51 research outputs found

    Biological control of downy mildew of maize caused by Peronosclerospora sorghi under environmentally controlled conditions

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    Downy mildew disease, caused by Peronosclerospora sorghi, is one of the most serious diseases of maize. The disease is currently managed by seed treatment with metalaxyl fungicides. However, problems regarding environmental pollution resulting from the use of fungicides and development of fungicide resistance within populations of P. sorghi are of increasing concern. Assuming that biological control by means of using antagonistic microorganisms may be an alternative for the management of this disease, the efficacy of biocontrol agents viz., Bacillus subtilis G1, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens B2, Brevibacillus brevis 57 and Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf1 for the management of downy mildew of maize and for promoting plant growth was evaluated. The results indicated that seed treatment with B. subtilis G1 and B. amyloliquefaciens B2 significantly (P = 0.05) increased the germination percentage and seedling vigour of maize as assessed by roll towel method. Among them, B. subtilis G1 was the most effective and recorded 9% and 31% increases in germination percentage and seedling vigour of maize respectively, as compared to the control. A talc- based powder formulation of B. subtilis G1 when applied through seed at the rate of 10 g/kg reduced the downy mildew incidence up to 54% under greenhouse conditions. Results of this study suggest that B. subtilis G1 is a promising bioagent for the management of downy mildew of maize and for promoting plant growth. This antagonist could be further exploited for commercial scale up for ecofriendly management of downy mildew of maize under localized climatic conditions

    Analysis of aflatoxin B1 and aflatoxigenic mold in commercial poultry feeds in Tamil Nadu, India

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    A total of 48 commercial poultry feed samples collected from different poultry feed manufactures in Tamil Nadu, India were examined for the contamination of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and Aspergillus flavus. AFB1 in the samples was estimated by sandwich ELISA and the presence of A. flavus was detected by Real-Time PCR assay. Real-Time PCR analysis using A. flavus- specific omt primers confirmed the presence of A. flavus in all the samples tested. ELISA results indicated that the AFB1 contents in the poultry feeds ranged from 1.0 to18.7 ppb, which were below the permissible safe limits for poultry bird consumption and health. The results suggest adoption of good man-ufacturing practices by the commercial poultry feed manufacturers during procurement of feed ingredients, handling, storage and processing which might have suppressed the growth of A. flavus and aflatoxin contamination

    Analysis of defense genes expression in maize upon infection with Peronosclerospora sorghi

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    Downy mildew, caused by Peronosclerospora sorghi is one of the important diseases affecting maize (Zea mays L.) production worldwide. Several downy mildew resistant maize lines have been identified. However, variability in the degree of resistance among maize genotypes to P. sorghi has been reported. In the present study the molecular basis of resistance of maize to P. sorghi was studied by using differential-display reverse transcription PCR (DDRT-PCR) technique. Maize seedlings of downy mildew resistant (MAI 756) and susceptible (CM 500) cultivars at two-leaf stage were inoculated with P. sorghi and leaf samples were collected at 0, 3 and 5 days after inoculation and analyzed for differentially expressed cDNAs using cDNA-RAPD approach. A total of 17 cDNA fragments corresponding to transcripts that showed alterations during the defence response of maize to P. sorghi were identified. Genes involved in signal transduction and several genes with unknown functions were found to be upregulated in maize after infection by P. sorghi. Among 35 random primers tested, OPD-05 has identified a differentially expressed cDNA coding for serine/threonine kinase protein in resistant maize genotype. Constitutive and high level expression of serine/threonine kinase gene was observed in the uninoculated plants of resistant genotype, whereas no expression of this gene was observed in uninoculated plants of susceptible genotype. However, the transcript level was induced 3 days after inoculation in the susceptible genotype and slightly reduced 5 days after inoculation. This study represents the first identification of maize serine/threonine kinase gene that is upregulated following infection by P. sorghi

    Study of various predictors influencing success with artificial insemination husband

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    Background: Infertility effects more than 180 million people world-wide and couples should be evaluated to focus on the modifiable factors and various interventions to optimize the results before switching to costly treatments. Artificial insemination husband is one such treatment where various prognostic factors determine the success. Methods: The present study was done in department of reproductive medicine and surgery GSL medical college .All infertile couples attending the clinic and satisfying inclusion and exclusion criteria after proper consent were enrolled for study. Various relevant prognostic factors determining outcome were analysed statistically using the chi square test, the Fischer exact test, and the one way ANNOVA test. Results: In present study, the prevalence of positive pregnancy after IUI procedure was 14.7%. The total pregnancy rate per cycle was 10.6%. Among prognostic factors total motile sperm count, semen preparation technique and first AIH cycle showed positive correlation with the outcome. Conclusions: According to the results of the current study, intrauterine insemination (IUI) can provide many infertile couples with an opportunity of parenting. Before beginning this type of therapy, it is crucial to make the right selection of cases and conduct a thorough assessment of the couples

    A System to Filter Unwanted Messages from OSN User Walls

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    Abstract: The very basic requirement in present days Online Social Networks (OSNs) or Mobile Social Networks (MSNs) is to enable users with the facility to filter and moderate the messages posted on their own private space(like Profile pages, walls etc) to evade that unnecessary content is displayed. As of now Online Social Networks (OSNs) do not provide any kind options in order to fill this user requirement. To address this issue, in this paper, we propose a system allowing Online Social Networks (OSNs) users to have a direct control on the messages posted on their profiles and walls. This is accomplished through a flexible rule-based system, that permits registered users to modify the filtering criteria to be applied to their walls, and Machine Learning based soft classifier automatically labeling messages in support of content-based filtering

    Neuromuscular disease genetics in under-represented populations: increasing data diversity

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    Neuromuscular diseases (NMDs) affect ∼15 million people globally. In high income settings DNA-based diagnosis has transformed care pathways and led to gene-specific therapies. However, most affected families are in low-to-middle income countries (LMICs) with limited access to DNA-based diagnosis. Most (86%) published genetic data is derived from European ancestry. This marked genetic data inequality hampers understanding of genetic diversity and hinders accurate genetic diagnosis in all income settings. We developed a cloud-based transcontinental partnership to build diverse, deeply-phenotyped and genetically characterized cohorts to improve genetic architecture knowledge, and potentially advance diagnosis and clinical management. We connected 18 centres in Brazil, India, South Africa, Turkey, Zambia, Netherlands and the UK. We co-developed a cloud-based data solution and trained 17 international neurology fellows in clinical genomic data interpretation. Single gene and whole exome data were analysed via a bespoke bioinformatics pipeline and reviewed alongside clinical and phenotypic data in global webinars to inform genetic outcome decisions. We recruited 6001 participants in the first 43 months. Initial genetic analyses ‘solved’ or ‘possibly solved’ ∼56% probands overall. In-depth genetic data review of the four commonest clinical categories (limb girdle muscular dystrophy, inherited peripheral neuropathies, congenital myopathy/muscular dystrophies and Duchenne/Becker muscular dystrophy) delivered a ∼59% ‘solved’ and ∼13% ‘possibly solved’ outcome. Almost 29% of disease causing variants were novel, increasing diverse pathogenic variant knowledge. Unsolved participants represent a new discovery cohort. The dataset provides a large resource from under-represented populations for genetic and translational research. In conclusion, we established a remote transcontinental partnership to assess genetic architecture of NMDs across diverse populations. It supported DNA-based diagnosis, potentially enabling genetic counselling, care pathways and eligibility for gene-specific trials. Similar virtual partnerships could be adopted by other areas of global genomic neurological practice to reduce genetic data inequality and benefit patients globally

    Formulation And Evaluation Of Dutasteride Coated Microneedles For The Treatment Of Hair Loss

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    Coated microneedles have been shown to deliver proteins and DNA into the skin in a minimum invasive manner. Still, detailed studies of preparing coated microneedles and their breadth of applicability are lacking. Male androgenetic alopecia is the most commonly known form of scalp hair loss in men and as a part of hormone therapy in transgender women.  Till now, in India dutasteride is marketed as a topical solution in an aqueous vehicle in the treatment of alopecia. A high percentage of alcohol present in marketed formulations as a permeation enhancer was known to damaged hair, hair follicle, and scalp epidermal cells due to dehydration. The goal of the study was to enhance the permeation of drugs with the aid of microneedles, thus reducing the concentration of alcohol and damage of scalp cells. A microsyringe was used to coat each needle present on the roller. Coated microneedles were studied for coating uniformity, in-vitro drug release. The drug release profile of coated microneedles was found to be comparable with the marketed solution of minoxidil of the same strength

    IOT Based Fire Detection and Surveillance System

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    <p><i>The prevention of property loss due to fire accidents, both unintentional and intentional, requires the early detection of fire in homes. The ability to detect a fire can be crucial since it could be the difference between life and death. Because fires can start anywhere and at any moment, having a fire alarm system helps to keep your family safe. Some people do not believe that a fire alarm system is necessary. They simply think that they will be able to smell the fire and escape quickly. Nowadays, a house burns down in under 60 seconds on average. So, by the time you smell the fire and try to flee, the house has probably already been completely consumed by the fire. A network of connected and reachable objects is known as the Internet of Things (IoT). Any actual object, from a toaster to an automobile, can be referred to as a "Thing" in the Internet of Things. We can alter or gather data from these gadgets by connecting them to the internet. In this paper, we will employ a wide range of sensors to locate a fire and notify the watchman and emergency personnel of its location. It goes into great detail regarding the roles played by each module and how elaborately they are implemented. The use of IoT technology in relation to fire detection systems is also covered.</i></p&gt
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