306 research outputs found

    The Reflection of Family Function and Premarital Sex Behavior on Art Community

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    The premarital sex behavior in Indonesia based on SKRRI 2012 is a problem which requires the serious concern because it ensues unwanted pregnancy, then take the abortion and carries the venereal disease, therefore the teenager will lose their future. The risk factors related to premarital sex behavior affected by external factor such as the relationship between parents and adolescense. This is occurred in adolescenses who join in an art community of Jathilan, which is Paguyuban Turonggo Wiro Budoyo Wirobrajan Yogyakarta, where the management explains that the members do free sex and they can't do the family function especially in educating the reproduction health for teenager. This research aims to find out the reflection of family function and reproduction health of and sex in teenager of TWB Community.This research is quantitative descriptive support by qualitative. The data collecting technique is purpose sampling. The research subject is Community members of Seni Jathilan Turongo Wiro Budoyo, total 47 members. The reflection of family function in teenager of TWB community member, majority of family don't give the education function, affection function, protection function, and socialization function adolescense reproduction health, and the reflection teenager sex of TWB Community is majority doing free sex

    Efektifitas Temu Kembali Dokumentasi Foto Digital Di Bagian Desk Foto Surat Kabar Suara Merdeka Jawa Tengah

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    Jurnal ini membahas mengenai “Efektifitas Temu Kembali Dokumentasi Foto Digital di Bagian Desk Foto Surat Kabar Suara Merdeka Jawa Tengah”. Tujuan yang hendak dicapai melalui penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa efektif pemanfaatan temu kembali dokumentasi foto digital di bagian desk foto surat kabar Suara Merdeka. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif dengan jenis studi kasus serta kuesioner disertai observasi berupa wawancara sekilas dengan responden sebagai pengumpulan data penelitian. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah redaktur surat kabar Suara Merdeka dengan jumlah sampel 20 responden. Berdasarkan teknik pengolahan data dan analisis data yang telah dilakukan, dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa proses penyimpanan dan penelusuran dokumentasi foto melalui server khusus (hppt://news.suaramerdeka.com) yang dapat digunakan oleh redaktur Suara Merdeka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak 14 (70%) responden dari 20 responden yang menyatakan temu kembali dokumentasi foto digital di bagian desk foto surat kabar Suara Merdeka sudah efektif

    Kontrak Kerja Konstruksi Pembangunan Gedung GMB Ditinjau Berdasarkan Red Book FIDIC

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    This study was aimed to study the construction work contract for the construction of the GM Bookstore building between PT NI and UGM if reviewed based on the Red Book Federation Internationale des Ingenieurs Counsels (FIDIC) because GM Bookstore building that should be finished February 2005 still not handed over until 2022. This research was conducted with the normative legal research type by using the secondary data in the form of primary legal materials and secondary legal materials obtained with literature studies and interviews. The data were then analyzed using qualitative analysis methods. Conclusion is drawn using a deductive thinking process. The results and conclusions of this study are The construction work contract for the construction of the GMB building between PT NI and UGM when reviewed based on the Red Book by the Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs Counsels (FIDIC) is only 4 clauses out of 21 clauses with 7 subclauses from the 168 subclauses of the General Conditions Red Book FIDIC which are included in the contract for the construction of the GM Bookstore building. The sub-clauses that are included in the work contract for the construction of the GM Bookstore building are also used only partially and is not constitute the entire sentence referred to in the sub-clause

    Design of Packaging for Microballoon Actuators and Feasibility of their Integration within Aerodynamic Flight Vehicle

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    The microballoon actuators are used for the active flow control in turbulent boundary layer for aerodynamic control of flight vehicles. The packaging, interfacing, and integration of the microballoon actuators within the flight vehicle play a key role for functioning of the microballoon actuators during the flight conditions. This paper addresses the design and analysis of packaging and integration aspects and associated issues. The use of microballoon actuators on the control surfaces and nose cone of flight vehicles has the positive influence of delaying the flow separation from the aerodynamic surface. This results in enhancing aerodynamic effectiveness and lift as well as reduction of drag. A typical control surface is configured with eight microballoon actuators symmetric wrt the hinge line of the control surface and embedded within the control surface. Provision of the Pneumatic feed line system for inflation and deflation of the microballoons within the control surface has been made. The nose cone has been designed to have 32 such actuators at the circular periphery. The design is found to be completely feasible for the incorporation of microballoon actuators, both in the nose cone and in the control surface.Defence Science Journal, 2009, 59(5), pp.485-493, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.59.154

    Factors Affecting Pneumonia Occurrence in Children Under-Five in Nduga District, Papua

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    Background: The goverment of Nduga district, Papua, had reported that between 2012 to 2017 as many as 779 children under five had been diagnosed as pneumonia cases. Various factors had been hypothesized as the risk factors for pneumonia including poor health status, low family income, and unhealthy behaviour. In addition, Papua traditional homes “Honai” with high ambient indoor air pollution may increase the risk of pneumonia by damaging alveolar macrophages in the lungs. This study aimed to determine the factors affecting pneumonia occurrence in children under-five in Nduga, Papua. Subjects and Method: This was an analytic observational study with a case-control design. The study was conducted in Yigi and Mbua Sub-districts, Nduga District, Papua, from December 2017 to February 2018. A sample of 184 children under-five consisting of 88 children with pneumonia (case) and 96 children without pneumonia (control), was selected for this study by fixed disease sampling. The independent variables were BCG immunization status, family income, indoor household air pollution, and environmental sanitation. The dependent variable was pneumonia. Data were collected by questionnaire and medical record. The data were analyzed by a multiple logistic regression. Results: The risk of pneumonia in children under-five increased by absence of BCG immunization (OR= 6.15; 95% CI= 2.78 to 13.61; p<0.001), poor indoor household air pollution (OR= 5.68; 95% CI= 2.63 to 12.26; p<0.001), and poor sanitation (OR= 5.06; 95% CI= 2.16 to 11.83; p<0.001). The risk of pneumonia in children under-five decreased by higher family income (OR= 0.30; 95% CI= 0.13 to 0.70; p= 0.005). Conclusion: Pneumonia in children under five increases by indoor household air pollution, poor sanitation, absence BCG immunization, and lower family income. Keywords: pneumonia, indoor pollution, sanitation, BCG immunization, family incom

    Life Course Factors Associated with Wasting in Children Under Five in East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara

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    Background:Wasting, stunting, and underweight are the most devastating problems affecting the majority of the world’s children. Worldwide, 52 million children under five years of age are wasted and most of the global burden of wasting (acute under nutrition) is found in developing countries. That poor nutritional status during childhood has long lasting scarring consequences. Under nutrition diminishes the working capacity of an individual during adulthood, and it silently destroys the future socioeconomic development of nations. This study aimed to investigate life course factors associated with wasting in children under five in East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Subjects and Method: This was a case control study carried out at 31 posyandus (integrated family health post), East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, from April to May 2018. A sample of 186 children under five was selected by fixed disease sampling consisting of 62 wasted children and 124 normal children. The dependent variable was wasting. The independent variables were maternal age at pregnancy, maternal middle upper arm circumference (MUAC), low birth¬weight, exclusive breastfeeding, history of infectious disease, and family income. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by a level logistic regression. Results: The risk of wasting decreased with high family income (b= -1.49; 95% CI= -3.13 to-0.15; p= 0.075), maternal gestational MUAC ≥ 23.5 (b= -3.42; 95% CI= -5.97 to -0.83; p= 0.009), exclusive breastfeeding (b= -2.71; 95% CI= -4.55 to -0.88; p= 0.004). The risk of wasting increased with maternal age at pregnancy 35 years (b= 1.57; 95% CI= -0.21 to 3.35; p= 0.084), low birth weight (b= 3.11; 95% CI= -0.04 to 6.25; p= 0.053) and infectious disease (b= 3.36; 95% CI= 1.41 to 5.26; p= 0.001). ICC at Posyandu level= 8.82%. Conclusion:The risk of wasting decreases with high family income, maternal age at pregnancy 35 years, maternal gestational MUAC, exclusive breast¬feeding, but it increases with low birthweight and infectious disease. Posyandu has a considerable effect on the risk of wasting. Keywords:life course factors, wasting, multilevel analysi

    Path Analysis on the Effect of Biopsychosocial and Economic Factors During Gestational Period on the Risk of Stunting and Development in Children Under Five, in Nganjuk, East Java

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    Background: There is growing evidence of the connections between slow growth in height early in life and impaired health and educational and economic performance later in life. Basic Health Research (Riset Kesehatan Dasar, Riskesdas) conducted by The Minister of Health in 2010, showed that prevalence of stunting in Indonesia was 35.6% of children aged under five years old. This study aimed to examine path analysis on the effect of biopsychosocial and economic factors during gestational period on the risk of stunting and development in children under five, in Nganjuk, East Java.Subjects and Method: This was an analytic observational study with case control design. This study was conducted at Bagor Community Health Center, Nganjuk, East Java. A total sample of 150 children under five, consisting of 50 stunted children and 100 normal children, was selected for this study by fixed exposure sampling. The dependent variables were stunting and development. The independent variables were middle upper arm circumference (MUAC) and family support at pregnancy, low birthweight, maternal height, maternal schooling, and family income. The stunting was measured by anthropometry (weight for height). The child development was measured by Kuesioner Pra-Skrining Perkembangan (KPSP). Other variables were measured by a set of questionnaire. The data were analyzed by path analysis.Results: Low birth weight had direct negative effect on stunting (b=0.99; p=0.897). Maternal height (b=-2.58; p= 0.029), maternal education (b=-1.55; p=0.002), and family income (b=-1.30; p=0.002) had direct negative effects on stunting. Low birth weight (b=-0.27; p=0.253) and family income (b=-0.007; p=0.976) have negative but statistically non-significant effect on development. Maternal education had positive but statistically non-significant effect on development (b=2.16; p=0.883). MUAC (b=-4.60; p<0.001) had negative and statically significant effect on low birth weight. Family support had positive but statistically non-significant on low birth weight (b=0.52; p=0.492). Maternal height had positive and statistically significant effect on MUAC (b=3.16; p<0.001). Family income had positive but statistically non-significant effect on MUAC (b=0.83; p=0.253).Conclusion: MUAC and maternal education have indirect, negative and statistically significant effect on stunting Maternal height, maternal education, and family income, have direct, negative, and statistically significant effect on stunting.Keywords: stunting, biopsychosocial, economic, gestational periodCorrespondence : Erike Yunicha Viridula. Masters Program in Public Health, Sebelas Maret University. Email: [email protected] of Health Promotion and Behavior (2016), 1(3): 180-189https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpb.2016.01.03.0

    Low Birth weight, Preterm Birth, and their Associations with The Risk Of Asphyxia

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    Background: Perinatal asphyxia, neonatal asphyxia, or birth asphyxia has been defined as the medical condition resulting from deprivation of oxygen to a newborn infant that lasts long enough during the birth process to cause physical harm, usually to the brain. If left untreated, neonatal asphyxia can cause a severe lack of oxygen to the baby’s brain, which can injure brain cells and cause hypox icischemic encephalopathy (HIE), cerebral palsy, seizures, and other forms of brain damage. This study aimed to examine the association between low birth weight, preterm birth, and the risk of asphyxia. Subjects and Method: This was an analytic observational study with a case control design. The study was conducted at the perinatology ward, Dr. Harjono Hospital, Ponorogo, East Java, in July 2018. A sample data of 360 newly born infants between January 2017 and December 2017 was selected for this study by fixed disease sampling, consisting of 180 newborns with asphyxia and 180 newborns without asphyxia. The dependent variable was birth asphyxia. The independent variables were low birth weight and prematurity. The secondary data were obtained from the medical record and analyzed by a multiple logistic regression. Results: Asphyxia was associated with low birth weight (OR= 4.16; 95% CI= 2.04 to 8.49; p<0.001) and prematurity (OR= 4.05; 95% CI= 2.05 to 8.03; p<0.001). Conclusion: Asphyxia is associated with low birth weight and prematurity. Keywords: asphyxia, low birth weight, prematurit

    What are the Factors Affecting the Quality of Life of People Living with HIV/ AIDS? A Path Analysis Evidence from Surakarta, Central Java

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    Background: People living with HIV/ AIDS (PLWH) often face rough social problems, such as social rejection, stigma, and discrimination. Factors that affect PLWH’s quality of life may include psychosocial factors, economic status, immunological status, social support, and co-morbidity. This study aimed to determine the factors affecting the quality of life of people living with HIV/ AIDS. Subjects and Method: This was a cross-sectional study conducted at Solo Plus Peer Support Group, Surakarta, Central Java, from January to February 2018. A sample of 100 PLWH was selected for this study by simple random sampling. The dependent variable was the quality of life. The independent variables were healthy behavior, depression, family income, stigma, peer support, and social support. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by path analysis. Results: Quality of life of PLWH increased with involvement in peer support group (b= 3.40; 95% CI= 0.71 to 6.10; p= 0.001), social support (b= 0.70; 95% CI= 0.01 to 1.40; p=0.046), and healthy behavior (b= 9.33; 95% CI= 5.30 to 13.36; p< 0.001). Quality of life of PLWH decreased with stigma (b= -1.10; 95% CI=-1.84 to -0.36; p= 0.003), and depression (b= -4.23; 95% CI= -6.62 to -1.83; p= 0.001). Quality of life of PLWH was indirectly affected by income (b= 0.06; 95% CI= 10.14 to 18.61; p< 0.001). Conclusion: Quality of life of PLWH increases with healthy behavior, peer support group, social support, and income, but decreases with depression and stigma. Keywords: quality of life, PLWH, stigma, peer support group, social suppor
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