиноко. Щільні скупчення риб, навпаки, локалізовані в основному у середніх шарах. Изучено распределение алтайского османа в одном из озер Монголии в летнее время. Показания эхолота GPSMAP 178 фиксировали цифровым фотоаппаратом. Анализ горизонтального распределения рыб показал, что максимальная концентрация и минимальная вариабельность плотности эхомишеней отмечались на участках глубиной 6–15 м. Анализ вертикального распределения разреженного скопления рыб в пелагиали выявил две зоны концентрации рыб (2–4 м и от 10 м и глубже), между которыми рыбы отмечаются одиночно. Плотные скопления рыб, напротив, локализованы в основном в средних слоях.Distribution of the altay osman in one of the lakes of Mongolia was studied in summer. Indications of the sonar GPSMAP 178 were fixed withdigital camera. Analysis of fish horizontal distribution had shown that the maximal concentrations and minimal variability of fish density were registered in the areas with depths of 6–15 m. Analysis of vertical distribution of pelagic rarefied fish aggregationshas revealed two fish concentration zones (2–4 m and from 10 m to deeper). Between those zones the fish scores were sparse. On the contrary, dense aggregationsof fishes locate at the middle water strata in the core.

    Modeling of gene frequencies dynamics in kilka populations under the influence of natural selection factors

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    Проведено моделювання динамiки генних частот волзьких популяцiй тюльки пiд впливом факторів природного добору. Встановлено, що iнверсiя генних частот двоалельного локусу, яка спостерігається у реальній ситуацiї, може здiйснюватися тільки тоді, коли діють фактори природного добору. Проведено моделирование динамики генных частот волжских популяций тюльки под влиянием факторов природного отбора. Установлено, що инверсия генных частот двуаллельного локуса, которая наблюдается в реальной ситуации, может осуществляться только тогда, когда действуют факторы природного отбора.Modelling of gene frequencies dynamics in the Volga kilka populations under influence of the natural selection factors is carried out. It is established, that inversion of frequencies of two allelic loci, which is observed in a real situation, may occur only under the factors of natural selection. Theoretically, it can descend in an ecological time scale

    Stimulated electromagnetic emission polarization under different polarizations of pump waves

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    The results of investigations into the stimulated electromagnetic emission (SEE) polarization under different modes of the pump wave polarization are presented. The present results were obtained in November 2012 during a heating campaign utilizing the SPEAR (Space Plasma Exploration by Active Radar) heating facility, transmitting in both O- and X-mode polarization, and a PGI (Polar Geophysical Institute) radio interferometer capable of recording the polarization of the received radiation. The polarization ellipse parameters of the SEE DM (downshifted maximum) components were determined under both O-mode and X-mode polarization of the pump waves. The polarization direction of the SEE DM component was preserved under different polarizations of the pump waves. Different polarizations of the pump waves have a different SEE generation efficiency. The intensity of the DM component is observed to be greater during O-mode pumping. In addition, the numbers of observed SEE features are also greater during O-mode pumping

    Review: proteins c-Myc and Myc-nick as potential targets for the melignant melanoma treatment

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    Malignant melanoma is the most aggressive and life-threatening skin cancer with increasing incidences over the past decades. Despite accounting for only 4 % of all skin cancers, melanoma confers 80 % of skin cancer induced death. The underlying cause of melanoma progression and metastasis is poorly understood. Myc is a very strong proto-oncogene and it is very upregulated in many types of cancers. c-Myc protein is a transcription factor that activates expression of many genes. It drives cell proliferation, plays a very important role in regulating cell growth, apoptosis and differentiation. High c-Myc expression is associated with tumor metastasis and poor prognosis in human melanoma. Full-length c-Myc is converted into Myc-nick by calcium-dependent on cytosolic proteases that are members of the calpain family. In connection with the key role of the cytoplasmic protein Myc-nick in the autophagy activativation, increasing the resistance to chemotherapy and overall survival of tumor cells, it can be a target for treatment tumors under the conditions of c-Myc overexpression. That fact that the expression of Myc-nick increases the survival of cells after UV radiation can indicate the key role of the Myc-nick in tumorogenesis of melanoma cells

    Energy and time resolution for a LYSO matrix prototype of the Mu2e experiment

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    We have measured the performances of a LYSO crystal matrix prototype tested with electron and photon beams in the energy range 60-450 MeV. This study has been carried out to determine the achievable energy and time resolutions for the calorimeter of the Mu2e experiment.Comment: 2 pages, 3 figures, 13th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detector

    Development of international trade of Ukraine in crisis conditions

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    Розраховано й проаналізовано динаміку показників міжнародної торгівлі України за період 2017–2021 рр.(зовнішньоторговельний оборот, сальдо торговельного балансу, індекс чистої торгівлі, міру залежності країни від міжнародної торгівлі, частку експорту у ВВП, частку експорту товарів та послуг у зовнішньоторговельному обороті, показники експортної, імпортної та зовнішньоторговельної квот, а також відповідних коефіцієнтів покриття). Встановлено, що незважаючи на кризові умови реалізація вітчизняного зовнішньоторговельного потенціалу за період 2017–2021 рр. покращилася, що є позитивною тенденцією. Визначено міру залежності України від міжнародної торгівлі, що свідчить про її перехід з категорії «високозалежних країн» до категорії «помірно залежних». Зазначено, що експорт України зростає швидшими темпами, ніж імпорт, а негативним чинником при цьому є висока залежність країни від імпорту (про що свідчить від’ємнє сальдо торговельного балансу протягом 2017–2020 рр.). Встановлено високий ступінь відкритості національної економіки та збільшення реалізації її експортного потенціалу, про що свідчать обсяги зовнішньоторговельної та експортної квот. Зауважено, що негативний вплив пандемії коронавірусу covid-19 на кон’юнктуру ринків у 2020 р. позначився зменшенням обсягу зовнішньоторговельного обороту. Проведено SWOT-аналіз, на основі якого обґрунтовано стратегію подальшого розвитку міжнародної торгівлі України в умовах кризи, а також надані практичні пропозиції для її реалізації. За результатами розрахунків встановлено, що слабкі сторони (недоліки) міжнародної торгівлі України переважають її сильні сторони, а рівень зовнішньоторговельної складової економічної безпеки нашої країни є від’ємним через переважання «загроз» над «можливостями» розвитку. Запропоновано задля забезпечення розвитку міжнародної торгівлі України в умовах кризи використати стратегію «міні-міні», яка спрямована на мінімізацію її «слабких» позицій та уникнення зовнішніх «загроз» розвитку. З’ясовано, що незважаючи на кризові явища, міжнародна торгівля України має великий потенціал розвитку, який вона намагається реалізовувати попри глобальні виклики та кризи.It is calculated and analyzed the dynamics of international trade indicators of Ukraine for the period 2017–2021 (foreign trade turnover, balance of trade balance, net trade index, degree of dependence of the country on international trade, share of exports in GDP, share of exports of goods and services in foreign trade turnover, indicators of export, import and foreign trade quotas, as well as corresponding coverage ratios) in the article. It was established that despite the crisis conditions, the realization of the domestic foreign trade potential for the period 2017– 2021 improved, which is a positive trend. The extent of Ukraineʼs dependence on international trade was determined, which indicates its transition from the category of «highly dependent countries» to the category of «moderately dependent countries». It is noted that Ukraineʼs exports are growing faster than imports, and the countryʼs high dependence on imports is a negative factor (as evidenced by the negative trade balance during 2017–2020). A high degree of openness of the national economy and an increase in the realization of its export potential have been established, as evidenced by the volume of foreign trade and export quotas. It was noted that the negative impact of the covid-19 coronavirus pandemic on the market situation in 2020 was affected by a decrease in the volume of foreign trade turnover. A SWOT analysis was conducted, on the basis of which the strategy for the further development of Ukraineʼs international trade in the context of the crisis was substantiated and practical proposals for its implementation were provided. Based on the results of calculations, it was established that the weaknesses (deficiencies) of Ukraineʼs international trade outweigh its strengths. And the level of the foreign trade component of our countryʼs economic security is negative due to the predominance of «threats» over «opportunities» for development. In order to ensure the development of Ukraineʼs international trade in the crisis, it is proposed to use the «mini-mini» strategy, which is aimed at minimizing its «weak» positions and avoiding external «threats» to development. It was found that despite the crisis phenomena, Ukraineʼs international trade has great development potential, which it is trying to realize despite global challenges and crises

    Terms and Need Strategic Cooperation Mechanisms of Social and Economic Systems of the Region

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    The increasing complexity of the socio-economic systems and the increase in the state's functions in modern regional space becoming more common complex, multi-level strategic cooperation mechanisms. In such structures, the main elements of the control system are divided into several levels. Management levels are organizationally separate elements detected in the territorial structures of governance, for example, the subject of the Federation, municipal formation. Between the different levels of the system of separation of powers, responsibilities and functions of the power vertical. Within the framework of the powers assigned to them elements of the system have the right to independent decision-making. Developing of the Russian Federation system of market relations qualitatively increased value, role, authority and responsibility of regions to ensure the functioning and development of the territories, the growth of living standards of the population living in them. Enhanced functions of the organs of power in the federal subjects is accompanied by the simultaneous complexity of the mechanism of management decision-making, and the increasing influence of the variability of environmental factors. Under these circumstances, the effective activities of the regional administrations are not possible without the coordination and integration of their efforts, which can promote inter-regional cooperation. Keywords: regional economy, social and economic system, management mechanism JEL Classifications: Q27, R12, R5