49 research outputs found

    Pre-service Secondary Mathematics Teachers' Understanding Of Absolute Value

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    This study aims to give a comprehensive account of pre-service secondary mathematics teachers' understanding of absolute value. Thirty two-item absolute value understanding test was developed and administered to thirty-eight students attending mathematics education department at one private university in Jakarta City, Indonesia. Five of them were selected purposively and interviewed to gain deep information and confirm their written responses in the test. We find that most participants struggled with the absolute value task. There are inconsistencies of the definition of absolute value expressed by them. Besides, typical mistakes made are: (a) removal of absolute value bars; (b) focus heavily on rules; (c) conversion of absolute value bars to parentheses; (d) exclusion of number inside absolute value bars; (e) poor algebraic manipulation; and (f) inability to draw absolute value graph. Based on the findings, the most common cause of mistakes made by the participants is didactical contract in mathematics teaching and learning. Limitation and implications of the study are presented

    Larutan sukrose-elektrolit untuk rehidrasi pada diare

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    Keywords: sukrose-elektrolit, glukose-elektrolit, rehidras


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    Penelitian ini didasarkan oleh kemajuan teknologi pada dunia pendidikan yang belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal. Penelitian ini betujuan untuk mengembangkan ruang media pembelajaran fisika dalam bentuk modul yang terdapat pada aplikasi LINE. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dengan menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE. Pada tahap analisis, dilakukan kegiatan analisis masalah dan analisis kebutuhan. Pada tahap desain, dibuat desain draft awal dan divalidasi ahli materi dan ahli media. Pada tahap pengembangan, dilakukan analisis pada sistem untuk menunjang ruang media. Pada tahap implementasi, desain ruang media pembelajaran diujicobakan pada uji skala kecil dengan jumlah 10 responden dan uji skala besar dengan jumlah 130 responden yang berasal dari 4 sekolah di Kota Jakarta, Bekasi dan Bogor. Hasil dari penelitian yang diperoleh nilai rata-rata ahli materi 95% (sangat layak), ahli media 86% (sangat layak), ahli praktisi pembelajaran 94,06% (sangat menarik), uji skala kecil 82,90% (sangat menarik) dan uji skala besar 85,41% (sangat menarik). Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi LINE Messaging API (Application Programming Interface) ini layak digunakan sebagai ruang media pembelajaran

    20 Years of Progress in Diarrheal Disease Research

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    When NAMRU started its collaboration work with the National Institute of Health, Research and Development (NIHRD), it became apparent that diarrheal disease was one of the most important causes of morbidity and mortality in Indonesia, especially in children. Many of the most important etiologic agents of diarrhea were not known and the percentage of diarrheas with an identifiable etiologic agent was very low. Since these early times NAMRU and NIHRD have worked together in all aspects of diarrheal disease research. Increased capabilities for the identification of bac­tériologie, parasitic and viral enteropathogens, new vaccines, and better treatment via oral rehydration solutions are some of the results of this collaboration

    McIsaac criteria for diagnosis of acute group-A β-hemolytic streptococcal pharyngitis

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    Background The early use of antibiotics for acute upper respiratory infections is controversial because most of these infections are caused by viruses. A strategy is needed to correctly identify the causitive agents of acute pharyngitis, so that antibiotics can be prescribed appropriately. Objective To assess McIsaac criteria for diagnosing acute group-A β-hemolytic streptococcal (GABHS) pharyngitis in children. Methods This diagnostic study was conducted from August 2011 to February 2012, to compare clinical criteria of McIsaac to throat swab culture results as the gold standard for diagnosis. Subjects were children aged 3-14 years who visited the pediatric outpatient clinic or emergency ward at Sanglah Hospital and the pediatric outpatient clinic at Wangaya Hospital. Results There were 550 cases of acute pharyngitis during the study period, with 313 patients aged 3-14 years and 199 patients excluded due to a history of taking antibiotics in the two weeks prior to the hospital visit. Hence, 114 subjects were eligible for the study. GABHS prevalence in this study was 7.9%. McIsaac’s area under the curve (AUC) from receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was 78.1%(95%CI 60.3 to 96%, P= 0.005). A McIsaac score ≥4 had a 66.7% (95%CI 49 to 97%) sensitivity, 87.6% (95% CI 81 to 94%) specificity, 31.6% (95 %CI 11 to 52%) positive predictive value (PPV), 96.8% (95%CI 93 to 100%) negative predictive value (NPV), 86.0% accuracy, 5.4 (95% CI 2.7 to 10.7) positive likelihood ratio (LR+) and 0.4 (95% CI 0.2 to 0.9) negative likelihood ratio (LR-). Conclusion A McIsaac criteria total score of <4 is favorable for excluding a diagnosis of GABHS pharyngitis. A McIsaac total criteria score of ≥4 requires further examination to confirm a diagnosis of GABHS pharyngitis

    Multifaceted interventions for healthcare-associated infections and rational use of antibiotics in a low-to-middle-income country: Can they be sustained?

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    BACKGROUND: Transmission of infection between patients by health workers, and the irrational use of antibiotics are preventable causes for healthcare-associated infections (HAI) and multi-resistant organisms. A previous study implementing a hand hygiene campaign and antibiotic stewardship program significantly reduced these infections. Sustaining such interventions can be challenging. AIMS: To evaluate whether there was a sustained effect of a multifaceted infection control and antibiotic stewardship program on HAI and antibiotic use 5 years after it began. METHODS: A prospective evaluation study was conducted over 26 months (from February 2016 to April 2018) in a teaching hospital in Indonesia, 5 years after the implementation of an antibiotic stewardship and infection control program, which was successful when initially evaluated. All children admitted to the pediatric ICU and pediatric wards were observed daily. Assessment of HAI was made based on the criteria from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Assessment of rational antibiotic use was based on the WHO Pocket Book of Hospital Care for Children. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to quantify the relationship between the HAI and the multifaceted intervention. RESULTS: We observed an increase in HAIs, from 8.6% (123/1419 patients) in the initial post-intervention period in 2011-2013 to 16.9% (314/1855) in the evaluation study (relative risk (RR) (95% CI) 1.95 (1.60 to 2.37)). After adjusting for potential confounders, we found that an increase in HAI in the evaluation period with adjusted OR 1.94 (95% CI 1.53 to 2.45). Inappropriate antibiotic use also increased, from 20.6% (182 of 882 patients who were prescribed antibiotics) to 48.6% (545/1855) (RR 2.35 (2.04 to 2.71)). Hand hygiene compliance also declined from 62.9% (1125/1789) observed moments requiring hand hygiene to 51% (1526/2993) (RR 3.33 (2.99 to 3.70)). CONCLUSIONS: Healthcare-associated infections and irrational use of antibiotics remain significant even after the implementation of a multifaceted infection control intervention and antibiotic stewardship program. There is a need for continuous input, ongoing surveillance and long-term monitoring of these interventions to sustain compliance and effectiveness and address problems as they emerge

    Non-antibiotic medication use in an Indonesian community cohort 0-18 months of age

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    BACKGROUND: Rational medication use for treatment is mandatory, particularly in children as they are vulnerable to possible hazards of drugs. Understanding the medication use pattern is of importance to identify the problems of drug therapy and to improve the appropriate use of medication among this population. METHODS: A post-hoc study of the RV3-BB Phase IIb trial to children aged 0-18 months which was conducted in Indonesia during January 2013 to July 2016. Any concomitant medication use and health events among 1621 trial participants during the 18 months of follow-up were documented. Information on medication use included the frequency, formulation, indication, duration of usage, number of regimens, medication types, and therapeutic classes. RESULTS: The majority of participants (N = 1333/1621; 82.2%) used at least one non-antibiotic medication for treatment during the 18-month observation period. A total of 7586 medication uses were recorded, mostly in oral formulation (90.5%). Of all illnesses recorded, 24.7% were treated with a single drug regimen of non-antibiotic medication. The most common therapeutic classes used were analgesics/antipyretics (30.1%), antihistamines for systemic use (17.4%), cough and cold preparations (13.5%), vitamins (8.6%), and antidiarrheals (6.6%). The main medication types used were paracetamol (29.9%), chlorpheniramine (16.8%), guaifenesin (8.9%), zinc (4.6%), and ambroxol (4.1%). Respiratory system disorder was the most common reason for medication use (51.9%), followed by gastrointestinal disorders (19.2%), pyrexia (16.9%), and skin disorders (7.0%). CONCLUSION: A large number of children were exposed to at least one medication during their early life, including those where evidence of efficacy and safety in a pediatric population is lacking. This supports the need for further research on pediatric drug therapy to improve the appropriate use of medication in this population

    Reducing hospital-acquired infections and improving the rational use of antibiotics in a developing country: an effectiveness study

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    BACKGROUND: Prevention of hospital-acquired infections (HAI) is central to providing safe and high quality healthcare. Transmission of infection between patients by health workers, and the irrational use of antibiotics have been identified as preventable aetiological factors for HAIs. Few studies have addressed this in developing countries. AIMS: To implement a multifaceted infection control and antibiotic stewardship programme and evaluate its effectiveness on HAIs and antibiotic use. METHODS: A before-and-after study was conducted over 27 months in a teaching hospital in Indonesia. All children admitted to the paediatric intensive care unit and paediatric wards were observed daily. Assessment of HAIs was made based on the criteria from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The multifaceted intervention consisted of a hand hygiene campaign, antibiotic stewardship (using the WHO Pocket Book of Hospital Care for Children guidelines as standards of antibiotic prescribing for community-acquired infections), and other elementary infection control practices. Data were collected using an identical method in the preintervention and postintervention periods. RESULTS: We observed a major reduction in HAIs, from 22.6% (277/1227 patients) in the preintervention period to 8.6% (123/1419 patients) in the postintervention period (relative risk (RR) (95% CI) 0.38 (0.31 to 0.46)). Inappropriate antibiotic use declined from 43% (336 of 780 patients who were prescribed antibiotics) to 20.6% (182 of 882 patients) (RR 0.46 (0.40 to 0.55)). Hand hygiene compliance increased from 18.9% (319/1690) to 62.9% (1125/1789) (RR 3.33 (2.99 to 3.70)). In-hospital mortality decreased from 10.4% (127/1227) to 8% (114/1419) (RR 0.78 (0.61 to 0.97)). CONCLUSIONS: Multifaceted infection control interventions are effective in reducing HAI rates, improving the rational use of antibiotics, increasing hand hygiene compliance, and may reduce mortality in hospitalised children in developing countries

    Significance of continuous rotavirus and norovirus surveillance in Indonesia

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