185 research outputs found

    Energy-efficient control of pump units based on neural-network parameter observer

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    An observer based on an artificial neural network was designed. The observer determines the pumping unit performance depending on the operating point. Determination is based on the measured technological coordinates of the system and the pressure of the turbomechanism. Three neural networks were designed for three types of the productivity observer. The developed observer was investigated by the simulation method within different variations of disturbing actions, such as hydraulic resistance of the hydraulic system and geodetic pressure. A comparative analysis of three types of the productivity observer, built with using the pressure and different signals of the system with arbitrary change of hydraulic resistance was given. By the use of the pump unit efficiency observer, in addition to the results presented earlier, the efficiency of the productivity observer, which built with using different sensors, in water supply systems with two series-connected pump units, operating for filling the large tank, is researched. In the water supply system one pump speed is regulated, the other is unregulated. References 14, figures 5

    Pathology of heart, coronaries and aorta in autopsy cases with history of sudden death: an original article

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    Background: Natural deaths represent a large proportion of sudden (unexpected and unattended) deaths. The term “sudden cardiac death” (SCD) refers to death from the abrupt cessation of cardiac function due to cardiac arrest. The objective of this study was to identify various causes, risk factors, age and sex distribution associated with sudden cardiac death in an Indian setting.Methods: Detail review of medical records and an autopsy study of all cases of sudden cardiac death that occurred instantaneously or within 24 hours of onset of symptoms in a tertiary care institution, between December 2010 and December 2015 was carried out.Results: In total, 124 cases of sudden death were studied during this period. Out of 124 cases, 109 cases (87.90%) showed pathology in heart and aorta. Atherosclerotic coronary heart disease was the most common cause of death (72.58%) followed by Hypertensive heart disease (4.83%), Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (3.22%), Myocarditis (3.22%), Infective endocarditis (1.61%), Rheumatic heart disease (0.8%), Aortic dissection (0.8%), and syphilitic aortitis (0.8%).Conclusions: Sudden death is a source of concern and a detailed postmortem examination is mandatory to ascertain its cause. Presence of co-existing conditions like diabetes and hypertension contribute immensely to the risk of sudden death. Occurrence of sudden death at a younger age presents a formidable challenge. Prevention of development of risk factors of atherosclerosis at an early age can be an effective strategy to counter this ailment at all levels

    An Atomic-level Model for the Periplasmic Open State of Lactose Permease

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    Small molecule inhibitors of PSD95-nNOS protein-protein interactions as novel analgesics.

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    Aberrant increases in NMDA receptor (NMDAR) signaling contributes to central nervous system sensitization and chronic pain by activating neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) and generating nitric oxide (NO). Because the scaffolding protein postsynaptic density 95kDA (PSD95) tethers nNOS to NMDARs, the PSD95-nNOS complex represents a therapeutic target. Small molecule inhibitors IC87201 (EC5O: 23.94 µM) and ZL006 (EC50: 12.88 µM) directly inhibited binding of purified PSD95 and nNOS proteins in AlphaScreen without altering binding of PSD95 to ErbB4. Bot

    Experimental demonstration of radicaloid character in a RuV=O intermediate in catalytic water oxidation

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    Water oxidation is the key half reaction in artificial photosynthesis. An absence of detailed mechanistic insight impedes design of new catalysts that are more reactive and more robust. A proposed paradigm leading to enhanced reactivity is the existence of oxyl radical intermediates capable of rapid water activation, but there is a dearth of experimental validation. Here, we show the radicaloid nature of an intermediate reactive toward formation of the O-O bond by assessing the spin density on the oxyl group by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR). In the study, an 17O-labeled form of a highly oxidized, short-lived intermediate in the catalytic cycle of the water oxidation catalyst cis,cis-[(2,2-bipyridine)2(H2O)RuIIIORuIII(OH2)(bpy)2]4+ was investigated. It contains Ru centers in oxidation states [4,5], has at least one RuV = O unit, and shows |Axx| = 60G 17O hyperfine splittings (hfs) consistent with the high spin density of a radicaloid. Destabilization of π-bonding in the d3 RuV = O fragment is responsible for the high spin density on the oxygen and its high reactivity

    Expert System for Histological Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer

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    The paper is dedicated to the development of expert system for histological prostate cancer diagnosis. The developed system allows to fill the knowledge base and then to use this knowledge base to support physician decision on the histological diagnosis of prostate disease. Keywords: pattern recognition, prostate cancer diagnosis, decision making, decision support syste

    A comparison among PCNL, Miniperc and Ultraminiperc for lower calyceal stones between 1 and 2 cm: A prospective, comparative, multicenter and randomised study

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    Background: Conventional Percutaneous Lithotripsy (PCNL) has been an effective, successful and easy approach for especially > 1 cm sized calyceal stones however risks of complications and nephron loss are inevitable. Our aim is to compare the efficacy and safety of PCNL, MiniPerc (MP) and UltraMiniPerc (UMP) for lower calyceal stones between 1 and 2 cm with a multicenter prospective randomized study. Methods: Between January 2015 and June 2018, 132 consecutive patients with single lower calyceal stone were enrolled. Patients were randomized in three groups; A: PCNL; B: MP; C: UMP. 44 patients for the Group A, 47 for Group B and 41 for Group C. Exclusion criterias were the presence of coagulation impairments, age of < 18 or > 75, presence of infection or serious comorbidities. Patients were controlled with computerized tomography scan after 3 months. A negative CT or an asymptomatic patient with stone fragments < 3 mm size were the criteria to assess the stone-free status. Patient characteristics, stone free rates (SFR) s, complications and re-treatment rates were analyzed. Results: The mean stone size were 16.38, 16.82 and 15.23 mm respectively in Group A, B and C(p = 0.34). The overall SFR was significantly higher in Group A (86.3%) and B (82.9%) as compared to Group C (78%)(p < 0.05). The re-treatment rate was significantly higher in Group C (12.1%) and complication rates was higher in Group A (13.6%) as compared to others(p < 0.05). The hospitalization was significantly shorter in Group C compared to Group A (p = 0.04). Conclusions: PCNL and MP showed higher efficacy than UMP to obtain a better SFR. Auxiliary and re-treatment rates were higher in UMP. On the other hand for such this kind of stones PCNL had more complications. Overall evaluation favors MP as a better indication in stones 1-2 cm size

    A comparison of open vs robot-assisted prostatectomy. Review

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    Open radical retropubic prostatectomy (ORP) has long been considered the gold-standard treatment of clinically localized prostate cancer. The past decades have ushered in minimally invasive surgical approaches, and urologists refined approaches for robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy (RALP). However, little data are available for comparing the perioperative and oncologic outcomes of the different RP approaches. The aim of our review is to provide a critical analysis of ORP and RALP in terms of perioperative, oncologic and functional outcomes. There were no randomized controlled trials. Of the 25 publications meeting our selection criteria level II, III, and IV evidence were found in 9,5, and 11 articles, respectively. Overall, RALP was associated with lower blood loss, transfusion rates and length of stay, when compared to RRP. Definitive conclusions regarding complications and oncologic and functional outcomes are not yet possible, and will require well-designed randomized controlled trials.Открытая радикальная простатэктомия на протяжении длительного времени являлась «золотым стандартом» лечения клинически локализованных форм рака предстательной железы. За последние десятилетия, благодаря прогрессивному развитию минимально-инвазивных технологий в медицине, взгляды урологов изменились в пользу применения робот-ассистированной техники выполнения радикальной простатэктомии. Несмотря на это ощущается острый дефицит сравнительных исследований по сравнению различных техник выполнения радикальной простатзктомии. Целью данной работы являлся анализ доступной литературы, посвященной прямому сравнению результатов выполнения роботической и робот-ассистированной радикальной простатэктомии и оценка степени достоверности проведенных сравнительных исследований. В ходе анализа не было встречено ни одного рандомизированного контролируемого исследования. Из 25 отобранных работ степени достоверности II, III и IV были присвоены 9,5 и 11 работам соответственно. По сравнению с открытой операцией, робот-ассистированная техника выполнения радикальной простатэктомии обладает преимуществами в таких показателях, как степень кровопотерн, частота трансфузии и продолжительность пребывания в стационаре. Однозначные заключения касательно осложнений, онкологических и функциональных результатов на основании проанализированных работ сделать нельзя. Необходимо выполнение рандомизируемых контролируемых исследований

    Опыт проведения андрогенозаместительной терапии у больных с возрастным гипогонадизмом, перенесших радикальную позадилонную простатэктомию

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    Purpose: To assess the effectiveness and safety of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in a cohort of hypogonadal patients treated withradical retropubic prostatectomy (RRP) for localized prostate cancer. Materials and Methods: the results of treatment of sixteen patients that underwent RRP for organ confined prostate cancer from 2001 to 2005 are analyzed. Before and after realization of TRT the content of the total testosterone in the blood serum, level of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in blood as well as intensity of the symptomatology according to the Aging Male Symptoms (AMS) Scale. Results: At a mean duration of TRT for 15 months the TT raised from 6.5±1.98 nmol/l to 19.2±5.1 nmol/l (р < 0.01), the AMS score decreased from 40.4±5.4 to 20.8±3.8. No biochemical or clinical evidence of prostate cancer was found in any of the patients. Conclusions: Based on the clinical experience with this group of 16 patients and the data of the literature, we conclude that highly selected hypogonadal patients surgically cured of prostate cancer can be treated with TRT safely with beneficial results, although to formulate the clinical guidelines on TRT use in patients surgically cured of prostate cancer, the large prospective multicenter studies with a big amount of patients are essential.

    X-ray absorption spectroscopy

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    This review gives a brief description of the theory and application of X-ray absorption spectroscopy, both X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS), especially, pertaining to photosynthesis. The advantages and limitations of the methods are discussed. Recent advances in extended EXAFS and polarized EXAFS using oriented membranes and single crystals are explained. Developments in theory in understanding the XANES spectra are described. The application of X-ray absorption spectroscopy to the study of the Mn4Ca cluster in Photosystem II is presented