223 research outputs found


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    Summons of witnesses at each level of criminal case examination has consequences for the cost of attending the summons. So far, the provisions regarding the cost of summoning witnaesses and experts have been regulated in Article 229 of the Criminal Procedure Code and Law Number 13 of 2006 concerning Protection of Witnesses and Victims and Law Number 2 of 2002 concerning Procedures for Protection of Witnesses and Victims in Human rights violations, however, in reality the fees that have been regulated in the law are not fully provided to all witnesses and even if there are costs they are not up to standard and not optimal. These costs include accommodation costs, consumption costs, transportation costs and costs of reimbursing lost income due to having to attend calls. The purpose of this research is to find out and explain the compensation mechanism to witnesses or experts in order to differentiate information in the criminal justice system in the jurisdiction of the Takengon District Court and what are the obstacles in reimbursing costs to witnesses or experts in order to provide information in the criminal justice system in the region. the law of the Takengon District Court. This type of research is juridical empirical, that is, approaching the problem through legal research by looking at the prevailing legal norms and relating them to the facts that exist in society in connection with the problems encountered in the research.Summons of witnesses at each level of criminal case examination has consequences for the cost of attending the summons. So far, the provisions regarding the cost of summoning witnaesses and experts have been regulated in Article 229 of the Criminal Procedure Code and Law Number 13 of 2006 concerning Protection of Witnesses and Victims and Law Number 2 of 2002 concerning Procedures for Protection of Witnesses and Victims in Human rights violations, however, in reality the fees that have been regulated in the law are not fully provided to all witnesses and even if there are costs they are not up to standard and not optimal. These costs include accommodation costs, consumption costs, transportation costs and costs of reimbursing lost income due to having to attend calls. The purpose of this research is to find out and explain the compensation mechanism to witnesses or experts in order to differentiate information in the criminal justice system in the jurisdiction of the Takengon District Court and what are the obstacles in reimbursing costs to witnesses or experts in order to provide information in the criminal justice system in the region. the law of the Takengon District Court. This type of research is juridical empirical, that is, approaching the problem through legal research by looking at the prevailing legal norms and relating them to the facts that exist in society in connection with the problems encountered in the research. The results showed that the cost reimbursement mechanism for witnesses or experts in order to provide information at the police level, namely starting with budget proposals, the Central Aceh Police proposed a budget through an index on other operational items. The index is available only for very difficult and difficult cases while there is no index for easy cases

    Kesenjangan Spasial Dan Kegagalan Keadilan Pada Fungsi Produksi Di Wilayah Blitar

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    Kesenjangan spasial Utara-Selatan menjadi isu penting di Wilayah Blitar (Kota dan Kabupaten Blitar). Ini bisa disebabkan oleh kegagalan keadilan yang berujung pada ketidakseimbangan interaksi spasial. Selanjutnya, dapat timbul masalah seperti perkembangan ekonomi yang tidak optimal, kesenjangan kesejahteraan, dan bahkan ketidakberkelanjutan. Penelitian terdahulu tentang kesenjangan spasial di Wilayah Blitar dapat menjelaskan bahwa aturan bentuk-U terbalik tidak berlaku di sini karena masih terjadi kegagalan keadilan pada delapan aspek kebijakan. Penelitian tersebut mengaplikasikan konsep pembangunan (wilayah) berbasis keadilan untuk mengkaji ketimpangan spasial dalam fungsi distribusi manfaat. Penelitian ini mengkaji fungsi produksi dengan fokus pada USAha mikro dan kecil yang sangat terkait dengan pengentasan kemiskinan namun sering kurang difasilitasi. Pendekatan kuantitatif telah digunakan dengan dilengkapi informasi kualitatif pendahuluan. Studi ini telah memanfaatkan metode sampling acak proporsional untuk distribusi kuesioner kepada para responden (pelaku USAha mikro dan kecil), serta wawancara dengan informan kunci dari pembuat kebijakan terkait. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa sejauh menyangkut empat aspek kebijakan fungsi produksi, yaitu aspek modal, lahan, kemudahan memulai USAha, dan anti perburuan rente, ternyata tidak terlihat kesenjangan Utara-Selatan seperti yang selama ini diyakini. Yang terbukti adalah masih terjadi kegagalan keadilan, baik di Utara maupun Selatan, pada tingkat sedang hingga rendah dengan kecenderungan yang membaik pada aspek modal dan lahan serta memburuk pada kemudahan memulai USAha dan pemburu rente. Dengan memahami kegagalan keadilan yang ada, kebijakan terkait dapat direformulasi menuju pembangunan wilayah yang lebih baik

    Ipteks Peningkatan Laba Pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk

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    Technological advances affect all aspects of life today, not least in the financial sector, namely banking. Banks are one of the institutions that affect the economy, banks also help people in managing their finances. For this reason, the writing of this article aims to see the bank\u27s business as a customer centered trust business, in utilizing technological advancement to improve the efficiency of operational activities and service quality, and competitiveness which also includes increasing the number of customer so as to reduce operating costs which will ultimately increase profits bank

    Physical Characteristic and Palatability of Bio-Supplement Biscuit for Dairy Goat

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the physical characteristic and palatability of bio-supplement biscuit for dairy goat. This experimental research applied Completely Randomized Design, constituting 20 heads of dairy goat randomly assigned to five dietary treatments. The treatments were R1 = bio-supplement biscuit of Indigofera sp; R2 = bio-supplement biscuit of Sauropus androgynus L. Merr leaf; R3 = bio-supplement biscuit of Carica papaya L leaf; R4= bio-supplement biscuit of Sauropus androgynus L. Merr leaf and Indigofera sp; R5= bio-supplement biscuit of Carica papaya L leaf and Indigofera sp. The variables measured were moisture, water activity, water absorption, density, and palatability. The results indicated significant effect of bio-supplement biscuit treatment on water content, water absorption, density, and palatability, but no significant effect on water activity. Palatability of R1 was 76.38±7.92 g/head, R2 was 23.81±6.08 g/head, R3 was 40.25±3.54 g/head, R4 was 29.56±4.77 g/head, R5 was 95.63±7.36 g/head. Bio-supplement biscuit of Carica papaya L leaf and Indigofera sp had the highest values of dairy goat’s palatability for dairy goat, crude protein (36.65%) and density, but the lowest in water activity.Animal Production 15(2):83-88, May 201

    Physical Characteristic and Palatability of Bio-Supplement Biscuit for Dairy Goat

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the physical characteristic and palatability of bio-supplement biscuit for dairy goat. This experimental research applied Completely Randomized Design, constituting 20 heads of dairy goat randomly assigned to five dietary treatments. The treatments were R1 = bio-supplement biscuit of Indigofera sp; R2 = bio-supplement biscuit of Sauropus androgynus L. Merr leaf; R3 = bio-supplement biscuit of Carica papaya L leaf; R4= bio-supplement biscuit of Sauropus androgynus L. Merr leaf and Indigofera sp; R5= bio-supplement biscuit of Carica papaya L leaf and Indigofera sp. The variables measured were moisture, water activity, water absorption, density, and palatability. The results indicated significant effect of bio-supplement biscuit treatment on water content, water absorption, density, and palatability, but no significant effect on water activity. Palatability of R1 was 76.38±7.92 g/head, R2 was 23.81±6.08 g/head, R3 was 40.25±3.54 g/head, R4 was 29.56±4.77 g/head, R5 was 95.63±7.36 g/head. Bio-supplement biscuit of Carica papaya L leaf and Indigofera sp had the highest values of dairy goat's palatability for dairy goat, crude protein (36.65%) and density, but the lowest in water activity.Animal Production 15(2):83-88, May 201

    Smart Card sebagai Pengaman Sepeda Motor Berbasis Mikrokontroler

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    Pengaman sepeda motor yang berbentuk smart card terdiri dari bagian yang memuat chip EEPROM dan bagian pengaman smart card. Pembacaan smart card didesain dan ditempatkan pada sepeda motor. Untuk pembacaan data chip SLE 4442, dan pembacaan data pengaman smart card digunakan mikrokontroler AT89S51. Untuk pengaturan aktif maupun tidak aktifnya CDI, dan starter juga digunakan mikrokontroler AT89S51. Sistem pengaman sepeda motor akan menjadi aktif bila sepeda motor dalam keadaan mati. Smart card dengan chip, dan dengan pengaman smart card (sensor) digunakan pada saat sepeda motor akan dinyalakan, dan apabila smart card benar, maka sepeda motor sudah siap dipakai, dan smart card bisa dilepas dari sistem pengaman sepeda motor. Sistem pengaman sepeda motor harus off bila sepeda motor akan berjalan. Sumber tenaga listrik untuk menggerakkan alat pengaman sepeda motor ini disuplai oleh accu yang mampu menyediakan tenaga selama 6 sampai dengan 8 jam. Arus listrik yang dikonsumsi oleh alat pengaman sepeda motor sekitar 10mA saat standby. Pada saat alat pengaman sepeda motor ini bekerja, arus yang dikonsumsi sekitar 2A. Alat pengaman sepeda motor ini melakukan fungsi pengamanan dengan baik
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