709 research outputs found

    Probing Interband Coulomb Interactions in Semiconductor Nanocrystals with 2D Double-Quantum Coherence Spectroscopy

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    Using previously developed exciton scattering model accounting for the interband, i.e., exciton-biexciton, Coulomb interactions in semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs), we derive a closed set of equations for 2D double-quantum coherence signal. The signal depends on the Liouville space pathways which include both the interband scattering processes and the inter- and intraband optical transitions. These processes correspond to the formation of different cross-peaks in the 2D spectra. We further report on our numerical calculations of the 2D signal using reduced level scheme parameterized for PbSe NCs. Two different NC excitation regimes considered and unique spectroscopic features associated with the interband Coulomb interactions are identified.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Ultrafast supercontinuum spectroscopy of carrier multiplication and biexcitonic effects in excited states of PbS quantum dots

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    We examine the multiple exciton population dynamics in PbS quantum dots by ultrafast spectrally-resolved supercontinuum transient absorption (SC-TA). We simultaneously probe the first three excitonic transitions over a broad spectral range. Transient spectra show the presence of first order bleach of absorption for the 1S_h-1S_e transition and second order bleach along with photoinduced absorption band for 1P_h-1P_e transition. We also report evidence of the one-photon forbidden 1S_{h,e}-1P_{h,e} transition. We examine signatures of carrier multiplication (multiexcitons for the single absorbed photon) from analysis of the first and second order bleaches, in the limit of low absorbed photon numbers (~ 10^-2), at pump energies from two to four times the semiconductor band gap. The multiexciton generation efficiency is discussed both in terms of a broadband global fit and the ratio between early- to long-time transient absorption signals.. Analysis of population dynamics shows that the bleach peak due to the biexciton population is red-shifted respect the single exciton one, indicating a positive binding energy.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    3D characterization of CdSe nanoparticles attached to carbon nanotubes

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    The crystallographic structure of CdSe nanoparticles attached to carbon nanotubes has been elucidated by means of high resolution transmission electron microscopy and high angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy tomography. CdSe rod-like nanoparticles, grown in solution together with carbon nanotubes, undergo a morphological transformation and become attached to the carbon surface. Electron tomography reveals that the nanoparticles are hexagonal-based with the (001) planes epitaxially matched to the outer graphene layer.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Theory and simulation of quantum photovoltaic devices based on the non-equilibrium Green's function formalism

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    This article reviews the application of the non-equilibrium Green's function formalism to the simulation of novel photovoltaic devices utilizing quantum confinement effects in low dimensional absorber structures. It covers well-known aspects of the fundamental NEGF theory for a system of interacting electrons, photons and phonons with relevance for the simulation of optoelectronic devices and introduces at the same time new approaches to the theoretical description of the elementary processes of photovoltaic device operation, such as photogeneration via coherent excitonic absorption, phonon-mediated indirect optical transitions or non-radiative recombination via defect states. While the description of the theoretical framework is kept as general as possible, two specific prototypical quantum photovoltaic devices, a single quantum well photodiode and a silicon-oxide based superlattice absorber, are used to illustrated the kind of unique insight that numerical simulations based on the theory are able to provide.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures; invited review pape

    Site-Selective Passivation of Defects in NiO Solar Photocathodes by Targeted Atomic Deposition

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    For nanomaterials, surface chemistry can dictate fundamental material properties, including charge-carrier lifetimes, doping levels, and electrical mobilities. In devices, surface defects are usually the key limiting factor for performance, particularly in solar-energy applications. Here, we develop a strategy to uniformly and selectively passivate defect sites in semiconductor nanomaterials using a vapor-phase process termed targeted atomic deposition (TAD). Because defects often consist of atomic vacancies and dangling bonds with heightened reactivity, we observe-for the widely used p-type cathode nickel oxide-that a volatile precursor such as trimethylaluminum can undergo a kinetically limited selective reaction with these sites. The TAD process eliminates all measurable defects in NiO, leading to a nearly 3-fold improvement in the performance of dye-sensitized solar cells. Our results suggest that TAD could be implemented with a range of vapor-phase precursors and be developed into a general strategy to passivate defects in zero-, one-, and two-dimensional nanomaterials

    Low-Cost Flexible Nano-Sulfide/Carbon Composite Counter Electrode for Quantum-Dot-Sensitized Solar Cell

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    Cu2S nanocrystal particles were in situ deposited on graphite paper to prepare nano-sulfide/carbon composite counter electrode for CdS/CdSe quantum-dot-sensitized solar cell (QDSC). By optimization of deposition time, photovoltaic conversion efficiency up to 3.08% was obtained. In the meantime, this composite counter electrode was superior to the commonly used Pt, Au and carbon counter electrodes. Electrochemical impedance spectra further confirmed that low charge transfer resistance at counter electrode/electrolyte interface was responsible for this, implied the potential application of this composite counter electrode in high-efficiency QDSC

    Reconstructing charge-carrier dynamics in porous silicon membranes from time-resolved interferometric measurements

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    We performed interferometric time-resolved simultaneous reflectance and transmittance measurements to investigate the carrier dynamics in pump-probe experiments on thin porous silicon membranes. The experimental data was analysed by using a method built on the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approximation and the Drude model, allowing us to reconstruct the excited carriers’ non-uniform distribution in space and its evolution in time. The analysis revealed that the carrier dynamics in porous silicon, with ~50% porosity and native oxide chemistry, is governed by the Shockley-Read-Hall recombination process with a characteristic time constant of 375 picoseconds, whereas diffusion makes an insignificant contribution as it is suppressed by the high rate of scattering

    Постать Тараса Шевченка в рецепції Ліни Костенко

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    У статті розглядається поетика творення Ліною Костенко образу Кобзаря крізь призму власного "я", через пережиті відчуття поета-шістдесятника, що своєю проекцією нагадують душевні терзання великого поета.В статье рассмотрена поэтика создания Линой Костенко образа Тараса Шевченко сквозь призму собственного "я", через пережитые ощущения поэта-шестидесятника, своей проекцией напоминающие душевные терзания великого поэта.The article deals with the problem of the poetics creation by Lina Kostenko Taras Shevchenko’ image through a prism her own mind, through sensations of the poet-sixtier, by the projection reminding sincere torments the great poet is considered

    Role of mid-gap states in charge transport and photoconductivity in semiconductor nanocrystal films

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    Colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals have attracted significant interest for applications in solution-processable devices such as light-emitting diodes and solar cells. However, a poor understanding of charge transport in nanocrystal assemblies, specifically the relation between electrical conductance in dark and under light illumination, hinders their technological applicability. Here we simultaneously address the issues of 'dark' transport and photoconductivity in films of PbS nanocrystals, by incorporating them into optical field-effect transistors in which the channel conductance is controlled by both gate voltage and incident radiation. Spectrally resolved photoresponses of these devices reveal a weakly conductive mid-gap band that is responsible for charge transport in dark. The mechanism for conductance, however, changes under illumination when it becomes dominated by band-edge quantized states. In this case, the mid-gap band still has an important role as its occupancy (tuned by the gate voltage) controls the dynamics of band-edge charges

    Phosphorescent Energy Downshifting for Diminishing Surface Recombination in Silicon Nanowire Solar Cells

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    Molecularly engineered Ir(III) complexes can transfer energy from short-wavelength photons (lambda < 450 nm) to photons of longer wavelength (lambda > 500 nm), which can enhance the otherwise low internal quantum efficiency (IQE) of crystalline Si (c-Si) nanowire solar cells (NWSCs) in the shortwavelength region. Herein, we demonstrate a phosphorescent energy downshifting system using Ir(III) complexes at short wavelengths (300-450 nm) to diminish the severe surface recombination that occurs in c-Si NWSCs. The developed Ir(III) complexes can be considered promising energy converters because they exhibit superior intrinsic properties such as a high quantum yield, a large Stokes shift, a long exciton diffusion length in crystalline film, and a reproducible synthetic procedure. Using the developed 1011) complexes, highly crystalline energy downshifting layers were fabricated by ultrasonic spray deposition to enhance the photoluminescence efficiency by increasing the radiative decay. With the optimized energy downshifting layer, our 1cm(2) c-Si NWSCs with Ir(III) complexes exhibited a higher IQE value for short-wavelength light (300-450 nm) compared with that of bare Si NWSCs without Ir(III) complexes, resulting in a notable increase in the short-circuit current density (from 34.4 mA.cm(-2) to 36.5 mA.cm(-2) )