57 research outputs found

    Antiracist Feminism and the Politics of Solidarity in Neoliberal Times

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    The chapter analyses the establishment and expansion of antiracist feminism in the last decade throughout the Nordic region, with new groups, media sites, and public events organised, especially in the large cities. Keskinen examines antiracist feminist and queer of colour activism in which the main or sole actors belong to groups racialised as non-white or ‘others’ in Nordic societies. A fundamental argument developed in the chapter is the central role and potential of these emerging social movements in the reconfiguring of political agendas and tackling pressing societal issues, due to its capacity to overlap and connect the borders of antiracist, feminist, and (to some extent) class-based politics. The chapter further argues for the usefulness of theorising the neoliberal turn of racial capitalism as the societal condition in which feminist activism takes place.Peer reviewe

    Posters display III clinical outcome and PET

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    Growth of pulmonary alveolar macrophages in vitro.

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    Context. Today, e-commerce is one of the most active and promising segments of the global economy, characterized by steady growth of volumes and active improvement of tools and technologies. Intellectualization of e-commerce systems today is one of themain trends in their development and effective functioning in a competitive environment. One of the most promising means of solving this task category is the use of intellectual agents (IAs). The modern approach to modeling the decision support process, inparticular, in e-commerce, uses the Boyd’s loop principle, which involves repeated cycle repetition of four successive interrelated processes (stages): observation – orientation – decision-making – action. According to Boyd’s hypothesis, the higher speed of thecycle and the accuracy of the evaluation of the stages of the cycle provide an advantage over the competitor. Objective of the research is to develop tools for effective planning of actions of intellectual agents of e-commerce systems in a competitive environment based on ontologies, and to set the task of planning the actions of intellectual agents to the problem ofdynamic programming.Method. The mathematical support and method of action planning of IA based on adaptive ontologies are developed. This method can be used to effectively operate IA in a competitive environment of the SEC, which is modeled by Boyd’s loop. Adaptiveontology is used to plan IA actions. To this end, we have added two scalar quantities (the importance of concepts and relationships) that are used to find an effective way to implement the IA plan in a generally accepted three-element tuple that defines ontology (aset of concepts, relationships, and their interpretation). Such an assessment of the ontology elements allows reducing the task of planning IA actions in a competitive environment to the task of dynamic programming.Results. In the article the model of planning of actions of intellectual agents of electronic commerce systems using an ontological approach is constructed. The method of evaluation of actions of intellectual agents on the basis of adaptive ontologies is developed.Such an assessment makes it possible to reduce the task of scheduling actions to the task of dynamic programming.Conclusions. Analysis of the results of IA actions can determine the causes of the formation of the target audience by a set of characteristics of the functioning of the SEC. By regulating the content, its uniqueness, the efficiency of its formation and itsadequate management according to the individual needs of a regular user, one can model the boundaries of the target social audience and the number of unique visitors from search engines. In fig. 5–6 the results of the work of the developed systems in the form ofcharts are presented, from which it follows that in the presence of all types of IA significantly increases the volume of visits and unique users

    Особливості приймання рухомого складу зарубіжного виготовлення в частині вписування в габарит по гост 9238-83

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    Гаркави, Н. Я. Особенности приемки подвижного состава зарубежного изготовления в части вписывания в габарит по ГОСТ 9238-83 / Н. Я. Гаркави // Проблеми механіки залізничного транспорту: Безпека руху, динаміка, міцність рухомого складу та енергозбереження : ХІІ Міжнародна конференція. Тези доповідей / Мінтранс України. ДНУЖТ ім. академіка В. Лазаряна. - Д. : ДНУЖТ, 2008. - С. 52. УДК 629.4.012.4RU: Перечислены основные ошибки вписывания в габарит, встречающиеся при приемке подвижного состава, изготовленного в Европе для эксплуатации в СНГ и странах Балтии.UK: Перераховані основні помилки вписування в габарит, що зустрічаються при прийомці рухомого складу,виготовленого в Європі для експлуатації в СНД та країнах Балтії.EN: The main mistakes of compliance with the clearance taking place during acceptance of the rolling stock manufactured in Europe for operation in the CIS and Baltic countries are listed

    Дослідження опору руху автономного рейкового екіпажу

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    Бабаев, А. М. Исследование сопротивления движению автономного рельсового экипажа / А. М. Бабаев, Н. В. Бодня, Н. Я. Гаркави // Вісн. Дніпропетр. нац. ун-ту залізн. трансп. ім. акад. В. Лазаряна. — Дніпропетровськ, 2006. — Вип. 12. — С. 107—109.RU: Теоретически и экспериментально определены величины удельного сопротивления движению и сопоставлены с зависимостями, используемыми железными дорогами СНГ, Великобритании, Польши.UK: Теоретично та експериментально визначені величини питомого опору руху і порівняні з залежностями, які використовуються залізницями СНД, Великобританії, Польщі.EN: The article provides theoretical and experimental determination of the values of specific resistance to movement, which have been compared with the dependencies, used by the railways of CIS, UK and Poland