151 research outputs found

    Macroscopic quantum tunneling and phase diffusion in a La2x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4 intrinsic Josephson junction stack

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    We performed measurements of switching current distribution in a submicron La2x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4 (LSCO) intrinsic Josephson junction (IJJ) stack in a wide temperature range. The escape rate saturates below approximately 2\,K, indicating that the escape event is dominated by a macroscopic quantum tunneling (MQT) process with a crossover temperature T2T^{*}\approx2\,K. We applied the theory of MQT for IJJ stacks, taking into account dissipation and the phase re-trapping effect in the LSCO IJJ stack. The theory is in good agreement with the experiment both in the MQT and in the thermal activation regimes.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Superconductor-insulator quantum phase transition in a single Josephson junction

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    The superconductor-to-insulator quantum phase transition in resistively shunted Josephson junctions is investigated by means of path-integral Monte Carlo simulations. This numerical technique allows us to directly access the (previously unexplored) regime of the Josephson-to-charging energy ratios E_J/E_C of order one. Our results unambiguously support an earlier theoretical conjecture, based on renormalization-group calculations, that at T -> 0 the dissipative phase transition occurs at a universal value of the shunt resistance R_S = h/4e^2 for all values E_J/E_C. On the other hand, finite-temperature effects are shown to turn this phase transition into a crossover, which position depends significantly on E_J/E_C, as well as on the dissipation strength and on temperature. The latter effect needs to be taken into account in order to reconcile earlier theoretical predictions with recent experimental results.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Temperature Dependence of Zero-Bias Resistances of a Single Resistance-Shunted Josephson Junction

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    Zero-bias resistances of a single resistance-shunted Josephson junction are calculated as a function of the temperature by means of the path-integral Monte Carlo method in case a charging energy ECE_{\rm C} is comparable with a Josephson energy EJE_{\rm J}. The low-temperature behavior of the zero-bias resistance changes around α=RQ/RS=1\alpha=R_{\rm Q}/R_{\rm S}=1, where RSR_{\rm S} is a shunt resistance and RQ=h/(2e)2R_{\rm Q}=h/(2e)^2. The temperature dependence of the zero-bias resistance shows a power-law-like behavior whose exponent depends on EJ/ECE_{\rm J}/E_{\rm C}. These results are compared with the experiments on resistance-shunted Josephson junctions

    The Origin of the Charge Ordering and Its Relevance to Superconductivity in θ\theta-(BEDT-TTF)2_2X: The Effect of the Fermi Surface Nesting and the Distant Electron-Electron Interactions

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    The origin of the charge ordering in organic compounds θ\theta-(BEDT-TTF)2X_2 X (X=MMX=MM'(SCN)4_4, M=M=Tl,Rb,Co, M=M'=Cs,Zn) is studied using an extended Hubbard model. Calculating the charge susceptibility within random phase approximation (RPA), we find that the (3×3)(3×4)(3\times 3)\sim (3\times 4) charge ordering observed at relatively high temperatures can be considered as a consequence of a cooperation between the Fermi surface nesting, controlled by the hopping integral in the cc direction, and the electron-electron interactions, where the distant (next nearest neighbor) interactions that have not been taken into account in most of the previous studies play an important role.Mean field analysis at T=0 also supports the RPA results, and further shows that in the 3×33\times 3 charge ordered state, some portions of the Fermi surface remain ungapped and are nested with a nesting vector close to the modulation wave vector of the horizontal stripe ordering observed at low temperatures in X=MMX=MM'(SCN)4_4. We further study the possibility of superconductivity by taking into account the distant off-site repulsions and the band structure corresponding to X=X=I3_3, in which superconductivity is experimentally observed. We find that there is a close competition between dxyd_{xy}-wave-like singlet pairing and px+2yp_{x+2y}-wave-like triplet pairing due to a cooperation between the charge and the spin fluctuations. The present analysis provides a possible unified understanding of the experimental phase diagram of the θ\theta-(BEDT-TTF)2X_2 X family, ranging from a charge ordered insulator to a superconductor.Comment: 13 pages, 18 figures (Figs.5,6,7,14,15,18 compressed using jpeg2ps

    Evolution of superconductivity in isovalent Te-substituted KxFe2-ySe2 crystals

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    We report the evolution of superconductivity and the phase diagram of the KxFe2-ySe2-zTez (z=0-0.6) crystals grown by a simple one-step synthesis. No structural transition is observed in any crystals, while lattice parameters exhibit a systematic expansion with Te content. The Tc exhibits a gradual decrease with increasing Te content from Tconset = 32.9 K at z = 0 to Tconset = 27.9 K at z = 0.5, followed by a sudden suppression of superconductivity at z = 0.6. Upon approaching a Te concentration of 0.6, the shielding volume fraction decreases and eventually drops to zero. Simultaneously, hump positions in r-T curve shift to lower temperatures. These results suggest that isovalent substitution of Te for Se in KxFe2-ySe2 crystals suppresses the superconductivity in this system.Comment: 10 pages, 1 table, 8 figure

    Rotating BEC in an optical lattice in Uniformly frustrated Josephson Junction arrays regime: Vortex configuration formulation for ground state

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    We consider a rotating BEC in an optical lattices in a regime which can be mapped to the Joseohson junction arrays. In this regime, we formulate the ground state energy in terms of vortex configuration. This method give us the vortex lattice in the ground state in a natural way. We apply our result for an approximation scheme of the problem which we suppose that the coupling of the Josephson junctions are uniform. Application of method for ladder case presented and the results compared with Monte-Carlo method numerically.We discuss about restriction of method and suggest improvement for it.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Superconductor-Insulator Transition in a Capacitively Coupled Dissipative Environment

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    We present results on disordered amorphous films which are expected to undergo a field-tuned Superconductor-Insulator Transition.The addition of a parallel ground plane in proximity to the film changes the character of the transition.Although the screening effects expected from "dirty-boson" theories are not evident,there is evidence that the ground plane couples a certain type of dissipation into the system,causing a dissipation-induced phase transition.The dissipation due to the phase transition couples similarly into quantum phase transition systems such as superconductor-insulator transitions and Josephson junction arrays.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Anomalous carbon clusters in 4H-SiC/SiO2 interfaces

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    We investigated a metal-oxide-semiconductor interface of dry-oxidized (0001¯) 4H-SiC, which was known as the most electrically deteriorated SiC MOSFET, by electrically detected magnetic resonance (EDMR) and observed a signal with an isotropic g factor (2.0024) and magnetic-field angular dependent signal widths. Judging from the g factor, the signal comes from sp2-bonded carbon clusters. In addition, we found that the angular dependence of EDMR signal widths was caused by two-dimensional dipolar broadening with exchange interaction between electron spins. However, the density of electron spins or carbon clusters was 5.4 × 1013 cm−2, which was not high enough for exchange interaction. Therefore, we propose inhomogeneous distribution of carbon clusters in the interface. At the interface, π* peaks from sp2-bonded carbon atoms were detected by electron energy loss spectroscopy. Scanning the electron beams along the interface revealed uneven existence of the π* peaks, which also proved that the sp2-bonded carbon atoms were distributed inhomogeneously in the interface. In addition, we found the formation of sp2-bonded carbon clusters at 4H-SiC(0001¯)/SiO2 interfaces and interaction between π-conjugate electron spins on the carbon clusters by first principles calculation. Such carbon clusters generated electrically active states widely in the energy gap of 4H-SiC. The states result in the Fermi level pinning of the MOSFET

    Multiferroicity in an organic charge-transfer salt: Electric-dipole-driven magnetism

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    Multiferroics, showing simultaneous ordering of electrical and magnetic degrees of freedom, are remarkable materials as seen from both the academic and technological points of view. A prominent mechanism of multiferroicity is the spin-driven ferroelectricity, often found in frustrated antiferromagnets with helical spin order. There, similar to conventional ferroelectrics, the electrical dipoles arise from an off-centre displacement of ions. However, recently a different mechanism, namely purely electronic ferroelectricity, where charge order breaks inversion symmetry, has attracted considerable interest. Here we provide evidence for this exotic type of ferroelectricity, accompanied by antiferromagnetic spin order, in a two-dimensional organic charge-transfer salt, thus representing a new class of multiferroics. Quite unexpectedly for electronic ferroelectrics, dipolar and spin order arise nearly simultaneously. This can be ascribed to the loss of spin frustration induced by the ferroelectric ordering. Hence, here the spin order is driven by the ferroelectricity, in marked contrast to the spin-driven ferroelectricity in helical magnets.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures (including 4 pages and 6 figures in supplementary information). Version 2 with minor errors corrected (legend of Fig. 3c and definition of vectors e and Q