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    Perencanaan Strategis Klinik Mata Papandayan Semarang

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    Universitas Diponegoro Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Program Studi Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Konsentrasi Administrasi Rumah Sakit 2015 ABSTRAK Nur Isnayanti Perencanaan Strategis Klinik Mata Papandayan Semarang xviii + 154 halaman + 41 tabel + 11 gambar + 16 lampiran Organisasi kesehatan baik profit maupun non profit dihadapkan pada lingkungan kompetitif yang kompleks. Klinik Mata Papandayan (KMP) membutuhkan pertumbuhan organisasi sehingga perlu menyusun rencana strategi guna menyikapi persaingan demi mengembangkan bisnisnya dengan menganalisis faktor ekternal dan internal menggunakan metode SWOT dan menganalisis kinerja dengan pendekatan Balanced Scorecard (BSC). Perencanaan strategis KMP dibuat agar kegiatan lima tahun ke depan terarah dan tepat sasaran. Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, jenis penelitian observasional partisipatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi langsung, wawancara mendalam dan Focused Group Discussion (FGD). Informan utama adalah 3 orang direktur, 3 orang manajer. Dan informan triangulasi komisaris KMP. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis model interaktif yaitu dengan reduksi data, penyajian data dan menarik kesimpulan atau verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan visi Klinik Mata Papandayan adalah: pusat pelayanan kesehatan mata dan bedah katarak terbaik yang terjangkau untuk seluruh lapisan masyarakat. Misi, memberikan pelayanan kesehatan mata secara profesional dan paripurna, mengembangkan sumber daya dan potensi diri karyawan untuk terus maju dan lebih baik, serta berperan serta aktif mendukung program pemerintah dalam rangka penurunan angka kesakitan mata dan kebutaan. Value statement, Klinik mata profesional yang menggunakan peralatan diagnostik terbarukan dengan pelayanan prima. Goal, selalu tumbuh dan berkembang. Perencanaan strategis disusun dalam Strategy map untuk tahun 2016-2020 BSC.. Rekomendasi penelitian agar KMP membuat perencanaan strategi dengan metode BSC untuk 5 (lima) tahun. Perlu ditinjau ulang perencanaan strategis yang telah dibuat dengan penyesuaian menggunakan kerangka BSC Sosialisasikan perencanaan strategis untuk seluruh karyawan di Klinik Mata Papandayan (KMP). Evaluasi rencana kerja yang telah ditetapkan setiap tahun. Kata kunci : Perencanaan Strategis, SWOT, Balanced Scorecard Kepustakaan : 44 (1996 -2014) Diponegoro University Faculty of Public Health Master’s Study Program in Public Health Majoring in Hospital Administration 2015 ABSTRACT Nur Isnayanti A Strategic Plan of Papandayan Eyes Clinic in Semarang xviii + 154 pages + 41 tables + 11 figures + 16 appendices Either profit or non-profit health organisations face a complex and competitive environment. Papandayan Eyes Clinic (PEC) needs to develop its organisation. Therefore, a strategic plan needs to be arranged to anticipate a competition and to develop its business through analysing external and internal factors using a SWOT method and analysing performance using Balanced Scorecard (BSC) approach. A strategic plan of PEC was arranged as a guidance of activities to achieve goals for the next five years. This was a qualitative study using an observational-participative design. Data were collected using methods of direct observation, indepth interview, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Main informants consisted of three directors and three managers. A commissioner of PEC was selected as an informant for triangulation purpose. Data were analysed using an interactive model analysis, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing or verification. The results of this research showed that PEC had a vision as follows: the best centre for eye health services and cataract surgery that is affordable for all people. Meanwhile, a mission of PEC was to provide eye health services professionally and perfectly, to develop human resource and self-potential employees, and to be actively involved in supporting government’s programs to reduce eye morbidity and blindness rates. A value statement, a professional eye clinic uses sophisticated diagnostic equipment accompanied by excellent services. A goal, always grow and develop. A strategic plan was arranged in a strategy map for the years 2016-2020 using a BCS method. PEC needs to make a strategic plan using a BSC method for the next five years. The current strategic plan needs to be reviewed through adjustment using a BSC method. In addition, socialisation of a strategic plan for all employees working at PEC needs to be conducted. A work plan needs to be evaluated annually. Keywords : Strategic plan, SWOT, Balanced Scorecard Bibliography: 44 (1996-2014

    Representasi Kekuasaan dalam Wacana Politik (Kajian Etnografi Komunikasi)

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    Analisis wacana (discource analysis) mengenai representasi kekuasaananggota DPRD dalam menjalankan peran dan fungsi politiknya,merupakan sebuah konteks wacana politik yang proses interaksinya tidakterlepas dari penggunaan jenis-jenis kekuasaan. Wujud kekuasaan akantampak dari satuan dasar wacana politiknya, yakni tindak tutur. Tindaktutur yang digunakan dalam wacana politik untuk merepresentasikankekuasaan dapat berbentuk direktif, ekspresif, komisif, atau deklaratif. Daritindak tutur tersebut akan teridentifikasi jenis-jenis kekuasaan, seperti;kekuasaan paksaan (coecive power), kekuasaan absah (legitimate power),kekuasaan hadiah (reward power), dan kekuasaan keahlian (expert power),melalui strategi dan pola percakapan yang khas digunakan. Selain itu,fungsi kekuasan melalui perspektif struktural-fungsional dalam fungsisuportif, fungsi prefentif, dan fungsi korektif di dalam konteks ini juga akanterlihat dengan jelas. Studi ini akan mengamati dengan cermat tigakomponen tutur yang digunakan untuk merepresentasikan kekuasan dalamwacana politik, yaitu; (1) partisipan, (2) tujuan tutur, dan (3) topik tuturan

    Malaysian and Indonesian Learners: They Are Judges of How They Learn English Most Effectively in and Out of Classrooms

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    The position of English is that of a Second Language in Malaysia and a Foreign Language in Indonesia. But the objective is the same that is to enable the learners to communicate effectively and efficiently in social and professional situations. Learners' beliefs and learners' strategies are also part of the learning processes. Strategies are ways of managing the complex information that the learners are receiving about the target language. This study aims to find out (i) the learners' beliefs on the importance of English (ii) what the learners will do (strategies) to manage their own learning. 100 respondents participated in the study. They responded to open ended questions. The results show that there are similarities and differences in the ways the Malaysian and Indonesian learners perceived the importance of English. They also have similarities and differences in their strategies to manage their own learning to achieve their goals. As a conclusion, even though the two countries adopted different language policy, the learners of English as a Second and Foreign Language have their own enthusiasms and they make judgements about how to learn the language effectively and they have the awareness of what language learning is like

    Improving the Ability to Extract Novel Text with Information Transfer Strategies and Project-based Learning Models

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    This writing focuses on the concept of improving the ability to extract novel’s text. An information transfer strategy is used as an effort to improve that capability. The use of such strategies is used to enable learners to get to the creative writing stage. Learners are assigned to read the novel text and then convert it into a table and concept map. The forms of ability to extract the text of the short story that must be achieved by the learners is to make a map of the character, detailing the development of thinking figure, and projecting messages from characters thinking figures. Learning is carried out using a project-based learning model. The final result of this learning is a simple concept map that the essence of a novel. This writing focuses on the concept of improving the ability to extract novel’s text an information transfer strategy is used as an effort to improve that capability. The use of such strategies is used to enable learners to get to the creative writing sta ge. Learners are assigned to read the novel text and then convert it into a table and concept map. The forms of ability to extract the text of the short story that must be achieved by the learners is to make a map of the character, detailing the developmen t of thinking figure, and projecting messages from characters thinking figures.     Keywords: information transfer strategy, creative writing, and extracting novel tex

    Singapore Malay migrants\u27 concepts of filial-piety and its support for aged parents to age-in-place in Australia

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    This study investigates the perceptions of first-generation Malay migrants from Singapore in Perth, Western Australia, who are caring for aged-parents at home. This research examines their interpretation of the Confucian concept of “filial piety” and how this influences their aged-caring. Using a social constructionism epistemology and interpretive phenomenological theoretical framework research methodology, data was collected through semi-structured indepth interviews, supplemented by observation of verbal and physical expressions. This research used purposive criterion sampling to achieve a culturally homogeneous sample. Results were analysed according to themes from previous findings, and newly identified themes. Among new themes discovered included a refined interpretation of Australian Malay carers’ subscription to the concept of filial piety. Contrary to previously reported research, this research found that carers provided care for their aged-parents to “filially serve” their parents and not to “repay” their parents’ kindness. Participants did not expect their own children to provide care for them at old age in contrast with participants’ parents’ expressed expectation to be physically cared for. This study found that participants felt disadvantaged when comparing themselves with their counterparts in Singapore. Even though additional support would have eased the burden of caring, these carers were unwilling to seek information about ageing challenges (including dementia), or outside help, because existing aged-care provision was not culturally sensitive or responsive; and because “dementia” was stigmatised in the Malay community. The outcome of this research has implications for the planning and provision of culturally responsive and sensitive aged-care policy and services, to assist the Singapore Malay population and other similar migrant populations with similar values, to provide care for their aged-parents. These results contribute to an understanding of the values of Singapore Malay carers’ living in Western Australia; and recommend culturally sensitive training and education about ageing processes, consequences and challenges

    Peran Jasa Ground Handling terhadap Pelayanan Perusahaan Air Freight di Bali dalam Menghadapi Kompetisi Global

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    Salah satu kunci keberhasilan dari sebuah Perusahaan pengiriman barang terletak pada kegiatan handling barang yang efektif dan efisien. Untuk dapat berkompetisi dengan baik dengan acuan waktu pelayanan yang efisien, Perusahaan jasa airfreight memerlukan kerjasama dengan Perusahaan jasa ground handling (PT Jasa Angkasa Semesta dan PT Gapura Angkasa) agar dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan. Di sinilah letak peran penting Perusahaan jasa ground handling terhadap bisnis air cargo. Sesuai dengan konsep aliran logistik secara terpadu maka selayaknya tidak ada sekat (boundary) atau pisahan antara Perusahaan jasa ground handling dan airfreight dalam operasionalnya. Keduanya bersama-sama dengan maskapai penerbangan merupakan satu kesatuan untuk tujuan yang sama mengirim cargo pelanggan tepat waktu. Strategi apa yang akan digunakan Perusahaan jasa airfreight bergantung kepada perhitungan IFAS dan EFAS untuk mencari titik absis dan ordinat yang menunjukkan posisi strategis Perusahaan airfreight saat ini. Sebagai alat analisis kualitatif, analisis SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, dan Threat) memadai untuk mengetahui posisi strategis Perusahaan airfreight dan mengatur langkah strategi apa yang akan digunakan. Kerjasama antara airfreight dan ground handling ini diharapkan akan menghasilkan jasa pelayanan air cargo dengan total waktu proses yang relatif cepat. [The Role of Ground Handling Services to The Air Freight Services in Bali in The Face of Global Competition] One of the successful key of freight forwarder companies lies in their handling operations that executed effectively and efficiently. Most of the companies that can stay competitive in this transportation services business are those which operated with relatively short time in unloading and loading the cargo. In order to make their companies well competed with reference to efficient services time, air freight services companies need to cooperate with ground handling services companies (PT Jasa Angkasa Semesta and PT Gapura Angkasa) so that customer needs can be fulfilled. And that is the important role of ground handling services in the air freight business. In accordance with the integrated logistic flow concept, there should be no operational boundaries between ground handling services companies and air freight services companies. Both of them, together with the airlines, are an entity with the same purpose: to handle the customer cargo right in time. The strategy that will be used by air freight services companies rely on IFAS and EFAS calculation in order to find the correct abscissa and ordinate that indicate the strategic position of the companies at the moment. SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) used as the tool of qualitative analysis not only for indicating the strategic position of the air freight services companies but also for managing the strategic measures that will be taken. The awareness of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the air freight services companies can be used as the benefit in the cooperation with the other services companies, especially ground handling and airlines. The role of ground handling in improving the strengths and using the opportunities while reducing weaknesses and threats is crucial for air freight operations. Thus, cooperation between air freight and ground handling is expected in providing quick processing-cargo services

    E-portfolio MSC indicator for a virtual learning environment

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    This study was conducted to identify indicators for the use of e-portfolio for a virtual learning environment in the Malaysian Skills Certification (MSC) system. The approach is through a modified Delphi technique run in three stages. The first stage is analysis of past research material and documents as guidelines in the development of questionnaire items. In the second and third stages, the developed questionnaire is distributed to experts for approval in determining e-portfolio indicators for implementation of the Malaysian Skills Certification system. The sample selected consists of 11 experts in the field of skills certification in Malaysia. Feedback from the experts was analysed using descriptive statistics (mean, median and interquartile range). The findings identify four elements (Assessment, Personal Space, Exhibition and Learning Management) and 32 indicators through a literature review. In conclusion, there are 22 indicators were identified as necessary for the implementation of the use of the e-portfolio in the Malaysian Skills Certification system
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